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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6427310 No.6427310 [Reply] [Original]

h-hey /ck/. I think you need to watch this video. cooking cringe thread, I guess.


jesus christ. just please watch this, I think this actually may be the worst one yet. holy fuck

I think college kids wanting to get fit and realizing they can't have mommy's meals and instant ramen everyday are probably the most horrifically hopeless demographic when it comes to cooking.

>> No.6427313

What the fuck.

>> No.6427319

compared to true cringe, i don't see much wrong with this

it's shitty food, but what do you expect from a youtube fitness guy. chicken and rice is great if you need a bodybuilding meal and the fitness world is not known for its culinary prowess, so

>> No.6427321

i've seen worse than this at uni

far, far worse

>> No.6427327

>Cut up chicken and stew it in a pan with some teriyaki marinade. Eat it with white rice.

I just watched some dude take 8 minutes to tell me those two short sentences.

>> No.6427328
File: 20 KB, 535x519, roi_heenok_surpris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah men what a disgusting fuck. It's not even maple syrup, it's brown colored glucose syrup.

>> No.6427344


ewww so much worse how inauthentic

>> No.6427354

did you even watch the video?

>that high fructose corn syrup meme version of "maple syrup" on microwaved chicken
>that Marie-esque butchering of the raw chicken on the countertop
>that wet slimy chicken slop shoveled into a COLD pan
>that cranking of the burner under his TEFLON pan up to almost max
>that high fructose corn syrup molasses vinegar goop "teriyaki" meme sauce thrown on the cold chicken depite it being fucking marinade
>when he legitimately thinks he's invented the teriyaki + white rice flavor combination

There is no possible way to make this video worse without it being a blatant troll or actual mental retardation.

>> No.6427360


so he didn't get real maple syrup, who gives a shit he's a fucking bodybuilder. nothing wrong with warming up stuff in the microwave. yes he cut it poorly but you can see he used a black chopping board and not the countertop. so he didn't get a sear, who gives a shit, he obviously doesn't. i can guarantee the teflon pan didn't heat up to unsafe levels. marinade and finishing sauce are pretty much the same shit just marketed differently so people buy it twice, maybe with slightly adjusted levels of seasoning. he doesn't think he invented the combination.

you are an irascible douchebag.

>> No.6427374


>> No.6427377

Pleb, but the only think that really made me cringe was cutting the chicken on a countertop. Fuck that noise.

>> No.6427379


yeah but this isn't anything notable. thousands of fitness people do this stuff constantly, and we could spend a lifetime criticizing them for not knowing how to cook like we do. it's bad, but not BAD bad

compare this vid to stuff like that guy (idk his name, but there's a thread about him somewhere right now on second page I think--fat guy with facial hair) mangling every dish he makes

>> No.6427388

I don't see any cringe here. Just lack of knowledge.

-His "maple syrup" is actually corn syrup. Probably high fructose corn syrup. Being from Vermont, this naturally stands out to me, and otherwise he has the right idea about maple syrup. Fructose is processed by the liver and largely ends up as LDL, which is slightly worse than just eating cane sugar and certainly near worthless from a health / workout standpoint.

-Teriyaki sauce tends to be soy based. Contains phytoestrogens, is goitrogenic (most soy sauce in the US is unfermented... despite being soy sauce, which is by definition fermented soybean. Yes, we do this), and is overpriced highly subsidized glphosate laced trash. Skip that garbage. Always.

Kind of stopped watching somewhere around the halfway point. Didn't seem too bad to me.

>> No.6427391


>> No.6427401

He used a black cutting board that looked similar to his counter top. You can see it better when he slides the chicken off of it.

His name is Jack. He's fucking disgusting. Joey eats like a pig and is very silly but he doesn't pretend to be anything he isn't. Jack acts like he's a top tier chef that still has time for the little people.

