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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6443790 No.6443790 [Reply] [Original]

Underrated cuisine?

I feel like Afghan cuisine flies under the radar.

>> No.6443793


What makes Afghan food unique compared to other middle eastern food?

>> No.6443810

The dishes are different when you compare them to Arabs. It's really rice oriented for the most part and incorporates a lot of bread. They have so many different types, ranging from sweet to sour to spicy.

I tried some rice with carrots and raisins which was quite tasty. Also their kebabs are different than Arabic ones I usually have. They're fatter and have different spices.

>> No.6443817

Different native plants, more reliance on corn (maize for non-Americans). Other than that, it's very similar to both Levantine and Indian food.

>> No.6443819

Oh and they use a lot of yogurt in their dishes too, it's in the OP pic

>> No.6443845

So it's basically Indian food.

>> No.6443875

No, it's a lot different since there's only a few dishes that are supposed to be spicy (and beef is a staple meat) . Just google "afghan cuisine" and you'll see some examples.

>> No.6443885

Afghan everything flies under the radar.

because of drones.

>> No.6443892

Too soon.

>> No.6443899

It's pretty popular in India but I feel it's too similar to Indian to have it's own identity.

>> No.6443941

Brazilian cuisine

that's not just the barbecue

>> No.6443945

Nope. It's less pungent and slathered in spices like Indian food.

>> No.6443949

Its more similar to Iranian food. Its the exact same in some dishes. And don't make me laugh and claim that Iranian food derives from Indian.

>> No.6443953

>flies under the radar
more like crashes into twin radar towers.

>> No.6444035

None of the 9/11 bombers were Afghan lol

>> No.6444222

People think they are edgy by liking a cuisine from a dangerous part of the world even though it's not something special. There are probably people who like Somali or "Iraqi" cuisine.

>> No.6444279

>"other middle eastern"

Afghan is Central Asian you passportless lardistani.

>> No.6444292

>posts sausage over veggies and rice

>> No.6444298

How is it different from Iranian cuisine?

>> No.6444434

Well it seems that much of the middle east and persia has Indian influence, just like how many east asian cuisines have a chiniese influence

>> No.6444468

I lived in Miami several years ago, I would frequent this Columbian restaurant that had the most addictive arepas and a meal called Bendeja Paisa (pork belly, chorizo, white rice, red beans, fried egg and plantain, mmm)

>> No.6444531
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Try Uzbek food, by far the best central asian shit. Kyrgyz and Tatar food is also amazing.

>> No.6444560

The same is true of a lot of middle eastern cuisines, and even Armenian food. The picture on the right just looks like lule and pilaf.

>> No.6444581

it does. I have an Afghanistan friend and she cooks delicious food.

>> No.6444644

Afghan food is pretty common in Toronto. I actually prefer them to the Arab and Indian restaurants.

>> No.6444662


It's the bomb

>> No.6444668
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>> No.6444751


>> No.6444843

We've got a metric fucktonne of Uzbeks moving to one neighbourhood in my city and with them popped up a bunch of restaurants. Only one is worth a damn.
The others have various problems ranging from not being a real restaurant and instead a front for organised crime to being filthy, with the owners/workers having a distinctly sour body odour. The worst of them, called, aptly enough, 'Taskhent,' is a combination of both problems.

The only good one is meh tier at best. I don't know if that's because Uzbek cuisine is meh or just the restaurant, but considering how every Uzbek I know beams with pride about how good that restaurant is, its rating on Yelp and other review sites and its general reputation altogether, I'm guessing the former: IMO, Uzbek food is watered down Indian/Iranian food repackaged for bland, Russian tastes.

Burmese, Hungarian and Burkinabe (or general West African) cuisines. Honourable mention to Lesbian cuisine. Dykes make some good brunch, but ruin everything else.

>> No.6444858

it's meat and meat and some fucking olla podrida which they call feijoada

>> No.6444861

just like mexican derives from macedonian

>> No.6445302

Have you been to Kyrgyzstan? Because the food is atrocious, with the only exception being the areas that border China

>> No.6445362

I can mash my keys and add -stan to the end, too.

