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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6430363 No.6430363 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/

I need your help. My mom's got diabetus and my dad's probably getting by pass surgery. Both my grandparents ded from heart disease.

What's the best diet that I can eat so I don't die at the age of 40? I'm so done with this McDonald's crap and reheatable dinners.

I'm really scared, I don't wanna go down those roads. I'll even eat grass if I have to but I'm literally Henry's kitchen level of cooking adept and all I know is you shouldn't eat too much fat.

tl;dr: through which healthy foods do i survive past 40

>> No.6430365

just move out of burgerland.

>> No.6430368

>and all I know is you shouldn't eat too much fat.
That's the old, conventional, incorrect "wisdom" that has led Americans away from fat-heavy foods and towards the real reason Americans are fat and dropping dead from heart disease: high glycemic index foods, mainly refined grains. This is what mountains of scientific data have concluded.
Just watch your calories and limit your high glycemic index foods and you'll be fine man.

>> No.6430371

Keep your overall calories down, avoid sugar and simple carbs. Incorporate sardines and nuts into your diet.

>> No.6430376
File: 147 KB, 700x700, healthy-eating-pyramid-700-link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust Harvard med school, not the /fit/ immigrants on this board.

>> No.6430377

Sufferer of serious liver disorder here. My cholesterol chemistry is fucked (almost no HDL, low LDL, very high sTG). And until recently, almost total insulin resistance.
I now walk 3.2 miles a day before breakfast.
Have been for about 2 months now.
Insulin resistance is almost gone, sTGs are reducing and HDL is starting to appear.
No diet change.
No weight loss at all though....

>> No.6430386

Soluble fibre is also a good idea. You can also make starches more resistant by cooling and reheating them.

>> No.6430387


don't get obese
exercise, especially low-intensity stuff like long walks are good, but finding what fits you the best is the most important part
eat a lot of fiber-rich foods; veggies, berries, fruit, legumes
don't eat too much "white" grain, sugar, transfats or saturated fats
eat a lot of un-refined sources of unsaturated fats, like raw nuts, seeds and avocado
eat a lot of fish, especially salmon

>> No.6430388

>This is what mountains of scientific data have concluded.

Sorry what? Care to provide these mountains of data supporting that?

Don't listen to this guy OP, eat your whole vegetables, grains and legumes, also eat some potatoes and sweet potatoes and you'll be fine. Avoid animal products, fats of any sort (oil, butter, eggs..), dairy and refined products (everything you can buy in a package).

>> No.6430390

Where are you from? I'd go to some nutritionist instead of asking for advice on malaysian origami board. Whatever diet you do always combine it with excercise and stay away from processed foods, if you can't tell where it came from, don't eat it.

>> No.6430405

>Avoid animal products, fats of any sort (oil, butter, eggs..), dairy and refined products (everything you can buy in a package).

High fat dairy products have been clinically demonstrated to help with weight control. Low fat dairy are actually worse for you.

>> No.6430418 [DELETED] 

>shouldn't eat too much fat
The truth is, you shouldn't eat weather it's too much anything whether it's dairy, carbs or grains.

>> No.6430422

>>6430363 (OP)
>shouldn't eat too much fat
The truth is, you shouldn't eat too much anything whether it's dairy, carbs or grains.

>> No.6430433

And this post states exactly what you shouldn't do OP.

>> No.6430452

>low intensity
Useless time waste
High intensity for 20 minutes is what gets results.

>> No.6430467

Care to link me to any study? Never heard of this before but in any case I wasn't clear, I said OP shouldn't eat ANY dairy whatsoever.

because herp derp muh steaks muh butters muh paleo

Next thing you know you're gonna tell me calories don't matter and it's about hormones, individual biochemistry and whatever else you can fool people with.

>> No.6430472

Just eat anything you want with correct portion control and in moderation, with decent amounts of daily exercise. If it doesn't feel right to your body, it probably isn't right for your body.

>> No.6430474

Claiming there are studies are better than pulling facts from your ass like you are.

>> No.6430481


>> No.6430490

Do you even realize what you just typed? Claiming there's studies and not providing evidence is exactly pulling facts from your ass. I'm just reiterating what a healthy diet is, not according to my own degree of knowledge, but what is known in the medical community.

