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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 187 KB, 533x337, G.R..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6445679 No.6445679 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, listen up.

A couple of weeks ago, I tested /ck/ to present an idea/image of a creative dish for our special guest. Although each of you did an absolute shit job, amazingly the 'special' guest enjoyed it and gave you all high ratings.

This time, I want you to do the same task. Bring me an idea or image of 1 creative and unique dish that we could use for tonight's service. Remember to bring a list of ingredients.

You won't be off lightly this time around, I'll be judging your dishes thoroughly. Now piss off and get to work!

>> No.6445713
File: 57 KB, 600x454, Burrizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burrito pizza.


>Put burritos on pizza

>> No.6445719

Presentation looks nice, however your lack of actual ingredients or detailed directions would ruin the execution of this dish.

>> No.6445720


>> No.6445729

Eh, hosers. I got on my snow machine dere and brought you some real food, eh? Pass the Moosehead.

>> No.6445736
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holy wah, forgot the pic

>> No.6445741

the oven wasn't hot enough.

>> No.6445746

What the absolute fuck is this Anon? You couldn't even tell me what the fuck this dish is.

Piss off with that dish before I decide to stick it up your arse sideways.

>> No.6445747

Ahh Shut up ya fuckin' hosehead. Nothin' but a sorry moose-nip suckler ya are.

>> No.6445876
File: 35 KB, 638x413, I'm looking at you cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did everyone fall asleep, or do all of you have short-term memory?

Hurry up with your dishes /ck/.

>> No.6445888

Hey, fuck off dude. No one likes this bullshit thread so just get over yourself... You fucking hoser.

>> No.6445892
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totes man
and nice eights

>> No.6445894

WA LA FAZOLI'S THREAD? ... Fazoli's thread. Fuck you Gordon.

>> No.6445897

You can tell me to fuck off when you decide to bring me a dish worthy for not only tonight's service, but for one my restaurants.

All I hear is barking, but can you bite?

>> No.6445904

trips for truth, find out for yourself what your boyfriend wants to eat, just offer a cock n cum sandwich I'm sure he'll be fine with it

>> No.6445908

do your own menu planning shitstain

>> No.6445909
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talking to hisself

>> No.6445915

It's a fucking challenge numbnuts. It's a chance to reward you & show me if you're the real deal. Why else did you enter this competition, Raj?

>> No.6445916

>waah why won't you do my job for me

>> No.6445917

You got your burrito pizza so fuck off you dirty skunk.

>> No.6445919

In other news, what is something I can add to mashed potatoes to make it awesome? I'd gone garlic and also have added fried onions, but I'm looking for something that's not common, any ideas?

>> No.6445926

quinky sauce

>> No.6445927

Raj, I already stated that this is tonight's challenge only. Most of my dishes will still be available for customers, but you have the chance to impress me, /ck/ and your customers and win this competition.

Indeed I did Anon, however since there was a lack of actual ingredients or detailed directions, the execution of this dish would lead to a disaster. Even your entire team would struggle to create such a dish with no information.

>> No.6445933

So basically some sauce someone on /ck/ made and calls it quinky sauce, I was hoping for something more...real. Spices, maybe? Or any tips on the actual prep that will make it more awesome?

>> No.6445939

How about a small amount of sour cream?

>> No.6445941

Well damn that might be good, I'll try that, thanks.

>> No.6445942

I like to take fat shits in mine.

>> No.6445943

Do what the frogs do and simmer the potatoes in whole milk instead of water

>> No.6445948

holy shit now this is an idea, no clue how it would turn out, you could even be trolling me, but I'm definitely gonna try it.

>> No.6445953

>oh boo hoo I can't think of a special, whatever shall I do

>> No.6445957

I can certainly think of a special, you.

You're only letting your team down, Raj.

>> No.6445959

I'm not on your team shitstain

>> No.6445961

Then why the fuck are you here? Leave through the front door.

