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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 225x225, kobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6422991 No.6422991 [Reply] [Original]

any rich niggas try kobe beef before?
that marble

>> No.6423000

I don't know much about japanese food but how many times are the cows folded please? thank you

>> No.6423003

the animals are in constant pain when they move due to this special fat
shame on you

>> No.6423005

OVER 9000


No I haven't. How much per pound is it?

>> No.6423009

underrated post

>> No.6423013

Yeah but they're drunk all the time who cares better life than veal

>> No.6423014


>> No.6423017

I wonder if morbidly obese humans are delicious too

>> No.6423019



>> No.6423023

>how much per pound is it?
If you have to ask, you can't afford it

>> No.6423026

$136 per pound. Yes I can.

>> No.6423030

I know nothing about it I just saw a vice post saying how a chef in Montreal got a license to serve it and then I googled it and it looks amazing

>> No.6423041

Is kobe beef burgers just regular cow meat? Because I had one and it was nothing special.

>> No.6423045

>eating a pound of kobe beef
That's like eating a stick of butter

>> No.6423046

>"rich people food"
>weabshit beef

oh yeah, a guy working at mcdonalds totally can't afford to eat that as a rare treat.

Come back when you have a 5mil mansion or something, pleb.

>> No.6423048

the point of kobe beef is the marbling and high fat% in the steak, burgers have no marbling as they're made of ground beef and you can just add as much fat as you want to it anyway, kobe burgers are practically a scam

>> No.6423050

Depends on which joint you got it from. Somewhere like Mos burger the wagyu burger is bretty gud but obviously the beef isn't top tier, go get yourself a slab of Kobe and grill it up how you would normal beef, maybe then you'll find something different about it.

>> No.6423051

I mean I have friends..

>> No.6423056

Thanks guys.

>> No.6423075

A rich fuck that is friends with my uncle (who is also a rich fuck) served it to was once. I absolutely loved it. It tastes like no meat I ever tasted before or since. but it made me so goddam mad. the only thing the guy that bought it really cared about was how expensive it was.he was a typical rich guy with more money than taste. believe it or not there was leftover kobe beef at the table because no one really cared about it and I couldn't eat it all on my own.

>> No.6423170

>fat is chewy, tough, and not rendered yet
>fat and connective tissue are rendering, but grade of meat is no longer a concern
I don't get the appeal of these fad foods

>> No.6423173

you could say they're... meme foods?

>> No.6423186


>> No.6423196

the USA would have the finest meat available

woohoo, USA is #1 again!!

>> No.6423223
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>> No.6423293

overrated tbh

>> No.6423329

I had it in Japan about 5 years ago, it was at a high end yakiniku place where you they give you the meat to grill yourself. It was 10,000 yen for a strip loin (like the one pictured but a bit thinner) and 5000 yen for a cheaper rump cut. Back then that was about 100 usd and 50 usd respectively. Now it's closer to 80/40 usd so if you live in America, now is the time to visit Japan (or Canada for that matter). The rump was a little chewy but super flavourful. I wouldn't recommend it for the price though. The strip loin was insanely tender, melted in your mouth and tasted incredible. To those fucktards saying "it's like eating a stick of butter", you have no idea what you're talking about. It has a more bite than butter, but begins to literally melt in your mouth the second you start chewing. In no way does it ever feel heavy or fatty, despite being so marbled. It also tastes incredibly rich and meaty and because it melts in your mouth, the flavour just permeates immediately. The combination of taste and texture is what makes it 100% worth it.

If you are ever in Japan, I would highly recommend you try it. Make sure you find a place that has certifications and graded meat so you don't get gypped. Cooking it yourself (at a grill place) will be cheaper than at a teppanyaki place where they cook it for you, but it might be a bit daunting because the last thing you want to do is overcook a $100 piece of meat.

>> No.6423401

nice trips

>> No.6423418

tell me you took it home. tell me it didn't go to waste.


>> No.6423419

Something like 60% of the beef produced in Australia gets shipped to Japan and USA.

>> No.6423440

I've had kobe beef a couple times in Japan on business trips. Fucking delicious. Glad I wasn't paying for it. REALLY fatty, and served in small portions because it's so rich. But instead of just being chunks of fat, it's more like the fat being integrated into the meat, so it feels like eating meat, but coats the inside of your mouth almost like chewing fat.

It's kind of like the steak version of foie gras - a totally delicious, over the top indulgence that you'd never miss if you'd never had it. If you were someone who thought beef was the best meat out there it might be worth seeking out. Otherwise it's just deliciously fatty beef.

>> No.6423534

Ate it at a famous Robotayaki place in Tokyo. It almost seemed like I was eating grilled pork belly it was that 'melt in your mouth'.

>> No.6424584

I'm pretty sure that isn't Kobe beef. There isn't enough marbling. OPs pic looks more like A3 class, probably kouzatsu, not even wagyuu.

I know because I work at a restaurant in Akasaka that specializes in beef.

You can GIS 神戸牛 to see what Kobe beef really looks like. The fat literally melts at room temperature, and there are almost no dark red parts like you see in US beef.

And to the commenters that are saying eating Kobe beef is like eating a stick of butter... Well you guys really don't know what youre taking about. It's true that regular A5 wagyuu can taste really heavy, but branded A5 beef like Matsuzaka and Kobe are in a totally different class.

But it really only makes a difference to people with experience eating Japanese beef. For the average tourist looking to try Wagyuu, there's no reason to go beyond A4 unless you want to try Kobe solely to brag on 4chan.

>> No.6424596

>muh marble
literally the only thing people who eat it can say.
Fucking memefood.

