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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6384934 No.6384934[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: fat fucking Americans enjoying food

>> No.6384936
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>> No.6384937
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>> No.6384939
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>> No.6384940

i see guys like that at the local race track

amazing how even in mass we can find rednecks

>> No.6384941

wheres the pic of that one guy with the neck

>> No.6384942
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>> No.6384943
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This one?

>> No.6384944
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>> No.6384946
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>> No.6384947
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>> No.6384948

God I hate Americans so much.

>> No.6384949
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>> No.6384950
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Me too /b/ro

>> No.6384951

we all do anon, we all do

>> No.6384952

This bitch is fucking European, everything is in Euros and Lays are called Walkers.

>> No.6384954
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>> No.6384956

Man, that makes me legit sad.

>> No.6384959
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>> No.6384960
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>> No.6384963
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>> No.6384966

rip through your mother fucking tissue like phantasms

>> No.6384968


Don't worry man. I hate us too.

>> No.6384969

I like that even though they're doing this all together to socially bond, they're all on their phones.

Fuck everything.

>> No.6384970

I thought you said you liked it

but also they're just taking pictures to remember for later. they're a very clean species, they won't eat and then touch their phones.

>> No.6384972

Sarcasm mang, sarcasm.

>> No.6384973

those are asians anon

>> No.6384977


nothing wrong with that. dude looks skinny and he wanted to eat a shitload of comfort food before leaving

>> No.6384981

>/r9k/ the image

>> No.6384983

God damn I fucking hate americans

>> No.6384984

In the fat guy's defense (also he's not American), whoever is bringing that food cart around is clearly trolling

>> No.6384986

Japanese, to be specific.

>> No.6384988
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>> No.6384994
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>everything is in Euros

>> No.6385000


i went to school with a kid that looked like that. he had brain surgery too. really nice kid, his dad owned the school

>> No.6385005

Someone post the pic of the bitch with the salad that starts crying after tasting room it.

>> No.6385009

Before death

>> No.6385014

damn the fatty got rekt

>> No.6385016
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Genuine question: why don't fat people eat less? Like, if they're so fat and they don't want to be, why don't they just eat one less doughnut that day and gradually wind down their consumption over a few months?

>> No.6385018

i honestly think its because they get addicted to it. maybe their brain releases pleasure chemicals everytime they over eat and more pleasure with tasty fatty foods.

>> No.6385019

That's effort. It's paying attention to what you're doing.
Plus, you can be an overweight vegetarian or vegan. Purely for the weight thing, it's about how many calories you consume/burn rather than what you're eating exactly. 500 calories of doughnuts and 500 calories of fish and 500 calories of milk and 500 calories of carrots are the same thing in this situation.

Yeah I know it's hard to eat 500 calories of carrots in one sitting, whatever

>> No.6385020

Was that the one with the Brussels sprout? I don't think she was crying because she didn't like it, but because she was frustrated that she couldn't bring herself to eat any thing other than cheesy potatoes. I felt kind of sorry for her when I watched the clip.

>> No.6385023

I also think the stomach stretches so they are only satiated with more.

>> No.6385025
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>milk with your dinner
>white people.exe

>> No.6385027

Fat privilege is to not needing to use any logic to prove someone wrong.

>> No.6385030

Former fatty here

Its a mental thing. You have this full feeling when you have eaten enough that I craved when I ate and I would keep eating until I hit that. The downside of "just eating less" is being hungry two hours later and you inevitably make a bad decision like McDonalds or chips from a convenience store. At lest for me, it required me to completely change my relationship with food and get used to being hungry from time to time.

Down to 200 at 6'5". feels good man

>> No.6385034


At one time you get to a point of no return where every physical effort becomes a burden and people start pointing at you in the street with disgusted faces and making remarks and chicks are disgusted by you and the only thing that can really bring you any pleasure and comfort anymore is eating calorie rich food in your room.
I have teetered on that edge myself, and I was "only" 286lbs at 6'3'' and generally burly physique.

>> No.6385045


Get that bull shit outta here. Everything is over priced for what exactly? A burger is a burger, no matter how "home made" it tastes.

>> No.6385046


Well yeah, I suppose when you buy what is generally the most expensive fruit in the supermarket, it's going to end up being pretty goddamn expensive. Why didn't you pick apples or oranges? This has nothing to do with being poor, but being too stupid to live within your means.

