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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6415013 No.6415013 [Reply] [Original]

It's about that time of the year, what does /ck/ think about crayfish?

>> No.6415015

They are gross.

>> No.6415017

I am an Alabama, and on the coast too

those things are probably literally killing me

>> No.6415040

>eatin sea scorpions

>> No.6415042

I've never had them before, but I'd like to. What's the flavor like? Like 50/50 lobster/shrimp, or what?

>> No.6415047

It's actually pretty unique. A bit stronger in flavor than something like lobster, but with a less sweet taste than shrimp.

>> No.6415049

it depends on what you cook them with, because they are basically disgusting if you don't overseason them. They will taste like swamp shit otherwise.

>> No.6415078


I live in East Texas and my family is from Galveston. Their take on crawfish: "Good bait, but only niggers and cajuns eat them.".

I don't quite agree, but crawfish isn't my favorite. I'll eat them, but I won't seek them out.

>> No.6415098

My family in Tyler is the same. But I always tell people not to take advice on crawfish until they've actually tried them...

... and once they've tried them they don't give a fuck what anyone else says, they just want some more fucking crawfish.

95% of people who describe crawfish as gross, or as "shit eating animals" have never tried them. They just lump them in with other country-ish food items such as chitlins, without ever trying them. South MS here.

>> No.6415101

I've been to 2 crawfish boils so far this spring, and in a week or two my university is having a big campus wide boil. Life is good.

>> No.6415102


Virtually all shellfish are shiteaters of some sort. That never bothered my family because they'll shuck and eat a bushel of oysters while standing in the driveway drinking beer.

Nah, they just thought that crawfish was niggerchow and not appropriate fare for humans. I personally don't dislike crawfish, but if you give me a choice I'll go for shrimp or blue crab. Crawfish just aren't my thing.

>> No.6415118

Same. My uni goes all out since it's right next to the coast. I'm excited as fuck since it'll be my first real crawfish boil.

>> No.6415120

Respectable. For my tastes, I would really only eat backyard crawfish. I've had it from restaurants a few times and, other than one divine meal of crawfish etouffee, the experiences were always...underwhelming.

>> No.6415127

My brother. The Gulf Coast may get shit on a lot, but damn if we don't have good food.

>> No.6415137


It's a tiny little freshwater lobster that lives in swamps and rice fields. It's not bad, it's not all that great. And if you have a whole bunch of time and seasonings, you can probably get it tasting pretty good. You could do the same with boot leather, though.


I could shuck oysters at age 9. Had my own knife and everything.

We would get a bushel like the day before Xmas or so and all the men would gather around the back of a pickup truck in the driveway and shuck oysters and drink beer at 8am Xmas morning. The best oysters went into oyster dressing for Xmas dinner. The rest just got eaten raw on the spot. The shells went into potholes in the driveway.

Fucking oyster dressing..... gotta make me some, man.

>> No.6415157

I love them, but can't get good ones where I live. I have to go visit my brother in the south to get good ones. His wife taught be the proper way to eat them too, twist off the head, suck out the juices then peel and eat the body.

It sounds weird at first but once I tried it that way I saw the light!

>> No.6415163

Strangely enough there's this RC boat pond in NYC, Central Park where I used to catch them with friends on weekends. Fuck all eating that shit. As a kid, friends did some pretty stupid shit but never something so stupid as to eat those things, they were fun as pets for a few days then they got flushed down the toilet.

>> No.6415167

too difficult to eat

>> No.6415178


what. unless they're undercooked the body and tail separate pretty cleanly and easily.

>> No.6415193

not the same guy but i've only had them at chinese buffets and they seemed practically inedible. i would like to try some like in op's picture. crawdads are actually all over my yard and pond but i don't know if those are safe to eat since i live behind a turf farm.

>> No.6415211

>100 crawdads for every 1 corn on the cob

Can someone explain this shit to me? It's obviously WAY out of proportion, but is always the same way. Fucking why???

