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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6450749 No.6450749 [Reply] [Original]

I bought some spinach recently.

I hardly eat vegetables with my meals, so I have no idea what to eat them with.
I tried eating them with Spam and rice, but they felt wrong being there.
Had some chicken with rice, same thing, it just didn't feel right.
Had fish filet with rice, but the spinach just doesn't feel right.

What can i do to accustom myself to this green leafy stuff? My doctor says I need more of it or I could die in 6 years.

Pic unrelated, I just like this pepe.

>> No.6450752

just cook it and eat it with some salt man. its food. you eat it. not sure what to tell you. after eating nothing but bacon, doritos, hamburgers and mountain dew, its going to take some getting used to.

>> No.6450755

Is it safe to eat raw?
I've just been throwing it on foods raw since I thought cooking it would cause the nutrients to die.

>> No.6450846
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Rare pepe?

>> No.6450850

honestly yes raw make a salad with bacon bit and vinaigrette dressing, cooking it just turns into a shitty slop.

>> No.6450854

Yeah, of course.

>> No.6450855
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did somebody say rare pepe

>> No.6450856

Don't eat it raw, especially if you aren't used to vegetables. Saute it in a shit ton of olive oil/butter and garlic. Add a fair bit of salt and pepper and I guarantee you will be eating spinach all day long. Then gradually tone down the fat and you will get used to the taste of spinach.

>> No.6450863

Eat it fresh (make sure to wash it) on a roast beef and hot english mustard sandwich

>> No.6450864
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when you're finished frying some steak/chicken/pork, toss your spinach in the pan drippings. heat until they become slightly wilted.

>> No.6450866


Is this for real? Are you literally unable to eat a raw vegetable?

>> No.6450867

a sandwich!
that's a great idea!

I'm still trying to eat healthy, will this diminish the health benefits?

>> No.6450869

How would it? You're one of those people that don't understand nutrition very well, aren't you?

>> No.6450871

Veggie omelets are god-tier breakfast. Fry some chopped red onion and mushrooms in butter, throw a big handful of spinach on top and fry it for just like half a minute until it wilts, then pour the eggs on top and cook the whole thing with grated cheddar on top. If you let the eggs and spinach cook together the texture is really cool, you get all these thin layers of scrambled egg between the leaves.

>> No.6450872
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Y-Yeah, that's me.

>> No.6450873

You REEK of hipster
You're awesome

>> No.6450875

This is /ck/ you can predict your post without trouble.

>> No.6450876


i cook my spinach so i can eat even more of it.

handful and handfuls of fresh spinach tossed into a hot pan will quickly reduce down to less than a cup in volume.

eating a handful of fresh spinach is a laborious chore. who has time for that?

>> No.6450877
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Prove it then

>> No.6450880


Sometimes if I'm very lazy I'll just eat handfuls of spinach out of the package. It's pretty much the same thing as a salad.

>> No.6450881


>> No.6450883
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>> No.6450918

I eat raw and cooked veg all the time, but for someone who doesn't like vegetables the worst thing you can do is make them eat vegetables raw.

>> No.6450945
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>> No.6450949

Yes also those Greek things, but are they healthy?
The spinach may be, but all that cheese?

>> No.6450952

what the fuck of course you have to cook them before eating, no shit they taste bad

>> No.6450968

mfw go back to eat doritos and mt dew because those things are not for you

>> No.6451027

spinach is actually good as a salad leaf

>> No.6451059

Are you the same Spinach Or Die guy who made those previous threads?

>> No.6451074

The fuck kind of situation are you in where you'll die in six years if you don't eat spinach?

>> No.6451104

i hate the way cooked spinach makes my teeth feel... i usually put it in stuff like mac n cheese if i cook it, grilled cheese, etc.

i really like it on spicy turkey burgers the best; little coleslaw and raw onion and provalone. mmm.

>> No.6451142


>this fucking pleb


You can always just blanch the spinach and add it to some sautee like garlic, onions and red pepper in olive oil.

It also goes well with lemon, grated provolone and/or eggs.

>> No.6451179

You're at a point where a fucking doctor told you to eat properly. You don't need to worry about the nutritional value of vegetables. You just need to fucking eat them. And adding a bit of wilted spinach to your ham and potatoes is not going to cut it.

>> No.6451277

Wash spinach. Place it in a jug with a small glass of your juice of choice. Blend (using an actual blender, not a juicer) and chug. You can't taste the spinach because it's cut up into tiny little shreds and you're not chewing it. However, the entire leaf is there, so you're still getting the full dietary benefits, including fibre.

However, while this is a handy way of getting your daily dose of spinach down your neck if you really cannot tolerate the taste, you should still eat vegetables, and not just spinach either. Roast up a nice tray of parsnips, carrots, potatoes and red onion. Make some salads. Have some peas with a little blob of butter on top. Try broccoli with a cheese sauce. Mash some avocado onto your sandwiches. Raw carrots, cucumber and bell peppers are nice and sweet and mild, and you can have them with a delicious dip if you don't like them alone. Roast a sweet potato as a side to your meal. If your diet is so bad you doctor thinks you will die in six years, you probably have multiple nutritional deficiencies, and the best way to cover that is by eating different vegetables. Spinach is great, but it's not the only vegetable you should eat.

>> No.6451281
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