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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 800x533, 19437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6372465 No.6372465 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had a pasty?

(FYI that's not ketchup, it's jalapeno ketchup.)

>> No.6372468


that's a calazone, fggt.

>> No.6372470

so it IS ketchup then?


>> No.6372472

nice chili OP

>> No.6372473
File: 7 KB, 298x232, lemonwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys this isn't water, it's lemon water.

>> No.6372474

No sirree, calzones have flavor.

Pasties just have a hint of what's almost roast beefy goodness, but for whatever reason send to always be bland as fuck

>> No.6372475

I'm from Michigan, of course I've had a pasty. I haven't had one with that nasty shit sauce though.

>> No.6372484

is there anything americans won't ruin?

>> No.6372488
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>> No.6372492


Your entire country, as long as you keep doing what we tell you to.

>> No.6372493
File: 198 KB, 1448x973, pasty_-_cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had them 3 times this winter from 3 different places in the Detroit area

my wife likes ketchup
I like brown gravy

>> No.6372501

that's not a pasty

>> No.6372516

>(FYI OPs not autistic, he's severely autistic)

>> No.6372519

>but for whatever reason send to always be bland as fuck

That'd be because you keep buying bland pasties.

>> No.6372520
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>> No.6372522

I've tried them from around a dozen different places In both Michigan and Minnesota.

The frozen north just can't into flavor.

>> No.6372524

>any form of sauce on a pasty

i don't even

>> No.6372526
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>> No.6372528

>Michigan and Minnesota

Well yeah, there you go.

>> No.6372536
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>> No.6372539
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>> No.6372541


every time i'm at paddington station i stare at that stall for a good minute

>> No.6372542

Where should I try one then? I travel the frozen north a good bit for work and I'm willing to give it another chance if you can point me to a good one.

>> No.6372543

>Where should I try one then?


>> No.6372544
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>> No.6372548

There's more shit pasties in Cornwall than good ones. It's not worth the trip.

>> No.6372549

If it's in the Sunday Sport, the one thing you can be absolutely, totally, 100% iron clad guaranteed about it all is that it never, ever, happened.

At this point I'm fairly sure they're using Marhov generators to produce copy and then are just sub-editing it into something that looks like a story.

>> No.6372554

>There's more shit pasties in Cornwall than good ones.

Still more good ones than in Michigan and Minnesota.

>> No.6372558

I've been to the UK, not Cornwall in particular, but I do have to say that the Brits don't exactly have enough of a love-affair with flavor for me to be convinced it'll be any better there.

>> No.6372559

>Tired boring 1/10 troll level may-may about British food

Oh okay, whatever you say.

>> No.6372561


>have enough of a love-affair with flavor

shut the fuck up you culturally barren husk

>> No.6372562
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>> No.6372564

I grew up in Michigan. I lived in Texas for 20 years. When I returned, I bought a pasty from the most renowned place in Downriver. It was bland and unimpressive.

Why do we brag about this garbage?

>> No.6372568

Was it the pasty shop in Southgate? I've tried them there before. Overpriced and nothing special. They're easier to make at home.

>> No.6372570

do they make pasties filled with tendies?

>> No.6372571

I think it's more like "Want your face in the paper and £20? We'll say you had sex with a pasty - it'll be a right laff"

>> No.6372573

And the sad thing is, they could be friggen excellent if there was just a little more attention paid to them having some kind of flavor.

I'm sorry, but the shoe mostly fits.

>> No.6372577


ugh fucking foodblogger culture nowadays makes everyone think they understand 'flavour' better than anyone else.

>> No.6372581

I have to agree with this. Lived in the UP of Michigan for five years and ate these on a regular basis.
They are mediocre at best, and I'm being generous. There is absolutely no reason to brag about them, promote them, or try to encourage others to make this recipe. Its nothing more than cheap food for poor people to eat for lunch in the underground copper mines. This is poverty food, and it sure tastes like it.

>> No.6372582

Apparently you know who I am. Yes, Southgate.

>> No.6372584

I don't. I just happen to live Downriver myself.

>> No.6372594
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>> No.6372606

Good for us. :)

>> No.6372625

Or, maybe, someone has traveled enough and experienced enough different kinds of food to realize that on the bland to not bland scale, places like the UK and the north central US lean far more to the bland than many, many other world cuisines.

You can talk about subtlety all day long, and you know what, cool. Some people like their food more on that side of the scale which is perfectly fine. A lot of us don't though. That's not claiming to understand flavor better than anyone else, it's just fucking recognizing that there's differences and having preferences.

And before someone says, "b-b-b-b-b but x dish has loads of flavor", you're right, it does, but taken as a whole, those handful of dishes are exceptions to the rule.

>> No.6372630
File: 17 KB, 300x240, pasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's a pasty
they're tasty
you're just being nasty

Bourdain will devote a segment to them
but's he's a TV star not a gourmet

>> No.6372641

if you've ever really been to the UP you'd know that everyone puts ketchup on their pasty

i personally find it revolting since i absolutely abhor ketchup

>> No.6372642


when you talk about pasties, you talk about cubed beef, root vegetables and onions in a flakey pastry. unless it's actually unseasoned or the ingredients suck, talking about it 'lacking flavour' is just being one of those fucking americunts who adds jalapeno relish and miso-apricot gastrique to everything to upsell it. i hate those people. if you can't eat mildly flavoured food you are a fucking tryhard.

