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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6418240 No.6418240 [Reply] [Original]

What are examples of British cuisine, that isn't imported? Aside from pic related.

>> No.6418245
File: 42 KB, 448x256, proper_baked_beans_with_36013_16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread 'n' beans. Absolutely delicious.

>> No.6418283

Chicken tikka masala -- the national food of Britain. The Indians stole it from us.

>> No.6418294

Isn't the toast sandwich from Britain?

It's the saddest sandwich you can imagine.

>> No.6418295


>> No.6418305


>> No.6418401

Shepherds & Cottage pie

>> No.6418407

Ah yes, tea grows jolly well on English soil

>> No.6418419
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Pretty hard to completely predate imported cuisine.

>> No.6418437

it's about twice as tasty as just three slices of untoasted bread. still not really tasty though.

>> No.6418445
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How bout some bangers and mash, OP?

>> No.6418463

in b4 fish and chips is imported

>> No.6418566

It was just calculated one day to be the cheapest possible 'meal' that one could eat.

Nobody seriously eats them unironically.

>> No.6418663
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This is genuinely difficult. Cider is pretty basic, and even that seems to have been mostly kicked off by the Romans and Normans. Where do you draw the line?

>> No.6418670

>isn't imported

>> No.6418680


it actually predates that study historically as a tea sandwich but not a common one.

>> No.6418681

importing things is what British culture is all about.

Why else conquer the world, if not to enjoy the spoils?

>> No.6418689

Pasties are great.

>> No.6418694

>Not imported

Italy confirmed for no cuisine.

>> No.6418704

cheddar cheese
cheshire cheese
pork pie
steak and kidney pie

>> No.6418713
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pasty via the U.P. of Michigan

>> No.6418725


>if i post this meme enough people will take it seriously

>> No.6418726
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>> No.6418767


Might as well be Canada

>> No.6418776
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they pulled it out of a Mrs. Beaton cookbook.
she was kind of a big deal.

>> No.6418777
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>Might as well be Canada

the Brits wished they had invented this

>> No.6418811

Tomatoes are an ingredient and pasta is thought to have originated in Sicily, the autonomous Italian island.

Fish and chips as a meal was brought to England by Jewish immigrants.

>> No.6418840
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>Fish and chips as a meal was brought to England by Jewish immigrants.

people living on island need to be introduced to eating fish

atsa good one boss

go back to /pol/

>> No.6418851

Deep frying fish and potatoes was introduced to England and Ireland by Jews.

Before that it was boiled and jellied everything.

>> No.6418855

Curry is one of the worst British dishes. Our national dish should be the roast dinner.

>> No.6418871
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>> No.6418876

It's quite impossible to define specific cuisine for the poor ol' England due to how culturally diverse the place's been over the course of history.

You'd first have to define some 'English' to begin with as someone whose contribution to recipes of today's England, UK and the world you'd actually consider theirs.

You had Celts, then Romans, then Anglo-Saxons, then Normans, then French, then Scottish, then Indian, then et cetera as far as people who actually lived in that country.

This makes England pretty much the proto-USA in that it's actually impossible to define a single entity that actually came up with some foods of their own.

>> No.6418885
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pretty much nailed it
good post

>> No.6418890


How do you get the yolk still soft? Looks absolutely delicious, but how come it doesn't solidify?

You can't put the egg in completely raw, so it'll have to be cooked to a certain point, and applying heat to the surrounding minced meat will surely cook it all the way through.

>> No.6418896

Well, there's still Christmas pudding for our poor northern neighbours, at least.

>> No.6418898

>You can't put the egg in completely raw

Yes, you can. You simply time the cooking so that the outside is cooked but the yolk is not. It's no different than soft-boiling an egg, really. Time it right so the outside is cooked but the inside is not.

>> No.6418945

The sandwich is a British creation, so there's that.

>> No.6418950

Kill yourself. Fuck you, fuck Michigan and fuck your shitty ripoffs.

>> No.6418957

Restaurants here in eastern Canada are starting to use shredded cheese on poutine. It's terrible. Cheese curds or bust.

>> No.6418958

I've never heard nor seen anybody eat that, get that bullshit out of here.

>> No.6418964
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>> No.6418965

Except chips, cheese and beans/gravy IS British and has been since the ingredients were available.

Putin IS the copy.

>> No.6418970


Expat living in Michigan. Honestly, the pasties here are not bad. They're almost the same thing, minor differences.

>> No.6418972

There is a Heston video on youtube from one of his programmes, you have to boil the eggs for a certain amount of time so the outside is solid but the inside is raw and then dump it in ice water to solidify it up a bit to allow peeling/stop the cooking process.

You then split your sausages of choice and make them as normal.

>> No.6418974
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>They're almost the same thing
>Going on the internet to tell lies

>> No.6418976
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do Brits put rutabagas in their pasties?

