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File: 8 KB, 253x199, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6393330 No.6393330 [Reply] [Original]

How many beers personally get you wasted?

>> No.6393338

Depends on the ABV, obviously.

Standard 5% pisswater I could drink 20 of them over the course of a night and not get wasted.

>> No.6393341

Depends on alcohol content of the beer, if I ate before I started drinking, etc..

A 7% and up beer? 5-6 and I'll be getting there.

A weaker, session type beer? May take a little more. 12-15 some nights.

>> No.6393347

not sure. i usually drink craft beer so a 6 pack will get me drunk but not "wasted"

>> No.6393352

>craft beer
You realize that says nothing about alcohol content, right?

>> No.6393379


I'll say 15, 5% ABV beers over the course of 5 hours will be a good start. My personal "record" at a bar was 26 Guinness in a 6 hour span.

>> No.6393392

You're either 7 feet tall or full of shit.

>> No.6393398


Or, you've never heard of something called alcohol tolerance.

>> No.6393406

This board is full of alcoholics what did you expect?

>> No.6393409

I have. The only person who could manage 20 beers without getting wasted was Andre the Giant. Now get the fuck out you aren't impressing anyone.

>> No.6393413

true. averages around 7% for what i usually drink

>> No.6393414


Haha! You must be trolling, or incredibly naive. Either way, good show, dickhole!

>> No.6393415
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If you don't chug a half liter of everclear for lunch every day during your lunch break in front of your boss and/or clients, you're probably an obama-voting hipster who ostentatiously chomps on kale sushi and works at a petting zoo.

>> No.6393417


Also, did you not read what this thread is about?
>How many beers personally get you wasted?

How are those high school standardized tests for reading comprehension treating you?

>> No.6393424

I'm not the kid making retarded claims on an anonymous Chinese cartoon board.

Film yourself drinking 20 beers for my amusement, pissant.

>> No.6393430

I don't know, anon, I can drink 20 Zima pretty easily and not have a buzz.

>> No.6393431

You are so dumb 5*20 is only 100 do you you really not need at least 100% alcohol to get drunk?

>> No.6393433
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>mfw last tuesday i drank 3 liters and threw up
i'm a small guy

>> No.6393437

Its OK as long as you aren't a hothead

>> No.6393438

If I can drink 4 9.5%s in 45 minutes I can get pretty drunk.

Otherwise it takes a whole 6pack.

>> No.6393466

I'm only 18 and can drink up to like 30 beers and not feel a thing yall are just pussies lol

>> No.6393470

>not pouring all 30 beers into your asshole and getting way drunker

Stay pleb, bitch.

>> No.6393475

>future job with name sewn on shirt detected.

>> No.6393482

Bruh try an enema with a low abv beer or (if you're not a pussy) a half shot of vodka.

All your "tolerance" won't mean jack shit babby

>> No.6393497

I can't really get wasted on beer anymore.

I drink beer, and enjoy it - I just snagged a couple 120 minutes that were still on a random shelf - but it's usually too heavy to get "wasted" on (beer in general, but especially dish-water shit that most anons talk about going through a case of in a night).

Even if I go out to a brew pub/beer sampling thing/brew fest, I'll still come home, drink a glass of water, and tend to some vodka while in bed watching early dragon ball or something like dubbed Maison Ikkoku, hitting a vape that hasn't been cleaned for a year, hitting a popper, and still waking up whoever's around going out for a red.

The idea of getting "wasted" on beer seems pretty ridiculous to me, tbh. It also makes me think of all the studies that have determined that boxed wine is the best bang for your buck if you're looking to just get drunk, and while my live-in other takes that route, I'll swear by cheap vodka every time... You'd have to be fucking desperate to choke down enough shitty prune water to even come close to getting the immediate effect of grain waters.

>> No.6393499

To get shitfaced blackout pants on head retarded wasted I'd need about 20 rolling rocks.

>> No.6393502
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only retards think wine is the cheapest way to get drunk. 1.75 L of vodka for 10 bucks

>> No.6393512

20 beers over an entire night is not hard at all.

>> No.6393522

New pasta is best pasta.

>> No.6393528

>Implying I drink beer to get drunk

>> No.6393535
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3-4 beers an hour will do it for me.

My personal bests:
>Hard Alcohol: Grain alcohol mixed with Red Bull (70/30 mix) in two hours from a 1L Camelbak
>Beer: 14 in an hour and a half

I've never felt so shitty in my life.

>> No.6393550
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I drink like a hundred beers a night and then have sex with one of my many girlfriends. You pussies are faggots.

>> No.6393573


>You will never drink craft beer with Mio

Why is life so horrible?

>> No.6393574


If this thread is still alive in 10 hours I might just post my collection of empty, and not yet opened, skol handles.

It wouldn't be my first choice, but I recently moved and it's the best for the price, and usually cheapest.

>> No.6393585

18 years old, decently skinny here

About 8 or so would get me wasted. I'd still remember the night (or atleast most of it) but I'd be pretty fucking drunk

>> No.6393592

Many ;_;
I got 2x 15boxes for three day weekend and only achieved much drunk on the first day but drinking about 10-12
There are few things sadder than a quickly built tolerance

>> No.6393593

Or just not an alcoholic...

