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6405121 No.6405121 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone here evil enough to have dine and dashed?

>> No.6405123

I haven't, because I think anyone who does it is a piece of shit.

I think it's worse when people do it to locally-owned restaurants, because running a restaurant is fucking hard. Many owners have a hard time breaking even, and this kind of shit is unacceptable.

>> No.6405131

This I agree with.
It's more a question to see if there are any pieces of shit here willing to stand up, perhaps try and explain their actions with "the food was terrible" or "the date wasn't going well" kind of thing.
I guess the same question applies for people who get/steal/scam free food from McDonalds etc 'drive thrus'

>> No.6405228

I sorta did once. I mean, we technically paid, and left a 100% tip, but it was all in pennies.

>> No.6405242

I did it once, completely unintentionally. I felt bad for at least 30 seconds and then got over it.

>> No.6405244
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Almost happened to me
>get three shitheads at a booth by a door that leads to a dock
>dock is open area that goes right to the parking lot
>busy but notice they're gone
>third person running past the window
>run out the door
>"Are we getting anything else?!"
>"left their card" in their car
>luckily manager followed me, brings one chick back
My anger that day seared their faces into my brain.

>> No.6405254

I once nearly killed a pizza place I worked at with 50% off employee discounts. I had no idea they were barely scraping by until the co-owners divorced and the place went under. What a shame.

>> No.6405257

I've skipped the dining and gone straight to the dash before, after a rare steak turned up two hours late and cold.

>> No.6405260

>two hours late
Jesus Christ how awful.

>> No.6405261

You waited for two hours for them to bring you a cold steak without waving down an employee to ask where your food was?

>> No.6405263

>a rare steak
Chef probably took one look at that order and wanted to waste your time

>> No.6405264

How was it rare? Was it water buffalo meat? Atlantic zebra?

>> No.6405273

>bloody steak
What a delicious combination that surely wouldn't give anyone food poisoning!

We'd asked about our meals, but it was a BYO restaurant, so we weren't in much of a hurry for the first hour, and by that time we were getting told that the chef was making them "now".

Snap-frozen Sumatran tiger.

>> No.6405297

Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is a "BYO restaurant"?

>> No.6405301

BYO = Bring Your Own

Some restaurants don't have liquor licenses, so they allow customers to bring their own.

>> No.6405306

bring your own [bottle]

it means you bring your own alc usually bc they dont have a liquor license. sometimes a corkage fee is charged

>> No.6405309

so edgy

>> No.6405334

I've never been to the restaurant in question but that sounds trashy as shit

>> No.6405342

its considered "hip"

so there are really nice places that are byob in like SF, NY, etc

>> No.6405359

The really trashy restaurants are the ones that serve liquor without a license.

A friend of mine was telling me about those kinds of restaurants. Apparently there's a restaurant that'll serve you beer in a 7-Up can.

>> No.6405372

A lot of upmarket restaurants do it as well in Australia, some times charging $20 a bottle. Wine only though you can't walk into a place with a case of beer. It really is a good system it lets you drink your good wine instead of paying the huge markup for an okay bottle.

>> No.6405381

Not dine and dashed, but once I signed the receipt, left my tip, and accidentally took the wrong copy so I stiffed the waitress on a 70 dollar meal. Knew someone that worked there and they bitched me out a couple days later thinking it was intentional. I made it right though and apologized and gave double what I tipped in the first place. Can't stand people who are cheap at restaurants

>> No.6405390
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It breaks my fucking heart when I see a local restaurant go under, especially when you can tell a lot of effort was put into it.

>tfw you come back to your hometown and the place you and your Dad ate at is closed down

>> No.6405393

I worked a summer at IHOP back in high school near an Indian reservation. We had somebody dine and dash every single day. I didn't give a shit because I was a cook. You could have placed bets on what hour it was going to happen in.

>> No.6405396

Was it always the Indians?

>> No.6405402


All but three times.

>> No.6405406

When i lived in Atlanta i dipped out a couple times during a chimpout at ihop. I wasn't in the mood to get hit in the head with a jug of syrup. Since i went to eat there alot i ended up repaying for my meals later and making sure my waitress got her tips.

They still give me free pancakes.

>> No.6405407

We were high schoolers, so yeah, it was an edgefest.

>> No.6405414
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>having a dad to go eat with..

>> No.6405421

One time my family sat down for lunch and got our drinks. Then my brother calls up and tells us a tree fell on the house so we left without paying for the drinks.

>> No.6405422


I have. But the place deserved it. Shit service, took almost an hour to get our food (two gyros? really?) food was cold, they were properly staffed (only like 5 tables to a server in a small place).

They deserved it. Tell me I'm wrong. If they were short BOH staff, they should be telling patrons this to warn them ahead of time.

I work BOH. Fight me.


Well I guess I'm a piece of shit for refusing to pay at a place that was a pile of shit then. I'm fine with that.

I will say people that do it with intent are assholes and deserve to be run over in the parking lot. We went in without the intent to dash and decided to do so after the experience was so lousy with no apology or offer of comp from the waitstaff or management. We didn't even wait for a table ffs.

>> No.6405423


IHOP is a fucking madhouse no matter where it is. I do not miss working there.

At least I was able to hide in the kitchen. I always felt bad for the waiting staff. Having to not only deal with those savages, but be nice to them.

>> No.6405459

Last time I was at IHOP there was a total of four customers(including me and gf) and two of them decided to chimp the fuck out, threaten everyone and beat the shit out of each other. We called the police and then watched it all from our corner while we ate our pancakes.

>> No.6405480
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I did it to a dennys once when I was drunk, and all the staff was stuck in the back and I yelled for the check for like 10 mins, they were either fucking or doing meth, i just walked out... I was like fuck it. then another time at this sushi joint in LA when i was 15 with my then girlfriend, she thought it would be hilarious... and it really wasn't because nobody yelled or tried to stop us or anything they were even like have a nice night... it was kind of fucking weird.

>> No.6405514
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i live in canada and ive never heard of the horror stories of IHOP i think in part to the non existence of negorids
why is it soo bad there? and others have more stories at IHOP and 24 hr diners?

>> No.6405521

East york, toronto here. Where is that poutine from?

>> No.6405533

Wait a minute....are you from east canada?

>> No.6405539

I've never done this because I've never had the requisite lack of class, self respect or money to need to do it

>> No.6405543

Did it a couple times in high school. We'd get stoned, go to the local mexican place and get separate checks for all of us. When we went to the register to pay, I'd go to the bathroom first, then just walk out.

>> No.6405544
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I'm always afraid I'll accidentally do it. Just like I'm afraid of accidentally stealing gas

>> No.6405559

Actus reus = The physical action or inaction that goes against the law

Mens rea = The intent behind said action or inaction

You need both of these things to be criminally charged. If you're lacking even one of these things, you're free to go.

>> No.6405567
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lol no, and i cant remember where this poutine is from, im in sask right now, planning on living abroad for a yr or so then moving to montreal, i fuckin loved it over there, good food,had literally THE BEST poutine of my entire life there, friendly ppl, with that small town friendly community vibe with all the fun things a cosmopolitan city has, and very multicultural, with a good fashion, art, and music scene
i cant wait :)

>> No.6405584

lol what a load of shit

You can be arrested/charged for crimes you didn't mean to commit

>> No.6405592

>nearly killed
>the place went under

Nearly? You ruined some decent people's lives. It's not a "shame" it's more of a crime. And you should track them down and give back everything you stole.

