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File: 41 KB, 283x679, ground pepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6390146 No.6390146 [Reply] [Original]

So saw my friend earlier cooking with preground pepper which made me think:

Are you a literal faggot if you use preground black pepper?

>> No.6390150

Great thread.

>> No.6390151

I grind a bunch of black pepper at once and save it for use later.

Is this preground?

>> No.6390152
File: 3 KB, 126x114, 1334884736820s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6390154

I think it literally makes you a literal cuck.

>> No.6390160

yes, you're a twat rocket if you don't grind pepper right before use so it isn't oxidized

>> No.6391976

it make's it easier to measure by teaspoon when your making a dry rub for meat.

>> No.6391998
File: 39 KB, 640x426, Faggots-1500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, asshole.

<- these are literal faggots.

You are a figurative faggot.

>> No.6392042

I use it when I have to measure teaspoons or something.

>> No.6392048


when do you fools plan on graduating to the "taste your food and adjust accordingly" method rather than assuming all pepper tastes the same and blindly following what the recipe tells you?

>> No.6392051


If I'm using it with raw meat?

>> No.6392070

Pepper loses it's flavor so insanely fast once it's ground. You will have to use way more if you don't grind it fresh. It's not very time consuming to grind a little fresh and it will taste better so why bother with the bottled stuff.

It's even worse if you keep some in a shaker for a while. I've had to empty 1/4 to 1/2 of a shaker on my food to achieve desired results before. My dining companions thought I was an absolute madman. But it really just becomes almost flavorless.

>> No.6392077


Why would that matter? You're tasting the pepper, not the meat.

You ought to have an idea how much pepper tatste you want in the finished dish. So you taste the pepper by itself and ask yourself if it's kinda bland or if it's potent...or somewhere in between. If it's bland, you use more than the recipe calls for. If it's normal you use the normal amount. If it's potent then you use less.

>>raw meat
And belive it or not, chefs taste food containing raw meat very often. How else are they supposed to know if they put the right amount of seasonings into, say, the sausage meat they are about to stuff into casings? Yeah, you taste a little of the raw mixture and adjust accordingly.

>> No.6392078

If I'm looking to add a metric shitton of pepper to something, the finer grain and less strength is actually for the best.
I still fresh grind for plenty of things though.

>> No.6392081

grind some into the corner of a sandwich bag and it's easy to get a teaspoon in there for the amount you want

preground a shit

>> No.6392089

>How else are they supposed to know if they put the right amount of seasonings into, say, the sausage meat they are about to stuff into casings? Yeah, you taste a little of the raw mixture and adjust accordingly.
for something like sausage you fry up a little patty before you stuff it in the casing. even though it would probably be fine, most people, even chefs don't eat raw pork

>> No.6392105

Since there is no known correlation between homosexuality and pre-ground black pepper the answer would have to be no. If you were to of used the term figurative the answer may well be different.
In short your poor grasp of the English language has ultimately led to you making a fool of yourself.

>> No.6392125

>Pepper loses it's flavor so insanely fast once it's ground.
This. I've always found the flavor of pepper that comes out of a shaker insipid when compared to freshly ground. It doesn't taste nearly as good.

I've always put people who buy pep;per already ground in a little shaker in the same category as people who use dried herbs in situations where fresh would be so much better, or use chopped garlic from a jar instead of shopping it themselves. These are people who value convenience over flavor. They are not the kind of people I'd like to eat with.

>> No.6392150

some fresh-ly ground BLACK pepper

>> No.6392183

that man is beautiful

>> No.6392240
File: 3.52 MB, 770x504, dried herb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh autistic superiority

Michelin starred chefs beg to disagree


>> No.6392244

that link is not at all related, eat a dick

>> No.6392250

pls see >>6392125

>> No.6392266

except dried herbs have culinary uses
preground pepper has none

>> No.6392321

Is there a way to get like black pepper oil?

>> No.6392338

used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true.
"I have received literally thousands of letters"

Welcome to 2015

>> No.6392348

pls see my dick

>> No.6392350

except that >>6392125 was equating the flavor and use by normies of pre-ground pepper with that of dried herbs.

Try again autist.

>> No.6392360

i dont give a fuck about his analogy

your shitty link proves nothing: preground pepper is for faggots

>> No.6392363

>muh homophobic autism

>> No.6392367

>muh response to vaild point with claim of autism

>> No.6392378

wtf?! No I wasn't. I was saying it's something lazy cooks do. The kind of people who buy convenience products because they value convenience over flavor. The kind of people who wouldn't bother buying fresh herbs or chopping garlic because it's just not worth the effort to them.

If those folks are "normies" to you I'm frightened of wherever you live.

>> No.6392380

>muh anger at a logical response

I quoted >>6392125
My response was entirely accurate

Another poster widened the debate out to dried herbs and I answered their point.

For whatever reason you got buttmad.

I'm guessing autism, but it might just be a low IQ. Try and play nice in future.

>> No.6392383

Worst Cities in America for Food Lovers

1. San Bernardino, CA
2. Garland, TX
3. North Las Vegas, NV
4. El Paso, TX
5. Laredo, TX
6. Fort Worth, TX
7. St. Petersburg, FL
8. Corpus Christi, TX
9. Detroit, MI
10. Chesapeake, VA

>> No.6392386

Michelin starred chefs disagree with your hatred of dried herbs, friend. >>6392240

Guess you know better though

>> No.6392387

pls see >>6392378

>using word "normie"
>accusing others of being autistic

>> No.6392395

>reacting to the ironic use of the word "normie"
>claiming you're not on the autistic spectrum

I was poking fun, you took the bait

>> No.6392413

actually thats not at all what that article says bro
it says microwave dried herbs are better than store bought herbs.

>> No.6392415

I don't hate dried herbs. If you read my post I called out people who use dried herbs used in situations where fresh would be better. I made it a point to use language precisely, but your need to try to be the big man on the internet who shows everyone how wrong they are got in your way of seeing that.

>> No.6392418

>it says dried herbs are better than store bought herbs

Glad we agree

>> No.6392421

and his data to "prove you wrong" doesn't even prove you wrong. guess he can't read.

>> No.6392422
File: 54 KB, 312x360, Rudzetski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv you x

>> No.6392426
File: 31 KB, 460x276, lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv you x

>> No.6392428

>removing words
maximum nigger detected

>> No.6392436
File: 8 KB, 243x207, L.O.L..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv you x

>> No.6392646

great post.

>> No.6392654

I keep coarse, preground pepper on a shaker on the table for people who need more pepper once food is served, but in the kitchen, while cooking, I only use a pepper grinder, because fresh ground tastes better and you'll use less.

>> No.6392658


Preground black pepper is great for when you want to leave specs of black throughout your dish without imparting any actual flavor.

>> No.6392937

Just get a pepper mill for the table. There's zero reason to use pre-ground.