I like them that way here

>> No.6418977
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>> No.6418980

Yes but they're usually called "swedes" (swedish turnip) in the UK

>> No.6418984

>do Brits put rutabagas in their pasties?

No but we put Swede in our pasties.

>> No.6418989

Ah, alright... might have to give that a try some day.

>> No.6418997
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>> No.6418998

how do you wrap meat around a completely raw egg?

>> No.6419000
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>> No.6419003


I said they have minor differences, sorry that you consider any variation of a dish beyond it's original conception to be an abomination.

>> No.6419004
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>> No.6419006

>british cuisine

dogshit tastes better.

thank god for immigration.

>> No.6419010

that was just about the only good thing about the meal there

>> No.6419012

What the fuck is a rutabaga?

>> No.6419014
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>> No.6419018

Faggots are great tbh.

>> No.6419020

It's like a big camper van isn't it?

>> No.6419021
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>> No.6419023
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>> No.6419024

>minor differences
Everything from the:
Grade of filling
Eating method

is completely different, then those pieces of shit call it "an authentic Cornish pasty".

They put gravy in it for fucks sake.

Thank god that those are illegal in the EU.

>> No.6419027

What the fuck is a camper van?

>> No.6419029
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>> No.6419031
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>> No.6419032

A bit like a caravan that's been welded to a car.

>> No.6419033
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>> No.6419036
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you going to eat it or fuck it?

stop being such a douche bag if you can help it

>> No.6419038
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>> No.6419040

You have just reminded me, I haven't had kippers in a while.

>> No.6419042

While the Welsh are sub-human, cockles are great.

Not too sure about lavabread though.

>> No.6419044

Naturally you just resort to shitposting when you are blown the fuck out.


>> No.6419046
File: 152 KB, 1600x1049, ShawshankRedempt_184Pyxurz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is that gravy?

oh (some stupid brit expression here)!

>> No.6419060
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goes to chinese cartoon image board to restore crummy little ego

my sides!

>> No.6419072
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please god, don't ever let me get this lonely

it's pathetic

>> No.6419074


> French fries
> not imported

Top bants britbong

>> No.6419083

That's nice. Keep shitposting now you have been shut down.

>> No.6419119

>Not imported

Sacré Bleu

>> No.6419121
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>> No.6419125
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>> No.6419128

The thread is about cuisine not foodstuffs mongchild.
Learn to read.

>> No.6419131
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>> No.6419137

Aw shit I still have some of this from Haloween

>> No.6419143

Cool. So now all you have to do is prove the French decided to chop up a potato before the British and you'll have a point.

>> No.6419153
File: 23 KB, 448x256, Queen of Puddings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People always seem to forget the huge amount of British desserts.

>> No.6419154

It's called "French Fries" for a reason, duh....

>> No.6419156


called it

>> No.6419159
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>> No.6419161

>"French Fries"

What're they?

>> No.6419218

Pork scratchings are truly the best pub food.

>> No.6419237

Why don't they make more things with that flavour? Violet icecream would be awesome, or hell, a violet slushy.

>> No.6420082

>It was just calculated one day to be the cheapest possible 'meal' that one could eat.

But couldn't you have something even cheaper by foregoing the middle slice? Butter two slices, put together, butter sandwich.

I live in Murrkkka but there's a british place nearby. I went in expecting this and was slightly disappointed to find out the egg was hardboiled (though upon mentioning this to an actual British online friend and a local ex-pat who gave me a disgusted look when I told her I was expecting a runny yolk like your pic.

It was still moderately okay, sure, and I generally like hardboiled eggs, but...meh, it wasn't what I thought it'd be.

>> No.6420088


>But couldn't you have something even cheaper by foregoing the middle slice?

you could have something even cheaper by having nothing but they were using specific criteria to come up with the best, cheapest, most nutritive, most accessible option

or something like that

>> No.6420093

Apple pie

>> No.6420098


for a very long time scotch eggs were pretty much only found in supermarkets, individually wrapped and soggy with a completely cooked yolk. you also got mini ones that had egg mayo inside, sometimes mixed with curry powder.

runny yolks are a modern thing and i think a lot of people haven't really figured out how to do them.

i first started making them after i saw a recipe involving a quail egg and salt cod about 5 years ago. they're not difficult, just fiddly, you can make them yourself easy.

>> No.6420119

how do you do runny yolks? i thought theey were boiled eggs with a sausage casing

>> No.6420128


by controlling the temperature. have you never had a soft boiled egg? you can set the white and keep the yolk runny if you yank the eggs out before the heat gets to the centre. it's a ballache to peel them though.

>> No.6420130

"French cut fried potatoes" is the full name. French cut meaning jullienne. They're actually belgian.

>> No.6420133

I don't think I have (´・ω・`) I'll try it out

>> No.6420995

Do you live in the U.P?

>> No.6420998

Nice trips, faggots.