Or is this rage-bait? If not, you will pay for it in one way or another.

>> No.6405603
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Oh ya man. Montreal is awesome. I do the drive from toronto to montreal every other month. Leave work Friday at 4:30, get to monteal before 10:30. In the summer, i sleep in my van after the bars, if i have not picked up a chick. In the case i do, i splurge for last minute half decent hotels. I head back to toronto at 5:30 or so sunday night.

>> No.6405605

>Using coupons is stealing


>> No.6405607

I started eating fries today and heading for the door before I realized I still needed to pay for them\

One of these days

>> No.6405619

>The physical action or inaction that goes against the law
>The intent behind said action or inaction
>You need both of these things to be criminally charged.
What is manslaughter? I'll take "Disprove 4chan Brolaw" for 400, Alex.

>> No.6405629


It's complete madness.

I won't even eat there now after working there. No, the cooks don't usually fuck with your food. It's the other patrons/customers you have to worry about. They're raving morons and it's absolutely nuts that they locate the things next to violent minorities.

>> No.6405636

Oh and the cooks are like bodyguards at IHOP. They had this huge Indian ex-con working with us back there. I think he was Blackfoot. Great guy and nobody was willing to fuck with him.

>> No.6405638

Manslaughter is its own law BECAUSE it's unintentional, but rather the result of criminal negligence.

He's still an idiot, though.

>> No.6405640

>Apparent massive abuse of 50% off coupons isn't stealing


>> No.6405645

>Mens rea = The intent behind said action or inaction

If this were even close to true you could just play the dumbass card.

>> No.6405648

>they literally give him the coupons and don't say anything to him

Fuck off back to tumblr kid.

>> No.6405652

>Very multicultural
As if it's a good thing.
>Montreal is awesome
We do have some nice tourist traps.

>> No.6405666

Does that phrase even have any meaning anymore?

>> No.6405668
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>bring small dead cockroach in your front shirt pocket
>eat 90% of meal
>bury cockroach in rice or something so that it's barely sticking out
>call over waiter and threaten to make a scene if they don't give you your meal for free

>> No.6405685

How the fuck is this edgy you fucking reprobate

>> No.6405688

Hey asshole! Your the kind that gives Montreal a bad name.

>> No.6405704


I have a few times. Once because I'm a selfish fuck, and didn't want to pay for three $30 plates of of decent Asian cuisine. I didn't know it was going to be that much, my friend suggested we leave and we did.

Once at a Denny's after Ozzfest. We hadn't eaten in about a day. My friend (the same one) and I ordered both a breakfast and a dinner plate. I made the mistake of ordering a juice. I was so thirsty and sat with no drink for over an hour. I drank my juice in the first few minutes, the one time I saw the waitress before she brought the bill I asked for water. Never got it. I ended up going to a table where someone had left and drinking theirs. I took the corner of a $20 and left it under something so it looked like we paid. Fuck that place.

>> No.6405715

in my area it's mostly something smaller ethnic places (the kind run by actual immigrants) do.

>> No.6405720

>I think it's worse when people do it to locally-owned restaurants, because running a restaurant is fucking hard. Many owners have a hard time breaking even, and this kind of shit is unacceptable.
Yeah, isn't the profit margin for a restaurant like 1-2% or something?

>> No.6405760


pure evil

>> No.6405908

I technically dined and dashed as an accident. There were about 15 of us at a diner and one guy said he was going to pay me back by buying my dinner. The next day he handed me 20 bucks saying he was paying me back. I went right back there explained what happened and payed them with that same 20.

>> No.6405941


>> No.6406047

did it once when i was wasted in south carolina in the middle of the hood

>> No.6406061

I like this story

>> No.6406080


It's basically a place where nignogs bring their entire family with 10 loud kids and they all talk loud as hell and their kids yell then they scream at their kids. But since the place is dirt cheap they can afford it.

I went to one once and ordered an omelet. Can't fuck that up right? The thing had 2 pieces of american cheese (like the velveeta slices) barely at all melted and was poorly folded. Never again.

I've heard they can be ok if in a decent area but the only ones here are in not the best neighborhoods. I don't even think it would matter though, nigs flock to places like that in droves for the cheap food.

>> No.6406106

Kinda did it once. Went out to eat with a group of about 6-7 of us, and we all got our bills at the end and about half of us paid in cash while the other half paid with their credit cards. I gave her a twenty dollar bill and asked for change. When we got our receipts back, our waitress goes "here's your change!" and hands me back my same $20... except in $1 bills. The other people who paid with cash had the same thing happen. We were all just kinda sitting there like...what the fuck? What the fuck is this?? How does this happen?

So we ended up piling a bunch of dollar bills in the center of the table and rushing out the door. I think we actually paid for most of it, but at the time she probably just thought we were leaving an awesome tip when she came back to that small mountain of $1's on the table.

>> No.6406221

I never done it but I knew two guys that I went to high school with that tried to dine and dash from some chinese buffet. Long story short they tried to walk out the door without paying and the chink manager forced them to stay inside until the meal was paid. They called me asking for money to pay for the meal and I just hung up.

>> No.6406238

A really tasty burger place nearby me does it. It saves them a lot on having to get the license, buying the booze, keeping it cold, and hoping it sells. It's a lot nicer for me to just bring my own 6 pack, order some greasy burgers and chow down with no "corking" fee or any of that bullshit.

>> No.6406240

There have been several times I could have very easily done so, but the people were so sweet and the food so good I couldn't bare the thought.

I would steal a fuckton of stuff from my shitty cafe job though.

>> No.6406250

Even in manslaughter?

>> No.6406295

>always get chinese from this place on the far side of town
>they have the best food ive ever gotten at a chinese place
>their fried rice is the work of gods
>go there enough that the woman who answers knows me by phone number and will just say '2 bourbon chicken?'
>'lol yes'
>go to get my pickup order
>she thinks we aleady paid and us being excited to get home left
>realized when i got in the car
>went immediately back inside to pay

i fucking love them.

>> No.6406340

You and the restaurant deserve each other.
If it was me, I'd propose immediately.

>> No.6406357

I did this quite a few times during the worst of my heroin days. Dine and dash from a new place every day and then shoot up and go to sleep in an alley or a gas station bathroom if it was too cold, then over again. Eventually I ran out of drug money and I almost died of withdrawals and the cold. Those weren't very fun days

>> No.6406371

fucking niggers

>> No.6406372

The thing I hate most about IVDUs is that they have shite venous access.

That and the groin abscesses. I hate groin abscesses.

>> No.6406394

Maybe i fucking will.

