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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 400x268, sweet_potato_fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6424726 No.6424726 [Reply] [Original]

Sweet potato fries.
Can't stand them.
Are they really necessary?
Some hipster crap.
Regular potato fries are just fine.

Sweet potato anything - yuck.

>> No.6424730

Nice haiku faglord.

>> No.6424744

waiting for sperglord to tell you that it's not really a haiku

>> No.6424748


that's not really a haiku

>> No.6424784

I also don't like sweet potatoes, but sweet potato fries that are savoury rather than sweet are pretty okay.
When I make them at home, I cut them, parboil them then dust with starch and let dry in the fridge overnight (up to 24 hours or more; the dryer it is, the crispier it will be when fried). Finally, I fry them until crisp then dust with garlic salt and either tajín or chaat masala.

>> No.6424810
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this is a haiku Fredo

Sweet potato fries.
Really can't stand them at all.
You are a ball sack.

>> No.6424812

>Just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.6424815

Anon loves some dick
Put it right in his butthole
Donkey punch that fag

>> No.6424818

Jack and Jill went up the hill

both with a buck and a quarter

Jill came down with 2.50.

That fucking whore.

>> No.6424819
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I like them on occasion but sweer potato will never be as nice as regular potato for me.

>> No.6424820
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i hate them, too
stupid hipster crap
but I luvs them french fried pataters

>> No.6424821


I really enjoy baked potato wedges. I like to drizzle olive oil, dust them with salt, pepper, an italian herb mix, and some parmesan cheese. They are, in my opinion anyway, tastier and objectively healthier than any deep fried fries.

>> No.6424823

u also love the d

>> No.6424829


well I am a grill so yes

>> No.6424836
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a grill on 4chan?!?!!?!?

>> No.6424840



>> No.6424842

trap thread?

>> No.6424848
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>my little imagination goes wild

you in Michigan?

>> No.6424853



>> No.6424856


>> No.6424857
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me neither

>> No.6424859





>> No.6424863


I'm old
are you?

>> No.6424864


leave me alone

>> No.6424866
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>> No.6424868


thank you

>> No.6424870

They're always too soggy.

>> No.6424871
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I'm an old grill ;) nice to meet you

>> No.6424872

All sweet root vegetables need to go extinct, especially parsnips

Carrots dont count

>> No.6424879

Carrots are just as gross as the parsnips and sweer potato but I respect them for their aromatic uses

>> No.6424884

hey sweer potato
i will turn you to french fried
enjoying you rules

>> No.6424885
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It ain't me, senator son.

>> No.6424887
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i does luvs them rutabagas in the pasties

>> No.6424889

Hey sweet potato
I am better than you are
I'm a potato

>> No.6424896


sad sweet potato
no love for you taterlike
ketchup is still red

>> No.6424897

No sir you are not
You are a ketchup shovel
Go back to the dirt

>> No.6424910

sweet taters are shit
unless baked into a pie
ur mum sucks my dick

>> No.6424915

I'm still doing this?
I should get ready for work
This can't be my life

>> No.6424921

Ketchup is for fags
Unless you want the beetus
Mayo master race

>> No.6424923

It's like I hate and like them at the same time.

I prefer dipping regular fries into milkshakes, honey mustard, bbq sauce, or ranch.

>> No.6425064

RREEEEEaaah fuck it.

>> No.6425066

They're low carb, doof.

>> No.6425070

>makes sure to make it clear that she's a female
>answers absolutely every post

>> No.6425076

Sweet potatos themselves are awesome always, but the fries can get overwhelming if I'm eating more than a handful.

>> No.6425078


Mayonnaise tastes like an egg vomited into a jar of pickled baby food. Midwest trash please end your life immediately.

>> No.6425117

>everyone on 4chin is an amerijew

>> No.6425132

Is or wishes they were.

>> No.6425181

Plain oven baked sweet potato is comfort food for me. Bretty gud

>> No.6425209

welcome to /ck/ buddy

>> No.6425264

Sweet potatoes. Cut. Olive oil. Salt and pepper.

Oven at 425.

Flip at 20 minutes. Cook for 15 more.

>> No.6425268

Didn't mean to sage brahs.

>> No.6425283
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My niggas

>> No.6425307

About to clock in
Can't stop thinking of haikus
Sweet potato thoughts

>> No.6425316

Have you dipped them in whipped cream yet?


Maple Syrup?

>> No.6425318

A bit of oil
Drizzled, with salt and pepper
Twenty, flip, fifteen

>> No.6425323


>> No.6425324


Fuck both of you.