>> No.6385065

Looks like your mama got wrecked by me last night pussy

>> No.6385066

Buying over five pounds of grapes probably has something to do with it. Plus you can buy the big jar of peanuts for $3 so I don't see why she bought two snack sized bags for $1.

>> No.6385067

95% of the time they don't realize how much they eat

>> No.6385077

poor british people are worse than poor US people

>> No.6385122

fucking fat fucker

>> No.6385168
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>> No.6385179


the food looks horrible but the nutrition info isn't that surprising except for the sodium. when I'm bulking I eat three 1000 calorie meals a day plus two or three ~200 calorie snacks

the most surprising bit of nutritional information I've come across is one of togo's large sandwiches having 10,000mg sodium. I didn't notice it until the day after. pretty shocking when you see how small their large sandwiches are

>> No.6385187

When people argue about healthy food being expensive (almost always on Tumblr exclusively) they also never bring up trying to use coupons or reading a sales flyer before going grocery shopping.

>> No.6385189
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>> No.6385195


>> No.6385196

Because food is the only pleasure I have left

>> No.6385198

good thread.

>> No.6385210

The fat one on the right even has a fat roll on her forehead.

>> No.6385230

We have previously established that this is not actually a block of cheese, but pound cake, which is equally as ridiculous.

Also I like how half of this thread is fat British people when the topic was Americans.

>> No.6385237

That's not an American, but a tourist. No one matches prints in the US. That's simply not done.

>> No.6385255

It's a block of cheese an is most definitely an American.
I know this.

>> No.6385280

I know a chick as fat as her and no way they have this much junk in one day, maybe not even half. I spent 2 weeks living with her.

>> No.6385285

>mfw I'm some American hungry skeleton (6' 5", 145lbs) and I come into these threads
>mfw no face

>> No.6385287

what am I looking at here?

>> No.6385292

No idea how you would come to think this is cake. It's very obviously cheese.

>> No.6385298


a dadaist art installation

>> No.6385299

The pic before the rape.

>> No.6385325



>> No.6385333
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>> No.6385346
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>I absolutely agree

blown. the. fuck. out.


>my friend in the bag

this guy is so fucking awesome. he is so goddamn based. jesus fuck. straight up says to the news guys' face he enjoys the heart attacks because it lines his pockets

>> No.6385350

There aren't that many turbofat Americans though, right? Going to the USA for the summer and I'm kind of scared of seeing hamplanets allover the place. Surely they're not as common.

I know there's a restaurant in Las Vegas that lets fat people eat for free. Forgot how obese you had to be but it was a big number. I'll be ok as long as I don't go to places like that, no?

>> No.6385356


that's a gimmick restaurant. as long as you avoid flyover states and walmarts you see virtually no one like that. I've lived in the bay area for over 20 years and have seen maybe a handful of people that fat, and only at supermarkets

>> No.6385373

Would you fuck that dwarf waitress dressed as a nurse, though?

Worst thing I saw in that clip was the rolls of paper towels on the tables. That's just trashy, man.

>> No.6385376

I'd put her on a stool and let her give me a standing bj. Maybe.

>> No.6385379

This is the sort of food they feed the elderly.

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.6385383

Congrats, you're bad at sarcasm.

>> No.6385387

This will give me nightmares.

>> No.6385400

I met this 18 year old girl at my new job who is about 5'2" and way over 200lbs. It made me sad when she told me she'd do things like eat her feelings, and that when she was broke waiting for her first paycheck, she'd beg people for food instead of waiting to eat later. She said she wants to try and lose weight but it seems like she just doesn't have the mental strength to not eat when she's upset and she has a mindset that makes her think that even at her weight, she needs to eat three full meals a day.

She said her favorite food was fried chicken too.
stupid fucking America.

>> No.6385415

As someone who shops at winco, the cheapest decent grocer in america, if you buy nothing but health food there, it still ends up being expensive.
20 bucks used to get you a full cart of groceries from big name stores. Now you're lucky if you can get more 10 things with that much. Food prices keep inflating. And not everyone gets the luxury of getting to shop at places like winco because of shit holes like walmart.

Not even tumblr, bruv

>> No.6385424

I used to work at safeway. That's a block of primo taglio medium sharp cheddar. I used to slice those blocks of cheese for customers.
That entire block costs like 30 dollars or around that area depending on what safeway you go to.