>> No.6406401

>order a coffee
>gives it to me and doesn't ask for payment
>moves on to next customer
>think about it for a moment then realise coffee costs nothing and isn't something you can stock-check

>> No.6406457

I never have, But oh fuck did I want to leave without paying. at this one place

>go to this Chinese hot pot place because my friends recommend it
>its shit but its 10 bucks ayce
>not even halfway through our meal, and the fucking server shows up with our bill
>were all confused
> we continue eating and say fuck it well pay at the end of the meal
> the server shows up
> says someshit in chinesee then says "you pay?"
>were not even finished eating
>everyone else but me starts taking out their money
>i tell them to stop and put my hands over their wallets
>"naw, what the hell, we arent even finished with out first tray of food"
>server looks mad as shit and starts screaming YOU PAY louder.
> friends finnaly buckle and start putting in money
>I say im not giving these fucking shits anything.
>one of them decides to cover me.
>one of my friends says can we keep eating now? to the manager
>manager looks at us all mean and doesnt say shit
>keep eating
>they bring us the change and the server just stands next to the table without saying shit
>a few minutes pass and he starts asking
>tip? tip? you tip now?
>dude seriously.
>he looks at the bill plate thing, and looks under the fucking recipe for some reason
>"tip? TIP? you tip now?"
>everyone starts taking out money again and for some reason they hand it over to me
>as i collect the money the asian guy rips it out of my hand and says "this good thank you"
>holy shit you Chinese nigger did you just
> stand up and say hey what the fuck dude
>manager comes over and tells me we have to leave for "being rude"
>tell him to eat a dick and to give us back our money.
>he says hes gonna call the police
>friends say to chill out and that we should leave before they call the cops
>tell friends who recommended me about how they treated us there
>they laugh and say "you should have brought a Chinese person with you!

the place is called schezwan hot pot in monteray park.

>> No.6406459


>this chill as fuck teriyaki house near me
>order the same bowl every time
>one day I order a bowl and walk out without paying without realizing it
>go back and tell the owner
>"hey boss, I walked out without paying on accident"
>haha it happens bro its cool just keep it
>shit yeah free bowl
>go a week later and get a bowl
>get my recipe
>he charged me for 2 bowls
>never go back.

>> No.6406466
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>> No.6406512

i've done it three times.

I was poor as fuck and hungry, sad part was I had a serious case of the stomach flu virus and literally threw up everything inside the restaurant.
Another time my boyfriend, mutual friend and myself went again, intentionally to a place ordered fucking almost everything we could and all left in different directions. The restrooms had an exit right beside them, and we ate outside.
The one other time we went to a mexican place and they charged us for a meal they made a mistake on so we left.
I only feel bad for the two times above the last.

>> No.6406514

oh I forgot.
Once I went to papa johns and they had me waiting for a long time, and the usually charge me before the pizza is given to me. The guy came out and showed me the two large pizza's and with out thinking I just walked out. They didn't chase after me or anything so I guess the also didn't acknowledge it.
That was totally by accident though.

>> No.6406517

I've done it once, but it was because no one would bring me the bill.

I waited half an hour after I had finished my food, and asked my server twice, plus two others to please bring me the bill, and never got it.

I had no cash, and I had somewhere I had to be, so I just left. I figured they had plenty of chances to get my money, and they obviously didn't want it.

>> No.6406518
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>> No.6406524

Fuck placed like this.

>> No.6406525

BYO is just a buzzword here in Australia, used by asians who think they know what it means. A lot of them say "Licensed BYO" at their entrance.

>> No.6406534

So you don't feel bad stealing food when they made a mistake?

>> No.6406536

I had this happen once except it was a large group (six people) and we all tried to get waitress or someone to come and give us the bill, for an hour while we talked, and it never came.
We all just walked out.
Nobody who had just got done playing a weekend of LARPing is gonna stay around for long trying to pay when all we wanna do is go home and pass the fuck out.

>> No.6406541

Whn i was little we went to this new place, waited two hours before telling them we still hadnt gotten our order. They had to take it again, it took them another 45 minutes and when they finally got our shit my mom bitched them out hard and we left. I guess we didnt steal it, but it was most likely wasted.

>> No.6406544
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I used to get high and go to wal-mart with my friend and we would order a bunch of chicken tendies at the deli. We'd eat them in the store and then throw the bag away before we got to the register.

>> No.6406547

I did once at my neighborhood restaurant. I wanted to support them even though the service was shit, because they've been there for years. Eventually I realized the service is shit because they get a free pass because they've been there for years.

20+ minutes trying to get someone's attention to get the check, even though there are like 3 customers in the place. Yeah, no. Bye.

>> No.6406549

>Go out to eat with ex-gf at an old timey burger place
>Finish meal, realize they only accept cash
>get check about 25 dollars
>Only have about 13 between the both of us
>Place is staffed exclusively by old men
>leave 13 and quickly make our way out and drive away

Guess I felt crummy but we were laughing about it, it was also real fucking late. This place is also an institution though, so our 12 dollar grift isn't going to hurt it.

>> No.6406551

>chicken tenders
>Wal Mart
What's it like being a member of the social elite?

>> No.6406562


I'm more affluent now, but I remember being happy as a kid, even if my family made less money. Less to worry about.

>> No.6406567

Yeah, I find this to be very rude. You need to leave, and they're actively preventing you from doing so by not taking your money.

The obvious solution is not to pay.

>> No.6406586

That was a fuckup on their behalf. If the waitress was too dumb, it's not your fault.

>> No.6406590

>This place is also an institution though, so our 12 dollar grift isn't going to hurt it.

It only hurts you.

>> No.6406599

They can just forgo the fancy service and make it pay before you eat if they really cared about food and their finances. So much for fancy dining, lets not pretend its practical in this current economy.

>> No.6406627

oh come on. all you have to do is bring your wallet and pull our your cash or card to where their cash register is at and tell them what table you were at. its the least you could do before walking out the door.

>> No.6406642

here, there was no one at the register. Pretty sure they were in the back alley smoking weed.

I don't think you understand the concept of "no one would bring me my bill". When all reasonable options are exhausted, leaving is the next reasonable option.

>> No.6406662

So your conscience has fully evaporated by now?

>> No.6406668

This. Never done it, never will.

>> No.6406670

I had this happen to me. Waitress was a real stuck up bitch the whole night and it was about 30 minutes after I was done eating and she still wouldn't bring it. I waved her over and said "The longer you wait to bring it to me, the less money I will tip." and wa la the bill was brought out in under a minute. Didn't tip a single penny.

>> No.6406699

No, but I've walked out after ordering because of a douche bag / bitchy waitress.

First time the place was not busy and the little twit didn't show up for after 10 minutes of me being there. Clearly someone was chatting with someone else in the back and someone finally said to dumb ass waitress "hey you've got a guy in your section". Bitch finally shows up and in a flat tone says "Hi what can I get for you". I don't even have water at this point or a menu to boot. I, trying to keep my temper in check, point this out to her and she in a more tone that now reflected a more bitchy flavor says "Oh, well someone should have brought those to you", I said "Well no one has done either" "Well that's not my fault". I just decided I wasn't going to be the bigger person or that guy who calls the manager and just present her with a teaching moment. Once I got my water and menu, I ordered two appetizers, a salad, the most expensive entree on the menu, a cocktail and let her know I'd be wanting a dessert. When the drink came and my first appetizer (a cheeseboard IIRC) arrived I told her that I had to run out to my car really quick and could she please keep an eye on my food, "I left my wallet out there and obviously I've gotta tip you" and see-you-next-tuesday couldn't hid her mirth because at this point I'm about $150 in. I just drove away and picked up a burger somewhere else.

I've done this a couple other times just to teach poor servers that their job is to serve and don't throw attitude my direction, especially when I haven't thrown any your way.

>> No.6406701
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>> No.6406726

That's on them and you're totally justified in your disgust. Overhead and labor are the two biggest factors in the vast majority of food based businesses. Yes meat can be expensive, but if you're mass producing a product you're probably using a low tier cut to begin with.

