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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6429609 No.6429609 [Reply] [Original]

>buy milk
>labeled as "GLUTEN FREE!" =D

>> No.6429610

>but milk
>not milk it directly from your wife

>> No.6429616

Had some lactose free ham for breakfast.

>> No.6429623
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>costs more

>> No.6429632

They do that for people who lack common sense and/or are intolerant of gluten.

>> No.6429635

>buy water

>> No.6429651

I mean, whatever I guess. It's not like the product is changed at all, they're just looking to get money from naive redditors who fell for the gluten free meme. When I start my LSD drug empire I am planning to do the exact same and advertise it as gluten free.

>> No.6429676

>popcorn labeled as "whole grain"

>> No.6429683

>wait so other milk has gluten in it?

How can you be upset about this, it's a great marketing tactic

>> No.6429684
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>buy cheese
>labeled as "Milk protein concentrate"

>> No.6429685
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>buy a packet of nuts
>may contain traces of nuts

>> No.6429690

Me and my friend once discussed this. Also vegetable oil labeled "cholesterol free". Decided that selling a food product labeled "asbestos free" would be best marketing trick ever.

>> No.6429696


>asbestos free condensed chicken noodle soup
Why even bother buying it

>> No.6429703
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>buy asbestos
>fine print says "may contain traces of food"

>> No.6429704
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>lactose-free milk
>no more stomach pains
>still get those satisfying milk farts

>> No.6429710


Well, it is.

>> No.6429766

>milk farts

It's ingenious!


>> No.6429790

they feel good going out and the smell is just satisfying

>> No.6430163

Don't you mean lactic tactic?

>> No.6430906

>0% fat!

This is why people are ballooning. They just eat jars of the stuff and think they're eating right because "MUH 0% FAT"

>> No.6430935
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>at sister's house
>looking through her spice cabinet
>pick up bottle of cloves

>> No.6431050

>buy gluten
>labeled as "LACTOSE FREE!" =D

>> No.6431058


>> No.6431064
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>Buy chicken broth
>"Made from organic bone!"

>> No.6431073


> butt milk

>> No.6431077

They do that to make money

>> No.6431103

>stomach pains
>milk farts
I'm so glad I'm part of the SNP T-13910 allele master race.

>> No.6431123

>unpopped popcorn
>labeled as "MADE WITH WHOLE GRAINS:^)"
I wish I was making that up

>> No.6431229

You know how many people actually have problems digesting gluten?
Around 1% of the population.

>> No.6431674

ive seens it, and ive bought whole grain popcorn
not too bad

>> No.6431706


>> No.6431711

My grocer has recently started sticking "gluten free" stickers on everything that is gluten free.
So you'll walk down the aisle and all you see is bright green "GLUTEN FREE" stickers everywhere.

>> No.6431714

>drinking milk

>> No.6431727

what do you put in your cereal?

>> No.6431740

Is that true? Because that's a fuckload of people.

>> No.6431745

Same with the Jews who DEMAND a K or U in a circle in ALL packages.


>> No.6431772

I got turned off of milk a few months ago after someone from /ck/ posted about it having puss and other shit in it.

How true is that? I sorta miss drinking it, but I get turned off of it every time I try.

>> No.6431781

It might but it all goes away after they pasturize it.

I used to drink milk straight from the cow.
Into a cup, obviously.

It was great and there was literally nothing wrong with the taste, consistency, or smell.
It was pretty much whole milk that was slightly warm and delicious.

>> No.6431788

You missed the point. A kernel of popcorn is a whole grain. It won't pop if it's not wholegrain.

>> No.6431795

>sell raw milk
>SWAT breaks down my door
>destroys my business
>get sent to prison for 20 years

Land of the free.

>> No.6431796

Well that's a little more comforting. I hate when this happens to me with food I enjoy. I fucking love eggs and was turned off of them for a while after trying to eat them with a hangover and throwing it all up.

>> No.6432182
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>Buy olive oil
>"High fructose corn syrup free!!!!!!!1"

>> No.6432193

Tito's vodka has a little paper collar around the handle with GLUTEN FREE in larger font than even their brand name

I was disappointed in them

>> No.6432238

>buy OP
>labelled as "100% Fag!"

>> No.6432257

I can't deny that it's a smart thing to take advantage of all these retards aboard the gluten free train right now.

>> No.6432268

Nothing wrong with that, that's exactly what the label should read.

>> No.6432272

>Having a wife

lol have fun with that

>> No.6432275

This. It's a selling point for idiots who don't know any better.

>> No.6432278

well some vodka is made with wheat, and some actal celiac disorder people have reported and been observed to have discomfort with drink spirits made from wheat.

I let that one pass.

>> No.6432285

based Titos

>> No.6432291

>Asbestos free

You made me lul bro, +1 internet

>> No.6432293

candies have been doing this for decades. "fat-free!" proclaim all the pure-sugar candies.

>> No.6432299

at least that's true, I hate the PAM fat free label, it fucking canned oil, its not fat free.

bullshit less than .5 grams serving size rounding down bullshit.

>> No.6432303


>> No.6432307

They also put "No trans fat!" all over sugar candy during that phase

>> No.6433746

>well some vodka is made with wheat, and some actal celiac disorder people have reported and been observed to have discomfort with drink spirits made from wheat.
So that explains why I feel like shit after a night of drinking!
It must be them evil glutens. So i guess I am also gluten-intolerant then.
brb, changing my diet.