In any case, anyone that's studied nutritional sciences and has looked through the amount of industry lobbying (looking at you big dairy, big beef, big egg, etc.) can tell you with confidence you should do what I told you to do. If you really believe this whole "eat fat, carbs are bad" fad you're in for a surprise in your late 40s-50s.

Whole plant-food based diets are vastly superior to your silly high fat diets full of dairy and meats.

>> No.6430492

Depends what result you want. If it's health, low intensity for longer and more frequently (5-8 hours brisk walking a week) is better. It also has the advantage of being sustainable.

>> No.6430496

>Whole plant-food based diets are vastly superior to your silly high fat diets full of dairy and meats.

I think the argument they're making is that the dairy and meats diet is better to the western refined oils and simple sugars plant based diet an industrial agricultural base leads to.

>> No.6430515

Well thank god he's not an idiot and recognizes that Ancel Keys' works on saturated fat were correct. I also like he understands that the industry has heavily lobbied for high calcium RDIs:

"... in part because the requirements for calcium have been overstated. "

Which is completely true. He seems like a person that actually understands nutrition. And the meta-analysis even states that these finding are non conclusive. And I can't access the full text version to see which 11 of 16 studies show this, because I don't have $40 to spend on that paper.

But what's the reasoning behind consuming dairy? It's all to meet the government's guidelines of required daily calcium - which as he says is way too much anyway. How is that a valid reason for all the baggage you're getting with milk? Why not just supplement with Calcium chloride? Heck even a normal vegan diet gives you enough calcium if you eat your veggies (~500ml).

>> No.6430523

drop soda out of your daily routine, don't drink more than 1-2 cans a month

also stay away from candy/chips/etc

>> No.6430536


3:03 "... dairy consumption not that harmful, but I started to look into this in more detail and the evidence is now strong that the consumption of dairy products increases the risk of fatal prostate cancer and very possibly ovarian cancer ... Consume 1-2 serving of dairy a day. IF AT ALL."
- Walter Willett, Chair, Dept. of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health

I guess that answers your question of whether you should consume dairy products or not.

>> No.6430545

>Care to provide these mountains of data supporting that?
Not really. Too lazy. If you, who are reading this, care about your health, Google it yourself. You will invariably find that I was correct.
>eat some potatoes and sweet potatoes
High glycemic index. Will be converted by the body to fat very quickly. Too many foods like this lead to high triglycerides in the blood, which leads to heart disease.
>Avoid animal products
Humans are classic examples of omnivores in all relevant anatomical traits. There is no basis in anatomy or physiology for the assumption that humans are pre-adapted to the vegetarian diet. In conclusion, fuck off.
>Avoid... fats of any sort
Your body needs fats you fucking moron. Worst post I've seen on /ck/, fucking ever. Holy shit.

>> No.6430564
File: 1.98 MB, 331x248, good one sir.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but nobody knows the role of dairy and/or calcium in prostate cancer. The researchers who made those studies only found that there's a correlation between high dairy intake and prostate cancer risk, they did not make any study on how that might be and that leaves a huge open question.

>> No.6430568

>Eat legumes
>Avoid fats
You can't be fucking serious.

>> No.6430591

/ck/ - paleo general

>> No.6430602

This guy's mostly right. Whole plant foods should be the bulk of your diet. Emphasis on whole. Whole plant foods will help you control your blood sugar (especially things like beans) and help your body dispose of excess cholesterol (which it dumps in the gut and fiber helps to essentially sweep it away). Just limit your intake of animal based foods as oxidized cholesterol causes arterial damage, but these foods also tend to cause inflammation and plaque build up. Not saying never eat them, but limit your intake.

Also think about incorporating more omega 3's in your diet and reducing your omega 6 intake, which is to say cut down on refined oils and use olive oil and canola when you do use them in cooking. Sources of omega 3 would be things like chia, flax, walnuts, certain fish, supplements (preferably algal based supplements because they cause less havoc upon marine ecosystems than krill or fish oil).

A source of folate (easy as long as you eat whole plant foods) and b12 (just take a supplement) is a good idea as well. There are a lot of foods that contain b12, but really not in great quantities and it's not something you can take too much of so supplementing is a no brainer.

Could read "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" if you're really worried about it.

A lot of people are going to tell you that fat is fine, but saturated and transfats really are not very good for your arterial health so keep them to a minimum.