And if you were actually a regular, that's just an incredibly shitty business practice. You coming back once or twice more than pays for the lost bowl. Stupid, stupid, stupid on his part.

>> No.6406738


>> No.6407122


I used to take bourbon in a plastic cup into IHOP. They never gave me any hassle about it even though they knew what was in it.

One night my younger brother and I went in one. I had bourbon in a plastic cup and he had an empty beer can for spitting (he used snuff at the time). They made him get rid of the beer can even though it had no alcohol in it and let me keep the plastic cup full of bourbon.

>> No.6407132


I was at an IHOP once with my younger brother and two other friends. My younger brother kept trying to order pizza but they didn't have any. So he got up and left.

A little while later he came back with a pizza -- it turned out he went to the pizza joint next door and got a pizza to go. They told him he couldn't bring the pizza inside.

After a bit, I needed more coffee and started looking around for a waitress. There were none. I got up and walked toward the back -- the only employee in the building was the cook and he didn't know where everyone was.

I finally looked outside. There in the parking lot was my younger brother and all the waitresses sitting in the back of his pickup eating pizza and drinking beer.

>> No.6407137

Your brother sounds like an alpha kid. I bet your gf cuckolds you for him.

>> No.6407151

I has to do more with how fucked up a states liquor laws are more than anything. You would know if you traveled but all the airplanes flyover you.

>> No.6407262

I did once when I was hungover/still drunk and walked to a local diner.

Realized I forgot my wallet. There were no other options at the time

I just up and left and havent gone near there since

>> No.6407301

I'm native American so I go to the reservation to get cheap dental but holy fuck I'm embarrassed when I see how fucking ghetto they are out there. The majority of them are just ghetto Mexicans with ponytails

>> No.6407361

lol no
At the place i work at they can afford to cook a customer a new steak and still make money

>> No.6407378

"lol I forgot" isn't a defence. It would never ever fly in court

>> No.6407386

When I was college, 3 of us ate $50 of food at a restaurant and left a $2 tip because the other two didnt want to tip for basically no service other than giving us the food.

Does that count?

>> No.6407432

In all those cases, the defendant would have been negligent.

He intentionally overlooked the necessary precautions to avoid breaking the law.

>> No.6407451

>Runs With Full Stomach left without paying again

>> No.6407461


>> No.6407463

Why put ot off and not just pay when they ask? Why would it matter to you? For them, they want to make sure they don't have some asshole fucks dining and dashing, you shit head.

>> No.6407483

Nope, but that doesn't mean that I wont leave a penny as a statement for the tip.

Not paying the bill the bill is a criminal offence and I wont have anything to do with that. If I'm paying the bill and they're cunts. One red penny is just fine, it makes a statement instead of it being what's expected.

If I get shit service they'll get one red cent. They should be glad for that, they should remember who the patron is.

>> No.6407491

>Only have about 13 between the both of us
>only having plastic and not carrying a 20 bill like an asshole
>don't realize that technology doesn't always work, and the card machines could even be down, if they have any
You're the reason why people like me are going to be forced into fucking smartphones and the mark. Fuck. You.

>> No.6407521

You don't do that shit to friends, on the other hand if some 50yr old fag is hitting on a friend, then no holds barred. You should have seen the shit friends and I did to a faggot in NYC.

It would be interesting to see where that faggots kids are now and who their buggering.

>> No.6407576
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>> No.6407627

A couple times. Usually when drunk as a stupid thrill. Once or twice they've taken so long to give us our bill we've just said fuck it and peaced.

>> No.6407630


>Wow, they made this new thing called a toilet? And plumbing? Fuck that! I like shitting in my hole outside. Fuck those people who like to advance us into the future. Old boys 4 life!!!

>> No.6407637
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>> No.6407647

>people like me are going to be forced into fucking smartphones

You sound like my parents when they didn't want to get our family a computer when I was growing up. Don't be so stupid, pal.

>> No.6407691

happened when i was at starbucks
i ordered a medium frap and chatted the guy up who was taking my order
he didnt even punch it in the machine, he just asked for my name. Just as I got back in my car with my drink i realized. I just hope the guy did it on purpose

>> No.6407696

I once took an ex out for dinner. We had just ordered our food, when she asked to borrow my phone to text a friend, but my side bitch happened to text me at the same time. She angrily stormed out and I followed (because she had my phone). So while we had already ordered, we didn't even see the food before we left.

>> No.6407707

Does running from bad dates count too?

>> No.6407902

chinese scum please go.

>> No.6408038

All that strawmanning.

I won't even bother with those posts, but you can't be serious about oly carrying a card ffs.

>> No.6408041

He wanted your dick.

>> No.6408076

Yes, definitely.
Tell your story and let's hope it's juicy.

>> No.6408182

No, I'm not a nigger.

>> No.6408257
File: 46 KB, 600x375, la-fi-mo-ihop-breakfast-20120521-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canadian here,
jesus christ how cheap is the food?!?!
also i thought places like IHOP were for middle class white suburbia families to go for brunch on the weekends??

>> No.6408267

massive jej

>> No.6408613

Constructive manslaughter by definition lacks mens rea.

I actually know nothing about this, I'm just poking you.

>> No.6408616

This: >>6408041

That wasn't a dine and dash.

>> No.6408621

>I won't even bother with those posts

Hate to break it to you, but you just replied to them.

That said, not carrying cash isn't smart. But not having a working card machine at a place of business is even less smart. They're all idiots.

>> No.6408711

this is applicable only in criminal suits, not civil ones, and even then it has limitations

>> No.6408728

Why didn't they catch you out?

>> No.6408879

>have this one cake cafe in another state that i love, it's family owned
>their tiramisu cake recipe is just godlike, whatever they use it. It's their original.
>can't really visit often because its fucking far away but at least once a year I travel to those sides and I always stop on that cafe
>one day i go and have my cake, talk with the owner about how is it going, leave, and notice several days later that it was charged twice on my credit card. "eh it's fine it was probably a mistake"
>come back one year later again, just mention last time it was charged twice on my card when we're talking
>"I'm so sorry, please have a free cake"
>"no i understand it was an error, you can keep it, it's not that much money"
>"no no please free cake"
god i love that place
can't go there this year, traveling somewhere else
i wish it was closer

>> No.6408899

much to learn you have, padowan

>> No.6408906

>eating out with friends
>between the three of us we didnt have the 72.56 bill
>we had 72.33 including all dollars and coins
>felt so fucking guilty after we practically ran out the store

i never want to experience that again

>> No.6408908

I've entertained the thought, but every time I do I get really good food and service and get an attack of conscience.

>> No.6408928

had a similar experience
we were a couple dollars shorter
we left all we had with the bill on the table and left

when we were already at the door someone called us and we started pretty much running
then the waitress run after us saying "you dropped your tickets!" (we had bought tickets to a movie premiere that day... spiderman or some shit)
we turned, got the tickets, said thanks, and ran the fuck out of there because we didn't pay full we could not even give her a tip, and she was so nice with our table
i felt horrible

>> No.6409023

If dine and dash is such a huge problem for them why dont they charge you like a McDonald's, then get your food? Why must you pay last? If the food was shit you ask for a refund.

And dude, that's illegal they stole the tip out of your hand, you should have waited for the cops. Your friends handed you the money so it was yours.

>> No.6409029

Haha what the fuck.
It's only Asian food places I had this issue. Shame because they serve some tasty shit.

