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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6406570 No.6406570[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My favorite celebrity has gone vegan.
I feel like I have been punched in the gut.
In to the trash he goes ;_;

>> No.6406580
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that's his secret, anon.

he was always trash.

>> No.6406585
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Simply epic. Does this mean all you insufferable "science is kewl" neckbeards will now shitpost for Team Vegan instead of Team Carnist?

>> No.6406594

why do people even idolize this guy?
he's a brony and a fucking degenerate who poses for pictures wearing women's makeup on twitter

>> No.6406625

Sauce pls

>> No.6406637

>In to the trash he goes ;_;

But anon he was always there.

>> No.6406706

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6406709

le aids man

>> No.6406715

I'm talking about you, dirty neckbeard. You wanna fight about it?

>> No.6406721
File: 12 KB, 225x225, images (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe P3TA got to him.

>> No.6406723

shutup cuckboy

>> No.6406754

Jesus, he looks like he has cancer or something

>> No.6406777

Well he did just go vegan.

>> No.6406787

Perhaps it's a long-con for a new ep of Bullshit?

>> No.6406794

Fucking hell, Penn. Dude looks half dead.

>> No.6406822

His doctor probably told him that unless he makes dramatic changes to his diet he'll suffer stroke. 90% of people who go vegan at that age do it because of health reasons.

>> No.6406848

His magic shows are pretty awesome.
Plus dude is one hell of a juggler

>> No.6406853

Are you one of those retards who considers your feeling to be of equal or more importance than actual science

>> No.6406856

Does he even have the strength to juggle anymore? That playing card looks like he's straining to lift it.

>> No.6406906

Are you one of those retards who thinks you can just call anything you like "science" and that makes a religious truth?

>> No.6406918

Man, he's gettin old, 60 years. He probably just did it to lose weight and doesn't want to regain it like he knows he would if he started up eating prime rib every night again. Probably in the best shape of his life and just has a fuck ton of loose skin, which makes him look like an old chemo patient.

>> No.6406919

He didn't "go vegan," he just went on a very calculated vegan diet in order to lose a lot of weight really quickly. Now he eats a quasi-vegan diet that includes some fish.

>> No.6406950

>That healthy vegan glow

>> No.6407005

> getting mad at someone else's choices
I thought you liked living in the land of the free.

>> No.6407010

>I thought you liked living in the land of the free.

>implying I don't live in an oppressive third world shithole

>> No.6407017
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>> No.6407024

or as we call it in non-flyover places: pescetarianism

>> No.6407027

Stop taking your frustrations out on irrelevant topics on the internet.

>> No.6407032

He probably won't be juggling bowling pins anytime soon.

>> No.6407061

>third world
>internet access
only one of these can be true.

>> No.6407082

> Mad city living fag detected

>> No.6407083

not even close to accurate

>> No.6407088

@6406570 haha haven't bean here in awhile who is he? he looks like that street magishian

>> No.6407092

"Over the last few decades since the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the term Third World has been used interchangeably with the least developed countries, Global South and developing countries to describe poorer countries that have struggled to attain steady economic development" -wikipedia
The least developed countries do not have internet access, except perhaps "satellite internet" in which case that is bad and they should feel bad.

>> No.6407099

>The least developed countries do not have internet access
lots of them do
jesus google it, it's not as common as in the developed world but tons of people in third world countries have smart phones and internet access

>> No.6407111

If they are capable of communicating with the rest of the world in an easy and swift way they have no excuse for their countries economic failings and do not deserve the title "third world".

>> No.6407115

He looks like an old smoker I miss big jolly penn

>> No.6407121

This he's always been an insufferable idiot. Now he's just an insufferable skellly idiot. Anyone read that garbage piece he wrote on the other day about why being atheist makes him a better person? Absolute garbage.

>> No.6407136

I do not recognize this person... name plz?

>> No.6407154

>vegans who want anything to do with PETA
fucking lol

>> No.6407164


He looks like he has the AIDS. Poor Penn.

>> No.6407170

You mean like telephone or radio? One thing has nothing to do with the other.

>> No.6407178
File: 59 KB, 550x452, JOELFUHRMANMDFOODPYRAMID[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Had nothing to do with PETA or animal rights. You can eat vegan without giving a shit about animals. He talks about it in episode 158 of his podcast, a bit over halfway through


He had really high blood pressure, was on like 6 drugs to manage it, had to get a stent installed, etc, so he got his dietition friend to make a mealplan for him in order to lose a dramatic amount of weight quickly. Ended up eating a diet with no animal products, no added oils, no added salt or sugar, and no refined grains. Mostly vegetables plus some whole grains like brown/black rice and millet. He says it was purely a matter of practicality, eating the most nutrient-dense, calorie sparse foods that fill your stomach and can not only promote weight loss but also independently help to improve blood pressure and cholesterol. He ate 1 meal a day which he said was really tasty and had no problem sticking to the mealplan. Now that he lost the weight he needed to lose, his diet is a little more loose, incorporating small amounts of fish here and there and the occasional cheat meal, based on the Eat to Live diet by Dr. Joel Fuhrman

>> No.6407189
File: 205 KB, 519x680, Into the recycling 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6407193

I was not referring to radio nor video you stone aged pleasant. I was obviously referring to monkeys with typewriters like you.