>> No.6372643

this is pleasant house bakery

i used to work there

AMA (lets pretend this is reddit)

>> No.6372647

Now all you have to do is define "bland". Because a good pasty is not bland (in fact done right, I.e. with good, slow cooked beef, high quality vegetables and plenty of pepper, it can be fairly rich)

When people say "bland" like it's the only qualifier for food ever, 9/10 what they mean is "MOAR SPICE!" because they're stupidly equating heat with taste.

>> No.6372650

I'm sure you're right. I've only visited the U.P. a half dozen times over the past decade.

>> No.6372651

>unless it's actually unseasoned or the ingredients suck
The ones I've had have practically no salt or black pepper added, and no, I'm not someone who oversalts everything and has to have a ton of spice. The beef flavor gets lost in the pastry and potatoes, and while I've seen carrot and onion in them, I've not really noticed their flavor.

>> No.6372659


well then you've had notably shit pasties or you're just being an anti-brit cunt.

>> No.6372671

You've just had crappy pasties.

>The beef flavor gets lost in the pastry and potatoes

The pastry should be made with beef suet. If anything it should enhance the flavour of the meat.

>> No.6372677

>Putting ketchup on a pasty

The ancestors of every Cornishman is crying in the afterlife. You disgust me, America.

>> No.6372678

>jalapeno ketchup
Why not just say sriracha?

>> No.6372696

>Minced beef

Get fucked.

>> No.6372698

>or you're just being an anti-brit cunt.
Ding ding ding.

>> No.6372699

my whole family lives there so i visit several times a year, plus i grew up there too

>> No.6372705
File: 51 KB, 616x462, American abortion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you haven't ever had a pasty. Michigan is a shithole and fucked up something as simple as the pasty.

>> No.6372708
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>> No.6372710

And it's not even hard to into flavor. Put salt and pepper in the meat to taste before stuffing it in the pasty.
Ta da, a flavorful filling.

>> No.6372712

jalapeno ketchup isnt sriracha. v. different flavor profiles

>> No.6372713
File: 203 KB, 525x712, Cornish Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In both Michigan and Minnesota.

I think I see the problem.

>> No.6372715

>the Sunday Sport is factual

>> No.6372716
File: 22 KB, 246x289, Disgusted Blackadder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans say pay-stee

>> No.6372718

They don't have enough good boy points to do that.

>> No.6372720

Are croissants pasties with no filling?

>> No.6372721

This thread turned to shit in a hurry. Well done 4chan. You suck.

>> No.6372727

It was shit from the OP and his horrible, horrible insult.

>> No.6372752
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>(FYI this isn't a car)

>> No.6372826

no we don't.

a "pay-stee" is something that strippers stick onto their nipples

>> No.6372831


It can't be chili without beans. This isn't Texas, let's be civil.

>> No.6372833


B, but the UP isn't a place I can point to on my hand?

>> No.6372847
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>> No.6372849
File: 124 KB, 500x367, That's the joke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it's in the Sunday Sport, the one thing you can be absolutely, totally, 100% iron clad guaranteed about it all is that it never, ever, happened.

>> No.6372859


Britain doesn't overload their food with mass amounts of salt, MSG, HFCS etc so that means it's bland.

It's hilarious how fucked American tastebuds are,just go to yelp of any American who goes abroad and they always say the food is bland compared to back home. It's like how the Romans all fucked their sense of taste with the lead used in their water pipes so they poured the fish sauce on everything.

>> No.6372956
File: 796 KB, 1600x1200, 1264463467823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6372978

That's my favorite image ever

>> No.6372979

>they always say the food is bland compared to back home

Lol, it's a lot similar than that bro:
Northern climate = spices don't really grow there = bland food.

this is true pretty much worldwide. the countries famous for spicy food are close to the equator, where spices & hot peppers grow. the further north or south you go from the equator the more bland the food gets.

>>Britain doesn't overload their food with mass amounts of salt, MSG, HFCS

Are you kidding me? A british supermarket is loaded with as much processed junk as an american one.

>> No.6372983


OP pleeeeeeeeease i'm from Australia.

I don't understand how this is even a thing. Fuck we don't act like it but Australias so much more cultured than the rest of the world.

>> No.6372985

>Ruining a pasty with ketchup
What is wrong with you?

>> No.6372992

This guy.

I bet you hardly eat them and enjoy the same monotonous shit everyday

>> No.6372997

Pasties are one of my absolute favorite things. A good one is meticulously designed to taste a certain way, a taste that would be ruined by ketchup.

>> No.6373008

But you get one with a simple filling, like pictured above. If anything the sauce would improve the whole thing.

But hey, it's fuckin' food.