>> No.6409090

There's an IHOP in my town and some fucker shot it up one morning about a year ago, but they since reopened.
Never ate there, but I heard the breakfast is to die for

>> No.6409113

You could have came back the next day and rectified it.

>> No.6409616


>The mark

You're referring to microchips right?
Jobs are already requiring their employees to have them because they're "easier" than a card

>> No.6411121

the owners should have not had shit book keeping and noticed there were massive amounts of 50% off coupons being used

>> No.6411133

Ihop is the classier pancake house near me Denny's normally is the one with the 10 screaming kids. The Waffle House is supposed to be the worst place of them all but I am able to get some good cheap pecan waffles when I visited NC for my cousins wedding

>> No.6411174
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I once dine and dashed on a $300 bill.

>> No.6411440
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>restaurant provides more 50% off coupons than they could sustain
>it's the customer's fault

>> No.6411455

We're that me I would have drawn my ccw glock 19 and turned those rice cakes into Swiss cheese.

>> No.6411708

It is impossible for me to dine and dash because I always eat at restaurants alone so the waiters keep an extra eye on me because I must be some sort of freak to eat at restaurants by myself!

>> No.6411733


When I was a college student, some friends of mine who played bridge went to some bridge tournament in Galveston.

After the tournament, they stopped at some restaurant to eat. While waiting for their food, they pulled out a deck of cards and started playing bridge at the table.

The manager came out and told them they couldn't play cards at the table. They got up to leave and the manger said that they had to pay for the meals they ordered but hadn't received. They refused and the manager called the police. They went back to playing bridge while they waited.

When the police showed up and found out the details, they informed the manager that he if he threw them out before they ate, he couldn't charge them for the meals.

After all was done, they didn't get kicked out and played bridge while they waited for their food.

>> No.6411752


I used to go to one Indian restaurant frequently. I lived about two blocks away at the time. For some reason, it didn't take credit cards.

One day I was walking by but was out of cash and so I kept on walking home. I did wave at the manager as I walked by.

The next time I went in he mentioned it and I said that I would have stopped but I was short of cash and wouldn't have been able to pay. He said that if I wanted to eat there but didn't have the money at the time to come on in and eat and just pay the next time.

I only had to take him up on that once. It was kind of odd because he didn't have me sign anything to show I had eaten and I didn't see him write anything down. The next time I went in, I paid for both meals and had to remind him that the second meal was the one from a day or two previously.

>> No.6411788

I hope you get AIDS

>> No.6411797


being white is just amazing sometimes, amirite?

>> No.6411828

I've never done that if we've already been served. But I have walked out between ordering and getting served if it's taking an obscenely long time to be served. I'm not going to spend hours in a restaurant just because the kitchen is slow as fuck.

>> No.6411832

I've only underpaid once and that was because the bartender was shit and texted most of the time while we were waiting he only charged us with half the shit we ordered and we paid that with no tip at all

>> No.6412151

Carson city, fucker.

>> No.6412211

Once, kinda.

>Father is a bipolar shitlord
>agree to go out to lunch with him anyways because I'm 15 and my mom was pressuring me into "mending our relationship"
>go to a decent resturant
>the two of us get into an argument as per usual about halfway through my meal
>like people are staring because he's a fuck and has no concept of indoor voice
>he storms out in a huff because he is an actual manchild and a waitress told us we need to quiet down
>waitress is still there, kinda flabbergasted by the whole thing
>I don't have money on me
>have to awkwardly apologize for his behavior and explain that I can't pay the bill, but I offer to have my mom pay the bill when she showed up
>the waitress said it was no problem and just try to enjoy my meal
>when my mom finally shows up I feel so embarrassed about the whole thing i just leave thank you scribbled on a napkin in pen without another word

I tried to pay for the meal a few days later but they wouldn't accept my cash.

>> No.6412239
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>saying shitlord
Yeah I don't blame your dad for getting pissed off at you, he raised a fat activist sjw of a daughter.

Pic related, it's you.

>> No.6412251

How did you come to the conclusion it's a female?
Father issues?
Also, they played it off well, nothing hinting at activism or social justice whatsoever.
The fuck, mhang?

>> No.6412295
File: 46 KB, 800x600, atotalfaggotholyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to disrupt your shitposting anon, but I am a man.

>> No.6412306

About a year ago at Boston Pizza. After eating I waited a total of 50 minutes to pay for my food. Told the server once that I would like to pay and leave, told 2 other staff members that I would like to pay and leave. So I left without paying shit. It's almost like they didn't even want my money.

>> No.6412335

Because only tumblrinas and people shitposting pretending to be tumblrinas use the word shitlord.

>> No.6412533

My friends used to do that all the time and thought it was a right laugh which is why I never went out to eat with them. For me eating is a religion and running after having a good meal is a complete and utter sacrilege.

>> No.6412566

>Burnt scum
Fuck off America.

>> No.6412885

a shitty CHINESE buffet that you pay AFTER eating?

total bullshit.

>> No.6412888

Me and my gf did once when I was 17 at a mexican restaurant during a school field trip. Sure I saved 35 dollars but I felt really shitty about it.

>> No.6412903

what is manslaughter?
what is conspiracy?

>> No.6412924

>saved 35 dollars
You mean stole.

>> No.6413381

An ex girlfriend of mine and I did it one time. It was at a gross buffet, the only problem is that our friend who was with us didn't leave in time with us and the staff blocked the doors. He had to pay for the entire meal haha

>> No.6413633

All the time. I make sure to order an extra heaping plate of appetizers or some side dish, so that when I'm done with my actual meal I can get ready to jet without looking like I have finished my food.


>> No.6413639

Dining and dashing is a meme crime. If you're going to steal then steal, don't act cute about it

>> No.6413670

>meme crime
the faggotry is out of control

>> No.6413702
File: 22 KB, 343x353, not being 3DPD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme crime

Is meme a meme yet

>> No.6413862

Oh fuck is that shwartz? My parents went to montreal and wanted to go there but it had a huge fucking line like your pic, how is it?

>> No.6414818
File: 383 KB, 1424x1398, cut-up-hot-dog-fkQx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not quite, but I have two stories on how stupid service can be and corny policies.

this hotdog place around my way had a deal that if u buy a regular hotdog, you'll get a free soda. but I wanted the bigger hotdog they had with the extra toppings, just let me get the free soda. the clerk said "it doesn't work that way" but I said, "I'm buying the more expensive hotdog, just let me get the free soda" he said no, "let me get the manager" him "I am the manager". Then I told him "it should be a free soda if someone buys a big hotdog, not a regular one." He said "it doesn't work that way". ...fucking jackass.

Why would you not upsell your more expensive item instead of a cheaper one? when going back and forth on his stupid theory I finally left. I used to go there for their hotdogs....never again.

my other story is about another hotdog fiasco. at a hotdog stand. bought a regular hotdog for 2 bucks. I thought the other guy was gonna make the hotdog for me but the same guy who handles the money touches my hotdog. to add to the bullshit, the guy has only one glove on his left hand, as if thats gonna make a fucking difference. he pulled out a wad of cash with the glove on to put away the money, and with the same hand touched my hotdog. I said fuck it, and left. I was so mad I left the money as well. you can keep the $2 you filthy fucking scum.

no fucking logic these fucking people, I swear. I also have other stories but on poor hospitality, but I'll save that for another day.

>> No.6415479


That's just POS behaviour.