>> No.6445394

>I can mash my keys and add -stan to the end, too.
god youre dumb http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrgyzstan

>> No.6445399

I guess if we're gonna talk about Central Asian food, then Uyghur. It's like a mix of Afghan and Sichuan cuisine and no one seems to know about it, but they got some pretty hot recipes.

Also in Asia, Malaysian food. I know it's not that underrated, but everyone seems to talk about every other East/SE Asian cuisine before they mention Malaysian food, even though it's a lot like Thai and Indonesian food but better.

Also Taiwanese. Good as hell, but no one ever speaks of it outside East Asia.

>> No.6445426


Reminder that people who only know Thai, Indian, and Chinese food don't even know Thai, Indian, or Chinese food. They know shitty knockoff versions made with Sysco slop from the so-called "heartland", mistakenly also referred to as the "real America" [sic], and other blighted culturally barren hellholes.

Seriously, if you don't have an immediate, intuitive preference between kinilaw na isda vs peruvian ceviche, while liking and respecting both methods, you shouldn't even be on a food board and should fuck right off back to your White Castle microwave sliders from Wal Mart. This is a completely reasonable thing to expect for normal people, and yet...

>> No.6445438


>> No.6445445

Are you legitimately autistic, Anon?

>> No.6445452

Yes, Uyghur food was what I was referencing earlier in saying the only edible food in Kyrgyzstan was in the areas bordering Uyghur Chinese areas (Karakol most notably, but including At-Bashy and Naryn also)

>> No.6445465


>> No.6445473
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This must be why white guilt liberals like mexican food. Ever since this narco war it seems like every hipster is going crazy over it. I went to taco bell once just to see what all the hype was about and it was totally underwhelming, what a waste of money.

Anyway have you guys seen the new joey video?

>> No.6445494

At first I was mad, but then I smiled. You truly know this board.

>> No.6445498

>white guilt-liberals

you almost got me there you fucking retard

>> No.6445500

nice memed my friend

>> No.6445537

>"real America" [sic], and other blighted culturally barren hellholes.
Your tremendous ignorance is showing. In WI and MN there is a large population of Hmong immigrants, and you can find shockingly good SEA food if you know where to look. The best pho I've ever had was in CO, and I've lived all my life on the coasts. Houston and NOLA can give a serious run for the money as well when it comes to Viet cuisine.

Yes, there are parts of the country where people know little beyond the supermarket, chain restaurants and Sysco/US Foods purveyed cafeteria slop. But even in these places you can scratch the surface and find Amish farmers, artisan cheesemakers and pockets of unlikely immigrants. Maybe they stand out because the general standards are so very low, and if you were just passing through all you'd notice would be the low standards. But if you get to ground level and poke around you can generally eat very well almost anywhere in the country, even if most of the folks in the cookie cutter suburbs are eating frozen pizza and salad from a plastic bag dressed with shit from a bottle.

>> No.6445543

Poe's Law in action. Good job.

>> No.6445544


>> No.6445564

I grew up in SEA have lived on one US coast and have spent extended periods of time on the other as well as visited several other parts of the US for work and can say without a shadow of a doubt that MN has the absolute best/most authentic SEA food in the states.
I think it's because white MNans have zero interest in trying anything that's not meat and potatoes so SEA restaurants in MN don't have to modify their cuisine for foreign tastes like they tend to do on the East and /especially/ West coasts. The WC has by far the worst SEA food I've ever had in America because all the white interest has forced the cuisine to change to suit European tastes.

Best pho I've had in the US was either in Tulsa or Nashville. Can't decide. Though not SEA, the best Korean food I've had was in Doraville Georgia.

>eating anything but cajun/creole in NOLA
You fucked up.

>> No.6445581
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I worked at a Persian restaurant. Infinitely superior to Afghan food. Chicken Sultani is a god-tier dish. Pic related

>> No.6445589
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Wow... I mean wow.

>> No.6445594

I've heard of good things about mozambiquean food, though I've never really had a chance to try myself.

