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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6395401 No.6395401 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you on /ck/?

>I like to look at pictures when I'm hungry.
>I saw a picture on the front page and clicked on it.
>Just stopping by.
>I'm interested in food and cooking as a career.
>I'm already in the industry.
>It's a hobby. (I cook.)
>I'm a foodie. (I don't cook.)
>The history of food intrigues me. e.g. diets of the Egyptians, the origins of beer and bread, etc.
>I'm interested in the politics surrounding food. e.g. corn subsidies, The Omnivore's Dilemma, world hunger, etc.
>I'm on a special diet. e.g. veganism, raw foodism, keto, etc.
>Other (state why)

What say you? -- Legolas, a dwarf from the Game of Thrones hit series

>> No.6395407

To find a wife

>> No.6395411
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To post this delicious authentic pizza

>> No.6395412

you forgot
>i jerk it to joey threads
>im a troll
>r/food told me to come here
>i'm an alcoholic

>> No.6395431

Out of curiosity

>> No.6395449
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>to look at pictures of delicious food
>learn about cooking
>one of the nicest boards of 4chan
>find food i haven't tried yet

>> No.6395455

>Cringe threads
>Tea threads
>Coffee threads

>> No.6395458


I agree with the first and last 2.

>> No.6395459


I only come here for alcohol/beer threads but sometimes when I'm scrolling through to find the threads I'll see something interesting that's non alcohol related

>> No.6395461


so you're here to shitpost then

>> No.6395462
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i like to shitpost about food and cooking

>> No.6395463

No.. I'm here to look at alcohol threads

>> No.6395465


same thing mate

>> No.6395467
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I enjoy food cringe a lot.

I also like reading what you guys have to say about certain kind of foods and ways to prepare it, i take a lot of ideas from this board to cook into real life.

You guys showed me ramen omelette, I'll love you eternally for that.

>> No.6395473


I just like to talk to my bro's about tendies and tendie related issues

>> No.6395491

Nice. It's something to do while I slowly wait until my birthday in a month which I will finally be legal to drink.

I'll probably became an alcoholic but aw well what can ya do

>> No.6395496


Have you ever drank before? It's not as fun right off the bat as seasoned retards tell you.

>> No.6395511

Extremely accurate. I drank for probably 5 years until I started to like it.

I began like most teenagers do and drank Natural Ice and 40 ounce malt liquor.

But then I started drinking Old Fashions, and they were the gateway. Eventually I dropped the soda water and started drinking bourbon straight. Started drinking micro around this time. Now I homebrew.

>> No.6395536

Same reason I go on /pol/ and /k/, which is to watch overly aggressive men get heated up about topics they only marginally understand, and once in a while find a jewel of wisdom/knowledge.

Also, I am kind of in the industry, cooked for 12 years and I am taking an extended holiday around Europe and north Africa.

>> No.6395545

lol yes, I've drank plenty of times. I mostly just enjoy beer. I like getting drunk from time to time on the weekend while I game or when I'm with a friend, and I also like outside drunk walking adventures at like 3 am. Apart from that I'm not the biggest fan of hard alcohol, I think I like gin the most so far for hard alcohol so I'll probably have that every once in a while.

I was mostly just joking about the alcoholic thing, I just can't wait to be able to drink beer whenever I want

>> No.6395571
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I'm a hobbyist cook so I get ideas here and I like to look at the pretty (and not so pretty) pictures.

>> No.6395624

I decided to work an office job rather than become a chef and this is the closest I feel to the industry

Anyone want to switch?

>> No.6395629

grass is always greener

>> No.6395631

me too. ck is a really nice board for 4chan, genuinely helpful and friendly at times. i like it here but it is a bit slow.

>> No.6395634

>Why are you on /ck/?

>used to be professional cook
>used to also be food journalist
>quit everything to take care of family (both kids and aging parents)
>this is one of my few outlets (besides cooking for the family) where I can post about food and still remain anonymous
>I hate social media

>> No.6395635

>enjoy cooking as a hobby
>explore new ideas outside of cooking
>curious to what other people cook
>beer and wine

>> No.6395638
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I like chatting about food

>> No.6395641

I like to bullshit with other cooks and piss off assburgers with fast food threads.

>> No.6395646

I know anon, I know. I'm doomed to never be happy but at least I can shitpost on /ck/ and pretend I'm a chef

>> No.6395647

I'm on a journey to bake the best bread.
And people here are usualy nice to chat with

>> No.6395771

I've been coming here so long I can't stop.

>> No.6395806

Hobbyist, I cook 7 days a week and I'm also looking to try my hand at something new.

High functioning alcoholic, the booze threads make me feel a little better about myself.

Pictures, people make so good looking stuff.

>tfw no more progun threads

>> No.6395809

you too, huh?

>> No.6395901

It's nice in the fact that people can (usually) hold a conversation, you can find some people with the same tastes.

But on the other hand it's also funny as fuck to watch people fling shit at each other over the smallest things for 200 posts. I'm guessing that happens on other boards but it's funnier when it's over cheese and fried chicken.

>> No.6395929

I'm here for memefood threads and to argue with people about their tastes.

