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File: 93 KB, 600x600, poptarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6401651 No.6401651 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6401676

Because sweeteners taste like shit and they would have to change the recipe because the no sugar content.

Basically it would taste like ass and would be discontinued shortly after release.

>> No.6401678

Next thing you'll want are sugar free, fat free, gluten free, and certified fair trade organic pop tarts

>> No.6401710

They make diet soda that I like. I feel like they should be able to make a sugar free pop tart with sucralose.
I just want sugar free.

>> No.6401718

>tfw diabetic
>tfw eat all the sugar i want
>tfw don't like sugary stuff in the first place
works out well

>> No.6401722

Got the beetus fatass?

Sugar is the shit

>> No.6401725

Who cares about pop tarts anymore? I bought some the other day and they're half the thickness they use to be, which now oly makes them really breaddy and dry.

>> No.6401750

because poptarts are a treat/candy you fool

>> No.6401756

This its for children and tards or a junk treat

>> No.6401759

Why don't they make gasoline free cars?

Because they wouldn't work - just like sugar free pop tarts.

>> No.6401763

What about Tesla?

>> No.6401767

I'm fat but I don't think I have diabeetus. But it does run in my family and I am on a diet, so I am avoiding it. I had a pop tart craving last night and was mad to find out they don't make them sugar free.

>> No.6401769

no u

>> No.6401771

So? They make sugar free soda and sugar free chocolate pudding. Are you somehow suggesting there isn't a demand for sugar free treats?

>> No.6401773

>sugar free treats
just eat the normal sugary treat, it's a treat

>> No.6401774

Ever heard of diesel?

>> No.6401777

Yeah, it's sour

>> No.6401779

Pop tarts are so loaded with sugar that it isn't worth it. If they made them sugar free I could have them as part of my breakfast as a treat every once in a while.

>> No.6401863

Cause sucralose baked goods are awful, you've obviously never had one. They would have to alter the pastry recipe because of the no sugar and it would probably be even worse.

>> No.6401874

Why are these even a breakfast food? Why are any of Kellogg's food marketed as breakfast food? Eating one of those is worse than having nothing at all. It has the opposite effect of what breakfasts are meant for.

>> No.6402598

Sugar free doesn't mean healthy you idiots.
They would still be bad for you even if they were sugar free.

>> No.6402601

I never claimed they would be healthy, just healthier.

>> No.6402603


>> No.6402623

This. I tried many times to make sugar free brownies for my mom with type 1 beetus, but every time they had this awful consistency that was between cakey and rubbery. The taste was ok, but the texture was awful.

I made it with the exact same recipe the next day, only using sugar instead of sucralose, and they came out perfect. So I am going to assume it does some weird shit when you bake it.

>> No.6402648

Aren't you supposed to alter the recipe when cooking with sucralose? I've never tried it myself.

>> No.6402658

>Eating one of those is worse than having nothing at all.
This comment is really fucking stupid.

>> No.6402665

>not knowing pop tarts contain anti-nutrients that leech vitamins and minerals from your body

>> No.6402723

This is a thing?

>> No.6402724

Well this was a recipe from AllRecipes that was "made" for sucralose. I tried it with the sugar to see if it was just a shitty recipe, but nope, sucralose just sucks.

I think the problem is that it doesn't caramelize like sugar does. That crusty top you get with normal brownies is more like a very smooth, weird cakey topping with sucralose.

>> No.6402750

I actually made it up in a lame attempt at trolling but I googled it and apparently it is a thing. Laugh at me.

>> No.6402760

So eat some celery instead, you lard-ass.

>> No.6402763

I hate celery. Of all the delicious vegetables out there you want me to eat celery? You must hate me.

>> No.6402769

>sugar-free pop-tarts
>take out sugar
>literally air

>> No.6402888
File: 15 KB, 367x388, 1375612946452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate celery

>> No.6402890
File: 76 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you hate celery

>> No.6402919

>Are you somehow suggesting there isn't a demand for sugar free treats?
Have you read the sugar free gummy bears copy pasta?

>> No.6403812

I don't know. I remember eating it as a kid as part of the school lunches and hating it. I've hated it ever since.

