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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 640x427, Hummus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6421710 No.6421710 [Reply] [Original]

Dissapointing Meme Foods

>> No.6421712

hummus is awesome you're crazy

>> No.6421715

the only disappointing thing is that you cumdumpsters are still using the term "meme foods"

>> No.6421719
File: 176 KB, 377x377, 1411966402490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme food

really nigga, really?

>> No.6421722

meme food threads are the /ck/ equivalent of a /b/ trap thread. its a bunch of faggots, pretending to not be faggots, while acting like total faggots.

>> No.6421724

true dat my sand nigga.

>> No.6421725

That's what I thought too. I like chickpeas and I like sesame, but they don't go together well.

The shredded hulls also give the whole thing a very disgusting chewy texture.

How anybody likes this stuff is a mystery to me.

>> No.6421729

you didnt even bothered to remove them, do ya?

>> No.6421730

You nignogs just had bad hummus, find some good hummus and you will change your mind.

>> No.6421735

I recently had my first experience eating pho... the broth had absolutely no flavor, and neither did the beef or noodles. I loaded that shit with soy sauce and everything they set on the table but it was the most disappointing meal of my life. Does all pho suck that much balls?

>> No.6421736

You did it very wrong.

>> No.6421737

>I will call a food a meme.
Great thread.

>> No.6421755

If you were eating what is in OP's pic I hate to inform you that it wasn't pho.

>> No.6421763

>The shredded hulls also give the whole thing a very disgusting chewy texture.

2/10 troll, and 2 only because it seems to have caught a couple people.

But on a side topic, good baba ghannouj is better than good hummus. Hummus is just more popular because it's a lot easier to make (chick peas and sesame seeds can be stored dry), and bad-to-mediocre hummus (I'm looking at you, Sabra) is more tolerable than bad-to-mediocre baba ghannouj. The worst baba I've had was a factory variety from a supermarket where the top ingredient was mayonnaise, which Israelis promote as a legitimate baba style.

>> No.6421764

>disappointing meme foods
>it's literally all OP wrote
Gotta work on your attention to details and reading comprehension, dude.

>> No.6421774

>which Israelis
very subtle /pol/ trash

>> No.6421777
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creampies are gross

>> No.6421835
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>Meme food

Just go back to /b/ you peasant!

>> No.6421890
File: 16 KB, 238x225, 1400809896665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which kind of creampies are you talking about anon? If you know what I mean

>> No.6421894

Sabra is bad tho

>> No.6421902

I think it tastes like shit, but it is defintely not meme food

>> No.6421959

Like any other food, if you buy the mass produced version where every corner has been cut in the preparation to bring it to your supermarket shelf at the lowest possible price it will be as bad as the rest of the prepared food in your supermarket. It's like eating mac & cheese from a box or buying chili in a can - of course it's going to suck.

When made correctly (which includes peeling the chickpeas) hummus is a god tier dish.

>> No.6421976
File: 79 KB, 840x472, Fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont like thing
>so it's a meme

>> No.6421978

quit memeing, kid

>> No.6422029

r u 10

>> No.6422066

>How anybody likes this stuff is a mystery to me.

literal autism

>> No.6422088


>> No.6422104
File: 522 KB, 849x565, raw_honey_comb-MFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just honey with some wax

I dunno why but I expected a crunchy texture

>> No.6422139

Honey comb cereal.

>> No.6422526


>> No.6422531
File: 11 KB, 400x309, Tomato-Soup[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit

>> No.6422542
File: 143 KB, 1600x1600, HUY-06109-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this disaster right here

>> No.6422551

I bought some summer fresh baba ghannouj one time and it just tasted like caesar dressing. It was the worst.

>> No.6422564

That reminds me of the time i caught my six foot three two hundred and fifty pound linebacker roomate in a dress and heels. For a second i thought he was going to murder me. i ran out and didn't come home for three days. He looked like someone who just got caught with a dead hooker in the trunk and is capable of anything to protect his secret.

>> No.6422571

fuck you you stupid twat!
I´ll have you know that preparing chriracha laced food has made me very rich!
You cant even cook your mom.

>> No.6422600
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Pumpkin spice anything.

>> No.6422681

Except certain really shitty brands, most canned food that you can buy ready made is still going to taste somewhat like the same dish cooked properly. Especially simple foods with just a few ingredients.

I didn't buy hummus in a can though, it came in a small glass and was relatively pricey, it wasn't some shitty store brand.

I might give making it at home a try but removing each individual chickpea hull from a bowl of chickpeas is not something I can envision as being worth it.

>> No.6422689
File: 26 KB, 312x312, vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone put those two things together

>> No.6422691

Can be used as part of a good glaze on meatloaf.
Only food Sriracha mixes well with instead of overpowering.

