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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 500x334, 20091204-resting-steak-on-board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6405875 No.6405875 [Reply] [Original]

Wooo boy, I'm as full as a tick. I just ate two NY Strip Steaks rare and a squash souffle.

What is your favorite cut of steak /ck/, how do you like it cooked, and do you have a favorite souffle or quiche?

>> No.6405901

I love me a good t-bone steak.

>> No.6405911

Ahh'll tell ya what, sugarcube, ah sure do fancy a nice hay steak cooked medium rare, ah reckon ah'd woof it down quicker than two jiggles of a jack rabbits butt , wash it down with some fresh apple cider, woooooooo boy nothin' better!

>> No.6405915

What's a tick?

>> No.6405929

What are you talking about?

>> No.6405933

how many steak threads can we have in a day

>> No.6405937
File: 143 KB, 500x354, tick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you live under a rock or something.
<That is a tick, they're blood sucking parasites often found on animals.

>> No.6405942
File: 70 KB, 960x720, dog-covered-in-hundreds-of-ticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This poor dog is covered in hundreds of them. God I feel sorry for him.

>> No.6405945
File: 13 KB, 350x227, 2534834822_brokeback_mountain_kiss_answer_1_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a boy? If so how about you and I go behind the barn and reenact the love scene from brokeback mountain. I love me a queer cowboy.

>> No.6405949

doesn't look like hundreds. 40 tops.

>> No.6405950

Jesus Christ, how?

>> No.6405955

I love strip steak. Sirloin was cheap at Costco, so that's what I had just now, though. What a difference Prime grade makes compared to the steaks you get at just the regular supermarket.

I filled the house completely with smoke and set off every smoke alarm, but it was worth it because it was amazing. I'm going to make one again tomorrow, but I'm going to let it rest a bit longer. The juices ran a bit.

>> No.6405961
File: 33 KB, 500x350, vegan0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fucking eat steak. Disgusting.

>> No.6405969

No clue, maybe he ran into a tick nest.

>> No.6405973

Good for you, I'll eat your share.

I love how vegans try and shame or disgust meat eaters by showing pictures of slaughter houses or calling us flesh eaters, but none of that phases me.

>> No.6405982

Looking pretty edgy there

>> No.6405988
File: 810 KB, 500x281, pimqD7a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ribeye, medium rare

>> No.6405993

what if lightning struck a tree and a branch fell down on a cow and killed it ? could you eat that ? or would you bury the cow on a graveyard and let the microbes eat it ?

>> No.6405995

if i'm going out for steak, i get prime rib. once in a while ill opt for the ribeye but its always prime rib for me

>> No.6406004

They would probably mourn it and buy it a casket and get.a morgue to preserve the body and hold a funeral service for the cow.

If people like PETA had their way baboons and monkeys would have the right to vote.

>> No.6406010
File: 162 KB, 760x568, 1428161770028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if the more steak is cooked, the less the flavor, is there any non-health reason NOT to eat raw steak?

>> No.6406013

only if they voted dem of course

>> No.6406017

picture implies that if you dont let the steak rest and you cut into it all the juice or "flavor" will be lost

>> No.6406030

Hey I'm a democrat and a proud meat eater, and also gay, we're not all tree hugging hippies. I'm mainly dem for social reasons, like pro-choice, and gay marriage. If the Republicans would stop trying to stop those things I would sincerely consider voting for them in elections.

>> No.6406033

What the hell is that, it looks like something from Alice in Vunderland.

>> No.6406051

>never cooked a steak before
>online sources say to heat pan, then add butter right before steak goes in
>as soon as steak touches butter, entire house fills with smoke, like I'm trying to pan-fry a fucking fog machine
>steak still comes out good, though
Was my mistake using butter? I know it has a really low smoke point, but for some reason I assumed if it wasn't in there that long... I don't actually know what I was thinking. I was just blindly following instructions to the letter because I didn't want to fuck up my steak.

>> No.6406078

Dammit man, enough with your stupid countryisms. The world was a better place without them.

>> No.6406097


Well shucks, anon, y'all sound madder than a wet hen. Mah countryisms are part of what make me unique, and ah don't appreciate any backwards filly tryin' tah take that away from me!

>> No.6406160

Nothing like a steak bloody as hell. Isn't it good for the blood or something?

>> No.6406275

damn right steak should be bloody

>> No.6406316

Butter can't deal with that kind of heat, the result will be smoke like you experienced. Rub the steak with a bit of oil before you put it in the pan.

>> No.6406320

If anything says to use butter at any temp over medium, it's flat out wrong.

>> No.6406386

Humans need to have it cooked. Lost our ability to eat nothing but raw food in exchange for bigger brains.

>> No.6406388


water + myoglobin ≠ blood

>> No.6406390

We used to eat raw meats?

>> No.6406397


Eating raw meat isn't that uncommon, I've been doing it a few times a month at least my entire life and it's never had any negative effects.

>> No.6406543


> if the more steak is cooked, the less the flavor,

that's not true. there's a temperature range in which the flavour of the steak is at its best, above or below this is not desirable. also every steak needs a sear.

>> No.6406582

Cooking food improves energy content and reduces food-borne illness.

We can still eat raw stuff fine. It just has to be higher quality.

If you can eat raw, go for it. Cook the old stuff.

>> No.6406674

That looks delicious

>> No.6406678


Well done, with plenty of ketchup for flavor.

>> No.6406712


>> No.6407866

WTF is it?

>> No.6407885

It's an image search away.

>> No.6408362

I made the other steak today, and I used avocado oil, which has among the highest smoke points, but when I seared the steak, the house still filled almost completely with smoke.

Is this is just a thing that happens when cooking steak indoors?

>> No.6408569

Are you sure you're cooking steaks and not actual bottles of smoke?

>> No.6408584

had some left over steak trimmings, made a bacon/beef pie. it was pretty good, but I think I used too much honey in the filling. other than that, it's just potatos, onions, carrots, some bacon scraps from the top, and the bacon grease/butter in a pie crust.

simple but delicious. next time I'll add a bit more salt and some rosemary.

>> No.6408603
File: 79 KB, 720x960, pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6409421

My ear is tingling

>> No.6409785

chateu briand, medium rare, no

>> No.6410014

Poor pup :(

>> No.6410370

The thing said to heat the pan on high, then sear the steak on the high-heat pan. I'm guessing that's what it was. Every other time I've cooked beef, I've just done it on medium, and there was no smoke, but there was also no delicious sear.

>> No.6410501

>Hydnellum peckii is an inedible fungus
clearly you didn't image search it