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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6381374 No.6381374 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone has a different way of making scrambled eggs; in a frying pan, with a little milk, using a bain marie and so on. What method do you swear by?

>> No.6381377

i make scramby eggs in the microwave works great just break egg and put egg juice into cup then microwave they come out perfetly scramby

>> No.6381382

>empty 3 eggs into bowl
>beat that shit
>throw that shit onto a cookie tray
>put cookie tray on grill
>halfway through put 10 slices of rich american cheese over the eggs
>add some more cheese
>smother in ketchup
>wa la!

>> No.6381392

I've been making eggs for years and not once has it occurred to me to grill them. I'm literally retarded. Thanks for the idea!

>> No.6381394

If I'm making it for me, I'll use however many eggs in a bowl with pepper, beat until my fapping arm is tired and then add to the buttered up nonstick pan. Push around for a minute, take off heat, put in a bowl (fuck you, scrambled eggs are a bowl food) and salt

My old roommate liked his really browned though, like mom used to make. I hope he dies.

>> No.6381400

Browned eggs? My god, he might as well be chewing a car tire.

>> No.6381402

Hot pan, let them sit about 30 seconds, keep them moving after that, take them off when they're still wet. Ezpz

>> No.6381404

Has anybody actually tried the bain marie method? It just looks like so much effort for something that you can make in a minute.

>> No.6381414

>preheat stove
>empty 2 eggs in pan
>2 teaspoons of butter to boot
>put on preheated stove
>keep stirring them till the mixture comes together
>add salt and pepper when the eggs don't look watery
>add chives or parsley if desired

>> No.6381418

Please do not over beat your eggs.

>> No.6381421

honestly you shouldn't need a bain marie for most things that you're supposed to use it for. just take the pan or pot on and off heat.

>> No.6381462

>fry up some bacon at med-hi
>dump out 80% of leftover grease
>crack 4-6 eggs directly onto the pan
>turn heat down to med
>stir constantly until almost not runny
>grind some pepper, grate some cheese, done

>> No.6381467

I hate eggs cooked in bacon grease. Ugh so gross.

Butter. Save your bacon grease for baking crusts.

>> No.6381479

The way gordon ramsey does it works fine and never fails. If I want a dryish egg I'll take a pan

>> No.6381480

saying scramby twice wont force a new meme you dip.
It's also not cute, nor amusing.

>> No.6381483

chopped green onions

>> No.6381484

You sound like an overbearing, overemotional little twat.

>> No.6381488

>finely cut up 1-2 galic cloves
>finely cut up 1-2 spring leeks, seperate the onion part from the greens
>fling onions from spring leek into preheated pan with a bit of olive oil
>reduce to medium heat
>add garlic
>add 2-3 eggs
>once dish has reached wanted consistency, sprinkle the greens from the spring leek over it and grind some fresh perpper on top

>> No.6381491

Just stop it. What Ramsay makes is mayonnaise, not scrambled eggs. They're only moist because of all the moisture he chucks in there. When I make soup, I don't congratulate myself on how moist my noodles turned out.

>> No.6381492

It only takes a little green food coloring to make Frankenstein colored eggs my friend.

>> No.6381515

You're a fucking idiot son.

>> No.6381517

You do realize that I can still choose how much moisture I put in there and how long I cook them, right? Or are you just that dense?

>> No.6381524

Put eggs into pan.
Put man onto stove, turn on stove.
Wait for the eggwhites to become a little firm, start scrambling.

I like it, when the eggwhites and yolks are partially separated. I will also let a part of the scrambled egg almost burn and then scratch that part from the pan, it's the best part for me.

I guess my style could be described as rustic.

>> No.6381528

That's fine and all but where do you heat your eggs?

>> No.6381530

How long cook man before burn?

>> No.6381532

>What ramsay makes is mayonnaise
>no oil
I want neo-/ck/ to leave

>> No.6381535

>break a few eggs into the tiny bowl I have
>add a bit salt
>accidentally spill some egg on the counter because the bowl is so small
>clean up
>pour into the pan and stir more until it's nice and firm
>mfw my parents make them with too much milk and they always turned out goo-ish

>> No.6381537

>small pancake sized pan
>tsp of butter
>no milk, just 2 whisked eggs with a bit of oregano mixed in
>pour in pan when butter has melted and started to brown
>grind on some salt and black pepper
>mix every 5-10 seconds
>take out when there's no more runny bits, it needs to be firm but moist
>lay it on a slice of toast

>> No.6381544


That's all. It's all the technique when it's cooking. Melt some butter, smack in 2-3 eggs and with small fast circles break the yolks and then proceed to slowly stir it while it cooks on medium heat, when the protein starts to get cooked add a punch of salt. 30 sec later remove from the heat and put on a plate.

>> No.6381546

>smacking your eggs
>punching your salt

I think you need to see a shrink.

>> No.6381554

you disregarded the fact where he breaks his yolks with small fast arbitrary geometrical figures and he doesn't even give us the radius

>> No.6381558
File: 1.60 MB, 2560x1920, Italian_Gas_Horn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use pic related, makes it fluffy as fuck, like eating the smoothest, eggiest clouds you could ever imagine.

Although if you mess up the timing of the honks the texture comes out all wrong.

>> No.6381561

does no one put tomatoes n their eggs?

fry tbsp of onions and tbsp of bacon until lightly browned. Whisk three eggs in bowl with a fork, add one diced tomato. Pour eggs and tomato into pan and let scramble at low to medium heat until still sligtly moist. Seaosn with salt and pepper, serve with buttered parsley potatoes.