>> No.6427419

>yes you're right b-but who gives a shit
>yeah you may be right b-but like w-w-who cares
>yeah ok you were r-right about that too but he's just a b-bodybuilder so le who gives a shit

Great post anon. You are truly contributing to this discussion about cooking on a cooking image board by dismissing criticism of awful cooking mistakes with "who cares". What an incredibly insightful post.

You come off as a redditor who genuinely thinks he's intelligent for bringing up subjectivity in a discussion about a specific topic. Get off your fucking high horse, you aren't better than anyone because you choose to dick suckle plebeians while others choose to discuss why what those plebeians are doing is bad.

Just from your posts I can literally tell what your fridge looks like. It is, without a doubt, full of sickly sweet goopy high fructose corn syrup failed imitation meme sauces, which you most certainly dump on absolutely everything you shovel down your fat fuck throat, all the way from well done steak, to buttered pasta, to microwaved hot dogs, like the disgusting white trash you are. For your own sake, and for the sake of everyone on this board, just go back to reddit's food forum where you can delusionally circlejerk about flyover cuisine in peace.

>> No.6427425


you were wrong about most of the shit you said dude. you have the childish attitude of someone who's just realised they don't have to buy prego to eat tomato sauce and feels enlightened. you can't take the high ground after being clearly unobservant dude.

>> No.6427430
File: 345 KB, 980x1473, Jaquet_Droz_The Writer_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slob my nib nib nib nebbity nib gnob anon

>> No.6427434
File: 2.26 MB, 2560x1920, 20150410_144021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here, this is just one of those typical bodybuilders on a clean cut with nothing but chicken and white rice. It's almost a meme.

The guy didn't want to make a nice meal, his only purpose is as many calories and protein for as little money as possible. He also cooks in bulk so he can store it in the fridge and have a clean meal ready at all times.

I personally cook normal meals, but who cares some guy who actually does this seriously does it like this?

>> No.6427438


>The guy didn't want to make a nice meal

he wanted it to be a *bit* nice.

>> No.6427445

Exactly, he probably eats that for more than half of his daily calories. Not like he cares. Just like I drink 4L of milk every day.

It has to be easy, cheap, quick to prepare and needs to have good macro's that's all. I still have dinner to enjoy some decent/average cooking.

>> No.6427488

The video is literally titled "Make Chicken Taste Good". It is a cooking tutorial video. This implies he believes he has knowledge that's valuable enough to warrant creating content and sharing it with amateurs. People wanting to prepare meals are watching this and think it's proper cooking. Do you not understand this?

I'm fully aware of bodybuilders cooking chicken in bulk. Nothing about bodybuilding or cooking in bulk requires you to put wet chicken into a cold pan and dump Walmart high fructose corn syrup marinade on it. Nothing about bodybuilding justifies putting meme "maple syrup" on your fucking chicken.

Again, this is a video tutorial. I'm not barging into this dude's house and attacking him for his shit taste. This is something he thought was worth sharing with the world.

>> No.6427496


i understand better now. this is indeed a terribly retarded and unnecessary tutorial

>> No.6427498


there's nothing wrong with putting wet chicken in a cold pan if you don't care about the sear, and not everyone has a panic attack every time they see hfcs on an ingredient label. take the stick out of yer bum.

>> No.6427507

>meme "maple syrup"
That isn't what meme means, and that's not what memes are. Stop using it this way.

Unfortunately the argument that people will cluelessly watch something and suck it up like a sponge, is valid. And unfortunately it's also meaningless. People can and will suck up anything and everything hat appeals to their biases mindlessly as though it is truth. The solution lies not in ridding the world of falsehood or what you're perceiving as harmful and shallow pretense, but in expanding people's ability to see their own reasoning process, know themselves, and be discerning when it comes to building their framework of knowledge.

The rest of what you're saying is a collection of assumptions (interpolations) built on a basis I largely can't quite get behind. Your theory of mind is relying far too heavily on elements that may or may not have any reality to them, and you're far too quick to take it as something able to be treated as accurate. You don't really know what his goal and perception of it all is. You can definitely guess. You can be very accurate and use highly refined heuristics, you can come close to certainty, but this is so hazy and ambiguous I don't think it's one of those cases. You're funneling in your own ideas way too hard.

btw, slig slibbity slob my nibbity neb nibllerized nib gnobity neb's nib, anon.
yes, the neb's nib.