>> No.6425376

I was wondering why no one uses marshmallow fluff.
When they're good they're great and they don't need anything. If they aren't delicious they pretty much suck. But I kind of feel the same way about regular fries. Good fries don't need ketchup or any of that shit if they're seasoned properly they're a joy to eat on their own.

>> No.6425381


>> No.6425459

>It's snowing on mount fuji

>> No.6425476

But j'aime parsnip!
I make crab chowder with parsnip, potato and pearl onion. I can't imagine the chowder without parsnip.
Also, I mix parsnip (also white turnip along with the traditional carrot) into my hutspot. Shhhh... don't tell anyone I deviate from tradition.

>> No.6425533

Here's miss kelly with her black skin belly and her asshole painted green sitting on the grass with her finger up her ass singing god save the Queen.

>> No.6425543

French fried


>> No.6425545

i love sweet potato fries with wasabi mayo or pepper jelly. you can't treat them like regular potato fries, like imitation meat or somethin. gotta appreciate them as their own animal. they're great if you do the spicy-sweet wombo combo.

i also imagine they'd be good with cinnamon and >>6425376

>> No.6425638

>Not eating sweet potato fries with good ketchup

Faggots, all of you.

>> No.6425649

>just for confirmation, you cunt.

>> No.6425657

>not eating sweet potato fries with horseradish sauce

>> No.6425658

shit poster

>> No.6425659
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Can you get sweet potato smiles?

>> No.6425984

They're already pretty sweet if you ask me

>> No.6425999
File: 77 KB, 540x370, tumblr_nbyfcdODxh1refshdo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you OP. fuck sweet potato fries.

>> No.6426049

Sweet potatoes are excellent. I make them with my hipster girlfriend sometimes but that doesn't really affect the taste.

>inb4 autistic

You're autistic if you don't like food because it's "hipster crap" or not "necessary".

>> No.6426386
File: 1.39 MB, 3137x2137, purple-potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love sweet potato fries. It would be cool if they made fries out of purple sweet potatoes.

>> No.6426401

Oh man, what about purple sweet potato smiles?
>popo tots

>> No.6426413

i just like how they're consistently crunchy. The soggiest sweet potato fries you can find will still be crunchier than the average regular fry.

>> No.6426416
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underrated post

>> No.6426420

Hey Gordon, how's it going.

>> No.6426426

But that's wrong.

>> No.6426432


>> No.6426436
File: 64 KB, 550x550, b377208b00bcea73_purple-sweet-potato-fries-3.preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my nigga use google, ive made them a couple of times when they give them to me at the church food drive.


>> No.6426445


I'm definitely the same, sweet potato fries are really gross and I've had enough to know that they are unanimously just shitty meme food. It's not the same texture or mouth feel as a regular french fry, and the taste is just undesirable for a deep fried side dish. If I want something sweet that's covered in batter and grease I'll put a candy bar in the fryer.

>> No.6426450

I'll take them over regular fries every time.

>> No.6426532

I love sweet potato fries so much. The salt with the sweet and the fried goodness is so good to me. I love regular fries just as much, though.

>> No.6426591

Not even remotely true

>> No.6426595

>thinks fries are battered

>> No.6426604

>meme food
>mouth feel

Get the fuck off my /ck/

>> No.6426907

i don't like them cause they suck compared to normal fries.

>> No.6426915

Sweet potato fries are nice, but they tend to taste terrible the longer they sit, unlike regular ones that basically taste the same for hours

>> No.6426997

Tu êtes un homosexuel, Parsnips are good though.

>> No.6427179

>ur ghey lol!
Well duh. I speak French, after all.

>> No.6427183

they are meme food, though
sweet potato fries are right the with sriracha ______, ghost pepper _______, and pretzel or brioche buns

>> No.6427204

>pretzel buns are a meme
Does this mean that all Swiss are memesters? I've been eating pretzel buns since I had teeth with which to chew them. What makes them a meme when they've been around for several decades now.
>brioche buns
You do understand that regular, yellow hamburger buns are technically brioche, don't you? Or maybe brioche means something else in English. For us, it means 'bread enriched with eggs and fat and usually milk, too.' Hamburger buns certainly fit that criteria.
Does 'brioche' mean the same to you or is it more specific than that?

>> No.6427219

Overall I'd say sweet potato fries are okay, but just not for me. I prefer regular fries.