>> No.6430605

There's so many little things wrong with this pyramid it ought to be ignored. It's bad advice

>> No.6430637

>wholegrains that low

>> No.6430639

Another thing about cancer risk is that understanding it blows the minds of most people. Doubling the risk of a rare cancer (prostate isn't rare but dying from it is much less common) doesn't make much difference to the average life.

>> No.6430660

Balance is the fucking answer. It's not about eating more vegetables and less fat. Just make sure you get everything in your meals breakfast lunch and dinner.

>> No.6430720

What is so mind=blown about it? If you're a healthy person and you can live past your 90s while still being physically active (which really is possible if you give a crap) it does matter a lot if you can avoid cancer in your life. Heck, the older you get the less chances of you actually getting a fatal cancer become. Most people live with cancer all their lives and it never turns on them because a) genetics b) diet c) excercise and d) meditation/yoga.

>> No.6430736
File: 123 KB, 1437x976, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the best diet that I can eat so I don't die at the age of 40?
no sugar / no simple carbs, ever again. you're welcome

>> No.6430741 [DELETED] 

Woah what? Inflammation I could SOMEWHAT get (still it's significantly less than animal, o6-oils or dairy products), but plaque build up? How do legumes, grains and vegetables create plaque build up? Please explain this I'm really curious. Everything I know points to the contrary.

>> No.6430751


>> No.6430766

Most people don't viscerally get that doubling your risk isn't that bad if the risk goes from 0.02% to 0.04%.

>> No.6430794

For most people balance involves eating more vegetables though

>> No.6430822


only correct post in the thread.

everyone else arguing about fat and legumes, not mentioning sugar.

pasta, bread, fats, legumes, meat, eggs, fruit, veg all good for you.

Simple carbs give you the 'beetus.

>> No.6430827

>eating exercise

>> No.6430841

Keep a bunch of sweet potatoes around. They stay good for a long time, they're delicious when baked, and they're good for you.

>> No.6430857

don't forget to count your fucking calories, otherwise it will be all for naught

>> No.6431902

Your "degree of knowledge" is contaminated by ads funded by corn farmers.

>> No.6431931

Control sugar and grains (wheat) intake

Seriously. Sugar is self-explanatory. Wheat plays a role in insulin resistance. I myself had my blood tested on several occasions I don't drink soda, binge on fast food, and my blood sugar level is in ideal range except my insulin was 1/3rd what it should be. Removing grains from my diet helps a lot but its really hard since wheat is in everything.

I compromise by switching to corn and rice.

>> No.6431947

Don't eat fatty/sugary foods. Do not eat cheese at all. That simple diet change will make a big impact. Also do not eat red meat or processed meats like hot dogs. Do not eat ice cream, fried foods, chocolate, candy, cakes, donuts or nuts.

Cook your own meals. Eat rice, potatoes, breads, beans, green peas, lean chicken/turkey breast meat, cabbage, cooked carrots, chicken soup. Stock up on spices to liven meals up. A pressure cooker comes in handy for cooking potatoes, rice and beans and the various soups and stews you make with these ingredients. If you want some fiber, buy a fiber powder from walmart, psyllium husk.

Avoid low fat calorie dense processed foods like snack biscuits, cereal and milk, diet bars, trail bars. Don't eat too much pasta either.

And skip lunch, and don't snack.. That will give your body more time to rest after a meal. And so if you're only eating 2 meals a day, each meal will be bigger than usual, but since they're low fat and more fiber, you'll fill up faster than you think.

>> No.6431951

see this

There's nothing wrong with eating fats and meats. You're underestimating the versatility of the human diet with some native populations eating as little as 10% animal products to at least 90%. If anything the people the consume animal products have less a risk of food borne illness compared to plant and grain consumption.

>> No.6431968

I also use whey powder and daily vitamin sometimes.

>> No.6431977

It's simple OP, you buy avocados, eggs, and pepper.

Then you fry and egg, place it on top of the avocado and add pepper.


>> No.6431983

What about feta cheese? Not with cow, with sheep milk.

>> No.6431989

I'm a type 2 diabetic.

My number #1 advice: stay fit and trim. Always count calories. Never have a calorie surplus that makes you store fat.

Studies have revealed body fat by itself is a major contributor to insulin resistance and disease. Your own fat cells are desperately trying to kill you.

>Some experts believe obesity, especially excess fat around the waist, is a primary cause of insulin resistance. Scientists used to think that fat tissue functioned solely as energy storage. However, studies have shown that belly fat produces hormones and other substances that can cause serious health problems such as insulin resistance, high blood pressure, imbalanced cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease (CVD).


