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File: 5 KB, 189x267, becks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6403095 No.6403095 [Reply] [Original]

Becks is seriously one of the worst German beers, does anyone in Germany actually choose to drink it for any reason other than it's cheap or what? In the Mecca of beer why would anyone willingly drink this? There has to be literally hundreds of better beers.

>> No.6403100

It's what Budweiser is to American, pal.

>> No.6403110


I'm from Australia, I know well people drink shit beers because they are popular. We only have a few decent commercial breweries, the rest are all mass produced swill.

From an Australian standpoint Bud is not a bad beer at all, try VB or Tooheys Extra Dry for a really shit beer expirience, tastes like sewage. I think West End Draught is actually made from filtered shit-water.

>> No.6403114


we have no water, think California but the whole country and replace weed with rice that we sell to China.

CAPTCHA: shart

>> No.6403121

I've actually looked for VB because of how terrible it apparently is. They do not sell it in the US whatsoever. I know that sewage thing though. Bad beer smells and tastes like the water that collects in the bottom of a garbage can.

>> No.6403140


VB is terrible and you should totally buy it to see for yourself, it is totally the working class beer and for 80's immigrants that is all they drink because it was the cheapest thing when they moved here.

>> No.6403141

becks dark is one of my favorite beers to drink 15 of in order to get drunk

>> No.6403147


we go not have great breweries, we have good/acceptable breweries. Coopers, James Boag and Little Creatures would be either acceptable (in the case of Boags) or a pleasant novelty in other cuntries. We were pretty much 100 percent British immigrants until after WW2 so it makes sense we have a taste for the more abrasive ales and such.

>> No.6403151


If I wanted something cheap, I'd drink Oettingers. At least it's still palatable. Even then though, most beers in Germany are cheap to begin with.

>> No.6403155
File: 445 KB, 428x528, BeckS-Craftbeer[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've seen nothing of their bullshit yet, my friend.

people drink becks in germany, but only those with terrible taste (or lack of alternative).

>> No.6403156

We're starting to get these in the US. We had Beck's Sapphire and it tasted like malt liquor. Truly awful stuff.

>> No.6403157
File: 48 KB, 408x480, miller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively the best beer

>> No.6403177

you're a silly person

>> No.6403198
File: 158 KB, 327x500, fy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big fan of most things Matilda Bay, especially Fat Yak.

>> No.6403225


at least you aren't drinkin hollandia or amsteys

>> No.6403230


I'm totally willing to accept the price factor, but if beer is literally a priority why the fuck would you go for a bastardized version of your countries pride.

>> No.6403246

what you need to understand is that germany is not a homogeneous country.

>> No.6403364

it's not even cheap; as expensive as any good beer i would suggest, but a shorter brewing process and shit tier ingredients.

>> No.6403365

There's a reason why it's imported all over the world.
And that reason is that no one in their home country willingly drinks it.

>> No.6403369


>> No.6403372

>not even bud light
Confirmed for shit taste in beer

>> No.6403428

>does anyone in Germany actually choose to drink it
Someone does.

>> No.6403458

Christ it's not that bad. It's a macro lager, I'd buy it if it was cheaper than the other macro swill I rely on when I want to get hammered.

>> No.6403466
File: 19 KB, 584x528, marriedwid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


when the weather is changing and I want a crisp northern pils, I'll order a Becks or a St Pauli Girl

wouldn't drink it in the heat though

>> No.6403480


>Oettinger, Krombacher und Bitburger

I had no idea Krombacher or Bitburger were that popular. Granted, where I live people tend to stick to the local beers.

>> No.6403497

>To view this you need a premium account

post pic pls.

>> No.6403500

i'm so glad i'm from munich.

>> No.6403505

Everyone in Europe just drinks Carlsburg its the only beer they have.

>> No.6403509

H-how much does decent bavarian beer cost from the shops (not pubs) there?

>> No.6403513

At least spell it right if you're going to meme with it.

>> No.6403517

>80's immigrants that is all they drink because it was the cheapest thing when they moved here.
That explains my dad then....

>> No.6403519


I'm jelly, but at least I finally found a decent place near me that has Spaten on tap.

>> No.6403522

14€-17€ for 20 beers (0.5l).

>> No.6403544

Fug. Jealous.

In the UK the only cheap beer you can get is fosters/stella/carlsberg etc. and some shit-tier bitter/ale.

20x500ml of okay ale would be £30 (41 euros).

>> No.6403553

spaten is water though.

>> No.6403570

>In the Mecca of beer
fuck off. All we Germans have are over 9000 brands of Pils.

>> No.6403573


All p. tasty if you ask me. Agree it's not the Mecca of beer though.

>> No.6403576

>In the Mecca of beer...
Uh... what?

>> No.6403589

even in Germany, that is a bad beer. and it's too bad that many, many, places here serve this piss as the only pilsner beer available.

>> No.6403610

Aint Belgium the Mecca of beer?

>> No.6403615


>> No.6403622

I know thats what I thought, wouldn't you just get killed if you brought beer in there?

>> No.6403645

what is bavaria.

>> No.6403669

>Weißbier and Hefeweizen
wow so much different from Pils

>> No.6403672

Oh god that shit is nasty. My friend's dad gave one to me once, even at its coldest I could barely choke it down.

>> No.6403752

t-they are.

>> No.6403756

Are you retarded? They taste completely different.

>> No.6403801

Never go full retard m8

>> No.6404027
File: 376 KB, 800x450, WED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eat a dick buddy.

but it's OUR shit water!

>> No.6404045

2/9 b8

>> No.6404105

>the europe has the best beer meme

>> No.6404109
File: 8 KB, 208x147, 1424340971280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6404118

explain pls

>> No.6404294

It is German

>> No.6404304

Headquarters in Germany
Made in Germany
Subsidiary of Belgium company

>> No.6404311

>I won't drink a beer unless it comes from a neckbeard's basement
craft beer drinkers are literally the worst humankind has to offer.

>> No.6404340


It's alright. Absolutely not worth the money except for the Lime one, that is grandiose. I prefer other beers.

>> No.6404525


Beck's was actually pretty good before InBev bought the company. They've been using the brand to sell cheaply produced crap.