>> No.6427221

In Murrica, Brioche usually involves about double the eggs and butter of a normal bread recipe

Pretzel buns were a huge fad or "meme" in the states a year or two ago. Just about every fast food and casual dining place had a pretzel bun hot dog, burger, chicken sandwich, or sloppy joe. That shit went by the wayside real quick. Sorry that you've been stuck with them your whole life.

>> No.6427244

I love sweet potato. It's amazing baked with a bit of butter, salt and pepper.

However, sweet potato chips are just bad, it hinders the flavour and give them a terrible texture.

>> No.6427257

I love sweet potato but I don't really care for sweet potato fries. Every single time I've had them they were mealy and excessively sweet for me.

>> No.6427271
File: 104 KB, 1024x768, Laugenbrötli (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you double zero? There are no eggs or butter in a recipe for normal bread. Just flour, water, yeast and salt.

And laugenbrötli (pretzel buns) are delicious. Millions of Americans eat them daily, but they form them in the shape of a torus and call them "bagels" and don't soak or bake them long enough.

>> No.6427276

Just because you and the neckbeards you talk to had never seen a fucking sweet potato nor tried to slice it a certain way prior to 2014 doesn't mean the rest of the world is also new to this sensation you absolute bottom feeder

>> No.6427284

>excessively sweet for me.
Really? Every time I've had them they've not been sweet at all, more like a crispy nothingness with a slight oily flavour.

>> No.6427291

My bad: Double the normal enriched bread recipe, such as an average hamburger bun (what we were discussing). It would be considered highly or super enriched.

Pretzel buns as I've presented them were and are a meme food in the states. If your heritage prevents you from dealing with that, I'm sorry.

>Millions of Americans eat them daily, but they form them in the shape of a torus and call them "bagels" and don't soak or bake them long enough.

Or use the lye solution, either. It's almost as if they're different products :^)

>> No.6427309

But they're supposed to be made with lye. I guess that's why they're so pale in comparison to bagels as I know them.
Looking it up, you use bicarb instead of lye to make bagels in America. That's... different. Is there a ban on lye or something post 9/11? I know it's a dangerous chemical that can really fuck shit up pretty drastically.

>enriched bread recipe
Ah, that makes sense, yeah, you're right. I thought of another difference, too: brioche tends to be eggwashed while 'normal' bread, enriched or otherwise, rarely or never is.

Laugenbrötli is still delicious, though. :^)

>> No.6427311


>objectively healthier


>> No.6427318

Where THE FUCK can I get scotch egg and sweet potato fries takeout?

>> No.6427324


borough market

>> No.6427389

your local hipster/world food market

>> No.6427516


Who's they?

Make them yourself you fat fucking fuck.

>> No.6427542

>not fried

Yes, you jabroni.

>> No.6427549


oil is oil brah

>> No.6427647

Fucking hate SPF.

I always know when a hipster is ordering food because they always get a side of SPF.

>> No.6427661

That looks fucking good.

>> No.6427991
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>> No.6428032
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>> No.6428057

First I thought this was in Singapore, then I see the traditional Chinese, tell me anon, where are you from? Taiwan? Hong Kong?

>> No.6428949

"They" are restaurants. I actually leave my house sometimes.

>> No.6428953

Pretty sure they use traditional in singapore bro

>> No.6429015

That sounds gay as fuck nigga.

>> No.6429248

You fucking had me until that goddamned awful looking mayonnaise, and I don't even like sweet potato fries.

>> No.6429488

The Bonchon in our city serves them sprinkled with powdered sugar with a cup of syrup to dip in. When you think of it more as a sweet instead of the savory flavor that fries usually are, it's a really tasty treat.

>> No.6429505

>not liking sweet potatoes
>being this big of a faggot

The only part of your post I agree with is that regular potato fries are great enough. I never order sweet potato fries, BUT, I eat a lot of baked and grilled sweet potatoes at home, as well as using them in bread and pizza dough. Sweet potatoes are godly and wonderful and you're a huge fag for not liking them.

>> No.6429528

And that's how the American South came to Asia.....

>> No.6429648

don't diss the sweet potato fries you faggot, they are delicious

>> No.6430830

A drizzle of olive oil is healthier than submerging them.

>> No.6430916


i thought they were nice
not that i dislike regular fries though

>> No.6430937

Sweet potato pie is delicious.

>> No.6430952


not necessarily

even if you add less oil in baking they could potentially absorb more of it

>> No.6430995

>stop liking what I don't like

>> No.6432552

>oh look, I have shit taste in life


>> No.6432568

You see, the joke was about the fragmented nature of OP's post. It doesn't have to literally be a haiku for the joke to hold.

I wonder what the average IQ of this board is.