>> No.6381567

I only start the honking once the eggs begin to harden, am I leaving it too late?

>> No.6381568

that's when you should probably start the second honking, I do the initial honking while I'm whisking.

>> No.6381571

Yes, I do that to. It's really good, I like it even more than normal scrambled eggs.

>> No.6381580

>beat eggs with salt, pepper, little bit of milk
>melt some butter in a frying pan
>add the eggs, stir continuously with a silicon spatula
>remove from heat once there's no more liquid pooling between stirs
>add roasted tomato, avocado, and grated cheddar or pepperjack

>> No.6381590
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>> No.6381592

place eggs, still in shell, in a glass
place glass under the tap
set the tap to hot water
allow to water to flow into the glass, onto the eggs for 1 minute
turn off the tap
allow the eggs to sit in the water several minutes
crack the eggs into a bowl
beat to uniform yellow
>if desired, add other ingredients before you beat the eggs, such as salt, pepper, veg, cheese, bits of ham etc
heat non-stick pan to just smoking
off heat
ladel on a bit of warm clarified butter
add the eggs
using wooden chopsticks, beat the shit out of the eggs in the pan
when almost (but not quite) completely, set, remove from the pan; takes under a minute

>> No.6381604

Why warm the eggs? Not trying to be a dick, but I think I'm missing something

>> No.6381615

I currently live in a country where the average consumer buys eggs in bulk from the refrigerator case of the grocery, next to the milk, and refrigerates them back at home. In my home country, eggs are generally bought as needed and seldom refrigerated, so they're already warm before cooking.
When I tried cooking scrambled eggs the way I normally would, but using straight-from-the-fridge eggs, they didn't set quite right. I figured the temperature of the eggs might have something to do with it, since that was the only difference I could think of between my process here and my process there. So began warming up the eggs under the tap and everything came out just as it does back home and have been doing it that way ever since.

>> No.6382374


That other poster sounds like they're still 6 because they're still emotionally stunted after their uncle got a little too touchy after coming over to watch Monday Night Football.

>> No.6382380

>unt frying pan with butter
>Crack about two eggs in there, start stirring it
>Put salt
>Put on bread

It's not fancy, it's not special, but it's the way I was taught

>> No.6382471

i just stir it like a motherfucker over a low heat with butter and sometimes fold in sour cream or whatever at the end to cool it down. i guess you faggots would call it 'ramsay's method' but he didn't fucking invent that shit you cunts.

>> No.6382478
File: 28 KB, 597x609, 11051043_791394107618028_563729514_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put 8 eggs in a cup
>add cheese
>add milk
>throw it on the fire
>add bacon

>> No.6382502
File: 816 KB, 3370x1834, scrambled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the old fashioned french hotel method - cook an omelet and then dice it to give consistent texture to every batch of scrambled eggs. You can add in a little melted butter if you prefer them more wet.

>> No.6382537

i have a nutribullet. i put 4 eggs into the nutribullet with a big splash of buttermilk and turn it into a homogenous, frothy liquid. butter is melted into the ceramic pan. i pour the egg into the pan and wait. it becomes a perfectly round disk of egg. you flip it like a pancake. then cut it into 4s and serve. i like it because it has the fresh quality of home cooked eggs, in the convenient fast food style sheet-eggs from a carton.

>> No.6382548


yes i make omelettes too

>> No.6382571
File: 1.26 MB, 5000x5000, 1388737959005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people add milk to scrambled eggs

>> No.6382638
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>> No.6382660

>crack 3 eggs in bowl
>add salt and pepper
>throw in a teaspoon of vanilla
>pour into preheated pan
>work until its starting to come together
>sprinkle cinnamon throughout
>get em dry

>> No.6382722

>crack three eggs into a mug
>grind in a bit of black pepper
>splash of milk
>beat lightly w/ fork
>pan on med-low head
>eggs in once pan warms up
>mix constantly w/ silicone spatula/scraper thingy (I've tried a bunch of other shit and I still find this to work the best)
>take off heat and plate right before the last of the eggs come together

It works for me. How cooked they are on the whole tends to depend on who I'm making them for; if it's just myself I'll leave them a bit on the custard-y side, whereas if I'm cooking for other people I'll tend to make sure they're basically all set because most folks don't care for scrambled eggs that are too runny.

>> No.6382775

>crack 3 eggs into cup for bullet blender
>add ~1 tbsp of milk
>start to preheat pan over med-high heat
>blend eggs for ~1 minute while pan heats up
>swipe a stick of butter around the pan and lower heat to med-low
>add eggs
>wait for a layer of curds to develop on the bottom and gently scrape
>repeat until the eggs are just about done and let the residual heat cook them the rest of the way on the plate

Makes fluffy, delicate textured eggs every time.

>> No.6382813


not the anon who asked you but i should try that, i usually just beat the eggs in a bowl and leave it on the counter for a bit while the pan preheats but theyre still a little cold when i end up dumping them in

>> No.6382863

I scramble them to shit and throw them in a cast iron, usually onto hot bacon grease. Then I nuke the fuck out of them, pretty much burnt beyond recognition.

>> No.6382876


someone's tendies were undercooked

>> No.6382884

I think broccoli goes really well with eggs

>> No.6383181

I don't like my eggs to have any crispiness or brown on em at all.

So 3 eggs, beat until foamy, on the lowest possible heat, cooked in butter. Preferably eaten with homemade tortillas...yeah I use ketchup and some sort of hot sauce, just my taste.