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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 445 KB, 1200x1936, food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6421817 No.6421817 [Reply] [Original]

does anybody have?

>> No.6421818
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>> No.6421823

I'm guessing you meant cringe thread?

>> No.6421825


Reading this gave me cancer.

>> No.6421826


>> No.6421828

This is cringeworthy and very unfunny. I hope the people that made these died a very terrible death

>> No.6421832

you guys aint being helpful

>> No.6421838

lol, me too actually.

>> No.6421845
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>beer pancake base
>topped with fires
>American cheese

>> No.6421865

You must be new here.

>> No.6421895
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>> No.6421903

to be honest i think theres a certain honesty when it comes to the people who makes these that you dont find in every day people... they truly are the salt of earth yep. i dont mind these image macros no sir

>> No.6421925

Last time I posted a bunch of cooking tips in a thread like this, all I got in return was abuse. I know /ck/ has people of all levels of ability but apparenty we're only supposed to post michelin star level ideas.

I'm keeping my "food hacks" to myself from now on.

>> No.6421942
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>> No.6421946

eat a cock, it will taste better than anything you can cook.

>> No.6421948
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>> No.6421949

give us a free sample of one of your tips. I'll tell you if the abuse was warranted.

cause here's the thing - the student acting as the teacher usually only leads to bad advice. And if it was bad advice you were giving then perhaps you should be more receptive to people trying to steer you on the right path.

If it was good I'll be the first one to let you know - so what do you say champ... will you post your food tips?

>> No.6421957

Aren't those meant to screw up the mug?

>> No.6421964


Not Michelin star level, just not abjectly retarded.

>> No.6421967
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I don't know. I've never made it since I thought it would be a pain to clean. I've always just made a batch of brownies if I wanted brownies.

>> No.6421983

Why does reddit always try so hard?

>> No.6421986

It's the fucking oregano that gets me.

Why would you add oregano?

>> No.6421990
File: 499 KB, 300x231, sisko no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making a casserole out of fast food and shitty cheese is a food life hack

I think it's time for you to reevaluate your life, OP.

>> No.6422009

When handling raw meat, only touch the meat with one hand. This leaves the other hand free to handle things at the same time without fear of contamination.

>omg so fucking obvious
>not even a life hack kill urself retard

Whatever, I found that tip useful at one stage in my development and I know people who don't know to do this.

>> No.6422045

thats not how bacteria works first of all, secondly thats the sort of lazy hygiene protocol that is bound to bite you in the ass sooner or later.

It's like how you rub your eye after handling jalopenos or something. You're not as in control of yourself as you think you are.

Wash your hands after handling raw meat - always.

>> No.6422067

Obviously wash your hands too, I didn't say this removes the need to wash your hands ASAP after handling raw meat. It just means you can handle things with your other hand without contamination until you've washed your hands.

If you handle the meat with both hands then you risk contaminating the tap or soap when you use it to wash your hands. The handle of the knife you use might get raw meat juice on it too. Same if you have to handle a jar of herbs/spices while preparing the meat.

I got this tip from a kitchen expert (I forget who - maybe Delia or Nigella) so it's not like I made it up out of nothing.

>> No.6422072
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>> No.6422073

Why not just add more yolks if you like it creamier?

>> No.6422076

oh well if its good enough for them :)

okay sport, you've earned your keep. You see... the last post i made wasnt entirely honest. I was being what was called a "contrarian". BUT DO NOT BE UPSET. It was merely a test of your knowledge.

Surely, your tip in the first place was good - but I wanted to see if you could take it a step further. I wanted to see.. if you could EXPLAIN yourself.

And you have passed that test with flying colors.

Well done my friend! Well done!

>> No.6422082

This must be incredibly greasy.
Why put that much oil into a pan when the fat from the bacon is more than enough?
Why add cream?

>> No.6422117
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do people actually fall for this?

>> No.6422118
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No idea. I saved that pic years ago. I remember making it once, but I changed some things. Dont remember what though. This is also old as dirt.

>> No.6423122

You're an idiot.

It works. But I damn sure wouldn't use olive oil. That's retarded.

>> No.6423125

good job being a cunt there m80

>> No.6423131

I suppose by "life hack" you're referring to a shortcut to the death bed.

>> No.6423137

I wonder if there really are people who don't do this instinctively, though.