>> No.6398180
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When wifey takes her time and works hard on it, it makes her proud I'm taking pictures.

Oh wait. Was the pic from the food folder?

>> No.6398273
File: 313 KB, 1252x942, second winterfell gulasch31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you on /ck/?
I've been on /ck/ since 2007 and it's been a long journey, to say the least.

>first it was food porn
>trying new foods that looked tasty (I used to hate onions, peppers and anything spicy, for example)
>finally started to add eggs to my ramen
>got food stamps, bought a lot of frozen meals and pizzas
>back to food porn
>wanted to make food porn
>fuck it, I just want it to taste good
>wanted to start making things from scratch (sauces, pizza, bread, etc)
to now
>adjusting recipes based on suggestions/recommendations from anons
>plating my food to look nicer
>food porn

Some things never change.

>> No.6398302

>tfw no fuckflour

>> No.6398449

I want to know the origins of carbonara and find flavortown.

>> No.6400014

I like cooking, talking about it and looking at pictures.

>> No.6400026

Waiting to find a good easy recipe for the chicken thawing in my fridge.

>> No.6400054

>It's a hobby. (I cook.)
tfw you're a fatass and learn how to make everything on your own because it's cheaper, so you can eat more
also kind of a gear freak so I like finding out about bigger, badder, and better kitchen utensils that I'll bookmark but never buy
>wishlist: thermapen, DIY parts for a sous vide, a ball whisk, food processor

>> No.6400057

>S&P, garlic, onion, cayenne rub
>open beer can, drink the top 1/4th, put it into the cavity
>stand it up inside your oven and bake
Might be a tight fit depending on your oven, but if you can manage it's great. Works great on grills with more headroom.

>> No.6400081

>I'm a sous chef at a fine dining restaurant
>I come here primarily to answer questions from retards. I don't know why. They probably don't even listen.

>> No.6400093

I'm waiting for someone to post a Top Ramen tier list so I know which is best and which is worst.

>> No.6400123

Thank you good sir

>> No.6400127

I like reading about people talking about food that is common in their countries - that can be something gourmet or plain fast food. Cause i'am cooking enthusiast this information inspire me to create new reciepes for my daily usage.

i'm also often shitpost in alcohol-related threads bragging about tastes

>> No.6400129

Mostly for the al/ck/ threads. I'm not an alcoholic yet but I can see myself going that way in the future. There's usually something that gives me a chuckle too.

>> No.6400160

>It's a hobby. (I cook.)

its fun and relaxing and I like making new things

>> No.6400352

>I want to become a chef and own a little restaurant.
>I come here to learn and give advice to others if I can.

>> No.6400368

>It's a hobby.
>The history of food intrigues me.
>I'm interested in the politics surrounding food.
>I'm on a special diet. (not really special, just trying to be more nutritious)

>> No.6400376

>I like to look at pictures when I'm hungry

exactly this. i dont know why i'm doing it because it gets me even more hungry. still like it, though.

also /ck/ is a nice board and the al/ck/ threads even motivate some alcoholics to reduce drinking. slow but best board.

>> No.6400406

>I like to look at pictures when I'm hungry
probably this. something about watching images/discussions of delicious greasy food helps me get through the weekdays when I eat healthily and exercise. it must be an anticipation thing cause I almost never browse here at the weekend when I AM eating big delicious meals, not exercising and drinking lots of beer, cause it seems theres no point

plus I enjoy posting images of my weekend dinners and having everyone point out how pleb they are (which they usually are, but nonetheless delicious)

>just stopping by
this too. in fact I can browse here for hours without posting or contributing anything to any threads, but still enjoy the images and banter

>> No.6400620

Its my hobby, I've always loved cooking, but I've never wanted a career out of it.
I guess I would consider myself a foodie, but there's no chance in hell I'm gonna go calling myself that irl

>> No.6400635

i like to cook. but i like to bake more, i was offered a job in a city to become a baker's apprentice but i dont live there

>> No.6400639

I want to learn how to cook delicious but healthy food to keep me and my gf from getting fat without eating cardboard.

>> No.6400651

I cook a lot, and 4chan has a large amount of american posters, its a good resource to get american/mexican/soulfood dishes.
I live in Australia, so these are rare, I know plenty of Asian dishes from various countries, my family is European so I know a bunch of those recipes, but when it comes to smoked brisket, american sweets like pumpkin pie or Mexican foods Australia has nothing close to replicating what you do there.

Dont get me wrong you can get a very good steak here, but what I want is not necessarily high-class, im talking grandma's passed down recipes, dishes from that hometown chicken shop or sauces that your mexican friends mother swear's by.

>> No.6400653

Because i love cooking, i study culinary arts and plan into joining this industry soon enough, because i love brewing and discussing beer and reading about techniques for cooking and different spices and methods, because i like the history of food and culture (anthropology in general i suppose) and because i'm interested in the politics surrounding food as a politicized anarchist and all. I believe that best food is non-industrialized grass roots vernacular diet, and it's those foods that i like to explore and find more about. In fact, my dream is to open a large food COOP like Mondragon Corporation from Basque Contry but foccused on affordable cuisine, high quality beverages, high quality products such as cheeses and other traditional ingredients.