>> No.6403842

>this was a recipe from AllRecipes
found your problem

>> No.6403850
File: 35 KB, 535x577, 1400656291729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they made more sugarless cookies as well. I have weak enamel from grinding them in stress, so now I'll probably never be able to eat sweet things ever again.

>> No.6403867

Replace some of the flour with adzuki beans. Sounds like the sucralose is interacting wrong with the gluten. Makes sure there isnt too much moisture or they wont hold so well.

>> No.6403884
File: 48 KB, 407x482, 1422843199549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That made me lol


>> No.6403924

How do pop tarts taste like? I've never even seen one before.

>> No.6403931

kinda cookie crust pocket thing with whatever flavored filling and then on one side theres a sticky sweet flavored topping.
theres been too many flavors

>> No.6403947

That sounds nice, I'll see if I can order it online. I kind of thought it's more like puff pastry or maybe something more bread-like.

>> No.6403963

Well it does say "tart". It will be cookie/tart like.

>> No.6403972

Because it's a treat. Your fatfuck ass isn't supposed to consume it in amounts that would adversely affect your health.

>> No.6404023

Don't you cook? Make your own. Do some shortcrust pastry and jam it full of... peanut butter or hummus or whatever the hell you expect a sugar free pop tart to contain.

>> No.6404025

I don't understand the point you're trying to make. I don't think you even have one.

>> No.6404033

>whatever the hell you expect a sugar free pop tart to contain.
I would expect the same flavors as regular pop tarts. But really I only care about the chocolate flavor.

>> No.6404051

Did you know that artificial sweetening helped along the downfall of the Roman Empire? They poisoned themselves to death with that crap. If you want to lay off sugar, expect your food to be less sweet.

>> No.6404056

Okay Mr. Fear Monger.

>> No.6404064

If they are sugar free, do I have to cook them longer? I don't want a possibility of any raw Pop-tart giving me the shits or something.

>> No.6404071

Because people are stupid. If you could get away with selling shit on a plate for $50, would you question why people are eating it?

>> No.6404074

>why don't they make sugar free sugar delivery systems
cause that'd be kinda pointless

>> No.6404075

I don't know. I never cook pop tarts so I don't care about that.

>> No.6404078

You'll get worms eating raw poptarts, dude!

>> No.6404079

>If you could get away with selling shit on a plate for $50, would you question why people are eating it?
Probably. I also wouldn't sell people shit.

>> No.6404080

enjoy ur tapeworm

>> No.6404086

He's kind of right. The Romans used lead to sweeten wine. They knew it was toxic, and did it anyways.

But lead isn't an artificial sweetener, it's fucking heavy metal.

>> No.6404087

I was 14 and just started baking as a hobby. I realized it was terrible a long time ago.

The best recipes are the knowledge of knowing how something is made and just making it your own way. Especially because there are so many things that affect the outcome of baked goods such as humidity, altitude, etc.

>> No.6404094
File: 114 KB, 637x1080, diabeto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a type 2 diabetic and i'm not allowed to eat pop tarts. :(

i'll likely never be able to have one again for the rest of my life.

i can have a shitty maltitol protein bar if absolutely must have something sweet.

>> No.6404101

I may try this but still use sugar or perhaps a rice syrup.

Most people I know hate adzuki bean stuff (the life of living in the southern US) but I have become quite fond of the flavor. I know that with a lot of beans brand makes a big difference, so is there a particular brand I should order online?

>> No.6404104

>type 2 diabetic

Then get rid of that shit. Exercise, get more sun, eat more veggies/fungi (dem leafy greens, bro), eat very little meat and dairy. Educate yourself.

>> No.6404116

As someone who has type 1 you should feel lucky, honestly. You can actually reverse type 2 with relative ease. I'm in perfect shape and yet I still have to take fucking shots all the time.

>> No.6404119

That sucks man. But at least you're eating what you're supposed to. My grandma had diabetes and drank Dr. Pepper every day. And not the diet kind. I was young when she died but I'm pretty sure it was doing things like that that killed her.

>> No.6405705

There, there, OP.

Try some of those "Special K Pastry Krisps"
I'm not a dietfag, but I picked up a pack one morning in a gas station, and they were delicious.