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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 800x600, CreamyTomatoSoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6452797 No.6452797 [Reply] [Original]

Got a wisdom tooth taken out. Is there anything else besides jello, ice cream, and soup I can eat?

>> No.6452813

Mashed potatoes. Pudding. Slowly nibble on crackers. Peanut butter.
Mix PB with jelly of choice and eat it.

>> No.6452814


Protein drinks

Do not try to eat solid food early. You can seriously fuck up your jaw (tmj, look it up).

Eating that shit sucks but just stick with it.

>> No.6452822

Walnuts and Doritos

>> No.6452830

scrambled eggs, smoothies, and pasta (long/stringy noodles only) are all I can think off.

>> No.6452856


but don't go slurping and sucking on them noodles you faggot

>> No.6452861

How did you know you had to take out your wisdom teeth? I've been having some pressure and pain coming from the back of the teeth and I'm getting worried my time is coming.

>> No.6452862


I just ate whatever overcooked crap they were serving in the cafeteria on campus.

>> No.6452866


In my case, I cracked a wisdom tooth eating popcorn.

By the way, I know two different people who went in to have their wisdom teeth pulled and the dentist ended up having to pull six teeth instead of four because the roots of a couple of the wisdom teeth had become intertwined with the teeth next to them.

>> No.6452867
File: 194 KB, 1212x715, ItalianWeddingSoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

italian wedding soup tasted godly when I got mine out
granted I took five times the amount of the painkillers that were recommended, but still

>> No.6452876

Whatever you want really. Just try to chew on the other side.

This. Also, don't forget popcorn. Be sure to get the kernels way back there, feels gudman.

>> No.6452880

Happened to me. Wasn't too bad. One wisdom tooth ruined the molar next to it. The dentist was awesome, he had the first tooth out so quick I wasn't even aware he had started yet. Like, I'm thinking "Ok, he's about to start any second now..." and bam, he hands me my tooth.

>> No.6452881

Mouth full of sunflower seeds.

>> No.6452886

coconut water and powerade

>> No.6452897
File: 47 KB, 618x502, 1306992141306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got mine taken out 2 months ago.
The first day and a half was nothing but milkshakes and painkillers

When I could tolerate solid food it was
Scrambled Eggs
Instant Mashed Potatoes

for a few days and eventually worked my way up till I could eat normally.

>mfw eating a nice steak after about 2 weeks with 0 pain whatsoever after months of wisdom teeth pain.

>> No.6452901

Pasta. Overcook it a bit if you're worried it'll be too chewy.

>> No.6452902

I think pulling wisdom teeth is a scam, just like circumcision. Why would you sercically remove something that everyone grows? I'm circumsised (fuck you too dad) but absolutely refused to have my wisdom teeth taken out. I mean biologically why would we grow random teeth and dick skin if it didn't serve a purpose? Its not like its a tumor or mutation that needs immediate attention, its how we are made.

>> No.6452907

Also excuse my faggot spelling of surgically, its been a long weekend.

>> No.6452908


>> No.6452954

I'm as much against circumcision as anyone, but by your logic I should've just let my appendix burst. Sometimes shit just fucks up easy.

>> No.6453392

Mine were impacted and one was actually sideways. My dentist recommended I get all but one taken out as they would never come in straight. This was a long time ago and I had some clicking in my jaw and ocassionaly I had pain but nothing serious.

I went about 5 years after he recommended I take them out. I'm currently dating a girl who works at the dentist so I'm paying like 20% of what normal patients pay so I decided I might as well just get them out now.

>> No.6453403

I think the idea is that you would lose some teeth by the time your wisdoms come in, so there is room. With the invention of the toothbrush and everything, that doesn't happen so much anymore. All mine fit except one, and it broke two of my teeth.

>> No.6453406

Plain yogurt, vanilla whatever, something without chunks in it that could get caught on your sutures should be OK. Why not just call your DDS and ask the receptionist or one of the helper babes. I bet they get those questions all the time and the surgeon has told them what to say so as not to bother him.