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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6373793 No.6373793 [Reply] [Original]

So how do you eat your chips? One at a time? Grab a bunch?

Also your favorite potato chip flavor? My personal favorite is Onion and Garlic.

>> No.6373803

I'm trying to stop since they are so fattening

I love salt and vinegar and pretty much anything but "light salted"

>> No.6373822
File: 35 KB, 500x350, 20110812-salt-vinegar-miss-vickies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Salt and vinegar is, objectively, the best potato chip flavor.

It's funny how much of a distant second absolutely everything else is.

>> No.6373826

lays sea salt and roasted garlic is really good. try it some time.

>> No.6373839

>Salt and vinegar is, objectively, the best potato chip flavor.
You may wish to learn the English language before you post.

>> No.6373843
File: 159 KB, 285x428, jalapeno-kettle-cooked-1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jalapeno Kettle cooked for me

A little thicker and crunchier

Doesn't matter the brand, I've tried several and they're all delicious.

>> No.6373849

I will usually get a large bag of cheese and onion crisps (usually one of the fancier brands that refer to them as 'oak-aged mountain cheddar and tibetan wild smoked challots' flavoured with a picture of the Mona Lisa or some shit on the bag) once a week

usually bunches. they can be hell on the teeth though, especially those 'kettle-cooked' ones, so only a few at a time

>> No.6373855
File: 27 KB, 550x550, Pringles-Pizza-550x550[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the haters

>> No.6373861

I love them but pringles are technically not patato chips.

>> No.6373862

>they can be hell on the teeth though, especially those 'kettle-cooked' ones
American teeth are worst teeth

>> No.6373870

why do you 'muricans have bad teeth, is it because you have to pay to see a dentist?

>> No.6373872

Sure they are

They just take the potatoes and mash them into a fine pasty dough, flatten it, then cut out little circles out of said dough

This way every crisp is perfect, none of them are burned, and you get a uniform amount of chips.

It's also less messy than regular chips

>> No.6373889


Sure we get all that.

But legally speaking they are not a "chip" because they are reconstituted. Consequently they have to call them some other word, usually "crisp".

>> No.6373894

If potato based I eat them one at a time.

If corn based I crush them against the top of my mouth with tongue until the texture is much like moist, oily dust then swallow.

>> No.6373905

Method: 1×1
Flavour: paprika

He said 'crisps.' Obviously not an American.

Though in my country, we say that both Americans and Brits have shit teeth though American teeth are generally pretty-looking. Why else would their bread be so soft?
We don't put as much interest into orthodontics as the Americans do, but all the OAPs in my family still have full sets of teeth, albeit crooked ones, and eat our nice, crunchy, crusty breads well into their 80s and beyond.

>> No.6374180


they aren't really, it's the amount that people eat. anything cooked in fat and loaded with salt is gonna be hard to put down, but in moderation they really aren't bad especially if they've been cooked in peanut or olive oil and are... lightly salted.

>> No.6374195


>not liking burned chips

lame. pringles are boring.

>> No.6374247

Definitely one at a time. Much more enjoyable that way.

>> No.6374248


muh dick is... lightly salted


>> No.6374249

I gave them up since I'm on a diet. I used to like sea salt and vinegar and also jalepeno.

>> No.6374269


i would blow it and your mind anyway.

>> No.6374364

I fuckin grab the whole bag pinch it half way with chips poking out the top and eat it like a set of titz.

>> No.6375376

This one time, when I was late at night and I was feeling low, I got drunk on cheap port and ate ice cream like it was a dip with crisps.

>> No.6375384
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>> No.6375385
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>> No.6375390

I just randomly got a bag of these the other day and they are fucking delicious.

Definitely top-tier chips.

>> No.6375394
File: 107 KB, 309x316, homepagePackShot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only salt & vinegar flavour I actually like
Anything else is way too vinegar-y

>> No.6375395

Grab a handful, then eat individually. Otherwise I'd get none.

Cheese and Onion smiths are great, but I haven't had chips in a long time, so there may be new flavours.

>> No.6375401
File: 29 KB, 500x500, tims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tim's makes them. They are top tier brand. Seek them out.

>> No.6375402

Epic tier. I ate these when I was starving and there was only a vending machine to buy food from.

>> No.6376668

>Salt & Vinegar
>Sour Cream & Onion

These are the only acceptable flavors of chips.

>> No.6376675
File: 82 KB, 506x678, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried these the other day. So good.

>> No.6376686
File: 150 KB, 600x600, starws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things are legitimately delicious.

>> No.6376694

Put them in sandwich's

>> No.6376704

Sandwich's what?

>> No.6376709

I can't recommend salt and pepper highly enough. Just open a bag of original/ready salted and grind some pepper in there. Seriously, go and try it now.

>> No.6376717

These are great, too bad the only place I can get them is at Costco at $7 a bag.

>> No.6376721

>snacks for 4-year olds
>potato chip

>> No.6376730

A 1.5 oz bag of Lays has 140 calories from fat. That's fatty.

>> No.6376735


Yeah, but if 140 calories makes or breaks your diet you have larger issues at hand.