>> No.6431993

Avoid stress.

>> No.6432027
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fruits = vegetables


>> No.6432060

>feta cheese
No cheese. I don't miss it. It's just sour tasting fat. Fill up your spice rack. Experiment. There's no need to eat cheese.

>> No.6432069
File: 44 KB, 520x348, Paneer-o-sabzi1-Custom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh im not gonna give it up. i eat it for breakfast a few times a week with a cup of tea.

>> No.6432082
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Low fat dairy is worse for you because you eat more of it compared to normal fat dairy.

>Avoid animal products
>fats of any sort
You want to avoid eating what is the best part of a diet
Diary is mandatory unless you are lactose intolerant.
> refined products
So you make a list, and the last one is the one you should avoid. Really? That said, you are most likely some nigger who doesn't even buy his own flour for the sake of making pizza.
The only reason to avoid refined products are if they are worse than what you make from scratch.

>> No.6432741
File: 4 KB, 200x200, pTASSIAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is wrong with bananas and grapes

>> No.6432746


Eat whatever you like and count calories to lose weight.

Eat whatever you like but make healthy choices to lose weight and to safe-guard your health.

>> No.6433501


sugar is the bad ingredient in most diets. you have to be very strict with sugar and you should cut processed food.

use your oven, do not deep fry.

have more proteins and less carbohydrates.

you should also have some fresh, natural, healthy olive oil, natural fat like butter and such. it's actually necessary for your body.

have everything fresh and try to cook all your meals yourself.

like gordon says: "fresh local ingredients cooked simply"

>> No.6433522
File: 38 KB, 360x520, FatHeadPoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6433528

If possible you should talk to a doctor. I'm on a diet, so I read a lot of stuff online on what is good to eat and what is not good to eat. One of the main things I try to do is stay away from added sugar in food.

>> No.6433531

>you shouldn't eat too much fat.
It's trans fat and saturated fat you're supposed to watch out for. There are other types of fat that are good for you.

>> No.6433532

Educate yourself.


>> No.6433539 [DELETED] 


>> No.6433662

He literally makes the point that eating glucose rich foods is not bad for you. Eating rice and potatoes won't kill you. Everyone knows added sugar is bad, but it's also delicious and hard to avoid completely. It's not poison anymore than alcohol is. A piece of chocolate a day and a spoon of sugar in your tea isn't going to make you diabetic.

Eating meat with high GI food however will exacerbate insulin resistance. Again, as with sugar, having meat 2-3 times a week won't kill you. Having it for 3 meals a day will cause some problems unless you're an athlete. And even then it'll increase the risk of some cancers.

>> No.6433853

If it is Type 2, just get lots of sun, exercise, lots of green veggies, fungi, little fruit (not bananas), no added sugars/artificial sweeteners, and little to no dairy or meat.

Food pyramids are 95% commercial AG propaganda.

>> No.6433855

Oh and no fucking grains, period. Forgot that one.

>> No.6433870

It's easy OP.

Look up ketogenic or Paleo diet and follow that for a few months.

Then you'll have an idea on what's healthy and not and slowly introduce carbs back into your diet until you have an idea of what works and what doesn't.

Just follow the diet 100% and you'll start to catch what you eat and take notice on the bad foods you should avoid. Once you're used to it you'll be able to understand what to do with limited ingredient you have and build a healthy lifestyle that fits you.

>> No.6433877


>artificial sweeteners are bad for type 2 diabetes


>> No.6433935

Bananas are high in fructose, though they got decent fiber. Grapes as sugary well and they're pretty watery. Personally I'd avoid apples and grapes, there's a reason they make cheaper jams from grapes and use grape and apple juice as the major juice in juice blends.

>> No.6433946


Avoid all gluten. Savory is now your friend. I have hypoglycemia so I'm swimming in insulin. A cupcake can give me the personality of an angry Irish drunk.

>> No.6433995

Nice, was worried there for a while that I'd have to give up my dried eggs

>> No.6434014

I'm a type 1 diabetic. All artificial sweeteners except I've tried except stevia and aspartame raises my blood sugar. I suppose that's what you wan't to avoid if you're a hobby diabetic, but i have to take insulin anyway so i don't really care that much

>> No.6434150

avoid red meat, avoid sugar, avoid lots of carbs/starchy foods. most foods, including "health foods" have added sugars.
cook all your food. do not eat out a lot. eat a lot of fiber.

i went vegan -- grow my own vegetables -- and lost a lot of weight (70 pounds) and am healthier -- according to my doctor -- than i have ever been. so maybe you could try that, or your parents could try it.

