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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 59 KB, 200x300, 633175116783396766_prod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6408148 No.6408148 [Reply] [Original]

pic related

>> No.6408163
File: 145 KB, 621x2682, asdasdasdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Vermouth and Gin cocktail" doesn't even begin to describe the experience. This literally smells and tastes like vomit.

Just seeing a guy chug this made me feel sick.

>> No.6408170
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>> No.6408176

Good God that stuff is awful. It's not even high enough alcohol content to be vodka, it's just poorly made potato wine. Seconding that as the worst thing I've ever had to drink.

>> No.6408205
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>> No.6408211

What's the dicking point of diluting vodka to half strength? Surely the hobos that are in the market for cheap shit like this know enough about booze to realize that 42 proof is nothing.

>> No.6408213 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck would you drink that?

>> No.6408215

The only reason I can think of is that it can be sold at groceries that don't have a hard liquor license. Such as the one my friend went to when I told him to buy vodka and he came back with Kamchatka. Never again.

>> No.6408219


>> No.6408252
File: 122 KB, 800x600, highland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a gas station chain called Kum and Go used to sell their own brand of beer. 5$ for a 12 pack so its was the cheapest beer you could buy but it was by far the worst thing ive ever drank

>> No.6408258

That beer probably had some Kum&Go action if you know what I mean.

>> No.6408260

10% vol? Fucking hobo juice right there

>> No.6408261
File: 39 KB, 150x240, fosters_premium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck is terrible beer flavored water

>> No.6408273


ha ha yeah man, i see the joke that the beer has penis semen in it, ha ha id like to try that just as a joke, you know? heh i mean what if a big hairy man let out a big thick load into that beer and i drank it just for kicks that be so hilarious man. does anybody have any stories about cum drinking, just like as jokes? hah ha

>> No.6408276
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>Kum and Go

>> No.6408278
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>> No.6408279

God in europe (EU laws an shit) to call it vodka it has to be at least 37.5% abv
Anything under is called vodka schnappes

>> No.6408283

It's interesting how this is distributed by beam suntory, which in turn is a subsidiary (duh) of suntory.

These guys have a whole bunch of bourbon names under their belt.

>> No.6408284

Fuck straya and their cheap beer

>> No.6408294



>> No.6408297

thats why we drank it. it will give you a hangover like nothing else though

>> No.6408301

I drank from a puss bottle on accident too but not counting that
Worst alcoholic:, Zanca and a lot of it
Worst nonalcoholic: Moxie

>> No.6408340

You can tell an Airborne Ranger by his room! By his room!
You can tell an Airborne Ranger by his room! By his room!
'Cause it smells like a shitter and you'll always find a spitter! You can tell an Airborne Ranger by his room!

>> No.6408376


>> No.6408402

>no mention of dubra
I guess I'm the only north easter then, too?

>> No.6408478
File: 36 KB, 500x500, skol_vodka_375_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sends a chill to my core

>> No.6408498

skol isnt even bottom shelf

>> No.6408611

srsly? i don't drink much anymore so i wouldn't really know but back when i did it was like shoe polish

>> No.6408626

Kombucha or, literally, any IPA.

>> No.6408632
File: 47 KB, 640x640, absolut_vodka_peppar_50cl_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit, it's so nasty that not only would I give it my girlfriend at the time but I used the rest of it to clean a sink.

That shit is nasty...
absolute peppar = yuk.

>> No.6408633
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This shit is unspeakably awful.

>> No.6408637
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placeholder for plastic bottles of vodka or ipas

>> No.6408642

Save them for halloween and give them out to kids, along with sampler fag packs.

>> No.6408647

You're not supposed to drink pure tonic water, are you? I know people who actually drink it once in a while,and I thought it would please me because I like bitter things, but God forbid it, I almost had to spit it.

>> No.6408649
File: 7 KB, 108x300, Prestige Vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good ol' discount vodka

>> No.6408664
File: 16 KB, 200x275, fleischmann-s-royal-lime-flavored-vodka-usa-10405225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit tasted so disgusting. Decent brands of flavored vodka can be pretty good when it's not overly strong. This shit tasted like they dumped an entire bottle of lime flavored corn syrup in with the vodka. God damn it was bad.

Why buying this seemed like a good idea at the time I have no idea :(

>> No.6408668
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It was a dark time.

>> No.6408678

I like regular Steelies, how is this one different?