>> No.6445598

>eating cajun in NOLA
stupid. those fucking mermen can't do shit for real swamp food in that francofucked shithole
>not eating viet in Louisiana
during the war, the US was the best place to go for Vietnamese refugees because of our reacharound diplomacy foreign policy. if you were a midget used to eating shellfish and dirty fish out of hot swamps and rice paddies with 120 degree weather and 110% humidity every winter, what's the best place you could go in the US? that's right, Louisifuckingana. I refuse to believe there is a better place in America to get banh mi or pho than the one place where people aren't too pussy to try anything spicy or made with suspicious animal parts. Louisianans are the fucking Cantonese of America, you don't change your food to suit us, either your food is good enough for us and we eat it, or you can take it back to your fucking rice paddies with a healthy side of agent orange. And I know those kitchens came right out of Saigon because I could hear the waitress's mother screaming at her from the kitchen and it was sandwiched between a nail salon/whorehouse and a grocery that reeked of durians and mung bean cakes and was run by a 200 year old woman who didn't speak a lick of English

jesus christ some days I miss the swamps

>> No.6445610

>You fucked up.
I was there for a few weeks and needed a break. So I drove to Algiers for a delicious change of pace. Hardly a fuckup, but nothing that could hold a candle to Frady's, dollar for dollar.

>> No.6445625

>butthurt armchairstani detected
No one cares about your shit excuse for a country anymore. You were just a vassal of the Ottomans, anyway, despite being a larger, more important (and comfortable) nation.

Ilkasjdhstan reprazent, dawg.

>> No.6445785

insecure white detected

>> No.6446725

Onions are literally in every single cuisine ever. Ever wonder why?

>> No.6446730
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>Onions are literally in every single cuisine ever. Ever wonder why?

>> No.6446779

Easy to grow, easy to cook or eat raw, great flavor.

>> No.6446803


Been there. Ate tons of local food. Never got sick. Feels good man.

>> No.6446843

Underrated cuisines:

>> No.6446883

What city?

>> No.6447004
File: 104 KB, 300x195, Afghanistan_AfghanNoodleSoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat some soup called afghan 'aush' once a week, it tastes delicious, the white stuff is yogurt

>> No.6447012

afghan food basically is persian food, considering that 1/3 of afghans are persian tajiks

though of course there is a lot of uzbek food as well, thinks like mantu or aush

>> No.6447018


Its just average man. Everything you find in Ecuadorian you can find in peruvian. And no heat

>> No.6447047

There's a kebab place in my neighborhood that specializes in Afghan and Pakistani styles. Doesn't really seem all that different from Indian food, but they have a really awesome yogurt-marinated chicken kebab that's way better than any of the Indian places I've been to. Their rice is much better, too. They do a really good goat curry, too.

I personally think that Colombian, Salvadoran, Puerto Rican, Dominican, basically non-Mexican Latin foods are pretty underrated.

>> No.6447076

I'm not saying Ecuadorian is amazing, I'm just saying it's under rated in that it's pretty delicious, and no one seems to give a fuck about it.

>> No.6447906

fried fried fried and fried food is considered underrated now?

>> No.6447918

how was the food?

>> No.6447938


Cajun doesn't happen in NOLA, it happens around Lafayette.

>> No.6447941
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>consuming sandnigger sister molesting, boy fucking poorly prepared, cross contaminated petri dishes of doom, ever

>> No.6447981

South Eastern European food is very underrated because I think people think it's as bland and boring as that of the food in the rest of Eastern Europe. There's some really good food made in the Balkans.

>> No.6448006
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>Lesbian cuisine

>> No.6448101

I guarantee that if you've ever had sprouted X bread, carob Y, anything vegan that shouldn't be vegan or brunch anywhere in the English-speaking world, you've eaten Lesbian cuisine.

>> No.6448143


What makes any of that specifically lesbian?

>> No.6448160

I'm guessing you don't live in a city.

Damned near every place that sells any of those items in every city I've ever been to is either owned and operated by dykes or has a suspiciously high percentage of dykes among its clientele, sometimes even a majority.

Dunno what it is about brunch, batshit food fads and carpet-munching women, but them dykes sure do love GABA bread, soysciutto with melon and carob muffins between the hours of 10AM and 2PM.

>> No.6448258


>humour so shit that people mistake it for legit retardation

Must be american.

>> No.6449443

ma nigga

>> No.6449450

Afghan food is basically a blend of Arab, Indian, and central Asian foods. Kebabs, rice, curries, dumplings, stews, and fried flat bread filled with potatoes or leeks are the main dishes. Afghans incorporate a lot of yogourt in their dishes as well. Food is usually mild and rarely spicy.