>> No.6427520

there's nothing wrong with using a broom as a makeshift dildo if you don't care about anal fissures.

I don't think I've ever come across someone this phenomenally dense. I am in shock from how stupid your posts are, and again, I urge you to return to reddit.

>> No.6427548

That is what meme means. You understood the message perfectly, why? Because it is the proper word. It is meme maple syrup.

That's very deep and memetastic and all, but this is a cooking imageboard. It's for discussion about cooking. The good and the bad. I'm not going to refrain from 'avin a giggle at shit cooking because of some strange meme philosophy.

>> No.6427570
File: 999 KB, 250x251, 1408942768532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't what meme means. I understood your incorrect usage properly because it's simple to piece together that people are wrong, why they're wrong, and where their wrongness stem from. It's made more easy wen their incorrect usage is becoming a meme.

I'm 'unna 'av a giggle bout yur mem'in 'm'selve, mate, n fact em' avin' a giggle rite now, n' it's at yur ex-pense.

>> No.6427586

What is this.

>Knife technique - Moneyskills.
>Not actually using marinade as a marinade but a cooking sauce
>Chicken and potato. Thanks Obama.
>"try to go light on it"
>Great value white rice.
>Who would've thought it?
>Same meal for 6 days a week, 52 weeks a year.

>> No.6427613

Not everyone is a hardcore hobby cook like you. When I looked into bulk cooking, it never crossed my mind that I was going to make something that tasts nice.

The guy has a bodybuilding channel for fucks sake, do you think people who actually want to learn how to cook ever see this shit?

The video title said he would make the chicken taste good, well he didn't do too bad did he? Atleast good enough for his subscribers.

>> No.6427630

>Not everyone is a hardcore hobby cook like you.
I'm not a hardcore hobby cook. I might even say I'm not even a cook except for in the most base "I put stuff over a heat source and produce a chemical change in it" sense. I cook the same general 2 or so meals, every single day. The only variation to stave off malnutrition comes in the form of various juice or berries I'll buy occasionally, but the core remains largely the same. I don't even bother seasoning it anymore, and for a long time, I definitely didn't care about taste.

Ultimately, I eat to produce a change in my state and prevent unfavorable changes in the future. Most of that is centered around harvesting energy for work, tasting good or produces some dopamine pleasure / comfort spike is more or less a pleasant side effect. Has to do with allergies and food sensitivities along with my life being more or less empty. I got this way for a reason, and even if I could see some viable way of branching out I'd probably cling pretty hard. When it comes to being a cook I'm anything but, biochemistry and nutrition is more my realm.

/end blog

I agree with the rest of what you said, kind of. People can get ideas anywhere. My focus is more on perception and awareness of ingredients and nutrition. The above being said, refer to this post I made prior as well. It says anything I didn't already.


>> No.6427828

>well he didn't do too bad did he?

You stupid fucking tard, he did far worse than bad. What the fuck don't you understand about this. You are so fucking retarded I want to hit you holy shit, like how can you not fucking grasp this shit. Holy hell it's like dealing with an autistic fucking child who cannot understand a very simple concept and you just want to beat the autism out of until he fucking stops moaning and doing jumping jacks and shuts the fuck up and listens and UNDERSTANDS. Read all of the posts in this thread very thoroughly and then remember that this video was posted as a COOKING TUTORIAL. AN INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO SHOWING YOU THE STEPS TO PREPARE YOUR FOOD IN SUCH A WAY THAT IT TASTES GOOD. You downs syndrome ass fuck. Jesus christ. I hate you so god damn much right now.

>> No.6427867

>The guy has a bodybuilding channel for fucks sake
>implying bodybuilders, or anyone else, should eat high fructose cancer syrup

>> No.6427878


It's just a fucking syrup.