>> No.6408712
File: 13 KB, 139x115, keri-premium-pineapple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had some under $10 wines that were quite bad but recently Keri Pineapple Juice. It smells like dog food. And the taste is what I guess dog food tastes like. Keri orange juice is alright and their pineapple juice man. I just hope I got a bad batch. Barely taste the pineapple.

>> No.6408713
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Phuy Uck

>> No.6408790

Cheap gin, all the bad of cheap vodka while also tasting like shitty soap.

>> No.6408819

what is it with gooky chinks trying to into wine
stick to consuming we dont want your polluted grapes or whatever they try to grow down there

>> No.6408844

did they used to make gin? i think i used to not mind it haha

>> No.6408880

Yeast too.

>> No.6408886

mein nigger

>> No.6408901

I-Isn't that really expensive.

>> No.6408910

I know, and it's from a James Bond movie which is seriously funny stuff. Damn fucking chink wine, they can fuck off!

>> No.6408930
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Tried sparkling vodka a few years back. Still remember the struggle of trying not to projectile vomit. Pic related.

>> No.6408953
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>> No.6408990
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taaka 'bout a headache

>> No.6409053

Oh man cheap gin is rough, im drunk off some gilbeys right now

>> No.6409078
File: 22 KB, 670x447, images-article-2013-01-25-021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goon, but fuck does it get you drunk easily. But then after a few drinks it tastes nice. It's a love/hate relationship.

>> No.6409124

Jesus, I've had this in college. Kamchatka, popov and some worse shit. We got some crap from a local indian (feather) liquor store. It just said "vodka" on the label, it was $9 for a handle, and it smelled like rubbing alcohol.

4 of us finished that thing and we all thought we were going to die the following day.

>> No.6409151

Shower goon is the most time efficient pre-drinks.

>> No.6409153

NOBODY drinks Foster's in Australia

>> No.6409168
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Jesus christ how horrifying.

>> No.6409196
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This shit. Me and a friend had a couple each and it was like drinking acid. I threw up blue sick on the way home and she spent the night with her head down the toilet. Never again.

>> No.6409227

I still drink this weekly. price is too good

>> No.6409240


Yeah Fleischmann's is a large food company and makes a lot of things. Their gin isn't quite as bad but Seagram's gin is a similar price and far better for low priced gin.

>> No.6409248

>Black Booster
>Sierra Leone

I get it.

>> No.6409253


Man, Taaka isn't even that bad. Not compared to Aristocrat, or drinking triple sec and vermouth because it was all you had left...

>> No.6409257

>new Amsterdam
seriously....best vodka under $15

>> No.6409278
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either this shit or 4loko watermelon

>> No.6409287
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to this day drinking anything with a distinct vanilla taste flips my stomach.

>> No.6409317

Jaegermeister and DiSorono.

Pig disgusting.

>> No.6409355
File: 139 KB, 800x1071, spirytu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit. They sell it at Polish grocery stores and even fucking gas stations for like $10 for half a litre. Shit fucks you up, still have four bottles of it at home. Good for mixing, just dont drink it pure

>> No.6409358

>basically as strong as it gets

>> No.6409440

>96% vol
I assume this literally tastes like death.

>> No.6409447
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Because mixing clams, tomato, and piss lager is an awesome idea.

>> No.6409495

I drunk a bottle of straight vermouth, and also a bottle of green wine.
To this day I still can't decide which one I would rather force my worst enemies to eternally drink.

>> No.6409510

Apparently people in some parts of Ohio like to put Clamato in their Corona instead of a lime. I thought it was just one lunatic I had met but apparently its a thing

>> No.6409518
File: 723 KB, 1293x2525, Stone_Green_Ginger_Wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drunk this once, and ever since then, I have craved death.
Anything to forget the taste. Anything to forget the vomit.

>> No.6409522

Growing up, this was a common concern in my little brother's bedroom. There was always a chance you would set your drink down next to a dip bottle and accidentally pick up the latter and drink it.

>> No.6409626

I too have walked the minefield.

>> No.6409643

I saw this at bevmo and contemplated getting it, as I love most things ginger flavored. what is so bad about it?

>> No.6409646

well micheladas are a thing
just fuck man not clamato thats not how you do it and especially not with bud light

>> No.6409659

>shitty beer
I can't even imagine how vile that combination must be.

>> No.6409684
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McDonald's "coffee"

>> No.6409772

Southern Comfort with gentian schnapps a close second.