>> No.6393594

Let's see that sweet 18 year old ass

>> No.6393595


I'm a lightweight to start with, but with beer it's even worse. Assuming that these are your basic %5 ABV lager swill. Depending on how it's spaced out, I find that six to eight in a night (five or six hours maybe) would get me to a good point where I'm social but not overboard. If I want to start some shit though I could probably do somewhere between a twelver and a two-four, probably twenty beers maximum.

>> No.6393599

Either liar of super fucking fat sack of shit

If it were me I think I'd rather be the liar

>> No.6393604

How old are you? I'm 18. About 6 or 7 will do it for me. Maaybe even 8.
It's tough stopping when you're so ahead, the drunker you are, the more you want

>> No.6393610


>> No.6393612

A six pack within an hour usually has me feeling good.

>> No.6393614

If I'm going at a comfortable pace, 16+ bottles. If I'm slamming pints then only 6-8 half litres.

>> No.6393619

I get drunk relatively quickly but can drink a lot over the course of a night without being very drunk in general

>> No.6393631

A single beer gets me feeling pretty off, two and I'm basically drunk, three and I'm out of it

This is given that I usually drink them in a matter of seconds

>> No.6393638

If by drinks you mean "pints" (as opposed to a little can or something) of typical like ~5-6% bar swill, usually about 7. The line between me being functionally drunk and wasted though is like half a beer.

>> No.6393640

I generally pick up a 12 pack on Friday and drink them all over the course of 5 hours. That's plenty to get me pretty drunk. Most I've done in a night was around 20. This is Budweiser. It varies with microbrews.

>> No.6393648


that'd still only be 3 shots mate...

>> No.6393650
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She would have some great things to talk about.

I'm 25. I used to be able to drink more, but now I have a job and responsibilities. Enjoy your college years.

>> No.6393659

thanks m8

I'm actually legal to drink in a month, I can't fucking wait. I've been counting down the days till my 19th b-day since my 18th birthday. It's gonna be killer

>future alcoholic in the making

>> No.6393682

Nah, not unless it's really weak beer. More like four and a half. Maybe five.

>> No.6393683

Sure nigger, but because you are getting some 0.3L cans...
Any country where you order a beer and get less than 0.5L has no right to drink beer and a person has absolutely no right to brag about the amount of beer that they can consume

>> No.6393686


>> No.6393692

3 pints of %10 to start feeling it, 5 to be drunk, 8 to really drunk, 12 to I will almost certainly vomit in my sleep.

>> No.6393695

Depends on what beer and how fast I drink them, to get a really good DRUNK well I can go like 20 beers or so drinking normal speed, I could get wasted if some of those I drank super fast

Usually I drink Steel Reserve 40s which are almost double the alcohol of your normal beer, I can get drunk off two 40s with a pretty constant drinking but I don't drink fast typically and about three will get me pretty drunk as long as I don't take TOO long with it.

>> No.6393703


If it's 5 shots then they're 8.2% each (at 41ml shots of 40% and 335ml cans/bottles at 8.2%) which you're obviously not doing as fast as a shot of liquor.

>> No.6393713

A pint is 16 American oz though, right? 7 pints is roughly twelve 12oz beers

>> No.6393716

British pint is 20 oz

>> No.6393719

The standard 3.2% beer available in gas stations here? At least 20. But three or six is enough to start my day off.

>> No.6393726

>standard 3.2%

Christ almighty do you live in Mississippi or something?

>> No.6393752

>standard 3.2% beer
how is that even a thing?

>> No.6393761

i never even want to really start going crazy with drinks until i'm drunk enough, and i never reach that sort of tipping point with beer. i'm too slow

>> No.6393766

I'm a fairly light drinker. Thanks azn genes.

I'll go an entire night from 9-1 and maybe have 8 on a sloppy day. Otherwise, I'll have as little as five and just enjoy the buzz before making drunchies and going to bed.

>> No.6393773

Sounds like a lot for an Asian, I have a Chinese friend that has 2 and is drunk, 3 and he's finished

>> No.6393787
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depends, i can do 5-7 of the 6.5-.7.8 stuff but if i have anything over 10 its usually like 4 and im feelin it hard

Pic related, my personal fav irish red

>> No.6393792

4 to feel it, 6 for tipsy, 8 for drunk, 12 for hammered, 15 and up i'm headed for blackoutville.

assuming they are all consumed in quick secession.

>> No.6393824

i get decently drunk after like a six pack of coors regular, maybe like 8 pbr shitwaters
to get wasted like 15.
blackout drunk, like 20

>> No.6393893

Drunk, seven or eight.

Wasted, somewhere around thirteen. This is 6-7% typically.

>> No.6393921

They sell 3.2 in utah so like...7 of those.

>> No.6393924

6 beers and I'm pretty drunk
>18 year old, 135 pounds

>> No.6393955

I like the buzz you get on that rate, have a smoke after that and maybe 2 more drinks, drink water when I get home, get up for work the next day relatively fine
>I work weekends

>> No.6393961

I drink 8-10 beers nightly. I drink liquor if i want to get wasted

>> No.6393964

1 but then again im a grill :3

>> No.6393965

I can feel it at 2 beers, I wouldn't drive after 3, at 6 I'm headed drunkways, at 7 I'm drunk, at 10 I'm pass-out wasted.

