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File: 13 KB, 250x202, pizza76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6382094 No.6382094 [Reply] [Original]

On Tuesday, one of the pizzeria's co-owners told a local news affiliate that "[i]f a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their wedding, we would have to say no."

I'm not gay, so I'm asking here: Is pizza a popular choice to serve at gay weddings?

My first thought is "gay" would mean something a little more frou-frou, but maybe I'm stereotyping.

Pizza makers, any help?
Do gays eat a lot of pizza at their weddings?

>> No.6382106

(I've only been to one gay wedding, and it was at a steakhouse.

>> No.6382109

I've never been to a gay wedding but I'd imagine that they enjoy pizza much like straight couples do

>> No.6382116

don't be fag enablers, unless you want our soldiers to go to hell!

>> No.6382119
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>mfw their gofundme has over $400,000 in donations
>mfw all I have to do to get rich is open a shit restaurant and say I hate homos

>> No.6382121

I didn't know the Westboro church used 4chins

>> No.6382143
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i was thinking the same thing

will you be my friend?

we could open a pizza place and retire in a year

>> No.6382151

That's not actually what happened. Fags are welcome to dine and order pizza just as anyone else, but that doesn't mean that the establishment has to conduct a fucking faggot wedding cerimony there... that's not part of normal business.

It's a slippery slope our federal government is pushing on people, but leave it to the obama and clinton hypocrite do as I say not as I do types to fuck it up.

They don't even have to try to fuck up, they just do.

>> No.6382153
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Is pizza becoming a "gay" food?

>> No.6382165

tube steaks

>> No.6382175

They were lesbians, actually, not dudes. It was really funny watching the hyper-macho staff at the steakhouse trying to be all modern and accepting, while referring to the happy couple as "the girls".

>> No.6382183
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Friend me!

>> No.6382187
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you have listened well my young Padawonasshole

if I own a shooting range, can I deny gay couples from coming in and firing off a few rounds together?

Jesus is crying.

>> No.6382189

I took the click bait and looked at an article on this.

It was 90% twitter screencaps. Quality journalism.

>> No.6382199

Point is, it's their restaurant and if they don't want to conduct a homosexual wedding there they shouldn't have to. No fucking government should force that on them either.

I bet that if it was muslim place, the obama/clinton homo establishment would bend over backwards with their assholes right up for penetration to make that happen. They're so used to making excuses for islamics that they don't know what's going on except their agenda.

Follow the CAIR dollars. Nice nifty name on that one eh?

>> No.6382223

Not if it's part of normal business, then why would you want to, that's just business. But you don't have to conduct a full blown faggot wedding there which isn't part of the normal business of just renting out the range for firing at targets. A wedding isn't firing at targets, it's a wedding and should be up to the owners of the business.

It's not as if that was the only pizza place, they could have gone somewhere else, but like the hypocrite faggots that they are decided to make a federal case about it.

I'm straight and if someone didn't want to do a wedding or something, for whatever reason, I'd just go somewhere else, I certainly wouldn't be a fucking faggot about it and make a federal case.

People have to learn to be polite and respect other's property, unlike faggots who want to be flamboyant and shove it the faces of others. They're faggots with an agenda.

>> No.6382227
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>I bet that if it was muslim place,

in Dearborn there are tons of Muslim owned pizza places
wouldn't be a problem for them like the fucked up X-trians

>> No.6382234

Who cares what gays eat at their weddings and who cares if a pizza place doesn't want to cater gay weddings. Everyone needs to learn to mind their own fucking business and quit fucking with everyone else's livelihoods.

>> No.6382253

>pizza joint
You're place has gone so far down into the gutter that you don't know any better.

Here's a good test case, you can look this one up in google or something. Chicago islamic taxi drivers refusing to take people with see and eye dogies. The islamic taxi drivers got the smack down on that because while you can refuse to take dogs you can't refuse to take licensed see and eye dogies. If they wanted to push their islamic bullshit they should have tried somewhere else.

What kind of human being can respect islamics that don't like man's best friend, the humble dogie?

>> No.6382261
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>Who cares what gays eat at their weddings

I do because I'm invited to a gay wedding in two weeks and I'm both allergic to gluten and lactose intolerant

if they serve pizza, then I'm screwed

>> No.6382269
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>the humble dogie?

a "dogie" is a lost calf ya dingus
who takes baby cattle on a taxi ride?

>> No.6382284
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I dingused your mum last night if you know what I mean.

>> No.6382291

Let me guess you're a vegan and have IBS too and if you went more than 5 minutes without being offended at something or someone your head would explode?

