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File: 383 KB, 809x626, Steamed_rice_in_bowl_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6414222 No.6414222 [Reply] [Original]

i've got white rice and fuckall, help me out here faggots what can i make to make it taste less like i'm eating sand.

>> No.6414229

add sriracha to your rice for a wonderfully piquant asian flare

>> No.6414237
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1345613005698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supercheap and it's a magical combination.

>> No.6414247

i've got 16 cents, have butter salt and paprika powder though? thats it.

>> No.6414250

Get a better tongue faggot

>> No.6414251
File: 246 KB, 808x1042, Del_Monte-Sweet_Peas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give peas a chance!
They'll go nicely with that tuna in >>6414237

>> No.6414260

great idea' so i can taste the dry rice even better and be able to have a more detailed post about how dry rice taste like shit after 2 weeks.

>> No.6414262

add the cents to the rice. it'll make the flavor much richer

>> No.6414276

Add tomato sauce and hate yourself.

>> No.6414279

Garlic and salt. BLAM.

>> No.6414280

Cooking it might help.

>> No.6414282

throw some butter and salt in the pot with the boiling water. not a lot, maybe a small spoonful of butter and two sprinkles of salt.

>> No.6414285

Salt, you fucking retard. Add salt. Until you think it tastes great. I usually just put a few good shakes of salt and sometimes margarine.

>> No.6414337
File: 842 KB, 1000x768, laver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop making dry rice and make it like in OP pic

As a certified chingchong-american, butter/margarine in plain rice are strange to me, but probably not unreasonable. Putting straight salt in rice is also something I've never done, but eating it with salty things is typical.

Pretty much any strongly-flavored side dish will make rice that much better, especially stuff that's too salty to eat on its own comfortably. Salty canned fish, kimchi, or tiny roasted anchovies are pretty standard. Soy sauce-soaked vegetables is another idea. Buy packs of roasted laver and use it to wrap the rice as in pic related.

>> No.6414348

That's a really cool idea.

>> No.6414363

If you truly wish to learn the art of making bland rice tasty, find some asian friends and eat with their families once or twice. Millennia of culture dedicated to padding out bland rice has come up with some great shit.

>> No.6415410
File: 50 KB, 400x239, 3975bf121f3d6d5d13a5f8f8a936259c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to your local asian store and get some motherfucking rice seasoning

>> No.6415414


>> No.6415422


>> No.6415426

I discovered this stuff last month. Been making all kinds of stuff to be able to use it.

>> No.6415430

You are now aware that Koreans literally put fish food on their rice and it tastes GREAT

>> No.6415527

top rice with some seasoned ground meat

>> No.6415531

This. Cheapest way.

>> No.6415541

Cook the rice in stock for an easy way to add lots of flavour.

>> No.6417259


What the fuck do you expect to do with that?

I like topping rice with a little bit of butter and some pasta sauce when I am poor. Sauteed vegetables on top of that if you can afford it.

>> No.6417262

Sesame seeds and sesame oil with some tuna and a sunny side egg.

>> No.6417265


That sounds hella good without the tuna

>> No.6417277


>> No.6417279

There's a reason why most asian dishes are saucy/soupy.

>> No.6417309

I toss it on vegetable stir-frys, soba noodles, air poped popcorn.
Shit's cash

>> No.6417371

You don't eat white rice on it's own, it doesn't make any sense. It's like making a pot of mashed potatoes, putting it in a bowl and just eating that. You need to have other dishes to pair with the white rice. Cook some other shit.

If you really are dumb enough to cook a bowl of white rice with nothing else prepared then you can do things like put lard/butter and soy sauce on it. If you have mayo then squirting a mound of mayo on it might work.

>> No.6417578

Cook with chicken stock. Add oil or butter.

>> No.6417602

Cook it right so it's not grainy dip shit don't hate it because you you can't cook it

>> No.6417604

>not liking plain white rice

What the fuck? Can you even cook?

>> No.6417638
File: 151 KB, 900x678, furikake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

furikake. the japanese use it all the time to flavor rice so children and picky adults will eat it.

>> No.6417643

Nigger if you're hungry fresh lightly salted rice is literally all you need to eat. I could fucking devour that stuff

>> No.6417666
File: 3.32 MB, 1768x1188, proper slop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add some veggies, ground beef and hotsauce. and beer makes everything taste better

>> No.6417702

Salt, butter

Beef broth, or any broth for that matter, instead of the water

Fry it, put some veggies in it, any meat scraps you might have/can get from butcher

>> No.6417711

Butter with starchy shit is always good (except bananas obviously) so you can always give that a go.

I've heard some people put ketchup on their rice though. Fucking weirdos, that sounds so nasty.

>> No.6417725

My girl eats these.. I can't stand them though, if you don't love that strong seaweed taste beware

>> No.6417807

Those are Japanese.

>> No.6417964

Get some mothafuckin eel on that shit. Goddamn I want some unadon so badly.

Alternatively, just eat it. I love white rice on its own, it's fucking delicious

>> No.6417988

>Not flavouring your white rice with hot sauce and salt

>> No.6418002


Put the butter in the pan, toss in the cooked rice, add some salt and paprika, mix it well.

>> No.6418006


Weeb faggot. Fuck off with your obscure bullshit.

>> No.6418011
File: 132 KB, 500x333, tumblr_lnzua8V3cb1ql7gyfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry, the odds of you actually getting salmonella is 1/20,000

>> No.6418017
File: 37 KB, 449x340, 1428519341623-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rice seasoning

>> No.6418022

>flavor rice so children and picky adults will eat it.

but rice is literally the most neutrally agreeable foodstuff on the planet

>> No.6418026

>neutrally agreeable

Sounds like a great platform to add some flavor.

Flyover pls

>> No.6418328

I just fry the egg and add soy souce

>> No.6418346
File: 6 KB, 446x361, milldick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying overpriced ching chong shit when its just ramen flavoring in a fancy pacakge

>> No.6418348


In before someone calls out a typo to defend their ching chong shit

>> No.6418352

What are you talking about?

>> No.6418377

Substitute your shitty sand rice in for the jasmine rice, and boom tasty as fug!

>> No.6418378
File: 975 KB, 2362x1565, Oyakidon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go nigger. Easy ass recipe, saved my broke ass many a time.


>> No.6418389

Do you shop exclusively at Wal-Mart?

>> No.6418396

add shredded cheese to it and let that shit melt

>> No.6418427
File: 29 KB, 690x225, loco_moco_pano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw on a hamburger patty, an egg and smother it in gravy.

>> No.6418572

They call it bukakke gohan or something...