>> No.6393977

I had about 7 of my friends over at my apartment a few years ago back when we were new to drinking and just freshmen
I put together "100 beer night" where between us 8 lightweights we put down 30 keystone ices 60 keystone lights and a few 6 packs
About 3 ofy buddies were ultra lightweights who would get drunk on 3 beers and shitty on 6
So it was me and my alcoholic and partially meth addict friend carrying the team with the other 3 pulling their own weight
Good times

>> No.6393984
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>mfw trying to get drunk off beer

Last friday I bought a big bottle of Shiner Prickly Pear (~1.5 pints) and a six pack of Miller Low-Life tall boys.

I drank the Shiner and three lowlifes within the course of an hour and was more than fine to drive home. I killed the last three lowlifes in another hour at home and was barely drunk.

I can usually drink about a pint of whiskey in an hour and be 'fine'. Usually a good night of drinking to the point of blissful stupor will have me finishing a quart of 90-100 proof whiskey in about 5 hours.

So yeah, I mainly drink beer for the taste.

>> No.6393996

Another smug alcoholic. Do any of these guys realize their "tolerance" is a symptom of serious organ damage?

>> No.6394002

Why are you jealous of someone who is killing themself?

>> No.6394003

why do you think an alcoholic describing their tolerance in a thread about alcohol tolerance is smug?

>> No.6394004

Tolerance decreases with organ damage.

>> No.6394053
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I never meant to be smug.

I remember a year ago when I started drinking again after nearly three years on the wagon. A single Shiner would have me tipsy.

I love beer because of the taste. I genuinely do not benefit much in terms of effects of ethanol derived from beer. However, it's the best drink for good meals.

Give me a good heffeweizen while grilling brats on a hot summer day. A good doppelbock with a hearty steak and potato dinner.

However, beer will not get me drunk anymore.

The only benefit is that I can enjoy whiskey in quantity without having to worry about intoxication.

>mfw having several glasses of Glenlivet 21 at Easter dinner with my boss
>mfw being able to drive home just fine because I was hardly buzzing

>> No.6394078

Very few. I've been abstinent for close to two years due to medication.

>> No.6394084

pretty much my new years last year except with 2 4loko

>> No.6394093

A 6 pack within an hour will get me pretty fucked up. That being said I'm 6 foot but skinny as fuck and don't drink all that often

>> No.6394098

>Try to get drunk just drinking beer
>Have to piss every 20 minutes
>Drinking so much my stomach starts to hurt

It just doesn't feel good. I'll have a few beers with a meal, switch to liquor, to get drunk, then nurse a few beers to keep the drunk going, but I don't think its possible for me to get drunk on just 5% beer.

>> No.6394107

>Have to piss every 20 minutes
Oh boy this.

Anyone else feel the need to shit real bad after drinking beer?

>> No.6394113

No. I'm not discounting your experience, but that doesn't make sense to me. Alcohol dehydrates, and dehydration constipates.

>> No.6394117

I take a nice brew beast every morning

>> No.6394126

If it's draft, usually about ten or so
Cans, usually about 15.

>> No.6394129

I always get the shits when I drink.

>> No.6394135
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I generally chug the first beer without thinking. It washes your palette and makes the second beer taste better, so you can actually enjoy it.
3-4 beers gets me feeling really nice.
5-6 I start to feel the sway and wobble kick in. I need to sit down.
7+ Anything beyond this is a gamble. I generally don't remember these nights.

>> No.6394138

>26 Guinness in a 6 hour span
Christ. How many times did you throw up?

>> No.6394174

When I was at uni it would take at least 6 to get tipsy, then probably start to slur a bit after 10.

Now that I haven't drunk in 4 months I'd probably be fucked after 5

>> No.6394195
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The other day I had these 3 ones and I was done.
(took picture before 3rd)

>> No.6394196

Used to be 7 in my prime. Now it only takes 4.

>> No.6394218

>doesn't specify volume or abv

For me, it's used to be 4 liters at 5%. My problem is I only start puking after I'm black-out piss-myself drunk, so I stopped drinking more than 1.33 liters, because after that I'll start saying "another one won't hurt" and forgetting how many I've had already.

>> No.6394234

remember Guiness has ~4% only

>> No.6394241

I fucking love chimay.

>> No.6394254

I know, but assuming that's pints it's still a staggering volume.

If those were standard sized glasses, just act like I said nothing.

>> No.6394267
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not that anon but...
im 5'10 and 160 lbs

i can almost drink a 24 in the course of 10 or so hours, that i consider to be a night

i get pretty drunk but i consider wasted to be spins drunk, on beer i usually get headaches before i get too drunk.

liquor get me wasted.

>> No.6394268

Depends a lot on my mood and what not.
I worked at a bar and would drink all day long for my whole shift, so i got extremely use to staying "sober" whilst full on god knows how much alcohol.

I can keep drinking with shots inbetween and control myself, i still get a massive hangover the next day but can avoid making a prat of myself.

I would not be able to put a number on it as who the fuck counts how many they drink until they get pissed? I am not really proud of being able to drink lots without getting wasted, i feel rather boring as i sit there completely sober after a good couple of rounds and my friends are completely wasted and struggling to remember how legs work.

>> No.6394298


>barely buzzing

Just be careful, man. Coming from a guy with 2 DUIs... They both came from times where I wasn't even feeling drunk, and got pulled over for having a light out and turning right on a yellow.