>> No.6424614


shut the fuck up.

>> No.6424615

I hope that you are raped and never recover from the psychological damage

>> No.6424624


Kobe beef is now meme food?

What's next, foie gras, caviar, Iberico pork, truffles?

>> No.6424628

>meme food
stop perpetuating the existence of "meme foods". all you do is reward these shitposting faggots

>> No.6424633

Only retards think there's such thing as memefood.

>> No.6424637

yes. all those. anything with the slightest hint of unwarranted popularity is a memefood

it is a liguistically appropriate term

accept it

>> No.6424641

as decided by a team of autists who only eat fast food
choke on a dick

>> No.6424654

>the slightest hint of unwarranted popularity
Read what you just typed. Read it again. Have you realized the retard is you yet? Because the last time I checked the only people who would claim to be arbiters of what constitutes "unwarranted popularity" are retards.

>> No.6424657

kobe beef internet defense force, pls go

>> No.6424663

the real tragedy is that animals in western countries are bred to have really lean meat, because fat is bad, amirite?

fat is good and delicious, if you don't overdo it.

>> No.6424664

its not about kobe beef

its about temple grandin shitposting on every thread about "meme foods". i hope your dick falls off

>> No.6424677

>i hope your dick falls off
Not haute enough, Escoffier.

>> No.6424680


>> No.6424683

I bet you type with your pinkies sticking up, wanna-be pretentious bitch.

>> No.6424689

Western countries don't understand this. They only understand being able to eat as much as possible without feeling guilty.

>> No.6424692


>> No.6424696
File: 304 KB, 1600x1200, thick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well its actually not exported from japan and i have not been there yet so no. I do however buy American "Wagyu" which has similar marbling and most likely a similar taste profile. It is not that expensive compared to a good dry aged steak but i prefer a nice aged steak to american waygu.. the thin sliced is perfect for certain dishes such as shabu shabu( i use it for korean bbq as well).

>> No.6424707
File: 95 KB, 533x800, 37393251IOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I did. I like a bit of marbling and fat edges, but even for me it was a little too fatty. I know, from the south US wher everyone is supposed to "love:" fat. but that was a bit much, this from a guy that can and has eaten fried fatback sammiches. Sometimes, less is more. i don' care for it 'sides way expensive. also, set the grill 'afire. Seriously, i just don't like I'd rather not have a vein ripped from my leg, chest split and "by pass" surgery. Not to mention its$'50+ a plate Just saying... keeping up with the Joneses is too much.. It gets tiresome.let them keep up with you.

>> No.6424710
File: 49 KB, 680x612, mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do kobe beef cows have slitty eyes?

>> No.6424720
File: 74 KB, 480x429, 39563050cAe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, kind of like angus hot dogs.

>> No.6424723

Why not just meatglue some fat and meat together?

>> No.6424767


The point is that the fat is spread uniformly throughout the meat in very small particles. It's not practical to create that kind of marbling manually. You would be literally inserting tens if not hundreds of thousands of little bits of fat here and there.

>> No.6424771

that looks like some permium shit right there.

>> No.6424796

Too done

>> No.6424827
File: 20 KB, 400x300, imagen_400x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's special about it? More fat?

This is how the normal cut of meat looks over here and we eat that every day, I don't think it's that much different.

>> No.6424845

>Over here we eat "normal" food everyday, and are contemptuous toward the idea that anything "different" could possibly be better.

>> No.6424854

>What's special about it?

It's a breed of cattle that was bred for flavor, whereas most domestic cattle is bred for fast growth and large size so that more meat can be brought to market faster.

>>More fat?
No, more like how the fat is distributed in the meat. Large chunks of solid fat are undesirable. Instead, you want the fat very finely spread throughout the meat. See how your photo has that one massive chunk of fat in it, but otherwise the meat is mostly bright red? Compare that to OP's picture where there is no single large chunk but there are many fine streaks of fat here and there.

>> No.6424891

I like mine well done with ketchup and mayonnaise.

>> No.6424898

shitposting: the minor leagues

>> No.6425015

>he was a typical rich guy with more money than taste.
And you are a typical retard with more opinions than knowledge.

>> No.6425044

How much thought did you put into this post?

I ask you sincerely.

Please respond with how many seconds it took you to cultivate this meme post.

>> No.6425597


>> No.6425833

it did go to waste. maybe "the help" ate the rest. i dunno.
woah. what the fuck did i do to you?

>> No.6425859


> the only good post it
> no replies
> mean while memeposts have several replies

/ck/ errbody

>> No.6425865


I meant this post

ps ur all retards

>> No.6426393

1 minute and 61 seconds

>> No.6427642
File: 11 KB, 307x206, polymar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit Mitsuwa! I live in the next town over and frequent it quite often. Great store!

>> No.6427664

That was my post. Thank you.

>> No.6427721

>muh elitism
>muh status symbols
>muh need to spend money

I think Anon simply wanted to know how good an stupidly priced cut of meat could be instead of worshiping something he hasn't even tried.

>> No.6427749

Why are you angry anon? Are you afraid that money can't make you a good person?

>> No.6427837

That's not true at all

>> No.6427870

I have this in Korea. This kind of beef is not confined to Japan's Kobe region.

This beef is expensive, more expensive than imported Australian or American beef. But soooo good. The fat makes the meat very tender and tastes buttery.

Your tears almost taste as good.

>> No.6428733

That made me cringe a little.
There are people like that out there.

>> No.6428936

Can't wait to try Kobe beef one day. I wonder if it would be better to dry age?