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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6390707 No.6390707 [Reply] [Original]

>post yfw you will never taste an English breakfast

>> No.6390712

Why not? It's just common crap all fried up.

>> No.6390728

> never taste
Cat got your tongue?

>> No.6390730
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I did, in a decent, but touristy, pub. It was pretty good.

>> No.6390790
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Irish breakfast is better anyways.

>> No.6390792

what is that?
whiskey soaked dicks?

>> No.6390804


Keep your homoerotic fantasies to yourself Nigel.

Yes, every man in England is named Nigel.

>> No.6391256

But this is a good thing. It's disgustimo

>> No.6391260

I don't see what part of it you couldn't make at home, except maybe black pudding if that's not available to you? It's not like proper barbeque or Mexican food that we can't get over here. I think you might have different sausages and beans but shouldn't make much difference. Oh whilst I'm on the subject, when you guys have sausage on pizza, what exactly is that? We don't get that in England. Closest we have is meatballs

>> No.6391273

Americans do this thing where they call any seasoned ground meat "sausage", regardless of form factor.

>> No.6391334

It's usually something called 'italian sausage', which is removed from it casing, broken up, and browned.

idk exactly what it is though. I absolutely hate the stuff.

>> No.6391364
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>mfw I have many times
>mfw it's every bit as good as you imagine
Downside is actually living in the UK

>> No.6391387
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>> No.6391393


Ulster Fry is superior.

>> No.6391397


I live in England and have had sausage on pizza before.

Cumberland I think.

>> No.6391404

They also like to call it "hamburger" at times. It doesn't make much sense.

>> No.6394201

Yea I think I've seen that before. Doubt it's the same though

>> No.6395227

why is her page blank

>> No.6397480
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> ITT: tomato beans at breakfast

I think I'll still go with pastries for the moment...

... but dying to try these American Cronuts!

>> No.6397482

enjoy your heart attack burger king

>> No.6397483


what about keith

>> No.6397484

That's american
All American males are either named Keith or Jack

>> No.6397485
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but anon

i am brandon. you are not going to trick me today

>> No.6397551
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>> No.6397573

But I will, anon, I will

>> No.6397588

Fuck off Keith.

>> No.6397633


I don't understand OP, why don't you just make a point to go out and get one next time you're in England?

>> No.6397648

Or just buy the same garbage from the local market and fry it up. There's nothing special about it.

>> No.6397721
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>> No.6397746

Why would you think you'd never taste an English breakfast, Anon? Don't think you'll never go to England? We do have things called airplanes, and it's not that big a trip.

Failing that a full English (or its Irish equivalent) can be found in many major cities in the US. It will almost always be a rip off in terms of what you pay versus the actual food cost of the dish, but it'd still be much cheaper than a trip to England, unless you work a job that's likely to send you there. Balthazar in NYC does a very nice full English, even if it is a total rip off at $18.

>> No.6398484

Yeah. who would want to be healthy anyway.

>> No.6398489

>the same garbage
You're an idiot, but I wouldn't expect any less from an American.

>> No.6398494

>Balthazar in NYC
>$22 and it doesn't even have the black pudding

>> No.6398496

It's nothing special.

>> No.6398500

Is it $22 now? I stopped wasting my money on places like that a while ago. Plenty of Irish pubs in NYC have both black and white pudding with their (slightly cheaper) breakfasts.

My point is that it can be found in major US cities if one looks around.

>> No.6398502


Keith seemsq more Australian.

Bob sounds Canadian

>> No.6398507

No, Strayans are "Bruce".

>> No.6398508

>My point is that it can be found in major US cities if one looks around.

Heck, just make it yourself. It's pretty damn simple cooking and all the ingredients are easily found in the US except perhaps that black pudding. And that you can easily mail-order.

>> No.6398509

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.6398510

What's keeping you from traveling to the UK and trying it?

..or just go to some place in the States that serve it.

>> No.6398521


>> No.6398523

>traveling to the UK

>> No.6398693
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>mfw I'll never taste an English breakfast