>> No.6394315

i only drink about once a month

i usually grab a 6 pack because my friends all drink a ton, so they will force me to drink a few shots of whiskey or a couple of their beers.

depends the duration you are taking in though. a lot of people who enjoy drinking a lot will begin after dinner on a friday night and then still be drinking at midnight.

i'd say, if you are taking in alcohol for a period over 4 or 5 hours, its definitely possible to drink over 12 and not be a COMPLETE mess if you don't have a high tolerance.

>> No.6394323

I can't stand beer. Just tastes like sparkling water. I need hard cider if I'm gonna get wasted or I end up puking.

>> No.6394403

Fuck that looks good
Have you tried Le Trappe?

>> No.6394410

Wasted? Last time I got 'wasted' it was 1 1/2 cases and about a pint of gin.

But to get buzzed 4-6 in a couple hours.

>> No.6394449

A fine gentlemen— dented up speaks, overpriced trappist beer and 4chans

>> No.6394450

kill yourself

>> No.6394453


They were standard pints. I didn't vomit once, but I did have to piss often. Even though Guinness has a lower ABV, I still felt like hell the next day. Looked at my bank account and I was $110 poorer.

>> No.6394455

ouch my wallet

>> No.6394457
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Damn. Well done.

>> No.6394458

10 litres of normal water would kill you, how does 10 litres of fucking beer not kill you, I have no fucking clue

>> No.6394459

LOL why dont you just drink zima.

>> No.6394460


Mississippi has passed new alcohol laws that allow stronger beers to be sold in gas stations.

>> No.6394479

you first lol
osmotic pressure is relieved in the latter case by the diuresis caused by alcohol, read a book nigga

>> No.6394481

Probably ten-twelve bottles

>> No.6394504

Hard to say.

It would probably take around 15-20 standard 33cl 4-6% cans during a night, approx 6 hours.
But it depends a lot on what i eat during the time or before.

Last weekend i had about 10 were a few were 8% imperial stouts and i only feels a light buzz.

>> No.6394505

but apparently i'm drunk enough to not be able to spell correctly.

>> No.6394511

i had an imperial russian stout last night, brewed by a coworker.

it was 12% ABV and a whopping 450 calories.
it was my dinner, felt pretty good. certainly wasn't drunk.

i was a mess in college, litre of vodka a day.

my toleraance is shit now though, six pack of delicious 2x IPA from southern tier and i'm happy. it's a modest 8.2%

>> No.6394551

2 imperial pints of 4-6% an hour for 5 hours should do the trick.

>> No.6394555

for me?

>> No.6394558

This. I guess if you sip it like a fairy and eat while you're doing it over the course of an entire day. Coming from an alcoholic, I usually drink about 20 on a Friday night starting at 5:30 and am about ready to nod off in warm drunkenness on the couch at around midnight.

>> No.6394564

It takes me about 4 in an hour to get drunk and 5 gets me trashed. I'm an incredible lightweight, but I also lose my buzz quickly.

>> No.6394580

On new years eve I drank 35 bottles of full strength beer over about 16 hours. I can remember the entire night, I didn't take any drugs and I had a Bacardi rum and some whisky while watching the sun come up on new years day.
I felt pretty awful when the booze wore off.

>> No.6394623

12 - 24 depending on the situation, sleep, food and percentage.

Record stands at 42 in one night. Never again.

>> No.6394628

You can't drink more than 3 beers in one sitting

>> No.6394773


Yes, I have tried some (but not all) beers from La Trappe.
I particularly enjoyed the dark, gloomy Quadrupel.
Also the Isid'Or was very good.
I less enjoyed the Dubbel & Tripel.
Still have to taste their Bockbier and Oak aged Quadrupel though...

More to come this friday :^)

>> No.6394813

Taking care of massive amounts of different types of animals while understaffed, and herding retard kids is a pretty tough job.

>> No.6394859

I'm 31 and I noticed that I can't handle a lot of beer compared to when I was younger. Honestly just give me 4 tall cans of Steel 211 beers and I'm good.

>> No.6394869
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>> No.6394888

I can drink pretty much all day and night. it's the drugs that finally do me in.

>> No.6394914

>I have. The only person who could manage 20 beers without getting wasted was Andre the Giant. Now get the fuck out you aren't impressing anyone.
Are u retarded? Andre was unable to get drunk. Those 20 beers? He drank them in half an hour to lessen his thirst. Dutch fag here standard 5-7% supermarket beers... 18 to 22 a party (7 house orso) gets me functionally drunk for most of the party.
It's not that hard keep a good pace and go to party's without a bedtime curfew

>> No.6394927

Ow and don't mix ABV'S going for shots after 10 beers will rek u. Either start high and work your way to beer or continue with a high abv

>> No.6394937
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I would say 12 plus, and I am getting there. This usually means 12 cans or bottles of 5% beer. I like cheap lagers/pilsners.

>> No.6394957


oh ya
>pic related.

my diet is not very good when I travel.

>> No.6395263

Wasted? Probably 10 or 12 within an hour.

I'm almost never wasted, and *never* on beer.

>> No.6395278

>makes the second beer taste better, so you can actually enjoy it
Shit, dude. Either you just started drinking or you buy the most piss-tasting beer on earth. Maybe both.

>> No.6395279

Naw m8, I puke on cider. Can't stand sweet alcohol.

>> No.6395288

Wasted? ~18 bud lights.

>> No.6395302
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3 beers gets me wasted and 6 puts me out. This is the reason why I don't drink with others

>> No.6395307

wanna go camping?

>> No.6395315

this is a yoke, right?