>> No.6445966

go ahead and try making me shitstain
and as to why I'm here, it's to call you out on your bullshit. now put out the ciggy, put away your phone and get back to prepping you little kitchen bitch

>> No.6445969
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> A challenger appears

>> No.6445974

or for him, simply: pork chops

>> No.6445979
File: 17 KB, 300x300, Listen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here fuckface, I currently have 14 Michelin stars under my belt, including my infamous 3 Michelin star restaurant named after me. Now how about you stop embarrassing yourself by teaching me how to run my own restaurant.

Security, get this clown out of here.

>> No.6445984

This is really fucking annoying

>> No.6446083
File: 55 KB, 468x369, RIP Lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /ck/, stop. The Anon who's impressed me the most is...

Right off the bat young man, your idea stood strong. Congratulations Anon, your dish is going be served for tonight service. Go back to your dorm and discuss with your team the ingredients and directions.

In case you're unable to come up with an idea, come to me for help or I'll simply replace the dish with one of mines.

>> No.6446091

simply replace your head with a grapefruit and serve that

>> No.6446099

>my life is so pathetic I have to pretend to be a famous asshole on an anonymous image board

you're a sad, sad little man

>> No.6446103

Sounds like a decent idea if I was in a third world country.

>> No.6446145

Okay, honestly real talk.

This thread is just for fun, nothing else but giggles. As I mentioned in the original post, I made a similar thread a couple of weeks ago which was quite successful. Everyone gave me silly ideas like fake sushi, burnt toast or alphabet soup. It was funny to see the crazy ideas they would present on the show, just to literally disappoint the special guest and Gordon. Even though the guest did like the ideas, which just added on to the humour.

But now, it was less about silly dishes and more about people getting upset. For some reason a lot of people here seem to be taking this thread too seriously. The first couple of posts were great, but then led to people believing I was actually trying to make a meal for someone IRL >>6445904 and thinking I was working in an actual restaurant. >>6445966

I'm sorry if you're somehow affected by this dumb thread. I guess no fun is allowed after all.

>> No.6446153

I had fun blowing you the fuck out of the water anon. :3

>> No.6446161

How rude, I enjoy being in the water.

>> No.6446471
File: 501 KB, 3264x2448, dinner07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Halibut braised with leeks and mustard over jasmine.

>> No.6446478

Sorry, ingredients (per my memory from two nights ago)

white wine
dijon mustard
jasmine rice

>> No.6446616

Sorry for the late reply.

Wow Anon, the presentation and ingredients look very promising. Nicely done.

It's a shame that the challenge ended, otherwise that would of been number 1.

>> No.6447617

You shouldn't need to apologize for these morons, i liked the thread and was a little sad I wasn't here to contribute any suggestions earlier

It's better than the endless slew of memesauce and joey threads shitting up the board, that's for sure

Now where the fuck is our burrito pizza recipe. I need to know how to make it before service

>> No.6447627
File: 611 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy precooked food in packeage
>put in oven

Even Leroy Memesey can't defeat this.

>> No.6447663

Bacon and cabbage

>> No.6447666

Great plating.
The parsley all over the plate reminds me of the 90's and the cum drops takes it over the top. Maybe you should have added a baby carrot or some microgreens or some spices along the rim of the plate.

>> No.6447667

Lol ur a faggot

>> No.6448290

Ginger Miso soup
Miso Paste
Shitake mushroom
Portobelo mushroom
Soy Sauce

>> No.6448292
File: 91 KB, 720x960, ginger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6448315

Literal shit. Kill yourself.

>> No.6448395

Thank you for the nice comment.
Also god dammit /ck/ team, how long does it take you to make up an list of ingredients in your dorm? Quit smoking and get back to work.

That soup looks very nice Anon, I wouldn't mind ordering that in a restaurant.

>> No.6448414


>> No.6448418

Although it's not up to standards in a restaurant, I wouldn't mind eating that dish at home.

>> No.6448709
File: 273 KB, 450x600, its_beautiful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6448835

>home chef on internet cooking board can't plate like an mstar chef.