>> No.6385427

>stupid fucking America
Yeah, it's America's fault not hers.

>> No.6385430

Oh shit that's from X-Entertainment back in the day. I loved that site.

>> No.6385431

>market shit like McDonald's and walmart to weak minded people
dude, she can't help that she's dumb.

>> No.6385435

>she can't help that she's dumb
I think that's why school was invented.

>> No.6385437

>pound cake
Looks like 10 lbs to me.

>> No.6385453

>go to shit public school where they have to pass you bc of over crowding
>they let everyone graduate cause fuck it
>make it impossible to pay for college

>> No.6385456

I get what you mean. Food prices, especially those of meats, dairy and produces have skyrocketed. However, it's still possible to eat relatively healthy while on a budget.

Try buying what's on sale and be cautious about these sales. Sometimes, the savings aren't worth it or you don't need to buy two items in a 2 for X$ sale to get the reduced price. Also look for coupons on the manufacturer's website.

Cheap cuts of beef, pork and especially chicken will get you a few meals for not much money. Grains, especially rice and beans are always cheap too. In the produce section, as it was mentionned, apples and oranges are often cheap. Potatoes, carrots and on season produces are cheap too.

These are a few things to look for when grocery shopping so you can spend fewer money and still eat healthy. Also never leave without making a list.

>> No.6385458

>implying there's a difference between britbongs and amerilards

>> No.6385461

Depends on where you're going. As long as it's not the deep south or to VA or anything you should be fine.

>> No.6385462

Did you exercise too or just not eat as much?

>> No.6385469

>tfw no fat hate thread because of /pol/ shit

>> No.6385475

you'll only see superfats in the southern U.S, but you weren't going there anyway, right anon?

>> No.6385478

Not true, I used to live in the midwest and I saw them all the time

inb4 wasn't the REAL midwest, it's always denial with you flyovers.

>> No.6385482

>not enjoying a bucket of fried foods with your lardkin

It's like you don't even live OP.

>> No.6385504

>Dat coverage
And I thought that TVA news (Quebecor media) was sensationalist and biased.

Also, the blob who's happy to weight 427lbs. That's like cheering while your car jumps off a bridge.

>> No.6385505

Sorry about your lactose intolerance, anon.

>> No.6385511

Lol. It's funny because it's true. I see this whenever I venture 40 miles outside of San Francisco in any direction.

>> No.6385516

>implying 40 miles north of san francisco isn't rich attractive hippies

You're not from san francisco

>> No.6385542


>> No.6385552
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>> No.6385565
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TFW i've just got back from the gym after a solid 45 minute cardio circuit with almost no breaks and i've probably eaten 600 calories today yet I still can't shake these man boobs and flabby stomach.

>Life isn't fair

N.B Before all the /fit/ fags pounce on me, I try and go to the gym AT LEAST twice a week for at least 40 minutes of high intensity circuits. On the days I don't go to the Gym, I take my dogs for at least an hour walk, and I lift daily.

>> No.6385569

It's fake you plebs.

>> No.6385571

I'm white. I don't drink milk with dinner. I know a black guy who does though.

>irrelevant fag.swf

>> No.6385590

>I lift daily.

that's almost certainly too much

drop your brosplit, go to /fit/, and grab a real routine asap

>> No.6385617

>implying you can't gain on a split
I bet you're a fatass who brags about his squat and can't do a single pull up

inb4 pull ups are for pansies and other acts of fat logic

>> No.6385619


>> No.6385625


>> No.6385639


why so hostile

the guy is complaining about man boobs and a flabby stomach. he is obviously quite the novice. I would bet money on him having chosen a sub optimal routine

this isn't /fit/ and I'm not going to entertain your assumptions beyond I squat and don't enjoy it and until I stopped doing bodyweight only chin ups I did them daily

>> No.6385642

#Based King Curtis. Literally takes no shit from black women and loves tendies.

>> No.6385658


So what is it with Asians and large helpings of fries?

>> No.6385665

How's the drought?

>> No.6385672


the wine glass makes me fucking rage everytime

>> No.6385673


it has had literally zero effect on my life here in norcal. do people in flyovers think we're all crawling on salt flats gasping for water or something?

>> No.6385688

news making it sound like socal needs the entire west coast's supply of water to get by.