>> No.6395317

I don't like what you're implying

>> No.6395338

what are you implying?


>> No.6395343


>> No.6395349

anywhere upwards of 7 beers one after the other with abv > 7 and im good. not blackout wasted but sitting pretty.

>> No.6395361

Like really normally wasted?

10-12 normal pils

around 15-20 Hefeweizen

>tfw south German

>> No.6395364
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That's gross

>> No.6395369


Wasted? As in, completely unable to do anything? I don't know, like 3 or 4 liters or something over the course of a night? At some point I just get a bit tired of the taste though and need something else.

>> No.6395375

So is posting chinese cartoon girls.

>> No.6395378

Wasted? About 8-10. But I usually stop at 6 or 7 drinks socially and 4 alone.

>> No.6395419

ITT: Americans not stating a unit of measurement.

>> No.6395422

gb2 drinking out of garbage cans, eurotrash

>> No.6395471


Hah, fucking mormons.

>> No.6395542

Bud Light or other beer people would drink to get wasted?
Probably a dozen
Good beer?
I get tipsy after three usually
Don't like to get wasted, though.

>> No.6395565

I don't really know. The only time that I have been drinking like a fish and ended up struggling to stay awake and trying to keep the nausea at bay (that's as wasted as I've gotten), I was high on a benzodiazepine and drinking the host's offered drinks, and past the fourth ale they all sort of merge together.

>> No.6395583

like thirteen 0.33L

>> No.6395657

Beer either has a texture I have to fight my way through or it tastes like piss, I've never been able to drink more than a 12oz bottle and that was pushing it. It takes ~4 bottles (12oz) of cider, or ~3 shots of 100 proof liquor to get me comfortably drunk, ~6 shots in about an hour to get me plastered.
>being 115 pounds
At least it's cheaper this way.

>> No.6395664


This, man. I don't understand why people brag about being able to drink a lot.

>> No.6395693

Why kind of frat boy get togethers are you attending? No one brags about that shit.

>> No.6395700

They brag for the same reason they drink. Because they're idiots. I used to know this junkie that would kill a 12 pack a day EVERYDAY and could finish a handle of whiskey by himself in a weekend.

He's a heroin junkie now, so go figure. Anyway that drinks to get passing out drunk is a fucking idiot. Sorry, I know /ck/ is alcoholic, but it's true. With as much education and information is available today, you just simply have to be a completely hopeless, self-destructive idiot to get hooked on some bullshit like alcohol.

>> No.6395705

>completely hopeless, self-destructive idiot
really, m8?
they already know it, shitlord

>> No.6395717


>> No.6395750
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I can drink a handle in a day, and I sometimes have a 12 pack for breakfast.

But I don't tell people that to brag. I actually try and warn people in these threads and describe my illnesses and horrific experiences with DT in the hopes people with a problem will cut back before they become as hopeless and close to death as me. If they have any desire to live at all.
>acute pancreatitis twice
>nerve damage

I'm pretty sure most people know how bad it is going in to it, but for some completely self destructive people it's like a cowards suicide. I figured I would be dead by this time when I first started drinking heavily.

>> No.6395777

It takes a lot less to get me "buzzing", "tipsy" and then "drunk".

But to get to "bumping the corners of doorways" I'm usually finishing off an 18 pack.

>> No.6395780

Do people really get wasted, or even just regular old drunk, on fucking beer?
I don't get the point. Seems like you'd need to piss an exorbitant amount of times, and you'd spend more money compared to just drinking hard alcohol.
Of course, I live in America and the rest of the world considers our beer to be terrible, light-alcohol pisswater, so I suppose it might be easier to get drunk on beer elsewhere.

>> No.6395786

I'm drinking a case of miller lite every night and I can't remember the end of most nights but I'm smoking weed too so whatever

>> No.6395791

Usually somewhere around 10 for a 5%, assuming I've eaten within 6 hours and we're judging on a 3-6 hour period

>> No.6395828

>I don't get the point.

Personally, I agree with you. I find a cold beer to be refreshing on a warm day, or the ideal complement to some foods. But if want to get intoxicated then it's the last thing I will reach for.

On the other hand, a couple of my drinking buddies make beer their drink of choice. One of them does it because he cannot remember to stay hydrated which mean he gets really bad hangovers if he drinks liquor. He drinks beer instead because it solves that problem.

The other one just spirals out of control if he drinks liquor. He can't pace himself. But beer is sort of self-correcting in that regard

>> No.6395844


I think one big factor for people getting drunk off beer is that it's social. You can drink for a long time without getting fucking shitfaced so you can stay at parties for longer/hang out with your friends for a longer time. Hard stuff is just to get really drunk really quick

>> No.6395851


you can do the same thing with liquor, christ. nobody is forcing you to down shots one right after the other.

well, assuming you have some semblance of self-control and aren't like:
>The other one just spirals out of control if he drinks liquor. He can't pace himself.

>> No.6395855


I don't know about you but I automatically quite frequently take sips of my drink when I hold it in my hand or have it nearby, be it beer, liquor or water. So I'd have to actively prevent myself from sipping all the time or just stick with beer

>> No.6395857

I drink dark beers with at least 10% alcohol by volume, so 2 to 4. Or at least thats when I usually stop, could probably have another two.

>> No.6395887


5'8% x 4 litres
Twice a week, sometimes thrice...
I have a problem.