>> No.6415483

it really does not work that way, anon
if the sale is regular hotdog with free soda, it's regular hotdog with free soda

Not sure if they use anything different for the regular hotdog, maybe a different set of bread, that they need to consume/sell soon, so they throw in the free soda to help sales. Better give away some free cheap soda than throw away more expensive food if it doesn't sells

>> No.6415484

>with that flowing hair
don't buy it
bearded woman it is

>> No.6415513

it's their business and they have the right to follow whatever policies they want to

there's no point in arguing over it to try to get a free soda you cheapskate. if you don't like it go somewhere else or eat at home. customers like you are the worst

>> No.6415514

>this much of a germaphobe
God you are a pussy.

>> No.6416387

>locally-owned restaurants

90% of which are just a front for drug operations

>> No.6416392


>> No.6416425

I chuckled.

>> No.6416439


so the restaurants let customers cuckold them with outside booze?

>> No.6416823

I have not yet dine and dished, but I do leave a restaurant if my order doesn't come in an orderly, timely manner.

>> No.6416892


I have worked for a reservation. A comparatively weathly reservation with a casino where the tribals all got at least 6 figures a year for being tribals. And every one of them was a niggerish piece of shit. One would shoot at the back of the casino. He made three times as much as me, could have gone anywhere and done anything on a whim and what does he do? He gets shitfaced and shoots at a building.

My grandmother was half cherokee and she damned near refused to acknowledge it. Like wouldn't admit that shit to strangers. She honestly would have rather been black because: "At least there are decent niggers.".

>> No.6416924

That's their fault. People expect restaurants to accept cards; it's a very standard practice. Stupid of them to not put a giant sign somewhere and make sure the waitress reiterates it before taking your order.

As someone who finally upgraded to a smartphone just 2 weeks ago, and had a very old flip-phone before that (I hate touchscreen and was hoping it was just a fad that would fade away, lel, nope)... get a fucking smartphone, holy shit they're amazing. You can do anything and everything, instantly! You can browse the internet and stream videos and do video chats with something called skype and there are emoticons (emoji? I guess?) and like, fuckin games you can download, and all kinds of apps and shit... I feel like a very, very old person discovering all the benefits of the internet for the first time, and it's amazing. The future is now, anon!

>> No.6416965

The restaurant doesn't have/is denied a liquor license so it's a win-win to encourage outside booze.

>> No.6416974

>browse the internet and stream videos and do video chats...

Yes. But the big question is why on earth would you want to do that with a tiny fucking screen when you could do it with a proper monitor or TV instead? Movies kinda suck when you're staring at a screen the size of a playing card.

>> No.6416976

Yeah. Only once though

>> No.6416997

No but I once left 3 pennies for a tip on a $34 order of two pizzas

>> No.6417019

I've never dine and dashed. I think the worst I've ever done is leave only a ten percent tip. I had a brain fart and forget how much you're supposed to tip.

>> No.6417164


>getting charged 20$ to drink your own liquor is a really good system

Come on, man.

>> No.6417808

I don't do any of that. I've had to deal with smartphones and the shitty touchshit doesn't outweigh all the 'oh so kewl' things that I don't find useful. I only come to 4chan, stay home, do home shit, work. I don't watch tv/movies, so there's nothing I could stream, don't play video games, purposefully don'w have friends, only family. There's no need for me to have a smartphone.

>> No.6417855


>> No.6417871
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>purposefully don'w have friends

Whatever you say anon.

>> No.6417960

I had friends, but people are deceitful and cut throat. I've learned to only keep a couple of close ones while having peripheral 'friends', acquaintances. I have another's life to think about, to care for. 'Friends' will get in that way of my jobs of work and caring.

>> No.6417966

woah who is this

>> No.6417977

Not to mention if I want to contact anyone, I have their number and call/text. A smartphone is cumbersome and retarded.

>> No.6417986

I really hate when people do it. I remember one time in high school a group of my friends and I met some other guys we knew from school at Quaker Steak for all you can eat on a Tuesday. The other group were sitting the next booth over, and after they had enough, they flipped their trays over so the wing bones/sauce was all over the table and just walked out. I felt disgusted just for the fact that I knew them.

>> No.6418165

you sound really fucking boring

>> No.6418191

you sound like a gigasperg

>> No.6418816
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We did it once at a fairly expensive nice restaurant, but only by accident.
Called back later that evening to apologize and then we went back the next day to settle the bill.
>mfw the owner who is a hands on worker who partakes in the day to day of the restaurant now has a permanent impression of us as good upstanding citizens and we get greeted as regulars even though we only stop by probably 2 times a year at most
Guess we got more than we bargained for.

>> No.6418820

>A smartphone is cumbersome and retarded.
Sounds like you're the one who's cumbersome and retarded here, luddite.

>> No.6418841 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 638x359, article-2440241-1874B18E00000578-821_638x359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow just posted stealing food thread the fags delete it.why this stay up?suck the mods cocks

>> No.6418846
File: 39 KB, 400x400, overweight-boy-18268980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol obviously lie good catch

>> No.6418872

Never been that evil, but crashed with the waiter in the door, as she was chasing me with my bill while I was returning to pay it.

Well, laughs were had, bill was paid, no problem there.

>> No.6418878

They secretly believe you were gonna ditch the bill! YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK!

>> No.6418887

I did a dine and dash at Chili's once. It was about four years ago on prom night. A couple of friends and I wanted to get some appetizers and shoot the shit for a bit before we leave for the dance, so we went in 2 hours before. We didn't get shit until after an hour of waiting and telling them to get their shit together. After an hour and a half of waiting, no one felt satisfied, so we just left with our food. Never went back after that.

>> No.6418894

Probably because you didn't search the catalog and made a duplicate thread of one that's already alive and well. This isn't /b/, you tard. We don't need 20 roll threads.

>> No.6418899

>tfw the only iHOP is downtown next to the string of bail bonds agents
I just want a place I can get proper pancakes from.

>> No.6418904

>I just want a place I can get proper pancakes from.
It's called your kitchen. Pancakes are some of the easiest shit to make. Children can make pancakes without fucking them up. Pisses me off when I see full grown adults using "just add water" boxed pancake mix.

>baking powder
That's literally all you need to make perfect pancakes. You'll make enough to make you vomit for less than a single plate of cheap-ass shit with flavored corn syrup from IHOP

>> No.6418910

>also i thought places like IHOP were for middle class white suburbia families to go for brunch on the weekends??
In America, that kind of stuff is just lies they tell themselves. If they say it's for the upper class, it's for the middle class. If they say it's for the middle class, it's for the lower class. If it's for the 1%, it's for the 1%.

>> No.6418916

But I'm lazy and can't flip them right.

>> No.6418919

Literally one of the easiest things to flip. Can you also not cook an egg?

>> No.6418932

Every time I've ever gone to Buffalo Wild Wings with a large group, we've sat on the outdoor patio, and I always dined and dashed. I regret nothing.

>> No.6418948

I did it once.

>at restaurant
>terrible service
>food took nearly an hour to come out
>medium burger was actually cooked to a crisp, looked like a hockey puck
>didn't bother sending it back, because it took so damn long
>eat half of it
>ask waitress for the bill 4 times
>wait 30 minutes after asking the 4th time
>leave a note saying I can't pay my bill if they don't bring it to me
I was driving through that town on a road trip anyway. They'll never see me again.