>> No.6409800

jose cuervo Silver

stuff was fucking noxious

>> No.6409860
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I know most of you guys are young, and probably have not had colonoscopies before, so let me be the first to warn you: this is the worst thing you will ever taste.

>> No.6409868

Don't forget the grills, I'm not one, but there are few here to keep us in check.

>> No.6409870

worst thing i ever tasted was an antidepressant I coughed up after the capsule had partially dissolved

>> No.6409886
File: 36 KB, 646x201, Vodka-of-the-Gods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit. it's not "of the gods", it's straight out of Satan's asshole

>> No.6409888

Ugh, I accidentally chewed open a Benadryl gel capsule when I was younger. Quite a nasty surprise.

>> No.6409896
File: 35 KB, 525x735, monte-alban-mezcal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree on that one, any tequila silver. Same with mezcal with the worm in it , it seemed good at the time though.

>> No.6409929

Nice trips and your mum got my nasty surpise.

>> No.6409993

No, this is the best thing ever.

>> No.6410000
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>> No.6410001

That's why you take those with food.

>> No.6410020

try not to think bout the day after goon…

>> No.6410061

I don't even know what to say so I'll just do this


>> No.6410077

babby can't handle the professionals choice.

>> No.6410100

check em

that looks yuck

>> No.6410107
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It stop being delicious when you start puking in the middle of the street.

>> No.6410118
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>> No.6410339
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I had this stuff once when visiting family in Cyprus.

A close second would be palinka/rakija, that shit is terrible.

>> No.6410350
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Watery piss

>> No.6410351
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I'm not religious but this shit is a sin to mankind.

>> No.6410361

Budweiser is worse. Sugary watery urine. Typical Americuck drink

>> No.6410410

10/10 name.

>> No.6410499
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While reading up on this abhorrent monstrosity I discovered something arguably worse.

>> No.6410595

This stuff isn't great, but I only ever drink it on road trips and generally find gas station coffee to be far worse. Given the choice between McD's and a Holiday station, I'd pick McD's every time.

>> No.6410848

I've had one. Holy shit it is absolutely god awful. Worst part is I had to force down a whole gallon in order to fully clean down there.

>> No.6410870

this was actually tasty to me. would drink again for liquid shits.

>> No.6410892

that shit is so bad. it's like taking bacon flavoured potato chips blending them up with tomato juice and pouring some vodka on top.

>> No.6411014

On the other end, my friend made some "special chocolate milk" with vodka. I don't know what the proportion was or anything but I couldn't even taste alcohol, drank about 24 oz of that shit and just got hammered. Keep in mind I am a heavy drinker.

>> No.6411019

Not vodka, everclear****

>> No.6411049

use to drink it every once in a while when heroin had me too backed up. i didn't think the taste was all that bad.

>> No.6411469

Is it really that bad? I was planning on trying it one day but I guess I won't now.

>> No.6411509
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Do you?

>> No.6411533

mescaline (cactus) juice


denatured alcohol (with bitrex)

>> No.6411549
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Cooking wine, mouthwash, lots of Cisco "wine" , tons of cough syrup, and I'm currently drinking Gran Legacy rum because that's all I can afford. As you can tell I have a wonderful life

>> No.6411563
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You're bound to have a crazy weekend when uncle Popov comes to town.

>> No.6411575

this is a drink for real men. and it fucks you up like anything else.

>> No.6411584

>tfw some dumbass bitch put a can she'd been spitting her dip in next to my can, and I accidentally drank from the wrong one
I wanted to murder her

>> No.6411617

>Cooking wine
But Anon that's the same price as regular wine. I've tried it and the salt content made it undrinkable.

>> No.6411833

I drank a handle of Ballentine's scotch after I dropped out of college to help with my depression.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.6412092

Rubinoff and Caldwell's vodkas

Plastic handle, cheap as fuck, and nasty as fuck

Ah rubinoff the pride of Somerville, MA

>> No.6412102

I went to Bo Diddly's about ten years ago and ordered a pint of kokanee. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. They obviously don't clean their lines.

>> No.6412110
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>[Premium Quality]

>> No.6412118
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>> No.6412157
File: 22 KB, 750x422, OcultoCan16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 2 when they were buy one get one at my grocery store, $3 for both. Couldn't finish first can. Second can is free for whatever idiot comes over and wants to drink something.

>> No.6412163

B-but it says it premium

>> No.6412168

Well it does say rekt right on the label

>> No.6412210
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It's fucking atrocious.