>> No.6395897

You should drink stronger beer m8, you'll save money, time, calories, and piss.

>> No.6395907

i've been drinking about 10 a night for a year now. i still dont consider it a problem considering i have no hangover and only drink at night so it does not affect anything else for me. my liver hurts sometimes tho when i work hard but a glass of water fixes that easy.

>> No.6396624

typical american 5% lager, anywhere from 12-20 depending on the night.

I'll often go through a 12 pack and then supplement it with a half-pint of whiskey or bottle of wine.

When I was super depressed after college, I'd drink a half a handle of 40% abv booze a night for 2-3 nights straight, and recover in a couple days to do it again.

last month or so i've been drinking a lot, but plan to tighten back down, only drinking a couple a night. comes and goes, you know.

>> No.6397151

1 standard drink of mid-strength beer is 375mL.

>> No.6397163

355 in the US.

>> No.6397499
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>American Pints

>> No.6397506

10 will get me buzzed, 15 or so will get me wasted

>> No.6397511

Irishfag here. I usually buy 6 heavier beers like a 7% stout or something along those lines, and an 8 pack. By the end of the night I'm usually regretting not bringing more. All 500ml cans/bottles, I do not understand 330ml.
As far as wasted goes, I'm gonna need to be mixing several spirits along with beer, and be excited enough to not just go to bed.

>> No.6397536

>all this bragging in the thread

anyway depending on what I've eaten I'll feel good off a bottle of (14% 750ml) wine, and be drunk after drinking two

so in my contry that's 16 4% 330ml beers

I hate getting wasted so normally I'll just drink a glass or two of wine or a couple beers just to chill out

>> No.6397568

i rarely drink anymore. i used to drink vodka when i wanted to get drunk, but i wasn't a big drinker then either. i was just cheap. now if i drink (once or twice a week) i will have 2-3 IPAs and be feeling alright. i dont get wasted much anymore, but it used to take about half a bottle of vodka to be wasted without a potential blackout but no vomiting

nowadays i almost always smoke weed when i drink. it really kills the "just one more" urge that alcohol gives you, and i find it makes the 2-3 beer buzz much more noticeable and enjoyable without having to drink more (more calories + hangover)

>> No.6397647

Both of which are tiny.
Standard in most of Europe is 500ml, if not 568ml.

>> No.6397665

I don't really get wasted when I'm out anymore but I usually have about 9-10 pints before I notice I'm getting too drunk and will slow it down after that

when at home I don't give a fuck so will drink about 12+ cans of 5% beer. likewise I don't really get 'wasted' in the falling around the place sense, rather I just slur my speech and get all incoherently philosophical until I drift off to sleep

>> No.6397669

When i drink the higly hopped craft stuff i can get wasted basically on like 5 bottles, but they are only 0.33l. With pisswater (normal lager/pilsner) its around 6-7pcs of 0.5l bottles.

>> No.6397674

Six pints is probably a usual night at the pub for me, if it's someone's birthday or something eight will leave me pretty gone, ten and I won't remember much of the trip home.

Pints have to be 568ml here with a maximum of 10% head allowed iirc.

>> No.6398403


7% beer and it will take 10 or so.

half a bottle of most scotch is my benchmark.

Probably more if you mean wasted as in can't walk and talk properly at the same time.

>> No.6398905

Honestly, 6 beers or so will probably get me drunk. To get WASTED though, 10-12?

>> No.6398926

It used to take me around 6 to even start feeling it, but I've been broke since september and eating pretty poorly and it takes me 3 now.

I drank a 7% the other night. Had 3 and got a serious case of the spins and ended up throwing up.

I'm probably not going to drink until I have a healthy diet again, which is not until the middle of may because school.

>> No.6398965

I can definitely relate to the last part of your post. When I drink I have no self control to stop, but when I have weed I'll rarely drink except for sipping on a beer or two for the cotton mouth

>> No.6398967

I used to get borderline blackout drinking a sixpack of 7.5% if I drank it relatively quick, but nowadays that barely gets me drunk. I'm quitting drinking for a while

>> No.6399003

at the age of 16?
4 cans of 10% stuff would get me buzzed for a night

at the age of 20?
about 15 pints to get properly drunk, about 20 to black out

>> No.6399026
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About six years ago I drank 35 coors in over a day. Tried to have sexy time with a lady but whiskey dick and threw up on here

>> No.6399038

4-6% regular beers, like 7 pints in a few hours is enough to be drunk. I want to try a breathilizer and test my bac levels.

>> No.6399646

With a 12 pack I´m wasted more than that I black out

>> No.6399685


3 or more usually.

>> No.6399720


What are you eating? Mozzarella and salami?

>> No.6399727


Also this is not a /beer/ general thread.

>Good Tier:

Lagers, Ales, Ciders, Dark Lagers,

>Piss Water Tier

Indian Pale Ales, PBR and Natty

>Personal Favorite National and Local.

National for me is Red's Strawberry Ale and Local is this place called Great Raft or tied with Abita.

>> No.6399756

>Lagers not Piss Water tier
Lagers are the definition of "Piss Water" beer because lagers have no yeast taste at all and cheap brands use lots of rice to make it thin, weaker and lighter and use low amounts of crappy hops because hops are expensive. IPAs are complex, yeasty and very hoppy and malty.
2/10 because you got me to reply.