>> No.6449706


Holy fuck that sounds amazing.

>> No.6449863
File: 201 KB, 1024x683, ethiopia-food-guide-X2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie I really want to learn more a Ethopian food and Africa in General after I made some in my "Cuisine of Cultures" class I made this bomb ass Peanut Chicken stew with Sweet potatoes that was godly also made a pastilla.

>> No.6449883

Sounds a helluva lot like Punjabi.

>> No.6449892

pujabi is str8 up indian food though, unless you're talking paki punjabi in which case it borrows from their neighbors

>> No.6449894

>paki punjabi
I mean Sikh Punjabi. Which would be more or less the same thing from the same area.

>> No.6449901

nah pakis have more meat dishes and borrow stuff from their neighbors

>> No.6449956

Did they really have to make their delicious lamb look like a piece of shit? I mean, they could have easily made patties, or meatballs...but a fat log? really?

>> No.6450003

Punjabi food and Afghan food are very different.

>> No.6450012

Just so you guys are aware, this is the tripfag who didn't realize puerto rico was part of the united states. I wouldn't expect him to be able accurately discuss punjab the state vs punjab the province, let alone food from all the way over in afghanistan.

>> No.6450023
File: 558 KB, 800x533, mantu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Central Asian/Afghan take on dumplings. Pretty sure Uzbek and Tajikistan are very common.

Dumpling contains seasoned beef and onions, topped with garlic yogourt and a split-pea beef sauce, and garnished. (is also sometimes topped with caramelized onions like the picture but not usually)

>> No.6450036
File: 949 KB, 1536x1353, kabuli-pulao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A rice dish containing caramelized carrots and raisins. The rice has melted sugar to give it a brown look and is usually finally baked with yakhnee (meat such as beef or sheep) within to give it a meatier taste.

Sometimes topped with pistachios and usually served with a meat curry (lamb or beef).

>> No.6450043

A fried flatbread filled with either potatoes or leek (sometimes both).

Is served with garlic yogourt to dip

>> No.6450048
File: 127 KB, 900x675, bolani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a picture

>> No.6450060

That's a beef kebab

>> No.6450067
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have you had this, it's like mantu but it's filled with leeks, topped with watery yogurt, lentils and ground beef in some sauce, it's called 'ashak'

>> No.6450080

Yes, it's really good. Leek is also a really common staple of Afghanistan. It's eaten along side food as well as radishes.

>> No.6450094

That looks unreasonably labor intensive.

>> No.6450101

depends if you make the wrapping handmade or store bought

either way, the actual wrapping portion of it is not that hard at all. a group of women get together and just wrap a shit ton of 'em for a couple hours and then have a huge feast for the 5+ families that they're feeding

>> No.6450105

Oh I guess they would have stores in Afghanistan. I just sort of imagine it as a blown out bunch of craters and child rape victims, and stuff like that being hand made because teenaged girls have nothing else to do when they're not getting sexually assaulted by their 80 year old husbands before dying in childbirth.

>> No.6450107

they're pretty simply to make, just fill up the dumplings with green onion and leek, the lentils are easily made as well as the sauce, same with yogurt and the meat

>> No.6450111


>> No.6450116

We have a couple Afghan places in DC. I love them.

>> No.6450141

> He doesn't know bread and rice based Middle Eastern to Central Asian food is god tier

>> No.6450170


>> No.6450190

>And don't make me laugh and claim that Iranian food derives from Indian.
They're the two oldest nations in terms of trade with each other though. So they already share a lot of culture especially the culture from before Islamification. As a matter of fact the second largest population of Zoroastrians is in India. You'd probably get some parsi dishes in India that are so authentic that they don't even exist in Iran anymore.

Since Afghanistan draws from Indian and Persian it's going to be pretty similar to both.

>> No.6450193

there's nothing indian about afghan cuisine, and whatever persian there is in afghan cuisine is because 1/3 of the country are persians

>> No.6450210

Naan is pretty common in both India and Afghanistan. They use eggplant which is native to India and China and been used in Indian food for long enough to be mentioned in the Vedas. They got pumkins via India. Their use of yogurt in food is also more Indian than Iranian.

