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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6397375 No.6397375 [Reply] [Original]

What is your bill usually when you go grocery shopping, and where do you go where you do?

>> No.6397382

I like to shop at least every other day so I'd say around 20-30 bucks. When I was in extreme poverty mode it was like 50 a week. I ate a lot of chicken and broccoli.

>> No.6397413

I'd catch more specials that way

>> No.6397417

Around $150 - $200 a month for my wife and I plus our 18mo.

Wegman's is love, etc. Just don't buy their fancy shit and it's just as inexpensive as the other stores.

Avoid organic, like you should anyways, and their prepared food/groceries (like washed, chopped veggies. A total rip off) and remember that wegman's brand isn't always the cheapest, but is of higher quality. It's worth the ten cents over super generic garbage.

>> No.6397570

20-30 euros per week. Paris is expensive.

>> No.6397610

500 a month for me and my wife. We go to Kroger. I guess its that high because we also buy cat food/litter/soap/other non-foods there. We also seem to go through a lot of meats. I can spend less than she can, but it doesn't break the bank so I don't care most of the time.

>> No.6397617

I "work from home" Wednesdays so I spend most Wednesday mornings from 8am to noon running various errands as well as shopping. I am not going this week.
I spend about $40 for nearly $80 worth of groceries by shopping manager's specials. That $40 is split between 4-6 different stores. Sometimes, I'll stop in a store and buy nothing because I don't see anything with a good price.

Last time I went shopping, I bought

• 4 gallons of milk (sold in 8 half-gallons on manager's special for 99¢ each; hurray for freezers) at Pathmark
• 2.25 lbs of beef bones for $1.87 (manager's special on one package; it was $2 off of $2.17 and the other was just under a pound) at Pathmark
• 3 heads of broccoli for $1 at Shoprite
• 8 poblanos for $1 at Shoprite
• 2lbs of mini peppers for $1 at Shoprite
• 7 zukes for $1 at Shoprite
• 1lb of baby carrots for 49¢ at Aldi
• 8oz of mushrooms for 69¢ at Aldi
• 1lb of cheese crackers at Aldi (sold in two 8oz packages for $1.49 each, one gouda and the other emmental)
• Choceur chocolate with hazelnuts for $1.99 at Aldi
• 4something lbs of baby back ribs at Aldi (normal price was $10something but there were both a $5 off and a $2 off manager's special on the package, so it came down to under $4)
• 3dz eggs for $1.18/ea at Aldi
• Nearly 3lbs of boneless leg of lamb for $18something at Aldi
• 3lbs of calabasa at the Asian market for $2
• 1lb of bamboo shoots at the Asian market for $1.19
• A large block of tofu for $1.09
• Asian spinach for $3something

Paid around $52 for everything.

>> No.6397622

I spend probably like $200-$250 a month, I shop at Market Basket, Trader Joe's and the Asian grocery.

>> No.6397635
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I live in Detroit. I pay the "locals" 25 cents on the dollar for their Bridge Card benefits. So when I spend $100 on the corner, I'm really cleaning up at the grocery store.

>> No.6397653

strictly foodwise, probably ~€20/€30pw. I could be paying less if I tried, but I'm not a poorfag or anything so not bothered.

overall (beer, impulse, misc sundries etc) probably €50/€60

>> No.6397656

usually go to tesco or lidl or smaller local shops

>> No.6397660

Hard to add it up because I go to a butcher for meat, I get my fruit and veggies from a farmers market and I only go to the grocery store for non perishable stuff and other things like cleaning stuff, toilet paper ect...

Rough guess..
I spend about $150 in the butcher every 3 months or so.

I spend $80 a month on fruit and veggies.

Last time I went to the grocery store I spent $80 which is pretty average, sometimes spend $200 depending on what I'm buying.

I'm not a poorfag so I don't really count my pennies.

>> No.6397662

Right now I try to shop once a week and I usually spend around $45.

As a newly independent adult, shopping for myself is really fucking hard. I just want to eat cheap and healthy.

>> No.6397690

>4 gallons of milk (sold in 8 half-gallons on manager's special for 99¢ each; hurray for freezers)
something irks me about drinking mild that has thawed.

i have no raisin for it, i've never tasted a difference or anything it just really bugs me.

>> No.6397695

this so much
i normally spend about $30 a week, spent in lots of $10

i shop at coles, normally it'll be like going in and buying ginger, scallions, sesmae oil and flour, or buying spinach and lamb chops

>> No.6397705

Every week:
Supermarket $15
Chinese store: $10
Mexican store: $10

Every month:
Middle Eastern store: $30

In summer I do a CSA, which means I have so many veggies to work through that the supermarket and Chinese store runs become less frequent.

>> No.6397713

I spend about $150 a week on groceries. That feeds four people lunch and dinner every day plus my own personal breakfast. I try and shoot for spending about $2/meal for lunch and about $5 for dinners.