>> No.6415216


ive never ate a crawdad but it adds color

>> No.6415228

This party usually marks end of summer around here. Getting shitfaced and eating seafood is great fun but sadly local crayfish is expensive. I've even had to eat somechinese ones, when threw these parties as students

>> No.6415229

Never had it. Always wanted to try it. What does it taste like? Crab? Shrimp?

>> No.6415233

nevermind, should've read the thread first.

>> No.6415259

Never had one, I think they're a little hard to get in my area. Southern Ontario, never seen them in restaurants or grocery stores/fishmongers.

>> No.6415286

I live in Lafayette and I'm having a boil next weekend. Much hype.

>> No.6415569

Sea based crayfish like the Norwegian lobster has superior taste when compared to freshwater ones.

>> No.6415585
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Mmmm fuck yea mudbugs
Theres just something about feeling like a fucking caveman, cracking apart the tiny claws and shell to get at the minuscule amount of meat inside.
Theres generally a lot more work than there is payoff with each one. but thats half the fun of eating them. And the taste is usually amazing
Its also more of a social thing, because you can't really fix just 'some' crayfish.
If you're cooking them, you're cooking a shitload

>> No.6415600

>oyster dressing
oh how I long for oyster dressing

>> No.6415611

New Orleans here, or rather I moved here like almost 2 years ago
I'm not a fan of crawfish, they just don't taste right to me
That and I hate the way they are cooked
They just taste dirty to me, same way gizzards taste dirty to me

>> No.6416118

Trust me, don't have them at restaurants. Unless you're in Cajun-land most restaurants don't bother to season them properly or don't know what they're doing and they just rely on "OMG CRAWFISH" to draw in customers.

For example, there's a BBQ restaurant in Hattiesburg (2-3 hours from New Orleans) that serves the shittiest crawfish I've ever tasted. On the other hand, I've been to 2 backyard boils in the same city and the crawfish were sublime.

Make friends with some southerners or some Cajuns. They make the good stuff.

>> No.6416383

I moved to Louisiana almost 2 years ago and twice now I have been sorely disappointed by crawfish. As others have said, it is likely because I got them in a restaurant. Both times (different restaurants, both renowned for their crawfish) they were spiced to all hell. Now, I don't have a huge tolerance for spiciness, but I'm not ultra-sensitive either but these things were spicy to the point of ruining the entire meal.

Plus, they seem to always be sold by the pound and I never know how many pounds actually makes a meal. One restaurant recommended 3 lbs for one person. The other only sold them in portions of 3 or 5 lbs. For me, 3 lbs is WAY too much.

>> No.6416411

no. you just have to brush them properly and boil them in acidified brine
firms up the meat too

>> No.6416861

Solution: Order 5lbs, boil, invite friends over, drink alcohol, eat crawfish, fuck pretty girls, rinse and repeat.

>> No.6416865


You disgust me. Where are you from?

>> No.6416871


Sorry to be mean, but I'm from New Orleans and living in shitty Texas (>>6415078
fuck you) and I'm butthurt because no crawfish.

>> No.6416885


How on earth can you not find crawfish in east texas? I'm in central texas right now and they're easily found. During the season the supermarkets have 'em by the sackful, and there are plenty of places you can order them in. I usually ask for them at the local farmer's market and they bring in the sacks the next day.

>> No.6416899


I don't live in east texas. I live in central texas too, but maybe I just don't know where to find them. I'm going home for the weekend so I'll probably get some then.

>> No.6416918

Ah, OK. All the HEBs have them in my area. I don't shop at Kroger's very often but I have seen them there too. Just ask for 'em at the seafood counter.

>> No.6416937


"Oh my God I can't be troubled to drive a few hours with a cooler full of ice to buy something I desperately want and would rather just complain on the internet!"

Fuck off back to Loserana, you gumbonigger. We're fucking full here.