>> No.6373014

I had a leftover pasty that was sooo dry I ended up using taco bell packets to dip it in.

>> No.6373025
File: 8 KB, 225x225, rutabaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


good pasties have rutabaga in them

>> No.6373043

That's a swede you sister fucking yokel.

>> No.6373050

I wonder if any muslim or jew went in to buy a gingerbread man and walked out again after seeing them so close to the sausage rolls.

>> No.6373055

>If it isn't spicy then it's bland

You're a special kind of stupid.

>> No.6373059


There's more to herbs and spices than hot peppers bro. Spicy and heat are not the same thing.

>> No.6373065

It's an American.If it doesn't have ketchup slathered over it, they won't eat it.

>> No.6373068

Good god no.

>> No.6373072
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>> No.6373073

So you really are retarded and can't read the shit that you posted yourself.

>> No.6373075

it's probably halal pork

>> No.6373076
File: 587 KB, 400x300, Pasty baby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pasty baby pride worldwide.

>> No.6373086

Underrated post

>> No.6373103


that's not really true because we've been a trading nation for a verrrry long time and we've always had access to our own sort of herbs and spices. the reason britain is known for 'bland' food is just generally because we don't have a modern tradition of access to quality produce. some of our most traditional dishes are spiced to buggery.

>> No.6373107


Admittedly, it is a rather broad generalization but it is largely true. And sure, Britain did indeed rule the seas for a long time, but imported spices were expensive. The common man was not buying much in the way of imported spices until fairly recent times.

>> No.6373111

A traditional pasty (Cornish) should contain beef skirt, potato, swede and onion.

>> No.6373125


fuck your mum you fucking cunt

>> No.6373241



>> No.6373307

>thinking it ever had a chance to not be shit

>> No.6373314

Perhaps, but we're not talking bacterial infections here, so your kind of culture doesn't matter to the discussion at hand.

>> No.6374651

I see a young edward norton holding a giant pastry.

>> No.6374675

>that's not ketchup, it's ketchup

>> No.6375598

Fuck off you fat cunt, the UK especially LONDON is great for food.

The US has just butchered asian and european cuisines you have nothing

>> No.6375910

From Michigan. Yes.

>> No.6375964

My mom made them for me all the time when I was younger. Now I just buy the frozen ones that are locally made once in awhile. They're actually pretty damn good.
I also put ketchup on my pasty. It tastes like my childhood and makes me happy.

>> No.6375969

>you have nothing
We have the best restaurants in the world. More than any other country. We also can nuke your shithole island any day of the week.

>> No.6375980

if you call curry and paki dick food than yes you have the best food of all time.

>> No.6375985


>We have the best restaurants in the world. More than any other country.



this doesn't make sense, obviously curry is food.

>> No.6375987


kek pick one m8.

>> No.6375995


what a boring joke

>> No.6376006

not as boring as your woman and version of the office.

>> No.6376060

Google it dipshit.

>> No.6376069


i've been on /ck/ for like 5 years obviously i've googled this shit before. what metric are you even using to make this claim cause america does not have the best restaurants in the world by any i can readily think of

>> No.6376079

well everything tastes like shit when you're so use to fagpeas and shitskincum.

>> No.6376087


not talking about my own opinion here

what kind of person makes posts like this

>> No.6376117

I've got the Cornish Pasty Company right down the street from me, shit's delicious as fuck. The carne adovada and the curry chicken ones are divine.

>> No.6376120

Oh sorry, Japan and France beat us. Darn, we're 3rd in the world.

>> No.6376146

the one who just had a lay with yer mum.

>> No.6376156


no you're fifth dude.

>> No.6376160

>(FYI that's not ketchup, it's jalapeno ketchup.)

>> No.6376248


we have plenty of nukes too m8, sadly your mum hasn't eaten herself to a heart attack yet so your defence shield is still up.

You have a pretty poor restaurant scene and all your food is just ruined versions of other people's cuisines. Your country is fat and uncultured, I think they did a show of America's best resteraunts anyway it was just some fat cunt eating hotdogs and ribs in different states, sure it looks tasty but you aren't into fine dining.

>> No.6376269

You're right o great britfag. how genius your chefs must be for batter frying fish and potatoes. or for pouring hot water over leaves. or for sleeping with your relatives to keep the money in the family. canada has more culture than you and they're pretty much america lite. australia has more culture than you and thats criminals and kangaroos. go wank to a fag your m8 bum with high tea and a chippy.

>> No.6376294

>go wank to a fag your m8 bum with high tea and a chippy.


>> No.6376313

The site I checked had us 3rd. Tied with Spain surprisingly.

>> No.6376326


for 3 stars or overall starred restaurants? a lot of the lists give conflicting counts because their data is taken from multiple years for some reason. i think the us might be 3rd for 3-stars.

>> No.6376339


>> No.6376340

3 stars. We're talking best.

>> No.6376345
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>Have you ever had a pasty?

yes and they quite tasty
usually served with a side of brown gravy in the U.P.
I've put steak sauce one and it's was good

>> No.6376347

o is dat britty baybayz first buzzward? fuck you and new india.