>> No.6433754
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I'm a jew who buys kosher products.

It's a tiny bit of ink and they know we have them shekels.

>> No.6433773

Don't forget "low-sodium."

>> No.6433782

>file deleted
based mods

>> No.6433794

No wonder a homo like you would buy it then!

>> No.6433869


except it doesn't matter because the proteins are denatured enough for even spirits made from wheat to have low enough PPM to be considered gluten free

it's just psychosomatic

>> No.6433909
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>> No.6433945

>first ingredient is water
>half the calories and nutrients and everything compared to original
>same price

>> No.6434720

*per serving

>> No.6434739
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>Product is nothing but sugar and gelatin
>"Naturally fat and gluten free"

>> No.6436437

>literal sugar
>Gluten free!
I wish I was just making stuff up for the thread, but I have seen it and it makes me mad.

>> No.6436445
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>Food is low in fat or fat free
>Product label boasts this fact
>It's not even a diet product
>People just think it's an added benefit
>Product is still high in carbohydrates (bonus if starchy or unrefined), high GI, high preservative, highly processed and devoid of vitamins and minerals
>Bonus round: Product claims to be high in protein for no particular reason
>Retard round: It's a food that wouldn't even under normal circumstances contain fat any way, like supermarket bread

Why do people avoid fat? I mean if you're avoiding calories fine. Fat is pretty calorie dense. But fat is also important in that it makes you feel full. No product should be low in fat as a default. But so many meals are exclusively 95, 96, 97, 98, 99% fat free! It's not like the frozen or premade meal has two varieties either - a normal and a light. It's just a light meal, but it's not lean cuisine or whatever. It's literally just brand x of frozen mac and cheese or cup a soup.

Fun fact: It was the second people started avoiding fat that obesity became a thing. Sure, that's correlative and there were a range of factors - but surely people by now should understand that avoiding fat isn't good for your health and it certainly won't make you thin. Fat people who spend their whole lives avoiding fat should have learned that by now.

>> No.6436452

Avoiding fat so that you don't gain weight is like avoiding eggs so that you don't get cholesterol. Other things that are processed in your body turn into fat and cholesterol, it's not the actual fact or cholesterol that's the problem. Fucking idiots.

>> No.6436465

Naah, bro. You are what you eat!

Actually this reminds me of a story about my mother who literally is retarded about nutrition. She used to tell me that baked potatoes and carrots in a tray swimming with vegetable or canola oil was "healthy veges". And whatever, starchy carbs in heat-pressed oils full of trans fats can be fine in moderation. She then recounted about how my grandmother used to cook vegetables in lard and how disgustingly unhealthy that is.

She literally thought that cooking in oil was healthier than cooking in lard. Like what? She thought that if you eat fat your body would store the fat as fat but if you eat oil then...? I don't even know. And ontop of it all lard is half saturated and half monosaturated. Now people still think saturated = bad. But that's simply not true. Saturated fat is actually good for you and monosaturated is GOAT. Canola and vegetable oils are essentially complete garbage. It just amazes me that the wisdom of the generation of my grandparents was so on point but the wisdom of baby boomers is so fucking shit.

>> No.6436603

>mmmm, cooked pus

>> No.6436883
File: 35 KB, 600x338, HorribleSubsNisekoiS201720pmkv_snapshot_2147_20150411_161911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy a frozen cola thing
>May contain traces of nuts

>> No.6436936

>Why do people avoid fat?

Diet trends come and go. The "fat makes you fat" thing was the craze in the '80's. Then in the 90's you had "low cholesterol", in the 2000's it became low carb. Now we have gluten-free and paleo trends. Whenever there's so much hype and advertising surrounding a trend like that people tend to believe bits and pieces of it, and retain those beliefs.

>> No.6437000

What do you think will become the next fad?

>> No.6437001


>Fun fact: It was the second people started avoiding fat that obesity became a thing
> Fat people who spend their whole lives avoiding fat should have learned that by now.

This is a myth. Obesity had been rising for long enough that the US dietary guidelines in 1977 put out the advice to lower fat consumption (as well as sugar consumption) to help fight the trend. Here's the country's macronutrient intakes from 1909-2010


Fat as a percentage of calories fell slightly for a period, but the absolute amount of fat didn't budge, and eventually continued to rise. Most of the carbohydrates that increased during that time were simple carbs in processed foods that are also high in fat. People didn't get fat because they meticulously followed the food pyramid and ate a lean diet of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Fat people aren't fat because of their diets of steamed rice, broccoli, and apples. People got fat because they continued eating fatty, sugary foods even after health officials told them not to.

>> No.6437016

Food makes you fat maybe?

>> No.6437041

lel no way how do you market that
>eat less, exercise more, lose weight
that shit will never fly

>> No.6437052
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>lel no way how do you market that

"Try our new non-food food! 0 calories, 0 vitamins, 0 minerals!"

>> No.6437117

yeah im curious about this stuff but i like good food too much to waste a meal on it.

>> No.6438219
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>Buy firewood
>"Gluten free!"
this fad needs to stop

>> No.6438331

> buy plane ticket to Costa Rica
> "we only use gluten free jet fuel"
c'mon, really? it had better be low GI too, motherfuckers.

>> No.6438343

I've tried the brand in the pic, they're okay. You want to use a really flavorful sauce because the noodles themselves don't have much flavor. The texture is weird and a little rubbery, even after pan frying them dry to get the moisture out.

>> No.6438432
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So I got bored and this happened.