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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6443013 No.6443013 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to make some brats?

They're just for me, and I don't give a fuck but I thought id see what you guys thought.

>> No.6443027

Simmer them in beer until done all the way through then throw them on a charcoal grill.

>> No.6443077

Why are American so lazy that they have to abbreviate every word longer than one syllable?

>> No.6443080

Simmer in beer, add onion to the beer as well. Finish on grill and toast the buns. Serve with beer onions, sauerkraut and spicy mustard. This is the only acceptable way to make brats.

>> No.6443082

He has to inject insulin between every sentence.

>> No.6443088

In Germany they are usuall just simmered in some plain saltwater. or stock.

when you fry them it is important to fry them short and sharp, at high heat. Otherwise the skin bursts open and the fat leaks out, which will cause your sausages to turn into wrinkly mummys.

>> No.6443122

Got a question for you Germans.

I've been told that the German word from which the "brat" part of "bratwurst" comes from means "to fry". As in "brat-wurst" means "frying-sausage". That suggest that it's supposed to be fried? Or is that just some silly name that doesn't mean much? I often see people talking about simmering them, but it's a "frying sausage"???

>> No.6443130

Why are euros so stupid that they can't come up with abbvs for words, or just not make them so damned fucking long to save time?
Is it "muh cultrl hertige"?

>> No.6443133

Braten can also mean to roast.

>> No.6443135

>Why are American
faggot retard shut up shitposting nigger

>> No.6443141

Actually it comes from Brät, which is an old German word for minced meat.


>> No.6443161

nail a prostitute

>> No.6443218

boil untill semi done, then burn on a flat top grill. but never, ever, admit, you might have done an ocassional bit wrong. well maybe. once in a great while. Ok to admit you f'uped up. (who said that)/ storey of my life. but i never set out to hurt or extermininate others, like nazies. well, tell that to american indians. I donno. but never tried to systemically eradicate many people. and I am the worst, or wurst, whatever. On this hangs all... go and do likewise..

>> No.6443225

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.6443229



>> No.6443241

>I am the worst, or wurst, whatever

I wish Rambling Old Man was my uncle.

>> No.6443406


You could start by not buying Johnsonville garbage.

>> No.6443440

johnsonville is ok if you've never had anything else but if you've had better then they feel lacking. go to aldis or your local version of it, i.e. trader joes, whole paycheck etc... and get some good uncooked brats

>> No.6443452

now this is fedora tipping

>> No.6443455
File: 459 KB, 383x488, lunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6443463

This guy knows what's up. Make sure you reduce the beer with the onions until you have a delicious jam sort of thing.

>> No.6443471
File: 71 KB, 588x350, FedoraVsTrilby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean "Trilby"
>still quoting /pol/ troll memes

>> No.6443486

cock gobbling, spunk trumpet

>> No.6443495

out of fashion I'm afraid since 1952
Why are you such a clueless cunt again anon ?

>> No.6443502

The tides have turned you cunt-rag/newfag.

>> No.6443508

since when is being selective about good food fedora worhty you asshat?

>> No.6443517

yep this is the way I do them
I use water sometimes if no beer

>> No.6443527

I boil them until cooked; depends on frozen/thawed. Then I use the gas range to crisp up the skin.

Don't own a gas grill? Spend a ton of extra $$$ on charcoal just to crisp your brats. Don't have a grill? Kill yourself.

>> No.6443529

anything that isnt fast food is fedora you fuck

>> No.6443531

boil in about 1/4 cup of beer, and add water as needed, 1/4 or less at a time until almost cooked through when liquid has boiled dry,

add butter, and fry until golden brown

serve with either tomato chutney, or curried ketchup (or just ketchup with curry powder sprinkled on top).

>> No.6443533

Oh okay thanks

>> No.6443538

FUCK that reply was for >>6443508

I cant even shitpost properly

>> No.6443546

because brayweurst sounds fucking gay you cuckold yuropeen faggot.