>> No.6434857

If anything, corn farmers profit much more from the huge demand in livestock feed, which means the meat industry.

>> No.6435762

sugar out the ass.

And beans, spinach, kale, fish, and avocados kick a banana's ass when it comes to potassium.

>> No.6435772

>dried eggs
Is this the new 'activated almonds'?

>> No.6435784

Here's something people don't often toss up here; get a meal plan

Seriously, if you eat out too often its often because you don't have the tools at home to cook. If you had a written shopping list and as a result all the ingredients needed to cook a week's worth of meals it's a lot easier to mentally commit to cooking at home

I recommend taking an hour each week and scour allrecipes to find dishes that sound good to you. Add 7-10 of them to a list (it saves the ingredients into a consolidated shopping list) and buy those ingredients. Obviously more if you eat multiple meals at home

Too much work? Emeals or other dinner plan sites will make one for you for a (not insubstantial) fee. It's sub-optimal, but you can save their meal plans to fall back on when you're too lazy to design your own

Most of all "stick with it"
Once again "stick with it"

Don't have time that day? Do a slow cooker meal.
Feel like fast food some day? Remember what got you started in the first place. We are far too complacent as a culture in paying for people to serve us substandard food at breakneck speeds, and look at what we have reaped from the seeds that we have sown

In the end, it's not about eating healthy, it's about eating well, and you may come to find that the rest takes care of itself

>> No.6435805

>Not really. Too lazy. If you, who are reading this, care about your health, Google it yourself. You will invariably find that I was correct.
In other words you're talking out of your ass and get upset when called out for it. As expected.
>High glycemic index. Will be converted by the body to fat very quickly. Too many foods like this lead to high triglycerides in the blood, which leads to heart disease.
Glycemic index isn't the only factor determining whether or not a food leads to heart disease or alters heart disease risk biomarkers.
>There were no significant changes within or among treatments for fasting concentrations of triglycerides, glucose tolerance, insulin, or insulin sensitivity.
>[...] potatoes do not interfere with weight loss or cause weight gain
>The potato eaten as baked, boiled, roasted, or microwaved accounted for a tenth of the weight gain (0.3 kg) reported and would likely not be significant. The results of other studies have indirectly examined the role of potatoes on body weight and have not found any association between potato consumption and weight gain or interference with weight loss [37, 38]. The results of the present study are consistent with these studies in that potatoes do not appear to cause weight gain and may even aid in modest weight loss.
>Humans are classic examples of omnivores in all relevant anatomical traits.
Appeal to nature is a fallacy.
>Your body needs fats you fucking moron.
Human bodies work fine (and even better) without any dietary animal fat (saturated fat and cholesterol) you mentally deficient piece of shit. Read a book.

>> No.6435827

OP, you'll probably want to strive for a diet like the one Bill Clinton was put on, by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn


Eat very lean, no meat, no added oils, no added sugar or refined starch, only egg whites and up to 1 serving of low-fat dairy a day. Whole grains, beans and lentils, fruits, and vegetables. This diet also works to treat and prevent diabetes.

>> No.6435835


>fruit has SUGAR!

Literally every bad thing refined sugar does, fruit does the opposite


>A new WHO guideline recommends adults and children reduce their daily intake of free sugars to less than 10% of their total energy intake. A further reduction to below 5% or roughly 25 grams (6 teaspoons) per day would provide additional health benefits.

>The WHO guideline does not refer to the sugars in fresh fruits and vegetables, and sugars naturally present in milk, because there is no reported evidence of adverse effects of consuming these sugars.

>> No.6435845


>There is no basis in anatomy or physiology for the assumption that humans are pre-adapted to the vegetarian diet

How about the rampant burden of heart disease that plagues our species? Unlike in a dog or a lion, eating meat raises our cholesterol and makes us more susceptible to heart disease. The editor of the American Journal of Cardiology considers humans functionally herbivores because of that fact.


>> No.6435858

how do I activate my almonds?

>> No.6435920


You're supposed to eat some sugar, dummy

>> No.6435928

>How about the rampant burden of heart disease that plagues our species?

Which people die from after they reproduce.