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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 375 KB, 1200x1600, Pernod_p_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6369874 No.6369874 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite anise beverage, lads?

>> No.6369999

Mata Hari

>> No.6370001

You posted it.
But I'm also crazy about portugese Ginja, if I can find it.

>> No.6370002

it looks like the bottle is pissing into the glass and the back of the chair is the stream

>> No.6370009


>> No.6370010
File: 595 KB, 2063x3000, 1427474266725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one I'd tongue out from her anise

>> No.6370042

Who is this semen demon.

>> No.6370049

St. George Absinthe Verte

>> No.6370050

Wiry flat-sot

>> No.6370052
File: 178 KB, 1280x1452, 1427474123579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not recognizing tay tay

>> No.6370056

She's virtually unknown here in Seychelles.

>> No.6370076
File: 858 KB, 2323x2999, 1427474345523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seychelles is virtually unknown

>> No.6370080


>> No.6370086


you fuckin weirdos that have tons of her pics and post them in threads for some reason creep me out

but I have to admit that was a pretty sick burn

>> No.6370092

>american education

>> No.6370134
File: 485 KB, 1024x768, Taylor-Swift-taylor-swift-17469478-1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with being a fan, brah?

>> No.6370741

arak, my friend.

>> No.6370745

I don't like any anus flavored beverages.

>> No.6370785

all anise beverages taste the same: awful

>> No.6370804
File: 3 KB, 126x95, 1406678480643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anus flavored

>> No.6370807

Sambuca, motherfuca.

>> No.6370830
File: 21 KB, 640x370, 3392239112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink some Arak you tasteless fucks

>> No.6370850
File: 268 KB, 680x1024, Absinthe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer real absinthe, like pic related.

>> No.6370896


>> No.6370926
File: 8 KB, 300x300, elixir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6370931

Yeah Ginja is great! Can't find it anywhere in Canada, even where I live with a big Portuguese community. I ordered two bottles on the internet a couple years ago, for about 100$ with shipping, and they got busted by the customs.

>> No.6370944

Ouzo is the only one I've had

it's good.

>> No.6371013

Arak is unsweetened, right? Sounds good, but I can't find it anywhere here (Netherlands). Must not have enough lebos around.

>> No.6371042
File: 354 KB, 1475x1600, etiqueta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like semen

>> No.6371089

Thumbnail makes it look like the bottle is peeing into the glass

>> No.6371781

I've had arak forced upon me my whole life from arabic family members. 10yrs old with an upset stomach? arak. cold? arak. malaise? arak.

For an ethnic kid who drank arak as medicine, I find it hilarious to see it in some of NYC's hippest cocktail bars these days.

Anyway, I vote for arak.

>> No.6372885

do muslims drink arak as well or just the christian lads?

>> No.6372912


>in the (clear) bottle


>> No.6372919

what's wrong with that?

>> No.6373028

I haven't had too many.

Ricard Pastis is quite great. (More complex flavor profile than Pernod. (Inb4 same corporation, I know that.)

Kübler Absinthe is also good. There are probably better ones I haven't had though.

>> No.6373040

I had some hand-smuggled wormwood-aged absinthe from Hugary. My hungarian snuck it into the US - twas delicious and we got good and fucked up. No idea what the ABV was but id had to guess it was in the 130-140 proof class. Also tripped a bit but I'm not sure if it was just the alcohol or if it was our minds telling us we should trip because it was authentic wormwood-aged and not the fake stuff available in the US. 10/10 would drink again.

Otherwise, it's really hard to beat a nice warm sambvca with halloumi cheese.

>> No.6373051
File: 635 KB, 2029x2421, cmDhFia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's because its well known that /b/ proved she frequents 4chan.
>pic related

>> No.6373054

The eastern European shit is actually the fake stuff. It has little to do with real absinthe, it's just clear spirit with a bunch of flavours and colourants dumped in them and sold to gullible kids who think wormwood will get them high.

>> No.6373079

what's a good absinthe to start with?

is the pernod one okay?

>> No.6373092


>> No.6373096

interesting. Whatever it was was quite delicious, and the guy that brought it in is a high-roller who farts gold. fake or no, it was great.

>> No.6373106

Maybe you got lucky and came across an actual decent, traditional one. Could be possible, but as a general rule eastern Europe puts out crap as far as absinthe is concerned.

This site is pretty good as far as general info goes if you're interested:


>> No.6373143

I'm an idiot, I didn't realize OP was asking about anise-based drinks.
I'll say a clear shot of Sambuca, if a nice pastis isn't avaiable.

Living in Europe has its perks. I have a friend of mine living in lisbon bring me a bottle every once in a while. I yet need to lay my hands on a homemade bottle

>> No.6373180


Raki, because I'm not a fucking pleb

>> No.6373196

well beer, but tea, unsweet if iced, if hot, a little sugar or equal, and a bit of milk Coffee is good, black. As far as distilled, vodka or gin, white rum. I like some wines, but most give me thundering headache and acid indigestion. reisling or light white is ok, with seafood.I use merlot to cook roast beast, um beef, and might have a swig or three. My problem is I feel like a new man, but the new man wants another drink. carbonated water, with lemon, or unsweet tea, I guess. Sherry or port is a no no unless i want bad gout. Diet coke or store brand cola or diet Dr. pepper. water,I guess.

>> No.6373212

>not plebeian