Where? I hit the normal supermarket and the farmer's market once a week. I visit the butcher, asian market, and the fish market as needed, usually about once every two weeks.

>> No.6397729
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I only go to the most obscure hole in the wall independent, and mostly ethnic, grocery stores. It's not about money it's about proving that I'm superior to whitewashed inauthentic soccer moms who do all their shopping at Whole Foods. Sure it means I have to stop in the barrio for some things (that's spanish for "the hood") but I just utter "hola, donde esta el bano" and they know I'm one of them.

My routine:
>Artisanal vegetable butcher:
>Independent grain broker:
>Kosher chicken atelier:
>Craft brewer:
>Raw milk farm share:
>Local fromagerie
>Fujianese grocery for certain fish and mushrooms you've never heard of
>Punjabi grocery for certain vegetables you are MUCH too ignorant to know about
>Nigerian grocery for certain spices you could never dream of knowing how to use
>Cooperative peanut butter mill
$180 a year (divided by 52)
>Mexican grocery for lengua and some epic hot peppers that you can't handle because you're a pussy
9 pesos

It takes me my entire Saturday and Sunday to make all the necessary stops and most of the perishables have already gone bad by the time I get home, but I am NOT allowing whole foods to pull the wool over my eyes.

>> No.6397734

I thought it would bother me until I read something Mary Berry wrote in 1968 in an article for Housewife about freezing milk, eggs, meats and veg bought on bargains in order to save some dosh. She noted that some things were lost in freezing some meats and veg, but that freezing milk and separated eggs yielded results just as good as fresh, so I gave it a go and was pleasantly surprised. Now, my cheap-ass does exactly that.
In the UK of the 60s, when freezers were first becoming commonplace in GB and food prices were increasing about 18% annually (well over 4× that of inflation and considerably higher than what wages and salaries were being augmented), many Brits were buying food nearing its expiry at a bargain price and freezing it.

>> No.6397741

can you imagine being pathetic enough to actually think and type all this stuff out

>> No.6397743

>trying to funpost this hard
You ought to be ashamed.

>> No.6397747


i got a good laugh out of vegetable butcher and cooperative peanut butter mill

>> No.6397775

Fuck dude how do you manage? I spend around 15-20 Euros every other day and I'm shopping in auchan.

>> No.6397854

500 SEK @ Maxi

>> No.6397861

I work right next to a bakers, so I'm trying to break the habit of going in there everyday and buying food.

>> No.6397885

It is called a bakery.

>> No.6399193

Your mum's a bakery, m8.

>> No.6401674


70 bucks, usually filling in the gaps of the last trip, which last about 2~ weeks of food.
eggs, butter, brea, veggies, meats, and a few canned things, etc...

>> No.6401788
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Baker's nigguh.

>> No.6401891

That is cheap

>> No.6401905


>$200 a month

Just how expensive is food items in America?

I spend under £100 a month on food stuffs in the UK (usually between 70-90) and that works out to less than $150 and that will get a single person quite a decent varied healthy diet.

>> No.6401947

I usually end up spending around $200-300 every couple of weeks or so. Depends on what I need and what I can find on sale. Sometimes it'll go up if I get a good deal on some kind of meat since I'll buy a bunch of it then portion it out and freeze it for later use.

Also, yay for HEB. Any other supermarkets around here can get fucked.

>> No.6401971
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i enjoyed it thus I tip my hat to thee

>> No.6402088

The all-organic store. I don't even look at the numbers.

>> No.6402585

I spend $40-$60 and I visit the grocery store 1.5 times per week. Harris Teeter

>> No.6402691
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>> No.6402700

I factored in beer in that estimate.

>> No.6402719

went shopping today @ coles
this is food for the next week or so

Economy Bacon 1kg $7.29
Cage Eggs 12 $2.79
Cheese slices 24 $3.47
Sliced white loaf $2.50

Came to about $15

>> No.6402725

where are the vegebalsz


>> No.6402735

i get fruit in the mornings (jam) and take a multivitamin
vegetables are too fucking expensive i just want cheap carbs and protein to keep me full

>> No.6402740
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food maxx or some other giant big box store, its usually around 35-40 dollars for just me per week, my usual purchases are
>chicken breast frozen 4 lbs
>broccoli or green beans 8 lbs
>sausage 1 lb (turkey)
4 packs of ramen for when I drink a bit
and whatever beef is on sale, usually super cheap.

>> No.6402751

I spend around $150/month going to Giant Eagle.

>> No.6402759

>too fucking expensive
>pays $3.65/lb for pig fat, buys presliced cheese and bread

>> No.6402765

1kg eco bacon is $5.99 at Aldi, bruh.