>> No.6423141

that doesn't even sound good, it's only edgy

>> No.6423149
File: 1.17 MB, 170x113, 1364232539393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When handling raw meat, only touch the meat with one hand. This leaves the other hand free to handle things at the same time without fear of contamination.
no wonder you got made fun of

>> No.6423152
File: 78 KB, 313x489, 1422726799659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This must be incredibly greasy.
for you

>> No.6423178

In case you meant the verticals..


>> No.6423195

I guess you must have more useful tips for us then?

Can't wait to hear them.

>> No.6423211

kill yourself

>> No.6423343
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>> No.6423358

Aww my mom taught me this. I genuinely feel for those who grew up eating Stouffers or take-out.

>> No.6424486
File: 302 KB, 499x500, Infinite Chocolate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.6425437



I think it is time to walk through your faces with chainsaw again.

>> No.6425503

shit thread. that OP image is more work than a douchebag who gets food from mcdicks would be willing to do. no one would spend any time making that shit and washing all those for something that shitty.

>> No.6425960

I'm trying this

>> No.6425965
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>> No.6425969


or why not add cream?

>> No.6426545

still sounds better than soylent

>> No.6426609


I made that original "casserole" with my roommate in college years ago. Still see it posted time to time, always get a kick out of the reactions for it. It's seriously the most disgusting thing I ever ate, it was so undercooked, the fucking pancake batter was a thick paste at the bottom. It tastes as disgusting as it looks, and I'd climb dick mountain face first before trying it again. Thanks for the keks! Back to leddit I gooo! Zing zing badda bing!

>> No.6426816


Basically, at some point, the recipe of carbonara diverged, and now there are two camps, those who add cream, and those who don't. The latter are more "authentic" to the original recipes, but the former are still a completely valid recipe.

These are technically life hacks, but rather visual recipes, or "boorus", which you can see a ton of on /ck/ booru.

Life Hacks are unexpected or strange things that create slightly more intuitive or functional processes, based on the idea of programmers throwing on coding 'hacks' to solve issues.

An example for food would be that bread companies color-code their ties/fasteners, so if you check the color, you'll know when the bread was made. The downside for this is that there's no industry standard, different companies use different colors. But if you can find out what color your preferred company uses, you can know how old a loaf you're buying is.

Other examples:
using unflavored dental floss to cut soft items like cakes, dessert rolls, or soft cheeses to avoid cleaning.

Using the rim of a glass instead of a circular cutter if you don't have one.

If you make a drink you like cold frequently, or know you will have a large quantity soon, make some ice cubes of the drink beforehand, so you can keep the drink cold without diluting it.

If you slice a banana thin, freeze it for one hour, and then blend it, you form a cool ice cream base because of the pectin forming chains.

>> No.6426818

aren't* technically, I mean. My apologies.

>> No.6426836


I really feel that if you make this disgusting sounding dish, then you're really missing it if you don't do that dumb kitkat lasagne that's been floating on /ck/ the last few days..."ask if she's coming for desert?"


>> No.6426838


>> No.6426854

Why do you call them food life hacks? just call them food recipes.

>> No.6426891
File: 1.59 MB, 325x235, 1483.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says to man up and put lots of sugar, milk and hot chocolate
What an edgy little cunt

>> No.6426979
File: 965 KB, 936x1069, 1378969711705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6426986


The oil keeps it moist

>> No.6426988

it's sounds like it's from leddit

>> No.6426991

That kid looks exactly like the type of person I would expect to not only make something like this, but make an inforaphic about it for the internet.

>> No.6427001


>> No.6427037

Won't the ice cream melt in the microwave?

>> No.6427040

One day all of the people who eat these things will be dead from heart disease and we won't have to put up with these threads any more

>> No.6427045

Microwaves actually make ice cream even colder thanks to its crystalline structure.

>> No.6427065

Nah I've made them before. Not that exact recipe, but a very similar one from another source. I used a cheap $1 mug just in case and nothing bad happened. For a while these mug brownies were my go-to for whenever I wanted something cake-like but didn't want to make an entire cake.

Cleanup is ridiculously easy. All the mess confined to one cup and it wipes off of porcelain completely

>> No.6427077

Authenticity. Using olive oil while cooking bacon is something they do in Italy. Their reasoning is that it "adds flavor" to the carbonara. I definitely agree with you though, it doesn't make any fucking sense whatsoever.

>> No.6427082

Olive oil though? Why waste a flavorful, expensive oil on this? Use cheapass vegetable oil instead

top kek