>> No.6418956

Yes. And by "having trouble" I mean they never end up perfect, just very slightly lopsided.

>> No.6418961

>they wouldn't accept my cash

Lesbux aren't a real currency, that's why

>> No.6418967

Then practice.

I, personally, like really thick pancakes. I'll butter up a 7" saute pan, heat up the oven, get the pan nice and hot, and *fill* the damn thing with batter. I'll toss some fruit in, because fuck you I like fruit in my pancakes, then put that bitch in the oven. Once the top is a bit stiff, I'll loosen it with a spatula, flip it, and put it back in the oven with a lid (so I don't dry out the side that's already been cooked), cook it through, and WA LA: you have a perfectly round, perfectly thick and fluffy pancake filled to the brim with bananas and blueberries.

>> No.6418973

So you're a heterosexual cisgendered white male who self identifies as:

>genderqueer lesbian
So you can claim some victimhood and the right to use words like "shitlord."

Got it.

>> No.6418985 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 1000x1000, Fat-Boy-Bike-Ride.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit u prob jack off the mods .and no I don't read every thread on here I must b no life loser if I do

>> No.6418988

>implying making duplicate threads isn't flooding
flooding is against the rules, and you're lucky you weren't b&

stop being a babby

>> No.6418993 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 592x381, emmy-bob-tmagArticle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the rules + I didn't flood.your face gets flooded with black cock

>> No.6418996

>literally a baby

>> No.6419007


>> No.6419011

Yeah, I went there.

>> No.6419017

>Fuck the rules
This is why your thread got deleted.

Are you going to continue complaining like a little babby fuckboi?

>> No.6419019

Reminder: Complaining about moderation is against the rules

>> No.6419053

Why should one carry cash?

>> No.6419058

It's untraceable.

But on a less tinfoily note, it's been shown that most people experience a physiological pain response when they spend cash, while they don't at all when they spend with a credit card. As a result, people spend an average of 20% less money when they spend mostly in cash than when they spend mostly on credit cards. 20% is *huge*.

>> No.6419078

Plenty of reasons.
Technology sometimes fails, so if the card machine is down, or the phone lines are busy cash always works. If you need to "bribe" someone for a favor (not necissarily in the illegal sense) or haggle over something (garage sale, for example) cash works great but it's a bit difficult to do with a card. Cash leaves no record of your transaction which may be important--for example, if you're buying your wife a gift but you don't want the credit card statement to give away the surprise, etc.

>> No.6419087

But I'm just supposed to spend that extra 20% anyway..?

>> No.6419090

>only accept cash
Yep their fault for being faggots

>> No.6419093

I get the technology thing, but the other situations seem unlikely to get into without being prepared for it, anyway.

>> No.6419094

>supposed to
Why? I save it. I'm currently on track to retire with $5M, and my quality of life is actually *better* than when I didn't have a budget.

>> No.6419105

I have a budget where I save a set amount of money, so that I can have fun with the money I have left over. Why NOT spend it?

>> No.6419108

I highly doubt you have an itemized budget if you think this way.

>> No.6419110

If you're asking if I have every purchase planned planned ahead, then no, I do not.
That just sounds incredibly autistic.

>> No.6419116

>go to restaurant
>order and eat food
>realize i don't have my card because i had taken it out of wallet to order something online
>leave id with them
>come back and pay 20 minutes later because i'm not a piece of shit or homeless

>> No.6419126


How so? I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I think it's pretty normal to plan your budget that way. You have fixed expenses like rent, car payments, etc. You have necessities such as food, clothes, etc. You have savings, and you have a recreational budget for luxuries like going out to eat, going to the movies, booze, travel, toys, etc.

>> No.6419183

>That just sounds incredibly autistic.
It's how everyone saved money in the past. Running a zero balance budget isn't autistic, it's responsible.

A zero balance budget offers security and protection. You never have to worry about "how much did I spend on fucking tendies last month? Holy shit", because you know ahead of time how much you will allot to tendies.

I love cooking and spend more on food and ingredients than a lot of people I know. I still wind up with more money at the end of the month than a lot of them, though, even though I make less. The reason for this is micropayments. I brew my own coffee, I plan out food I'll eat throughout the day, and I don't impulse buy.

>> No.6419284

I'd be boring if I stuffed my face in a 'phone' all day, especially when being around others.

To add, I'd have to buy an extra item just for the damn thing, an item I've never had before, and don't need/want just like the phone.

Smartphone users are worse than any cult, and it shows within these handful of posts.

>> No.6419290

>Smartphone users
you mean everryone but you and sub sahara africans

>> No.6419293

I tend to not bring cash for this reason, because of the minutes it takes to get card and swipe it is usually enough to stop me, plus I can look at all the money ive wasted online, with cash i could just keep blowing 3 dollars here. a 10 there. There's no end to it.

>> No.6419306

>with cash i could just keep blowing 3 dollars here. a 10 there. There's no end to it.
You know, I used to have a similar perspective. My dad even used to say "cash in the wallet tends to evaporate."

I took this mentality into my budgeting and tried to track every single purchase with a spreadsheet to make sure I had a zero balance budget, and it drove me bonkers.

Eventually I just adopted the age old "envelope system," where I have a series of labeled envelopes, each with a set amount of cash I "deposit" in them monthly. When food envelope is empty, I either don't buy any more food or (if I splurged earlier and still have a week left in the month with no food) I'll transfer money from living expenses or whatever. It's helped me make sure I don't overspend *far* more than periodically checking a bank or cc statement.

>> No.6419321

>seem unlikely to get into without being prepared for it, anyway.

The point is that when an emergency happens, cash is king. Because you have no idea when an emergency might happen, it's silly not to have some cash just in case.

>> No.6419950

I just think that if you don't have any money you essentially can't get robbed of much. Sure, they can take my phone, but that's insured. My cash isn't.

>> No.6419957

Yes. The waiter took too long to bring the check

>> No.6419965

So if I steal a car that had a kid or a gun in it but i didn't know, then I can't be charged with kidnapping/theft of a firearm?

>> No.6419990

I don't know what table I'm at.
I haven't seen a restaurant that labels their tables in years, and that one was pre pay

>> No.6420000

If he pays for your shit it is by definition not a bad date

>> No.6420018

not a dine and dash story but a coupon story

>local pizza joint
>not the best in town but they do good coupons
>every week go down with a coupon and get pizza
>30 dollars in pizza for 20 dollars+tax
>last time we go the manager gets all pissy that we keep using coupons, says no more coupons
>we stop going

I dunno why you would bitch at regular customers

>> No.6420036

Intent doesn't need to be proven, dip shit.

>> No.6420638

You are the bane of food industry

>His hand brushed on my offal filled intestine link that's been warming in an open cart all day, oh golly gee.

Seriously, fuck you sperglord. It's not like he sneezed on the damn thing.

>> No.6421006

What do I look like, a nigger?

>> No.6421011
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Ya bet that fucking sucks man

>> No.6421026

>You need both of these to be criminally charged
In what country?

>> No.6421157

I do it a lot. It's the only time I ever tip. I guess it's technically a bribe.

>> No.6421161

Why you gotta be a nigger anon

>> No.6421163
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fuck dem nigglets. anon din do nuffin rong.

>> No.6421317

If a place turns out to be cash only and I don't have any, my MO is to leave most my wallet (driver's license, etc) as collateral while I walk to an ATM, then return with the money.