Also I'm on keto to right now but food for the month probs coated me about $150.
I mean I could easily live off oil, frozen broccoli and green beans, chicken livers but at the moment I'm working my way through from Aldi avocados, cream, green beans, brocolli, Greek yogurt and rcittoa made from milk, macadamias, bockwurst, cheese kransky, feta, eggs, bacon, bratwurst.
From my favourite butcher ,(Meat Emporium Alexandria) wagyu tampanyaki steaks, chicken Mignon, like five different ~wurst dishes, chicken livers, wine infused streaky bacon, duck breasts, crackling all of which cost me like 60ish?
Their prices are reasonable, maybe a couple more dollars than your shit butchery but nowhere near as exy as your averawge shopping mall butcher but their sheer variety makes them based.

Tldr some of the meats I buy can be $30 a kilo. Some can be $2.99 a kilo. I'm content with a variety but when I'm buckling down I'll shop around and get cheap, but good food.
>People actually buying boneless, skinless chicken breasts even though livers taste better, are a quarter of the price, have more nutrients and are more calorie dense so you don't need to buy as much.

>> No.6402794
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I hop around stores...

Veggies I mainly grow myself, when I need something like mushrooms or something else I just head to Publix. If none of the livestock are viable for slaughter, I go to my normal butcher. If I need some exotic ingredients or herbs and such I go to specialty stores.

Every week I probably spend around $400.

>> No.6402905

pre-sliced bread here is like the same cost as unsliced, even it wasn't it's worth it for the easily toastable uniform slices
also the cheese singles are the processed cheese stuff, it's way cheaper than any block of the cheapest cheddar, so..
either way $15 of what i bought will last me far longer than a $4 bag of spinach in place of the cheese

>> No.6403197

75-100 a month. I go to jewel or meijer. I live by myself. Should I be spending less or is this about right?

>> No.6403209

Sounds kinda light to me.

>> No.6403212

$75 a week every other week. Live with a sibling, so we swap off. I shop almost exclusively at HEB.

>> No.6403288

$20 every other week
Superior Grocers
I live alone.

>> No.6403348

Why yes: technically, I am indeed Jewish but I don't look, act or speak like a Jew. I don't speak Hebrew and I come from a line of Jews that have had no contact with Yids so I don't speak Yiddish, either.
I've got the frugality gene, though, however it seems to have eluded everyone else on the Jewish side of the family (they're all spendthrifts); I got it from the Catholic side since my church-going, Catholic nan was a cheap cunt.

>> No.6403361

I'm a britbong student, about £20 a week. I buy cheap offbrand stuff, some meats (usually chicken or mince beef), few snacks, some veg. I do ok for the money

>> No.6403377


The entire grocery store in my town is not much bigger than one aisle of the one in the picture.

>> No.6403485

>raw milk farm share

I'm never going to get to try raw milk. :(

>> No.6403614

about 120ish a month, I'm pretty good at catching things cheap, and groceries are cheap as fuck in this area of Texas

>> No.6403647

Way too high

>> No.6403670

>not shopping at aldi

The prices are not so bad. CHF1190/kg for pork isn't /that/ expensive (that's $5.40/lb for the yanks) and nor is CHF3.31/kg for strawberries ($1.51/lb).

Beef is always going to be costly, though. :-(
>CHF15.82/kg for beef mince ($7.18/lb); beef is too fucking expensive in Switzerland

>> No.6403671

For meat I tend to go for local produce anyway, I'm okay with paying more for meat since I try to not eat too much meat anyway.

>> No.6403683

$300-400 a month for my girlfriend and I, we shop at SuperStore (Canada).

>> No.6403695


>> No.6403701

That's not how you use 'x and I'.

>> No.6403741

That's like what, 8 bucks extra depending on the case of beer you buy? Unless you're an alcoholic and you buy more than a case at a time.

>> No.6403791

Kike = Yid.
As already said: I'm not a Yid. I'm not even Sephardic! Entirely different branch. You know there are more than just Ashkenazim and Sephardim, right?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bene_Roma (AKA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italkim )

Those are just a few.
All the stereotypes of the cheap, thieving, big-nosed Jews are attributable to Yids, not other branches.

>> No.6403808 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6403848

Switzerland is a crazy expensive place, but you guys do get paid pretty well, even for shit jobs. And the quality of what you get in a mediocre Swiss supermarket like Coop is comparable to a luxury supermarket like Whole Foods in the US. You folks may pay high prices for everything, but you do not have to suffer much in the way of low quality stuff.

Admittedly, the downside of that is a culture without much social mobility. If you make it to a certain age and you're still waiting tables you're probably going to be waiting tables for the rest of your life. Then again, a waiter in Switzerland is probably living a better life than a waiter anywhere else in the world.

You Swiss fuckers live in an expensive place with limited opportunity, but you do live really fucking well.

>> No.6403876

I do not understand your jew tongue what are you even saying?

>> No.6403889

Heh, I know.
Also the thing about opportunities is kind of wrong. You can get back onto the education path at any point in life.

>> No.6403966

Akhem mekhamehha khai mekhai chaimi gho tsufghakhem khekakhakká!

There we go.
Sorry. Just cleared my throat. Is this better? Can you hear me now?

>> No.6403993

>400 dollars a week