>> No.6385703

You will be soon enough

>> No.6385710


Plus, you're gonna have to butter the cakes and add syrup to them. Then, you're going to need ketchup on on them eggs and hashbrowns. Also, you'll have to have some toast and jam.

>when's lunch?

>> No.6385725
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Guy just wanted to feel like a kid one last time before being reconditioned by the military.

>> No.6385728
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>about half of this thread is pictures of britcucks

>> No.6385732

congrats, you are losing just water weight and muscle by starving yourself, get a real routine, count your macros and research before going full retard.

heres a few google links that shows that starving yourself funny enough is bad for losing weight.

>> No.6385763
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>> No.6385768


>> No.6385774

I love this man so much
I think he has a pathological hatred for fatties, and that he's wanting to kill them all one by one with thier own gluttony, while they pay him to do it.
>I'm a businessman. I'm here to make money. Death is good for business.

His restaurant is America in a nutshell.
Warnings everywhere saying this shit is bad for you, and will probably kill you, while everyone laughs and ignores the signs while stuffing thier faces and slowly killing themselves.

>> No.6385786

>Worst thing I saw in that clip was the rolls of paper towels on the tables. That's just trashy, man.
U srs?

I wish more places did this. Makes it feel homey.

>> No.6385798

When you're dealing with grease at that scale and customers with that many folds on their body, singular napkins aren't going to cut it. You need to be able to use wipe yourself with multiple feet of absorbent material.

>> No.6385900

What the fuck does she have on her bread?

>> No.6385910

That would get cold really fast

>> No.6385916

My friend of african descent

Dinosaur Dracula.com

That's what he's up to now.

>> No.6385917
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>she's opening ranch dressing

>> No.6385921

better stop using this american website then

>> No.6385939

If youre not losing weight you should reduce your calories more m8. Just track em all.

>> No.6385968

love me some qt dwarves

>> No.6385981
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Nice to see these fat shaming threads have finally made their way to /ck/.

>> No.6385990

blame genetics

>> No.6385995
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>> No.6386003
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>> No.6386010

would fuck the one on the right

>> No.6386012
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Yeah me too. They're so stupid and fat.

>> No.6386018

I swear by any book you hold holy, only Australians can ruin something we all love- food.

Why is there no great food expert going to Australia other than ground-cooking something? it's simple, they're just like me state in the US.

Everything, including the wildlife is so awful that we come to hate everything.

Don't debate us friends, pity us. We live in a horrible place and to have a good piece of food is paradise.

>> No.6386028


Rather, Montana to be correct.

We have amazing wild turkey here. You wouldn't know it because it's a deeply guarded secret.

They're so stupid you could kill them with a stick.

>> No.6386036
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>> No.6386042

I know. Milk with dinner is for toddlers and sippy cups.

>> No.6386043

The more beaners that immigrate to the US the higher the obesity rate gets.

Dont get me wrong there are a lot of fat muricans but obese beaners is an epidemic.

>> No.6386055
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>> No.6386062
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>> No.6386073
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>> No.6386080

That blob-in-blue's upper arm is about the size of my thigh. What the everloving fuck. How does one allow themselves to get that fat?

>> No.6386081


Or rather we love seeing people trying it.

>> No.6386091

The tourist industry never gets any legs here because we hate people more than we like money.

>> No.6386095

Bread. Seriously.
Lots of Brits eat bread and salad cream (same stuff as what Americans call "Miracle Whip™") sandwiches. It's entirely disgusting, but that's life in Britainistan.

>> No.6386098

By the way, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread_sandwich

>> No.6386101


Shove it down their fucking gob and tell them, "You're an awesome person!"

Check all over.

With Aussies, make them realize they're not in Sydney or their comfortable flats?


Goodbye annoying anglosphere.

>> No.6386110

toast sandwiches are great tho

>> No.6386122

This is from that video where the landwhale is making macaroni salad where she adds a can of condensed milk and a full jar of mayo, right? If it is, can I have the link?

>> No.6386145

Look how tiny the bottle is relative to her size.

>> No.6386163
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So based.

>> No.6386179

Is it guaranteed replies because these people clearly aren't in America?

>> No.6386182

That's davido-kun after a long day at the meido cafe

>> No.6386186
File: 72 KB, 500x500, 500-980978-847__1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an American I have developed a new food combination. Chicken ramen with crushed funyuns.