India gets basically all their nuts and dried fruits from Afghanistan and before partition the two countries shared a border. You're deluded of you think that the two cuisines haven't influenced each other.

>> No.6450212

>Sikh Punjabi
A favorite of mine.

>> No.6450214

m8 I know both afghan and indian cuisine and can tell you they're not similar at all

afghan cuisine is mainly persian (by way of the tajik persians in afghanistan) and uzbek/turkmen (by way of uzbeks/turkmen in afghanistan)

>> No.6450217

also, naan is common in central asia and iran as well, and afghanistan's naan is a lot more similar to those

>> No.6450225

I think Taiwanese food doesn't get ignored so much as it just gets lumped in as part of Chinese cuisine.

>> No.6450227

Well I know both cuisines as well and have spent time in India and I'm saying they're similar. I even gave you specific examples. There are so many Persian words in the Hindi vernacular as it relates to food you'd be very stubborn to think that these two nations didn't influence each other's cuisine. You'd be very, very stubborn to think that both didn't influence Afghani.

>> No.6450228

india is fucking roti and shit not naan

>> No.6450241

not him and first post ITT, I'm from afghanistan, afghan food is not similar to indian at all aside from the rice (both use long grain rice) and perhaps daal - I prefer indian/paki food though.

and as >>6450214 said, the influence is native to the region anyway

>> No.6450248

Umm every single north Indian restaurant, dhaba and everything in between serves naan. Naan outsells rotis and rice by factors of magnitude in North India.

There are naans all across asia but tandoori naan is pretty much Indian. The reason you won't find tandoori naan in most households is because you need a fucking tandoor to make it.

>> No.6450254

Most african cuisine is really unappreciated.

Ethiopian restaurants are probably the most you'll ever see outside of culture fairs but there's a ton of great dishes who's names are impossible for me to pronounce or remember. Some of the best cooking I've had was at my friend's house who immigrated from Kenya

>> No.6450258

ethiopain food is shit, somalian food is much better

>> No.6450266
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>implying they are different countries
Go eat your hot dogs, American splittist

>> No.6450281

You just proved my point about edgy people. See >>6444222

And check the double trips while you're at it.

>> No.6450322

google afghan naan and indian naan and tell me they are the same

go ahead and do it

>> No.6450750
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I'd pay you good money to tell a Persian that they're the same as an Arab.

>> No.6450759

what does that have to do with my post?

>> No.6450775


I meant their food. I apologize for my misleading words, young ward.

>> No.6450777

no shit it's different compared to arab food

>> No.6450822

You're an imbecile. Afghans are not Arab.

>> No.6450839

"So that we can be free!"

>> No.6451715

was helping some afghan guy do some job applications in his house and his family insisted on feeding me. They gave me biriyani, naan and some fruit for desert. They were of pashun ethnicity btw. Taked really similar to north indian and pakistani biriyani.

>> No.6451731

So suddenly I'm edgy because I'm Afghan? We're friendly people and have good hospitality

>> No.6451739

>friendly and hospitable
Unless someone draws a picture of Mohammad or chooses to support religious freedom.

>> No.6451748

Welcome to /ck/, where if you're not white, you're black, if you're not from the upper midwest, you're from the deep south, no one exists on the entire land mass east of the Urals, west of the Pacific, and north of the Indian Ocean, except those in anime, and if you have ever even once eaten food that isn't white bread dipped in ranch dressing, you're a social issues warlord who will stop at nothing short of the complete annihilation of all straight white men.

>> No.6451757

>support religious freedom
Like Zoroastrianism?
The Taliban wouldn't have gone far if the state wasn't destabilised by a series of foreign interventions.

>> No.6451778

Except that the exchange is entirely one sided: Farsi loan words, instruments, food, and other cultural elements made it to India after the Persian invasion of India, but as an Iranian I can tell you we have virtually no elements of Indian culture. We have literally no spicy food, and we do to even use curry in Iran.

>> No.6451784

Also Parsi migration to India post dates most culturally formative events in Iran.

>> No.6451789

>that Banquet Brown N' Serve breakfast sausage.