>> No.6412238
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Actually I would drink Side Pocket any day over Thunderbird. I'm an old dude and I have been drinking for a long time but I found Thunderbird to be nearly undrinkable. I had to hold my breath everything I took a drink because it quite literally smells like nail polish remover. Definitely not fit for human consumption.

>> No.6412334
File: 40 KB, 430x347, 1421130603216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, fucking denatured ethanol

>worked in a lab soph year of uni
>snagged a liter of denatured ethanol for friend
> told them that this was pure ethanol and that they'd get fucked up
> they proceeded to drink this NASTY ASS beverage
>thought they were way more drunk than they were
>SHIT they are passing out drunk
>mfw it was methanol and they died cuz i couldn't read the bottle

>> No.6412490

We were too young to know any better, three of us aquired some bottles of it. One fun part is that as piss drunk as we got, we'd chop up the worm in each bottle into three parts so we could share it.

>> No.6412498
File: 27 KB, 165x500, Devil's_Springs-Vodka-S0525-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff is pretty harsh, made in New Jersey for your pleasure.

>> No.6412506
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Oh the PX, you never cease to amaze.

>> No.6412537

apparently the straight bourbon is palatable

>> No.6412540

So ghetto!

>> No.6412548
File: 2.23 MB, 2592x1944, Jamaican_Irish_Moss_drink_-_in_can_and_over_ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this jamaican oddity tasted like vanilla but had a consistency similar to vomit. Loads of little bits in it. Nasty

>> No.6412567

1800 tequila

absolutely disgusting

>> No.6412605
File: 151 KB, 888x1795, smirnoff ras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tastes like if somebody added some cheap shitty fruit punch to gasoline.

Because its a flavored vodka, they use really shitty low quality vodka. And its Smirnoff, so its already shit by default.

>> No.6412629
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>> No.6412642
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When I got some M/D 20 20 tonight the "older" dude working there told be Thunderbird was the most undrinkable beverage ever

>> No.6412657

Oh fuck no

>> No.6412706

I think you mean VB

>> No.6412712

Imagine eating pure ginger, except condensed, and absolutely obscenely strong.
It's like drinking simple syrup, ex ept instead of disgustingly sweet, it's disgustingly garlic.
It's really on my list of awful things, right between cherry-vanilla cough syrup and blended san-pedro cactus,

>> No.6412716

It is the rough equivalent of eating out a dead mermaid.

>> No.6412720

Fucking Thunderbird. It tastes like if you mixed hobo vodka with glass cleaner.

>> No.6412837

>i dont like whiskey

>> No.6412944
File: 120 KB, 750x1000, vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find the picture, but it's basically just Chinese vodka. It is usually sold in the big 5L bottles that water and cooking oil come in.

And pic is pretty bad too.

>> No.6412995

Booze isn't sold in a separate Class 6 building?

>> No.6413387

I'm pretty sure that label is a lie. I think everclear (94%?) is the highest alcohol content you can keep in the atmosphere. after that it azeotropes and starts sucking water out of the air cause it's so thirsty, like the desiccator packets you find in your shoes

also I recently found out that vodka isn't just alcohol and water, they add texturing and flavoring agents

>> No.6413399

seconded for rakija. whenever im in serbia i still drink it but goddamn does that shit taste like jet fuel

the craziest thing is that everyone drinks it out of those raised shot glasses and sips it like their legitimately enjoying it

>> No.6413408

skol is good once you acquire the taste after drinking 100 handles in your lifetime and how could i let that happen i was so far gone

>> No.6413544

Slivovitz...my really close family friends are Serbian and we go there for every Christmas and I drank a shit ton of this stuff when I was sixteen and my brother came downstairs and found me asleep in my own vomit. Never again.

>> No.6413562

Wikipedia says the maximum without crazy industrial shit is 96%.

>> No.6415495

marabello is better but this is pretty good too.

Toffee liqueur on the other hand...

>> No.6415505

fosters, coopers, and the rest of our macrobrews are literally more expensive in australia than the states, because of how ridiculously high the alcohol taxation here is
not that we don't have some great breweries like 4 pins and feral

>> No.6415511
File: 37 KB, 419x317, never again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taaka vodka mixed with crystal light lemonade.

most sweet beverages mask the burn and bitterness of cheap vodka. somehow this did the exact opposite and amplified the awful taste.

it was horrifying. terror in a glass.