But i guess the reason i lurk /ck/ is the dank menes and cringe threads.

>> No.6400912

I look at pictures of food while I eat and shitpost while I'm doing it.

>> No.6400945

I like learning about new foods and seeing the differences in food culture from one place to the next. I don't avidly cook, though I plan to do a lot of cooking once I'm older and have settled down a little. But I always enjoy reading about and seeing pictures of food. Somehow it doesn't make me hungry like it used to either, maybe I'm just better at controlling cravings, but looking at good food pics can be a substitute for a late night food run for me.

>> No.6400986

I come here because cooking is my hobby. I stay for the anger and hostility.

>> No.6401004


Attempting to learn some basic cooking skills and shitposting with scottish food.

>> No.6401042

Food has been a passion of mine for a while. Whenever I travel I make it a point to eat the regional foods. I've dabbled in the business as a writer and wine salesman. I've been a pretty serious home cook for two decades now. When my attention is not on my career or my family I'm thinking about food. And I can count family time as food time because I'm the primary cook in my home.

I'm here because I like the anonymous nature and the 4chan set up. I was a /b/tard back in 2005. When I got bored with /b/ I just migrated to the board that best fit my interests. The mix of perspectives is interesting: knowledgeable posters, completely feckless posters, posters trying to validate their ignorance and teenagers shouting "hipster", "fedora" and "REEEEEEE!".

I also have a gruesome fascination with opinions of people who live in the middle of nowhere, have never traveled and only know food from supermarkets and chain restaurants. People who talk about stuff like the best brand of frozen pizza fascinate me, since I don't even know anyone who eats frozen pizza (or would admit to doing so).

>> No.6402978

>The history of food intrigues me. e.g. diets of the Egyptians, the origins of beer and bread, etc.

>I'm interested in the politics surrounding food. e.g. corn subsidies, The Omnivore's Dilemma, world hunger, etc.

>I'm on a special diet. e.g. veganism, raw foodism, keto, etc.

>I'm a foodie. (I don't cook.)

>> No.6404269
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For the pictures

>> No.6404338
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>For others that brew their own booze/wine.

>Food porn threads.

>Anons that go to food events
There was a guy who has posted here a couple times that helps out with the Wisconsin Cheese fest.

>Cheese threads.

>> No.6404358


I like to read greentexts, especially the food-poisoning/diarrhea stories.

>> No.6404366

>used to also be food journalist

I always wondered how those people or food critics even work. I mean, come on, what is there to say? "It was very tasty and the service was cool 10/10". Like, you know, music. /mu/ is a horrible place.

>> No.6404374

I like frozen pizza

>> No.6404387

i enjoy the comfy as fuck threads

>> No.6404396
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to talk about comics, what else

>> No.6404402


It's the Guardian of the Galaxy

>> No.6405038

People like you fascinate me. I walk through a grocery store, and most of what they sell leaves me wondering, "Who buys this shit?" Then I come here and find people arguing over it.

>> No.6405046
File: 30 KB, 540x307, fassssssssssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm on the verge of anorexia and im hoping looking at food will make me hungry enough to eat it

>> No.6405055
File: 11 KB, 157x186, highfive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, a fellow /co//ck/sucker. Well met, friend!

>> No.6405099


Shit, man. Is it like some body dysmorphic disorder thing or what? These things are really dangerous

>> No.6405103

Implying your disgusting lasagna soup is real pizza

>> No.6405111
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No, I know I'm fat. A measuring tape won't lie to you.
I keep skipping meals, I'll restrict calories. I think I'm around 800 a day, obsessively exercise.
I eat dinner with the family and that's about it, it makes them worry less.
A few of my medical conditions make it harder to actually lose the weight but at least I won't be stick-skinny for a long time.

>> No.6405118


For how long have you been going at it?
And, well, I'm not some kind of science dude or anything but I think that a controlled weightloss is better than starving yourself. You know, like, eating 1800 calories a day or something if you're a dude should be alright, especially if you're already overweight. 1.5-1.8k seems to be the /fit/ cutting calories

>> No.6405126

I want to make myself eat more, but I can't seem to do it.
I only started around 4 months ago. I dropped 30 something pounds pretty quickly and then it stopped. It seems to drop a little like that every so often.

It's not like I instantly started like that either. I started eating tiny meals because my stomach doctor recommended it, and I ended up only eating a small supper.

My best friend is trying to coach me through this too, but he's often busier than not throughout the day. I can tell he's worried and I don't want anyone to worry.

>> No.6405139

Came for the info graphics, stayed for the shitposting.

>> No.6405321

>I can tell he's worried and I don't want anyone to worry.

Well man, I guess your best friend has been telling you things as to how to properly eat to lose weight, right? You can stick with this. Proper nutrition can be quite difficult, especially when you don't know what you're doing but you have support, man. You've got your friend, you've got 4chan (even though a lot of people are fucked up here they can still give you good advice on a good diet to properly lose weight, especially /fit/). Just know that you have help

>> No.6406620
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I like to go into the alcoholic threads and see people worse off than me and it makes me fine with being in denial that I maybe have a problem.