>> No.6399783

How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you have lagers, dark lagers, PBR, Natty as different things

Then have stuff like IPA's and Ales as two separate things

Ciders are not beers and IPAs are certainly not remotely close to pisswater, the latter point suggests you just have an infantile palate and succumb to contrarian hate trains rather than actually being a man

>> No.6399845

i don't drink beer, i get really drunk after 5 or so shots worth of whiskey so around 5-6 beers
i'm 6'1 140 lbs

>> No.6399944

Define "wasted". Are we talking about a decent buzz (euphoria, cognitive/coordination difficulties)? Are we talking beligerence? Are we talking blacked out? Are we talking about proper pints, twelve ounce cans, or tall boys? Either way, the answers are (respectively): 6-8 depending on ABV, 10-13, and 14+ (pints, mind you)

>> No.6399946

>I've never had a good lager, and am also an insufferable hipster faggot.
IPA's are for people that don't actually like good beer, but instead want to impress their friends with their ability to see the emperor's new clothes. Hopping the shit out of a beer is a great way to cover up a lack of ability on the brewer's part, crappy malts, poor conditions, etc. If you genuinely cannot enjoy a good Bock or Pilsner because you worry about what others think, I pity you.

>> No.6399960

>durr durrr IPAs suck because I hate trends despite hopping onto a trends that specifically goe against trends, look at how manly and non-conformist I am, I also LOVE sucking cock

Just drain your gene pool at this point, don't even bother cleaning it up

Your statement about hops covering up a shit beer really shows how you know nothing about beer itself

That being said you are completely correct about enjoying lagers and the person you're responding to is a pretentious nitwit only matched in that pretense by yourself

You can both shove a steaming hot iron pipe up your asses

>> No.6400040
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Jersey Pril for the cheese.
Mozzarella tastes a bit too light to go with these strong beers IMHO.

And if I remember well it was a Montanaro salami, or maybe a Cinta Senese one.

>> No.6400172

about 15 or so. Although if I was drinking just guzzle vodka til I pass out.

>> No.6400173

Drinking just to get drunk*
I'm sober I swear

>> No.6400177

>132 lbs
>6 drinks gets me nauseous

Well shit.

>> No.6400588
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How old are you to say american beers are terrible?
Ever heard of craft beer?
The America of today counts some of the most innovative breweries in the world.
Just type aleheads.com or craftbeer.com on your keyboard and open your eyes.

You know, I'm Belgian and I'm dying to taste, if only, the new Spencer Trappist from Massachusetts, to say the least.

>> No.6400749

I can't drink for shit, like 5 pints of 5% and I'm fucked up, 164lb too so it's not like I'm a midget.

Everyone else I know can drink twice as much as me.

>> No.6400770

8 Michelob Ultra get me buzzed, falling down wasted would take around 20, 30yr old 6ft 275lbs

>> No.6400861


9 beers and a bong gets me comfy

>> No.6400866

I don't get wasted on beer. It makes me too bloated and need to piss. Beer just starts the night. Something harder finishes it. Haven't been wasted on beer for going on for a decade.

>> No.6400868

All of them get me fucked

>> No.6400875

Sup me.

Maybe I'm just an alcoholic but I have to drink a lot of beer to get shitfaced. The amount leaves me feeling like I just ate an entire loaf of bread.

>> No.6400913

I drank over half a handle (1.75 L) of vodka in 3 hours last night. I chugged a liter of whiskey one night when I was working at a bar (it was just myself and some customers I'd befriended, they locked up and left me a note), but witnesses abound.

I'm not trying to impress anyone, but if you don't say these are things that can be done, you're an idiot or a troll.

>> No.6400935

A 6 pack of woodchuck amber cider will get me to the first stage of a GOOD buzz.

Half a 375 of johnnie walker has about the same effect.

>> No.6400947

>half a handle (1.75 L) of vodka in 3 hours last night
That's pretty impressive. I drink a handle every day when I drink, but I don't have a job and I drink it throughout the night and into the morning, almost never that fast.

Been sober 2 weeks though, feels boring

>> No.6400954

Honestly, a 12-pack will get me shit-faced.

>> No.6400955

I can't get wasted with beer.
Three cans of your regular pisswater and I reach a pleasant little buzz for a short while, but at twelfth I go straight into feeling depressed and mildly sick without experiencing any sort of high before that.
Don't have the problem with stronger stuff.

>> No.6400981
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A six pack of a 7-10% brew, a bomber of some similar strength beer and a couple shots of vodka usually ends up with me not remembering going to bed.

>> No.6401203


In the thumbnail it looks like a gigantic white rabbit with blood-red eyes.

>> No.6401246
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>> No.6401354

10 pints of 7.5% Guinness Extra, get me good, add a Half pint of Vodka and I usually black out.

>> No.6401402

Over 1l I start feeling very weird

>> No.6402873

13 shots = feeling it

7 7% beers = feeling it

>> No.6402928

I dunno, I usually just mix a solo cup of vodka and orange juice 50/50 and chug it.

>> No.6402959

I can't get drunk due to a glandular condition, but I still drink beer for the taste.

>> No.6402993

I drink like once a week and have a high tolerance. How the fuck is that serious organ damage?

>> No.6403002

I've had about 8.5 standard drinks now which is about 85g pure alcohol and I feel pretty good but I'm not wasted.

>> No.6403238


Nah I don't care what you think, IPAs taste like shit to me.