>> No.6421327

I had dinner at my dad's house (his gf cooked) and I didn't help with the dishes afterwards.
I even stayed for desserts!

>> No.6421423

>hasn't heard of uncorking fee
leave pleb

>> No.6421813

Done it accidentally at pizza take away, it was crowded as fuck and I was late for school, I heard the bells chime so i dashed out. I remembered only later that day that I hadn't paid, I felt bad because the owner was a good man. The day after I went back and paid for it on top of my meal, he thanked me for my honesty, and gave me a small bite of raw pizza paste

>> No.6423251

gave you what? lol wtf m8 +2 good boy points for the chuckle

>> No.6423273

Why yes, I did bring my canister of Mrs. Dash with me.

I can't help it if the food is bland.

>> No.6423300

>friend rec'd a place
>"its pretty cheap and casual"
>show up and everybody is in fucking suits and dresses
>everything is over $50
>everything is either seafood or steaks
>get salmon
>literally a 2x2 square of salmon with an accent swipe of some sauce for $55
>as soon as they put it down i stand up and walk out the door
>manager and waiter yelling at me
>they stop following me after i leave

no regrets

>> No.6423308


nigga don't go where you aren't ready to go

>lower class
>that's you

>> No.6423311

jump off a bridge

>> No.6423331
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>normies get this upset that i dine and dashed some random surf n' turf joint

im sure their pocketbook was hurting, shit looked like a piece of cornbread painted pink

>> No.6423500

i hope you get aids
>there is no cure

>> No.6423515

I used to do that at the Eat'n Park in high school when skipping school.

I was one BAD dude.

>> No.6423521

hallo yinzerbro

>> No.6423523

Hi :)


>> No.6423527


>> No.6423530

i used to do it when i traveled the east coast with this girl. we only did it at chains but we literally did it and survived off it.
all our money went to gas.

we were 18 and 20.
we literally traveled almost everywhere from maine to florida.

...food bandits...

>> No.6423533


>> No.6423542

>>6423530 heres a story of our boldness and just being horrible people in general.

>be at chilis
>finish expensive meal
>order desert
>order beer
>beer comes
>go to bar to order another one
>girl gets up and walks out
>i get second beer
>both beers in hand head towards the door
>girl that worked there see us
>yells i know what youre doing
>yell back i know and im sorry

>food bandits

>> No.6423551

>go to store to prepare for trip
>enter with a backpack on each back
>go to alcohol section
>each grab bottles
>proceed to put them in each others pack
>one grabs bottles while other is putting in pack
>do this until overly full
>walk out of store
>trip around east coast with full bar selection

>> No.6423588

Thats fucking retarded. I worked at a pizza place and gave people coupons while ringing them up if it was a delivery. Fucking bread and tomato sauce, mozz is the most expensive component, therefore weighed to within like .5oz. Jew retard manager.

>> No.6423598

>Go to walmart with 3 friends around 12:30am
>Go to the deli before we start shopping for our dorm shit
>Each pull out a donut and munch on it while we shop
>Finish putting stuff in a cart
>Grab another set of donuts after
>Eat them as we checkout

>> No.6423610

I used to live below a couple of crackheads and they'd go to the massive Tesco store in the city, start pushing a trolley around and throwing random items in there.

At the same time they'd start opening stuff and eating/drinking it, putting the empty wrappers in the trolley to give the impression they intended to pay for it. When they'd had enough they'd ditch the trolley and waltz out of there without spending a penny.

>> No.6423624

I once went to a rooftop restaurant in Japan. We had reservations, but discovered when we got there that all the regular seating was full.

They had set up some extra seating in an adjacent space that was protected by a strung up blue tarp - rather than a proper roof like the rest of the place. Not what I was expecting, but I figured what the hell, I might only be in Japan once.

It was raining fairly heavily, but we used our umbrellas to try shelter ourselves from tarp leaks. I was getting wet, but my wife was pretty hungry, so we decided to tough it out and try to get some food. There were a few other couples/parties in similar situations out there with us.

Short after we were seated, eating our appetizers and trying to protect both ourselves and our table/food with our umbrellas, the tarp collapsed due to the weight of a pool of water that was collecting in it. The water flooded the area we were in, and soaked some people at a nearby table.

With the tarp down, it started raining on the exposed incandescent lights, which then shattered from the thermal shock.

I was getting progressively madder as this whole thing went on, so when shit started exploding I lost it and just got up and walked out.

>> No.6423642

ignatius please go.

>> No.6423810


If the food was shit you have a few options: send it back, walk out without eating, or complain for a discount. Eating and ditching is stealing. Just because i didn't enjoy watching a movie at a shitty theater doesn't mean i don't have to pay for the ticket.

>> No.6423837


When I was a teenager I was homeless, so to eat I would go to the deli of a supermarket and order whatever I wanted and walk out confidently. Deli assumes you are paying up front, up front they think you paid at the deli counter. I feel bad, but we only got what we really needed, nothing more. I've always wanted to pay them back, but I figured it would cause more shit trying to explain that I stole some ham 8 years ago.

>> No.6424033

i have once photoed and dash but never dine and dash.

>> No.6424066

its not his hand thats the issue - its the fact that the cashier is handling money and food simultaneously with no change in gloves or hand washing in between those actions. Do you realize how many peoples he's touched by proxy? He might as well be jacking someone off before making your hot dog.

>> No.6424191

there is a byo chinese restaurant across the road from a liquor store where i went to university.
We used to get drunk at parties then buy a box of beer (24 bottles) and eat chinese food on the way home they were open till 4 am

>> No.6424207

>I took the corner of a $20 and left it under something so it looked like we paid
Why am I amazed at this brilliance

>> No.6424252

That's how it works in every Chinese buffet I've ever been in. I've been in a lot.

>> No.6424269

I did it by accident once, I just totally forgot and my meal partner did too. Honest mistake, so I went back the next day, apologized and paid anyway, extra tip for the trouble.

They called the police anyway. The next time I do this by accident I will not go back to make amends, fuck that.

>> No.6424339


donate to the food bank cart they have at the store. buy like $50 of canned veg and box mixes and dump em all in there

>> No.6424608

This sounds like it's from a movie

>> No.6424612
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>They called the police anyway.
America, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.6424928

Netherlands, you pompous prick. You do realize there are other countries in the world besides the US, and that English is the lingua franca of the entire fucking globe? Sorry for my anger, but damn man, I hate assumptions like that.

>> No.6425775
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You know what? Fair enough. I'm a Canadian and hear about the police-happy America all the time, so I made a judgement without proper information. Not very neighbourly of me.

>> No.6425811

I apologize once again for my outburst, it was a bit overdone in retrospect. Apology accepted, brother.

>> No.6425975

Story from the other point of view...
> work in a restaurant
> took over location of previous restaurant of same food genre
> they had BOGO coupons
> we don't honor them

Two fat women and a fatter paraplegic man come in near closing time.
> server gives them bill
> they leave money for 2 meals and 1 coupon
> buttmadness ensues

I threatened to call cops, they walked to their car, I followed them, got their plates, called the cops. 15 minutes after close a cop brought us 8 dollars and change.
Many keks were had

>> No.6426149

All that for eight bucks huh

>> No.6426216

lol what in the fuck that's some bullshit right there

>> No.6426229


where the fuck am I? I could have sworn this was 4chan what in the fuck is happening right now