>> No.6386188


>> No.6386189


dem nurses tho

>> No.6386190



>> No.6386194
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Funyuns for the less enlightened.

>> No.6386197
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Good man.

>> No.6386201
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Wouldn't you have to crush one at a time and eat it before they get too soggy and gross in the broth?

>> No.6386208

Sometimes I dunk them like donuts in coffee after I finished all the noodles.

>> No.6386238

My dad used to eat mayo and bread sandwiches when he was little, but that was also because he grew up dirt fucking poor.

>> No.6386246

This nurse that checks up on one of my aunts eats ramen noodles straight out the pack. She's also morbidly obese.

I fuckin' love Funyuns. I haven't had any in years, though.

>> No.6386247

Jesus Christ, I live in England and I've never heard of that. That's fucking disgusting. P-please tell me that isn't true.

>> No.6386251
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>dem qt3.14 nurses

>> No.6386262


I'm curious if you could get away with belting on some weight packs and get free food.

Las Vegas is pretty hot though so that would be kind of uncomfortable.

>> No.6386264

>morbidly obese
This should cause them to lose their license.

>> No.6386268


I'm more concerned if she's going to drink it like some sort of soup.

>> No.6386270

>you can only coach basketball if you can dunk

>> No.6386274

We're in NC. Pretty sure it's the fattest state.

>> No.6386275


Are you losing any weight?

If you were a fatty and you lose weight you still end up with excess skin.

>> No.6386276

Meet me at The M. ;)

>> No.6386290

So he would eat a slice of bread between two slices of bread? Cuz that's what many Brits do.

Not sure whereabouts you might be, m8, but bread sandwiches, salad cream sandwiches and salad cream bread sandwiches are all really rather common all round the UK and the charmingly accented Diet UK™ (IE Ireland). And it's not just an estate thing or for people who live on the dole, either. Many people eat that sort of slop all over the UK. Remember: we're talking about the country that recycles the fryer sediment at KFC into gravy.

>> No.6386294

Nope. Mississippi, as it's been for the past kajillion years. I don't think there was ever a time where Mississippi wasn't the fattest state.

>> No.6386301

Don't compare being a care provider with entertainment.
It stands to reason that if you demonstrably cannot take care of yourself then you have no business taking care of others. In the same way that fats who raise fat children are committing child abuse.

>> No.6386331

>tfw I left and the only true memory I have of before the marines reconditioned me is my ex wife... ptsd bad man

>> No.6386337

>caring about child abuse
Beta faggot detected

>> No.6386357

every time i see this picture it reminds me of the night i took it. it was at an oceanside.ca 7-11, I was buying a chaser for my liquor... Me and my ex wife were still together...

>> No.6386386
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>tw: weight loss

>> No.6386391

>salad cream sandwiches and salad cream bread sandwiches are all really rather common all round the UK
literally never heard of it m8

>> No.6386394

Ex because you kidnapped that qt3.14?

>> No.6386428
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>> No.6386428,1 [INTERNAL] 

Excuse me but I am an American
I do not appreciate you calling my country stupid and if you have a problem with us you don't need to publish it online.
You may think this is funny but it's actually really disrespectful. You need to think about the people who are reading this and learn when and where to draw the line. I am proud too be an American and proud to be a part of this state. Just because some Americans can be stupid, that does not mean you can say that to all of us. I am the top student in my college classes and I am a year younger than all my classmates. Guess what not only Americans are stupid. We all make mistakes and are not perfect. This may be a meme but it's acually not funny( or at least to me.) how bout you go disrespect some other nation since we are so stupid we may not get. BTW IF YOU CALL SOMETHING OR SOMEONE STUPID THAT MEANS YOUR THE ONE WHOS STUPID. Also stop calling people fat and ugly because if you want to see ugly then why don't you look at the mirror unless you broken them all. Your probably thinking I never seen you so how would I know your ugly. I know your ugly since you have no feelings and can judge people instantly. I would not be insulted if you said people were stupid but it really hurt when you said my country was stupid. THIS WAS NOT A TEXT TO MAKE YOU FEEL GUILTY SINCE I KNOW YOU WILL KEEP WRITING THESE KINDS OF MEMES AND YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE.

>> No.6386428,2 [INTERNAL] 

Hi and bye roasted you so much that you are burned