>> No.6382293

what if
what if one guy just walked in and ordered a shitload of pizzas without telling them "HEY THIS IS FOR A GAY WEDDING!!! I'M MARRYING A DUDE AND THEN I'M GONNA FUCK HIM IN THE ASS ON OUR HONEYMOON!!!" Because believe it or not unless if they're wearing lipstick and pink tights usually you can't tell someone's gay just by looking at them.

>> No.6382297

>No fucking government should force that on them either.
The same evil government that outlawed slavery and forced restaurants to serve blacks? And bars to serve women? And employers to pay their employees?

Get on the right side of history.

If weddings are not part of what your business does then "forcing" your business to conduct a gay wedding is absurd. But if you rent out a room for or cater private events that include weddings allowing discrimination based on sexual orientation is as absurd allowing discrimination based of gender, religion or race or even handicap. That shit is not tolerable in a civilized society. If you serve the public you serve the public.

>I bet that if it was muslim place
Religious organizations are the only places where bigotry is tolerated. So if your pizza place was also a church maybe you could get away with this.

>> No.6382311

That's not the point. If they just wanted to order or eat pizzas fine, but they wanted to conduct the full faggot cerimony on the site.

Nobody cared if they were just ordering pizzas, but the owners of the business didn''t want their establishment to be used for a full blown faggot wedding establishment, and that's their right too.

Since it's the owner's property and not some monoply, the governemnt should fuck off and not be involved. They faggots could have just as easily gone somewhere else instead of making a flamboyant faggot fuss about it.

>> No.6382314

>if they serve pizza, I'm screwed

Tough shit, it's not your wedding. Deal with it and get something to eat afterwards.

>> No.6382349

You're incorrect on a few points. It's a business, it's not there "to serve the public" though that's part of doing buisness. They're to make money, they're not philanthropists.

You're also not considering the employees of the business, that's apparently what they wanted as well, that is that they didn't want the establishment rented out to faggots for their wedding.

As I wrote, the faggots could have easily gone somewhere else.

Why would you if it was you personally want to force a business owner to host a wedding if you weren't wanted there? Wouldn't you just go somewhere else?

As for your statement about bigotry, it's called discrimination and everyone does it every day. Choose which side of a street to walk down, choose to not walk past a bunch of niggers, choose who to interact with or not, choose to hire for your company.

When you own something that you've worked for after getting out of your mother's basement then you might have a chance of understanding.

In any event it's a privately owned business not taking government money, they can refuse service on whatever grounds they want and not be forced by the government to provide service.

What your saying is that the rights of flamboyant faggots trump the rights of property owners and that's just wrong. Take that shit somewhere else.

>> No.6382350

The OP should have included that in his story, because all he provided was

> one of the pizzeria's co-owners told a local news affiliate that "[i]f a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their wedding, we would have to say no."

Which doesn't actually tell you that the gays wanted to use the location for more than picking up pizza.

Of course you have the right to refuse service to anybody, or to not want some ugly whore getting married to a respectable man on your property. Also you sure are bitter against gays when any woman whatsoever would have made as big or bigger stink about something far less close minded.

>> No.6382361

I'm not bitter against homosexuals, I don't care until they try to force their agenda on me. That applies to anyone, not just faggots.

>> No.6382384


They didn't want to conduct the ceremony *at* the pizza place, they just wanted them to cater. Meaning they just have to deliver several boxes of pizza to whatever place (probably not a church since most of them tell gays to fuck off) and then go back to their happy christian family Mom & Pop restaurant.

>Retards think this actually happens

>> No.6382388


How is this even a gay issue? Who in their right mind serves pizza at ANY wedding? Indiana confirmed for shit wedding state.

>> No.6382390

>In any event it's a privately owned business not taking government money, they can refuse service on whatever grounds they want and not be forced by the government to provide service.
Try enforcing a "no colored" policy and see what happens.

>What your saying is that the rights of flamboyant faggots trump the rights of property owners and that's just wrong.
A business that is open to the public is not private property where you can just do whatever you want. You have tax obligations. You have all sorts of obligations with regard to your employees. You have to have insurance. You have to keep your kitchen in line with health regulations. Depending on the size of your business you may have to make accommodations for handicapped patrons/employees.

And you are not allowed to discriminate with regard to who you hire or serve based on race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. The days when that shit was acceptable are gone, and they will not be coming back. Like I said, get on the right side of history.

As an individual you are allowed to discriminate however you like. Religious institutions are granted similar freedoms. Businesses are not, because as a nation we have decided institutionalized discrimination is something we won't tolerate. The rest of the civilized world seems to be in agreement with this.

>> No.6382391

I think an adoption agency, or a religious minister are the only people who can have a really personal "against my beliefs" refusal to do something. Restaurants, florists, or other services don't have a leg to stand on.

>> No.6382402

If that was the reason then why didn't the people who wanted the pizzas and whatever just say, "we want this and that at this time at this location?"