>> No.6404245

Unless I'm not eating anything I have to slam beers to get really hammered. Drinking beer at normal speed just gives me a buzz, even if I drink the whole day.

>> No.6404287
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>I can't get drunk due to a glandular condition
Please elaborate.

>> No.6404289


>> No.6404316

>13 shots = feeling it

Are you a call of duty

>> No.6404325
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>tfw you used to ask yourself if you had enough beer for the night
>these days you ask yourself if you have enough beer for when the bottle of wine is gone

>> No.6404973

So fucking jealous

>> No.6405003

> you ask yourself if you have enough beer for when the bottle of wine is gone

get out of my head /ck/

>> No.6405110

Why would you WANT to get drunk? So you can get in your chair and kill another innocent bystander?

>> No.6405267

I agree.

However once a week when I want to get plastered I'll drink ~500ml of whiskey in an hour to get the night going. However I'll need to sit down for like 10min after it kicks in. But after that I'm fine for the night and will keep drinking with my friends at the bar.

Inb4 liar. I do what I have to to have a good night. Wouldn't recommend it though.

>18, m. 80kg

>> No.6405274

We are birds of a feather.

>> No.6405276

Not gonna lie, about 2 or 3.

However, I can drink whiskey like it's fucking water.

Which makes no fucking sense to me.

>> No.6405305

Have you ever been drunk before?

and whoa what is drinking and not driving!? I never considered that was a thing people could do

>> No.6405314

>get in your chair and kill another innocent bystander


>> No.6405343

2 pints - tipsy
5 pints - drunk
7 pints - wasted

This is, of course, allowing for time taken to drink them.

>> No.6405356

depends how fast I drink it, but years of constant alcohol consumption fueled by homebrewing and an on and off GHB habit
(it is cross-tolerant with alcohol) have made it somewhat difficult to get drunk from beer at all. It usually happens when really strong beer is free at a bar, which happens when I perform music sometimes. It usually results in me losing all but the faintest memories and injuring myself somehow. At that point I have lost all count of how many drinks I've had, so it's hard to put a number on it

>> No.6405361
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Wait. You have seen nothing yet ;-)

>> No.6405403

mijn zwarte

>> No.6406326

You didn't tell if these got you wasted

>> No.6406489

I can't get wasted from beer. It's too much liquid to consume.
But around 12 shots of liquor to get wasted.

>> No.6406821

Less wasted with the Rocheforts than with the Chimays.
Chimays are 8-9-10 %, Rocheforts 6-8-10 %.
Forget about the 6, it becomes interesting with 8, and 10 is incredible.

>> No.6406892

I'm around 150 pounds but on a good day with a full stomach I could put away 12 light beers without any problem.

I usually stick to higher apv beers though so 6-7 will get me drunk without being hungover or throwing up. That is a very fine line as sometimes the carbonation will upset my stomach and make me spew.

>> No.6406963

A 6 pack usually gets me to my happy place, 10 beers and I'm not walking anywhere.

Because I'm not a lardass.

>> No.6407306

Sadly beer isnt enough for me anymore. It takes about half a liter of 151 to put me to bed

>> No.6407473

>tfw drinking beer to cover up the smell of liquor on your breath

>> No.6408959

More than one 1L beer-stein

>> No.6411075

Same here m8

>> No.6413041

Depends on my day form and how much I ate before.

>> No.6413205

2 cans of mikes hard get me wasted as fuck, I wish I could drink beer but I haven't found one I enjoy.

i used to drink half a bottle of vodka to get shit faced and then go to school at 16

>> No.6413260

interesting fact, if you take benzos again you'll remember shit while your high that you thought were completely missing from your benzo/alcohol blackouts

>> No.6415435

Depends, can't say I've gotten wasted on beer. Pretty drunk, but wouldn't call that wasted compared to say downing a bottle of vodka in 2 hours.
On a normal night I probably go through 16-18 pints without being overly drunk.
But had a couple times were I've been awake for 17-18 hours and then gone out drinking and feeling close to wasted from 7-8 beers.

This would be from 4.5-5% beer, 7% and up its obviously different but I rarely drink that unless I've been to Sweden.

>> No.6415440

so basically a 6 pack of actual beer cans

>> No.6415896


150lb takes a lil over 100oz to get me satisfied

>> No.6416604

used to be 7 pints now its 4. Been studying so much that my drinking game has diminished.

>> No.6416612

11 4.2% got me feeling pretty good

>> No.6416620

between 8 and 12 0.5 liter cans +-5%

>> No.6416835

I'm of Asian descent and it takes me extremely small amount to get buzzed. Usually two cans of 350ml at 5% alcohol will do it. I love it, really. I don't understand why some guys talk down on me having a low tolerance.

>> No.6416930
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Depends if I've taken any (prescribed) benzos that day or recently. If I've taken a klonopin within an hour or so, four or 5 beers will get me solid drunk and probably blackout. If no benzos, probably 9+ beers to get wasted. If I haven't ate anything for awhile (and do not eat during drinking), it's probably closer to 7 for wasted.

I do want to note that beer makes me feel bloated and it certainly depends on alcohol percentage of the beers in question. I usually just drink 2-3 beers and call it quits there since I take klonopin everyday.

pic related was my poison of choice up until about a month ago when I was blacking out and making poor decisions. Not good to mix with benzos. I gave up my 70% filled Everclear bottle to a friend to make sure I didn't drink any more. Have only had beers since then.