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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6388109 No.6388109[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In this thread, all eurofriends say everything they hate about American food.
Let's show those stupid Americans that Europe is GREAT!

>> No.6388111
File: 28 KB, 400x388, 1428088793039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American food is diverse and often pretty good.

>> No.6388113

America doesn't have its own food?
Its just European or south american food done to excess.

>> No.6388117

OP here,
All things /ck/ and Euro are welcome in this general.
I just want this to be a place for European posters to get together and talk about European cooking things, like how Americans have unsophisticated palettes and make their food to full of salt and fat (yuck!).

>> No.6388119

Exactly. Stupid Americans, they have no culture of their own.

>> No.6388123

I'm an American and I approve of this thread.

>> No.6388129
File: 15 KB, 250x240, 1411926844599s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: obsessed yurocucks mourning their extinct empires and dead cultures.

Pathetic yet predictable.

>> No.6388140

Get out of this general.
This general is just for European posters who want to talk about European cooking, like how American pizza isn't even pizza, or how American's don't know what real cheese tastes like because they only use that yellow plasticky garbage.

>> No.6388145


I like how Europeans like to talk about other countries using utter bullshit they saw on other 4chan threads as references. Enjoy living in Algeria 2.0!

>> No.6388147


I hate how they flaunt their freedoms in our inferior faces while be so kick ass.

>> No.6388148
File: 16 KB, 500x386, AnURDjc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just pathetic to see at least one person is taking this thread seriously.

>> No.6388151

I hate how they're better than us at literally everything so we have to make up a bunch of lies and change history to cover up the fact that we're a "civilisation" that literally cannot manage to avoid having a gigantic war on our continent for more than 50 years at a time.

>> No.6388156

So much ebin trol'n i have to go get mohammad to get me off in my boipussy

>> No.6388160

Off topic. Please delete this post.
Plus everyone knows that American food is just fake shit.

>> No.6388167
File: 44 KB, 640x360, pic-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american "food"

>> No.6388171

Damn that looks like a massive elephant turd stuck between two cart wheels.

>> No.6388174


omg, I love skinny adam, he's so sexy.

>> No.6388175

Hahahaha, now this is some quality europosting!
Finally someone gets what this thread is all about!

>> No.6388231


As another American, I also approve of this thread.

>> No.6388259

I am so superior to Americans. They are so stupid lol just cause they are massive abs stron they think they are modern rome. Lol stupid idiots. They don't even ban guns. Lolo school shootings funny. That never happens here. Lol dumb Americans.

>> No.6388294
File: 34 KB, 460x276, Man-V-Food-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, seriously, how can Americans make food like this, and eat it.

I bet they didn't even use high quality ingredients

>> No.6388299


We don't, but that's okay. We don't have to justify our existence to anyone. Please let this thread continue.

>> No.6388388
File: 454 KB, 500x562, USA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6388394

>Passport guy: I feel bad for you because I have traveled the world and I possess the background knowledge and ethical sophistication to form a legitimate opinion.
>Nopassport flyover: I don't think, because hey have you seen the new Katie Perry video? They hate us for our freedoms, also freedom isn't free!!

I wish flyover land would stay off the internet.

>> No.6388405

>acting as if most Europeans have traveled the world and haven't stayed near home like most

>> No.6388409

>I-I-I've traveled so much I've been all over Europe!
Bitch three countries take up half my continent and that half is already 3 times the size of Europe.

>> No.6388413

fuck off you pathetic frog poster

>> No.6388414

I drove from Gibraltar to Singapore. You?

>> No.6388418

I don't grind the gears on my clutch.

>> No.6388419


You sound upset. Did the bad "red staters" hurt your feelings again?

>> No.6388430
File: 32 KB, 306x447, muhfeelings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying redstate logic isn't 110% about >muh feelings

>> No.6388431

yes but just like USA, you are one among millions that haven't had your experience

and traveling through areas like a tourist doesn't magically give you a full education or experience of them

>> No.6388438

Eurofag in Oz reporting:
Love European food, but there's a novelty in trying out American food. I'd love to get a free holiday there just to try one of every junk they have, and try out their special eateries such as Diners when it's pouring rain and storming.

>> No.6388442

nearly all public politics is about >muh feelings

>> No.6388451

>or how American's don't know what real cheese tastes like because they only use that yellow plasticky garbage.

This is what yuropoors actually believe.

>> No.6388468

I like this thread. It's really just a eurofag concentration camp.

>> No.6388469

>my side got btfo
>oh no but both sides are wrong!

Both sides pander to feelings to some extent, and this is true for all factions in every country, but the GOP since the mid 1990s has been at the bleeding edge of American anti-intellectual politics. Don't even try to deny it.

>> No.6388472

I'm not american, nor the person you think you're responding to.

>> No.6388473

And also /pol/ I guess