No, they didn't do that. They had to make themselves known to be flamboyant fags, the standard in your face flamboyant fags that instead of just ordering had to make a statement and try to shove their agenda in the face of others.

These fucking fags behave worse than children. WAAAA WAAAA!

>> No.6382404

Tell that to the fucks that hire only H1B types because they're cheap and easy instead of hiring Americans.

>> No.6382419

>pizza at a gay wedding
>pizza at a straight wedding

Pizza should be at no wedding, regardless of sexual orientation.

>> No.6382424

Wouldn't even be an issue if more Americans had theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge within their fields.

How prevalent is that in the restaurant industry beyond high end sushi, famous chefs and the occasional Pizzaioli anyways?

>> No.6382454
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>He sees that I don't agree with his retardation and assumes I'm from tumblr
>He tries to trigger me by typing in all caps

Keep crying baby.

>> No.6382625

You'd be surprised how many get pizza brought in around 1am for all the drunk guests.

>> No.6382646


how is them wanting equal rights their "agenda"? It's not like they're trying to recruit you, unlike many religious people.


Doesn't sound like a terrible idea to me, it's something that pretty much everyone likes and I'd much rather do that then spend $100 a plate for my guests.

>> No.6382651

naw mang cause you got that there open bar

and once youve got an open bar and some shit ass dj playing footloose 45 times sometimes you need some pizzas but you dont want to leave cause then no more open bar.

not for the actual wedding meal thats trashy as fuck but for the guests who weren't satisfied with the $45 per head catered 4 oz steak or fish dinner and have had a few too many

>> No.6382783

I think homophobes are pieces of shit but restaurants should be able to refuse service to anyone they choose. It's pizza, it's not like a courthouse or something important.

The only thing that grinds my gears is how quickly other haters come out of the woodwork to applaud their bigotry.

>> No.6383064

If I was in business with somebody and they were like, "hey man, I don't think we should serve people who claim to be gay, I mean I DON'T WISH THEM ANY HARM LOL OK but like, it's against MY personal BELIEF man." I would respond by shoving our bills in his stupid fucking face.
Your business isn't your fucking house. Bigotry is objectively retarded because it doesn't earn you money or friends. This is why anybody who calls ANYBODY (yeah, including GULP... TRANNIES!) degenerate is the degenerate themselves. People, including gays and whatever, can be stupid faggot assholes just as much as anyone else. But avoid stupid faggot assholes, not a spectrum of the human race. Money and friends. Objective.
And yes gay guys who wear pink Speedos and rollerblade everywhere are annoying, but they're annoying in the same way a meathead frat boy fucktard who can't stop talking about how he's "gotta get some pussay 2nite duuude". Anybody who identifies themselves by just their sexuality is fucking dumb.

>> No.6383081
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>muh equal rights
when I have a right to demand a muslim butcher caters my wedding with bacon, we can talk about equal rights

>> No.6383088

>If I was in business with somebody and they were like, "hey man, I don't think we should serve people who claim to be gay, I mean I DON'T WISH THEM ANY HARM LOL OK but like, it's against MY personal BELIEF man." I would respond by shoving our bills in his stupid fucking face.
but thats not whats happening faggot

theyre not saying
>we won't serve gay people who come into our restaurant
theyre saying
>we don't support gay marriage so we won't cater a gay wedding

fucking idiot

>> No.6383093
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hey you're smart
you remind me of someone

>> No.6383104

what is this meme?

do you actually think Im smart?

>> No.6383119

Great question, not something i've ever thought about but very thought provoking. I would have thought they'd prefer things like bananas and cucumbers, things they can shove up their asses. Pizza, although well lubricated from the grease, I do not think would be ideal for this.

>> No.6383142
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another Fredo tries for wit/humor
totally flops
you're smart!

>> No.6383187
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Hold on.......
Its a see AND eye dog?
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
What the fuck does that even mean?

I always thought it was seeing eye dog.
We just call it a guide dog.


>> No.6383199


they're called seeing eye dogs and that anon is just illiterate. notice that he repeatedly says "dogies".

>> No.6383212
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I luv dogie

>> No.6383520
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>> No.6383620

> fag homos mad they're treated like shit by the general populace
> fag homos mad they are denied public devices because of being fag homos

This is the problem you dunce
If the fag pizzeria allows straight marriages, they have to allow homo marriages
Deal with it

>> No.6383631

But that wouldn't be equality you fuck

If they offered bacon, then you can demand bacon regardless of your faggot identity

I they do not offer bacon, you can not demand bacon, because they do not fucking serve bacon
Their religion has nothing to do with it whatsoever

>> No.6384712

Did they beat your meat for you?