>> No.6415523

Meh, of the very cheap vodkas I think its the least bad. Popov is worse and so is Prestige (kroger).

>> No.6415524

I can't remember when Unkle Popov came to town.
I only hear the rumours.

>> No.6415558
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I live in Bristol so I'm a ciderhead now but when I was a teenager this shit almost put me off apples for life. At about £3 for a 3l bottle of 7.5% alcohol it was the cheapest way to get smashed available and you were never IDed for buying it but god it was fucking gross

>> No.6415570
File: 63 KB, 399x1000, Turdetts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was first old enough to buy booze, we wanted to get some peppermint schnapps to put in our hot chocolate. But options were limited because we had archaic liquor laws at the time, so we settled for Burnett's Hot Cinnamon Vodka.

I should have taken warning from the brand, and the flavor, and the name, and the picture of the little candies. But I didn't know any better. The girl I was with did know better, so I ended up drinking most of it.

It burned the throat, the stomach, and the asshole. My internal organs developed a sense of taste as it passed through each of them, and I couldn't flush the taste out for a day or two.

>> No.6415615

It was the second time I ever got drunk, and I was drinking the shit pure. Felt like drinking gasoline, and I ended up puking.

It was a few months ago, and I still gag when I think about the taste.

>> No.6415617
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Forgot pic.

>> No.6415630

I buy a couple of these every few days, rotating offies so I can fool myself into thinking they don't know I'm an alkie.
They do.

>> No.6415662

Do they sell plastic bottles of cheap alcohol in Australia? This looks like just what I need

>> No.6415672

i lol'd anon

>> No.6415793
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96% alcohol will run a fucking car engine. If you managed to squeeze out just a little more water, you could run a rocket on that.

What in the fuck is wrong with Polish people?

>> No.6415798

Gold is worse.

>> No.6415853

Nah we get fucked by insane alcohol taxes

>> No.6415882
File: 1.91 MB, 2448x3264, rather chew up a 9volt battery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst thing I have tasted this week.

>> No.6415892

But it has a Pleasing Lemony Flavor

>> No.6415904

worst ever did not have a label. was just plum brandy from someone's backyard still
tasted like sour death
next worst was some Albanian brannwein shit called Skender-Beg but everything is called Skender-Beg in Albania, so take that with a grain of salt

>> No.6415943


smirnoff regular
bacardi white
pilsner urquell

>> No.6416162

>holy fuck this vodka is terrible, it tastes like rocket fuel
>dude you ARE drinking rocket fuel

>> No.6416201

It's just the purest alcohol you can buy for mixing your own vodca or whatever, noone really drinks this on its own. Unless you wanna seem tought at a party or something.

>> No.6416208
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>> No.6416429
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>Kum and Go

>> No.6416430

mmm, mildly tangy water

>> No.6416441

>Unless you wanna seem tought at a party or something.

and now i remember that one college party where we invented "don't puss out". a neat little game that involved doing as many shots of bacardi 151 as you could.
no chaser, no mixers, no rests, no breaks, no coughing, no puking. just shots.

shot after shot after shot after shot....

i won with doing six shots before "pussin' out"
i couldn't fucking breathe.

>> No.6416442
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This at a local brewery called Hideout

>> No.6416475


I once drank some 'home made' scrumpy cider that my brother in law purchased from a farmer at the side of the road.

The next day we both had jaundice and had to go to hospital for a detox and had to take three days off work.

>> No.6416476


I actually really like that stuff.

>> No.6416481

How come, now, whenever I drink hard I have bad anxiety, depression, and heart paliptations unless I go abstinent for 3-7 days?

>> No.6416513

Why do that to a perfectly nice stout? Also, how would bourbon cask aging add any sourness? Bourbon isn't sour.

>> No.6416517

>Bourbon isn't sour.
Shit bourbon is.

>> No.6416608
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Absolutely vile.

>> No.6416611


Alcoholism, you silly shit.

Your internal organs are used to swimming in poison.

>> No.6416624
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My friend bought a two six packs of these.
He took a drink of one and gave the rest to me.
Horrible from what I could remember, but can't complain about free alcohol and still drank it.

>> No.6416643

But how fix?

>> No.6416646

Guess I better check my privilege for having not had to drink shitty bourbon. Sorry if I triggered anyone.

>> No.6416651

Stop drinking with help from others.

>> No.6416663

Sounds terrible.

>> No.6416665
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Stop drinking so much on a regular basis. Drinking more than 21 units of alcohol per week poses significant health risks.

