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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6386661 No.6386661 [Reply] [Original]

Place your order, /ck/!

Eat hearty!

>> No.6386688

The #1 club with mustard and a side of fries, no tarter sauce.
And a ginger ale.

>> No.6386689

Peanut butter and bacon? Wow they meme'd bacon before bacon memes were a meme.

When is that from? I don't get out to eat that often, but wouldn't relative prices nowadays be 10-20x more?

>> No.6386699

Two orders of #5 without potato chips, no tartar sauce please.

>> No.6386702

Howard Johnson's Special Frankfurt with Toasted roll served at the table

>> No.6386717 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 680x583, xeFHyag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no tendies


>> No.6386961

TAAAAAAAAARD stfu faggot

>> No.6386970

>implying American Cheese & Ham sandwich wasn't the tendies of the early to mid 20th century

>> No.6387690
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>implying I would even look at the menu before I got served HoJo's famous Orange sherbert.

>> No.6387694

What's wrong with tartare sauce faggots?

>> No.6387700

What's a chop suey roll?

>> No.6387702

who the fuck would delete a post on 4chan

like why

>> No.6387717

they do it for free

>> No.6387723


>> No.6387787

Peanut butter and bacon is an American tradition you spear chucking philistine

>> No.6387803
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apparently canvas-back duck tasted so great because of the wild celery it fed on in the wetands

>> No.6387839

thanks elvis

freedom ain't free praise jesus

>> No.6387842

On the internet

>> No.6387845

The #4 Club is right up my alley, but I'm also tempted to order the Peanut Butter and Bacon and the Chop Suey Roll or Cream Cheese and Olive.

>> No.6387859

If you're not eating fried fish or shrimp, you shouldn't be eating tartar sauce.

tldr: kill yourself

>> No.6387861

Out of interest, how much for a beer or whiskey?

>> No.6387917

#6if hungry, and a pot of tea .85 but figure you made 15 bucks an hour, in todays wages. 15% tip= one dollar. kind of high considering most made 22 =40 per month. Doubleif if for two. (price not wages) If avverage, I'd get "hamburg steak and tomato" still pot of tea.HO JOES with no tasty rubberband like clams?. No watered ice milk shakes? no cheap beds with green shag carpet at twice what "holiday inn" had. no wonder they went out of business. like stuckeys.

>> No.6387941

3 club with the fries n' rolls, malted milk, 2 fried eggs on the side if they'll do that

>> No.6388184

good good. everything on that menu looks delicious. I don't even know where to begin. And this is in 1899? truly, things were better back then.

>> No.6388196

triple sandwich #5 and a ginger ale

>> No.6388244

Damn. I really want a (5) club sandwich and some coffee, but I only have 50¢ on me.

>> No.6388453
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Walk a cow through the garden and wax it with frog sticks then gimme a shingle with a shimmy and a shake.


>> No.6389116

Number 1 Club with a ginger ale

slice of pie for dessert if they have that.

>> No.6389187

On my way to get ingredients for a cream cheese and olive sandwich, be right back...