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6387082 No.6387082 [Reply] [Original]

What can you guys tell me about this crap?
All I'm getting is hippie dippie shit from Google that I don't trust.

>> No.6387086

What do you want to know?

>> No.6387090

Well, matcha is organic hippie dippie shit, so what did you expect to find when you googled it?

>> No.6387091

>over 1,300 antioxidants
seems legit

>> No.6387099


Even simple carrots have over 100 kinds of antioxidants


>> No.6387113
File: 356 KB, 950x530, parasyte14a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My dad bought this from somewhere as if it is some magical weight loss thing. I am immensely skeptical, but he wants our whole family to start focusing our diet around it.
He won't believe me, or any of my sources, on why organic produce is bullshit, either.
I really don't want to eat this shit.

>> No.6387123

Eh, if you can't avoid it, just make ice cream and desserts with it, and forget the fact that it's organic. I love matcha for the taste.

>> No.6387125


It's not a magic weight loss food, but it's a nice thing to drink. You get the green tea antioxidants, it protects against UV rays from the sun and is good for your skin, and contains an amino acid analogue called L-theanine that increases alpha wave activity in the brain, making you more calm and focused


Tastes like shit though and will make you nauseous if you have it on an empty stomach

>> No.6387131
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Looks like some kind of new-age hippie weeaboo scam. Anything other than moon pies and RC cola makes me feel self conscious about my lack of education, low income, and general failure to adapt to life after high school.

Oh also, I am white. As if you couldn't have guessed.

Would anyone like to discuss fast food? This was supposed to be a safe space for people like me, you yuppies should go back to tumbeler and reddit.

>> No.6387142

it's just powdered tea

>> No.6387144

>What can you guys tell me about this crap?

Its powdered goddamn green tea. Thats it. Nothing special about it.

And for all the "weightloss" stuff, there is some scientific study that shows that Green Tea can help stimulate weightloss WHEN ADDED TO A DIET AND EXERCISE REGIME. And that Green Tea actually does help to keep weight from coming back as much.

But some magic formula, it ain't.

>> No.6387169

i drink a shot of it and have a coffee in the morning, it's good for concentration and it really does help for studying. i don't know anything about the weight loss stuff, i can't think of how that would work because it's just green tea

>> No.6387171

make matcha latte with it

thank me later

>> No.6387177


> i can't think of how that would work because it's just green tea

The polyphenols in the tea can increase fat oxidation, but it's not a huge effect. Drink lots of green tea all day and you may burn an extra 50 calories max.


Green tea isn't a magic bullet for weight loss, but the other benefits make it worth drinking

>> No.6387183
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>Culinary grade
Wow, if you're gonna drink matcha at least buy something less shit tier. Make ice cream or cakes with that shit

>> No.6387207

So what I am getting from this is that green tea is just good in general?
Matcha is only used for other things like baking and as an additive to another drink?

>> No.6387226
File: 34 KB, 450x297, matcha-green-tea-set-450x297[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty much. Green tea, whether it's matcha or regular steeped tea, is good for you. Matcha can be made into a drink by just whisking it into hot water, but it can also be used in baking. I prefer regular green tea for drinking since I think it tastes better, it's easier on my stomach, it's cheaper, and most of the healthy compounds in the tea are water soluble anyway.

>> No.6387243

Matcha was originally used by monks. Its a high grade green tea thats been pulverized into a powder. The monks used it to stay awake while reaching 'heightened' states of consciousness.

I have a teaspoon of it mixed in warm water. Its a bitch to mix in. I feel the effects in about 5 minutes. Its a good steady, jitterless caffeine high. Gives me good tunnel vision when working on stuff.

>> No.6387257

It's fucking powdered tea leaves and literally nothing more, no better for you than tea is or isn't, your dad's silly if he thinks it'll do anything special.

>> No.6388059

Buy it from an asian store and it's the same thing but cheap.

>> No.6388069

>>not liking bitter tea
sure you get lots of subtle flavors with other teas but this suits me fine.

>> No.6388522

I add matcha to baked goods because it makes girls wet for some reason. They are obsessed about it like it is the second chocolate. add it to cheesecake, shortbread cookies, trifles, etc

>> No.6388594

Move out.

>> No.6388867

It's good for baking and other things, I made a cheesecake with it once.

>> No.6388928

Stop being a teenager and move out.

Also, loose weight, fatty.

>> No.6389049


How much did that bag cost? 100 bux? Also yes, it's scam. Buy a bag sencha, smash the leaves into powder, remove stems, WA LA. Same taste, 1/10th the price.