>> No.6416668

drinking less than 30 is weak

>> No.6416671

How much is one "unit" of alcohol?

>> No.6416673

half a pint of beer, or 1 can domestic macro

>> No.6416693


Commonly quoted as either one glass of wine, one can/bottle of beer, or one shot of typical liquor (40% ABV / 80 proof)

>> No.6416734
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Anyone from Chicago will tell you this is the worst thing ever that you have to do a shot of right now.
I think just about every bar carries a bottle just for the odd tourist that's never had it before.
I have a (mostly full) bottle in my apartment for similar reasons.
>mfw google image results for 'malort face'

>> No.6416750

I live in Chicago and love the stuff. People have different tastes and you can make a pretty great Malort Sour. I'd say it's about 50/50 when I have out of towners try it, some hate it and some say fuck thats really good.

>> No.6416769

I'm honestly amazed how many people are capable of drinking it. I suppose it miraculously becomes drinkable if it's mixed in orange juice, but raw it's so bad that I'm convinced the government has it made horrible on purpose to discourage alcoholism.

>> No.6416856
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This, i hate all beer in general and never drink it however ive tried this before and i have never tasted anything worse in my life.

>> No.6416869
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Not bait. At least, not intentionally.
This shit is absolutely fucking disgusting to me. Overly sweet with the nastiest aftertaste of any drink I've ever had.

>> No.6417023

The more I think about it that might actually be the worst thing I've ever drank. If 'Chatch is all that's left at the party I'll drink it but if someone offers me Jack I politely decline

>> No.6417030


>> No.6417040

XXXX is even worse I reckon

>> No.6417301

You must be some sissy faggot.

>> No.6417377

I actually kinda like it as well, just a really rough flavor if you've never had anything like it before. The flavor itself is decent, but the aftertaste can linger longer than it should.

It's especially abrasive if you don't know what to expect, which is why it's so fun to give it to out of towners' without telling them what it is.

>> No.6417380

XXXX was the first beer I ever had.
It was actually pretty decent.

>> No.6418601

Yeah, they try to sell these as craft beer. they taste like butt. actually, thats offensive to the girls butts i've eaten. they taste like shit

>> No.6418605

Coffee flavoured cider.
I was 14.

>> No.6418608

Runner up: the strawberry wine my parents made

>> No.6418615

Heh, I had some of that last weekend. Wasn't that bad, but had some serious burn to it.

>> No.6418617

>not drinking rocket fuel so you can melt steel beams

>> No.6418628

holy fuck

>> No.6418631
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ooooh no
not til the next day
the big jug they give you is worse
I almost had to cancel because I nearly threw it all up on the last stretch of the jug
>mfw im 21 and had to get this done

>> No.6418633

That looks fucking awful, lmao

>> No.6418635

also wasnt drinking this fast enough for at least 60% of the jug. Had to murder a bag of mints to even get to the pace I was supposed to be drinking it and it was still the most awful experience I've ever had in my short life.

>> No.6418638


Rum of the Gods is good though. At least for mixing.

>> No.6418649

I had one done before 21 actually. Drinking all that shit was fucking awful. It did taste really bad. Felt the exact same way about wanting to cancel because I was so sure I couldn't finish the entire gallon

>> No.6418652
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White Lightning or Frosty Jacks

>> No.6418654

some czech vodka, dunno name anymore

>> No.6418655

Who would have thought that you can't get a decent cider for £1 a litre

>> No.6418656
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I only drank it once cause I had no money to pre drink and a pal got it for me.

>> No.6418660


this looks god awful holy shit

for me it's campari. straight. shit tastes like the worst vile thing i've ever tasted. worse than the cheapest vodka/rum/whiskey anything i've ever had.

>> No.6418764
File: 83 KB, 1200x1200, WAKE ME UP INSIDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smells like slightly off lettuce
>Tastes like incredibly cheap vodka mixed with all the artificial flavors in the world

No mixer can change it, no water can distill.
It is not for human fucking consumption.

>> No.6418778

So... it had natural pulp?
Are you american by any chance?

>> No.6418779

Jesus christ, drinking this is the only time I have been passed out, throwing up drunk.
Never again.

>> No.6418782

oh dear fuck moxie is so bad.

>> No.6418789

>it's called oddka
>flavor listed is fresh cut grass
>Lol this tastes like shitty leaves and vodka you guys.

>> No.6418793

20% abv.
nigga this is grass wine.