>> No.6416951
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>probably literally killing me
>I am an Alabama

>> No.6417651


That better not be fucking butter

>> No.6417723

Outside of regular organ consumption creatures like clams and oysters and mussels and scallops crawdads are the best organ creatures from the sea they're like mini lobsters except they're slightly less maymayey and since it's peasant food stupid nigger faggots think they can be even JUST A LITTLE BIT more "sophisticated" than the tastes of normal "WHITE" human beings and so southern and southwestern Nigbots can pretend to believe that can compare to plain old AMERICAN whites that have normal American tastes that will carry on onto future generations that will not be visible to the general "cinematically approved audiences" that have already ruined the generally perceived American tastes that faggot Europoors will bitch and moan about and will just lead to stupid bland puddings that can be prepared by any literal retard that can combine equally combined flour and fat with a little bit of extra fat and some dried fruits.

>> No.6417785

not even food you just suck em to get the spice out how do you even eat the fucking meat so much fucking work fuck

>> No.6417892
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>An Alabama

>> No.6417911

Honestly that looks gross

>> No.6418318

I think they're delicious, but they make for a terrible meal. Like you have to eat fifty of them just to feel a little full, and that's like over an hour's work.

That being said, I will never pass up an opportunity to eat them. You don't get them too often in North Carolina, so it's a special thing.

>> No.6418334

Good fucking lord, could you possibly make my state look any worse? You're just like the lucky fucks who get picked in all the local news scenes: they always end up being some mindless hick.
Fuck Alabama. It could be so awesome if all the morons weren't front and center to represent it.

>> No.6418350

It's alright. I know not everyone from Alabama is a raging retard. One of my great grandmothers came from Alabama. She made the best pecan pie I ever had and likely ever will have.

>> No.6418357
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In Sweden and Finland you just boil them in water with dill and salt and eat them with, dill, bread and copious amounts of beer and vodka. They are considered a delicacy and usually eaten at a 'crayfish feast'.

>> No.6418371

I love crawfish. The best part is the yellow stuff inside.

I learned something new today! I need to try cooking crawfish with a Swedish recipe the next time I grab some.

>> No.6418386

Bottom dwelling, refuse eating sea bugs. Little better than goddamn cockroaches.

Go down well with beer, though

>> No.6418409

That's an interesting thought. Being from Connecticut (A literal Yankee), I grew up around people who had pretty strong opinions regarding "redneck cuisine". Fortunately, my parents weren't like that, but that's irrelevant. The thing is, crayfish never really got lumped into that category. Maybe it's their resemblance to lobster or that most seafood is generally good to go in coastal New England. Seafood that I would imagine are considered "redneck food" to some, such as crayfish, catfish, etc... never really had as bad a rap as things like chitlins and fried twinkies.

I personally like them well enough. I'm not a fan of lobster, being more of a shrimp and crab guy in that field. I can stand crayfish, but I'd probably never go out of my way for them.

>> No.6418421


> 3lbs is too much

Bitch made transplant jewlane hipster detected. 3lbs of crawfish will yield maybe a 1/3lb of meat. Any local worth their salt will tell you 10lbs per person is a good guideline.

>> No.6418648

Crayfish in the USA are pretty much all farmed within the country, and are sustainable as well! Tell THAT to your snoody hip young friends!

>> No.6418673

>I am an Alabama

They'll never know that feel.

>> No.6418711


I love some mudbugs, but I have to boil them myself. All the places around here that serve them don't properly purge them, and don't get them nearly spicy or salty enough.

It's a pretty good harvest year for them, though. They're pretty cheap right now and I've been eating them once a week.

>> No.6418823

I've only ever eaten crawfish at shitty Chinese buffets. They're okay, I only eat the tail meat though. I can't bring myself to suck out the innards not knowing where those bugs might have been before being served under a hotlight.

>> No.6419465

It's peasant food.

>> No.6419478

>no västerbottenostpaj