>> No.6452409

there were 170,000 zoroastrians in afghanistan in the 1970s, and about 10k jews as well

remind me again which country it was that threw lots of support to pakistan, economic embargo on afghanistan which forced it to turn to the soviet union, ohh right it was the US and the UK, and no no no, it didn't stop there, the US then started having it's #1 ally saudi start spreading wahabbism in the area and started radicalizing the illiterate on top of giving them arms to fight the afghan government being supported by the soviet union

also, US's number 1 ally in the region, pakistan ironically gives heavy support to the taliban, when afghan intelligence knew exactly where osama was hiding in pakistan, they passed that info to the US who did nothing of it, years later osama was found in that exact area near the military base in pakistan being hidden allegedly by the paki military

>> No.6452495

where in afghanistan are you from?

>> No.6452530


I have a friend with Iraqi family and she sometimes brings round food they've made. It's good shit dawg

>> No.6452700

Agree, we had a great Afghan place in Seattle back in the late 1990s. It went out of business some time around 9/11, not sure if it was a result of that or what.

>metric fucktonne of Uzbeks
"tonne" is automatically metric; "ton" is imperial units.

You just can't get decent barberries outside of Uzbekistan; they're all hothouse.

>soup called afghan 'aush'
Osh is Persian; the Afghans just borrowed it, sort of like Texican food.

>> No.6452709

The Injera alone would be worth it.

Where can you get some?

>> No.6452748

>Osh is Persian
except it's not, aush was around in the iranian plateau (iran, afghanistan, tajikistan, uzbekistan) before persians from the fars province of iran even conquered and persianized it, and besides there are persians in afghanistan/tajikistan as well (afghan cuisine is just tajik + uzbek food)

you can't borrow what's native to the land

>> No.6452750

Indonesian food is great. One of the best meals I ever had in my life was a rijstaffel in Amsterdam.

>> No.6452768

>after the Persian invasion of India
lol, what 'persian' invasion of india? no such thing unless you're referring to the sassanids or achaemenids

>> No.6452812

>"tonne" is automatically metric; "ton" is imperial units.
We're not talking about tonnes nor tons, fucktard. We're talking about fucktonnes.
They come in metric and nonmetric forms. There's also the fuckton which only comes in imperial and customary, but not metric.

The metric fucktonne is equal to 1000 shitloads. A customary fucktonne is equal to just slightly less than that at 987 shitloads. An imperial fucktonne is 1187 shitloads.

Fucktons, on the other hand, are measured by the shitton rather than the shitload. Since I don't understand the customary or imperial standards, I can't tell you how many shittons are in a fuckton, but probably something entirely arbitrary and stupid like eleventytwelveteen or something,.

>> No.6452819

Who were Persic peoples.

>> No.6452837

the only invasions india has suffered from it's northern neighbors are

a native pashtun or tajik dynasty from ghor in afghanistan, didn't really bring any culture

a half turkic/half persian from ghazni, persianized culture, looters who didn't bring any sort of culture

uzbeks who brought the culture of samarkand/bukhara/herat/kabul (which were persian cultures) to the indian heartland - these guys are what's responsible for any sort of persian influence in india

nader shah didn't do much culturally, he wasn't even persian but rather, a turkic afshar who just looted and pillaged

>> No.6452931

The term you're looking for is Iranic

>> No.6452939

On that note, what do you think ISIS has been eating lately?

>> No.6452943

I don't own enough scarves to talk about Iranic things, Anon.

>> No.6452964
File: 2.00 MB, 400x301, Haters Gonna Hate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks intriguing. I can't help but think the noodles wouldn't go well in that though.

>> No.6452997
File: 528 KB, 214x260, ZjvZCfh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a library of these somewhere? They reliably give me the heebie-jeebies.

>> No.6453008
File: 171 KB, 1400x601, C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6453010

Not the same when it's not animated.

>> No.6453044
File: 29 KB, 640x353, molecule-imaged-for-the-first-time-640x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still pretty cool. also just go to youtube and search for molecular machines are something

>> No.6453061

That particular gif is from a harvard or princeton movie set to awful music. Reverse search might get it to you.

>> No.6453082

The entire number system. Food items like eggplant. Spices like coriander, black pepper and cardamom. Buddhism. Astronomy. Metallurgy. Even fucking elephants to fight wars.

>> No.6455001