>> No.6424722

Sweet zombie jesus

>> No.6424741

>removing each individual chickpea hull from a bowl of chickpeas is not something I can envision as being worth it.
It's unpleasant, tedious work. But the result is worth it. But it's definitely a dish that was developed in a culture where the women socialized over tedious, labor intensive kitchen work. Because most folks wouldn't put themselves through that just for shits and giggles.

>> No.6425119

The smell puts me off a bit. I don't know how to explain without sounding like a fatass autist, but I like the smell of Tabasco sauce a lot more

>> No.6425133

You know, the term "fad" still exists.

>> No.6427054

Such a quality post anon.

>> No.6427068


>> No.6427079

no, if the broth tasted like nothing you either have a very underdeveloped palate (can you normally taste star anise, thai basil, etc?)
the beef is unseasoned normally, what you do is drag it through chili or hoisin sauce on the side, it's mostly a textural thing - that's why pho dac biet has tendon, offal meatballs, triple, beef brisket and rare beef

>> No.6427083

tabasco is p much all vinegar, sriracha is a lot more balanced

>> No.6427110

I dont get it....i've been eating hummus for since i was a kid in the UK. Why is this a "meme food". Same with yoghurt

>> No.6427111

fukin kekd

>> No.6427121

We can't be friends, which is disappointing...I had a good feeling about you.

>> No.6427171

foods that have been around forever are catching on and then suddenly everyone is doing it.

Sriracha, Hummus and Greek Yogurt are some fads.

>> No.6427173
File: 161 KB, 350x227, 1428880677290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ why

>> No.6427178

greek yoghurt is an old meme at this point

>> No.6427207
File: 73 KB, 664x431, dragonfruit-tfa-size-30ml-3689-p.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These motherfuckers

Just had one in my breakfast smoothie with kiwis and raspberry and it was shit as always, should have put a lemon in it.
It tastes of slightly bitter nothing, and i only buy it necause it looks cool in my fruit bowl

>> No.6427212
File: 108 KB, 1280x999, kiwano-aufgeschnitten-1_frei_lebenslang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same with kiwanos. taste like cucumber but costs ten times as much

>> No.6427217

well, it technically IS a cucumber, so

>> No.6427277

Dragonfruit tastes a bit like kiwi to me. I like them.

>> No.6427655
File: 28 KB, 480x320, bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memeist of the meme foods.
Only good soft by it self with eggs.
Terrible on burgers

>> No.6427666
File: 581 KB, 876x5000, 1300300113292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6427699

>meme food

What is this, 2005?

>> No.6427761


>> No.6427767

my younger brother used to call milk 'melk' until college

>> No.6427769

Is he Dutch by any chance?

>> No.6427773

Like all cured meats if you eat it whole you're just an amerilard.
They have good flavour but you need to chop them small, fry them in their own oil and just use it as a seasoning.

>> No.6427780

>my younger brother had speech difficulties
>he's talking about water
>It always sounds like mortar
Until he hit puberty.
Still triggers him if I make fun of it.

>> No.6427794

I just tried it for the first time the other day and it's delicious I don't know what you're talking about anon. I put that stuff on tons of things now.

>> No.6427844

Does anyone know of a good way to remove the hulls that doesn't take forever.

>> No.6427869
File: 35 KB, 612x431, ecce-homo-dont-want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worst hummus
>available in nearly all stores

>> No.6428314

If you're going to eat meat with eggs, steak of sausage. Bacon is like eating the disappointment your parents feel when they find your hentai collection.

>> No.6428358

your lil bro is norwegian, i'm so happy for you

>> No.6429359

Tomato bisque, however, is the most delicious soup available.

>> No.6429370

I don't like pho either. I also don't like those spring rolls they usually come with.

Leaves wrapped in a chewy, gummy translucent roll.


>> No.6429377

Remember when Pocky was a meme?

>> No.6429381

it still is. it's a weeaboo meme food

>> No.6429392

>mfw walmart sells a few flavors

>> No.6429397

No they won't. They literally prefer the McRib

>> No.6429402

McRib and Filet o Fish are mcdonalds' only worthwhile sandwiches

>> No.6429408

That's why oysters and crawfish are shit

>> No.6429411

my ex did this, as well as saying "pehllow". she's from TN.

>> No.6429426
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>> No.6429429

So does my current gf. But she's from Virginia

>> No.6429434
File: 26 KB, 460x307, 6126374-3x2-460x307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Filet Of Fish

>> No.6429495


White people.

>> No.6429734


>"hey guys, I promise I'm not baiting you or anything, but hummus is a meme food and also it sucks!"

>> No.6429768
File: 77 KB, 600x864, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6429787

hahaha /thread

>> No.6429796

I' will refrain from saying, but op's pic. hummus. mashed ground chick peas. looks like something from a infant's diaper change.. Tastes vary, but that is one thing I can do with out.