>> No.6407196

>He's still 230 pounds
Sheeit I forget how tall le trashman is sometimes.

>> No.6407205

Hot new meme im on board

>> No.6407226

The point was that people all over the world have had access to 'swift and easy' ways of communicating for decades. It's not what determines third world status (by any definition of the term). Nor is especially efficient or advanced communications technology sufficient in and of itself to elevate a country's economic status, which is what I think you were getting at, as there are tons of other factors at work such as infrastructure, security, natural resources, productive capacity, economic advantage, etc.

>> No.6407245
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you realize he did it for health reasons right? not because of the poor animals? stop being a judgemental faggot for no reason, he wanted to stay around and watch his kids grow up. that means sometimes not eating four steaks a day... I mean I cut down the amount of meat I eat in day to like 8 ounces and its mostly chicken breast or fish and i feel way fucking better.

>> No.6407254

The third world has had internet for years man.... Mostly using mobile phones.

>> No.6407295

He looks like less of a cunt there than he usually does on TV.

I rarely even disagree with him, but I still don't like him. Being right is one thing, but he's so fucking smug and loud about it.

I think he's partially responsible for an entire generation of obnoxious loud mouth know-it-all kids that can only get off by pointing out wrongs and be huge dicks about it.

Come to think of it, going vegan fits him well.

>> No.6407317

Now imagine if 90% renounced carnism at an earlier age, then they wouldn't have needed such a drastic change

>> No.6407368
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But meat is my whole identity! How dare something put my lifestyle into question! OP forgot to include trigger warnings! I'm a lion!

>> No.6407380

>gone vegan

That's a surprise. I expected this whiny libcunt to be one already.

>> No.6407381

He looks like a scrotum.

>> No.6407403

why do people love him so much? he's a a fucking magician. the definition of lame. just because he spews some popular liberal opinion it doesn't mean he's more informed than anyone else

>> No.6407437

so his issue was that he was a fatfuck who ate like shit and when he brought his caloric intake down to near nothing he lost weight fast. wow, real ground breaking stuff. Doesn't mean that he is heating healthy.

>> No.6407440

What's your point?

>> No.6407445


Why so defensive? He ate a severely calorie restricted diet and a significant amount of weight, allowing him to discontinue using blood pressure medicine. He now maintains his weight with a healthy diet of mainly vegetables, beans, fruits, and whole grains. Why it bothers you, I don't even want to know

>> No.6407448
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I don't think you know what that means. Stop samefagging please

>> No.6407449


*and lost a significant amount of weight

>> No.6407460


not samefagging, different dude. but reasonable opinion none the less. the man is a loudmouth who has a very amateur understanding of science who plays the role of an expert. Sure most of what he says may be correct, ie his stuff about vaccination etc. But he's not the one to be talking about it. He's a magician, not a scientist.

i just did a quick google and I guess he is now a "libertarian". I dunno man, guy stinks of liberal.

>> No.6407476


it's just nothing new. Good for him that he lost weight, but it's really nothing groundbreaking here. It's a good example of how people's lifestyles effect how they are treated pharmacologically.

I'm just waiting for him to go on some half informed preachy diatribe about the importance of eating healthy when he's fit for the first time in his life.

honestly all of this is because i think he's annoying as all fuck and a grown up neckbeard fedoralord.

>> No.6407486

He's always been a libertarian as far as I know. Certainly not a 'liberal' in the sense that it's usually used here.
>most of what he says may be correct
>But he's not the one to be talking about it
That's one of the pettiest things I've ever heard. Why would you care who says something if it's correct?
For the record, a fair amount of the stuff on his show is actually not correct (either because they got some details wrong or because it's just an opinion). But whining about his opinions based on the fact that you don't like his style is just immature.

>> No.6407495

>OP posts "he's a vegan now"
>anon says "no, he just had to change his diet for health reasons"
>you start bitching about it because you don't like him
I'm just waiting for you to stop posting your own preachy diatribes.

>> No.6407496

>whining about his opinions based on the fact that you don't like his style

but that's what 4chan is.

my issue is that people who are not experts should not speak authoritatively. it gives them the illusion of knowledge and therefore many people may believe him even when he's dead wrong.

it's the same for any celebrity and their interest in politics and science.

>> No.6407501

exactly, i'm honestly just shitting on him bc i don't like him.

>> No.6407509


Next time OP will have to check in with you, the keeper of /ck/, to make sure his thread is informative and valuable enough to be posted on this most sacred of boards

>> No.6407511

But that's what television is. All media really, even most news.
And of all the instances of that for you to soapbox about, P&T is one of the least egregious examples.

>> No.6407516
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i'm honestly just shitposting

>> No.6407520

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