>> No.6385068

theres no fucking way two poofters would order pizza for their wedding. i dont even know bogans that would do that. haha what a fucking stupid shop owner

>> No.6385069

>at a wedding

god dammit america get some fucking class

>> No.6385071

>in Dearborn there are tons of Muslim owned pizza places
>muslim pizza

>no hawaiian
>no australian
>no pepperoni
>no fun

>> No.6385120

the last gay wedding we did they wanted 69 meat lovers, extra sausage

>> No.6385131

that must have been hard

>> No.6385163

>If that was the reason then why didn't the people who wanted the pizzas and whatever just say, "we want this and that at this time at this location?"

This didn't actually happen.

The restaurant said they hypothetically wouldn't cater a gay wedding.

There was no crowd of flaming homos walking into the restaurant demanding to hold there wedding there.

I get that you're a moron, but you do at least understand what the word "hypothetical" means, right?

>> No.6385167

Oh, wait, you don't even understand what the word "cater" means since you're insisting that people kept trying to hold gay weddings in the restaurant. I withdraw my question.

>> No.6385171
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ITT I'm the only one in MURRIKA with common sense and here is a ridiculous contrived situation that proves why I'm right and everyone else is forcing their weird agenda down my throat

I lived in flyover for four years and nonetheless I'm still amazed sometimes at their stone-age mentality.

>> No.6385192

>On Tuesday, one of the pizzeria's co-owners told a local news affiliate that "[i]f a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their wedding, we would have to say no."

The purpose of a business is to make money. Not only did this business deny themselves of money from a transaction, but they also exposed themselves to lose more business by denying said transaction and publicly doing so. Stupid stupid stupid.

>gay weddings
To my knowledge there are not religious organizations that sanctify homosexual marriage, only governmental organization, so that's not a real thing.

>My first thought is "gay" would mean something a little more frou-frou, but maybe I'm stereotyping.

Despite what the internet may tell you, feelings are just that, feelings. Minute expressions, that can govern your or control you.

This thread is shit and you should feel like shit.

>> No.6385958

Why, from a business standpoint, would you say no? That's a lot of money.

>> No.6386056

Because Jesus will thank me in heaven for not providing the gays with heterosexual pizza.

>> No.6386070

>so that's not a real thing
Are you stupid? They have a ceremony, then they go down to the courthouse, fill out the paperwork, and the judge declares them married.

>> No.6386106

As a business I reserve my right to refuse service to anyone.
it is really simple to ask the right questions leading a client until you know if your going to serve them, and then there are plenty of reasons you can use to not serve them; other events, schedule filled, low staffing, work hours, travel distance, etc.

>> No.6387073

Eh, worked for the catholic church

>> No.6387159

>Live in Indiana
>Go to Chicago for easter to visit family
>They ask me why Indiana wants to discriminate against gays
>"If you went to a Muslim bakery and asked them to make a cake with a picture of Mohammed on it, they should rightfully be able to deny you."
>"Not the same!"
>"Does it matter? It should be at the discrimination of the person, not the state regardless. Also, your state has this law already passed."

Why is everyone so butthurt about this law?

>> No.6387165

More importantly, why is your family talking about politics during a get together? Fuck. That.

I would 360 out of there so hard.

>> No.6387170

It's Chicago. I'm a hick that lives in the cornfields that surround the glorious metropolis.

>> No.6387178

I have no idea. I have no idea about all this "what if a florist doesn't want to do the flowers for a gay wedding" crap they bring up EVERY TIME this comes up either. Ya say ya don't like me and don't want to sell me flowers? Fine, fuck you too, there's a dozen other florists in town, I'll go give one of them the enormous amount of money I have earmarked for flowers.

>> No.6387179

You sound like you have a boring family. In my family we all like to drink wine at holiday dinners and shit talk about dumb ass conservatives like you. Then the dumb ass conservative cousin comes along and everyone talks about white bread and sheet cake and stuff otherwise he starts going off about reptoids and mudslimes and chemtrails. Then he leaves and we breathe a sigh of relief and continue talking about dumb ass rednecks.

It's funny because my family was evenly split republican and democrat up until the GWB years and then the republican half came over to our side, except the one bible thumper whose kids aren't vaccinated.

>> No.6387197

Your family sounds very loving and accepting.

>> No.6387204

>shit talk about dumb ass conservatives like you
What makes you think that I'm a conservative?

>> No.6387214

That doesn't make any sense, and I'm not sure if that was your point, or if you're just an idiot.

>> No.6387224

At a certain point it became clear that he didn't think the other kids in the family were religiously pure enough to play with his kids. Up until then he was just the lulzy conspiracy theorist, but that was the point where the mild ostracism started.

He brought it on himself. He's still invited to family events, of course.

>> No.6387328
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>you will never have a gay pizza party wedding

>> No.6387424

It depends on what flavor of gay you got. if they want pizza at the wedding, you probably got leather bears or otter nerds.