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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 534x401, 1404240755000-XXX-Burger-King-Proud-Whopper-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6367373 No.6367373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT we post meme foods.

>> No.6367428

Daily reminder that homosexuality is a meme.

>> No.6367436
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>> No.6367444
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>> No.6367460
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>> No.6367465

Holy shit, the proud whopper is real. I hadn't heard about it until today.

I will never EVER go back to Burger King. What a bunch of pandering bullshit.

Burn in Hell faggots.

>> No.6367522

Does anyone know what a meme is anymore? Based on this thread i'd say no

>> No.6367538

Who the fuck wants to explain to their kids what that is? The fuck are they thinking?

>> No.6367541
File: 2.08 MB, 1280x720, cuckold.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found him.

>> No.6367542

They don't matter enough to avoid eating. Who are we to judge people for their tastes in food?

>> No.6367548

Do you have problems with actual English words? It seems you don't understand anything.

>> No.6367551


>> No.6367553

First meme posted in this thread.
I'm sure they're real upset over this.

>> No.6367681


>Hey kids, sometimes men loves men, or women love women. They like rainbows, and this is Burger King's way of showing that they're okay with that.

>Okay ma, can I have onion rings?


>> No.6367686

God forbid you talk to your children about things they'll experience in their lifetime.

>> No.6367694

I wish I had screencapped that post where you were complaining about illegal puerto rican immigrants being responsible for all the gun crime in america

This is why you don't tripfag, kids

>> No.6367698


>> No.6367719

bacon, sriracha, avocado, guacamole, burgers that are stacked too tall to actually eat normally, californian burritos, tex-mex cuisine, sushi/sashimi, chicken tikka masala, people who pronounce naan bread with too much emphasis on the 'aa' part.

also people who talk about persian cuisine who aren't actually persian.

>> No.6367730


>tex-mex cuisine

Do you live in the middle of nowhere in which these things only recently popped up?

>> No.6367732

He is a flyover.

>> No.6367733

This guy knows whats going on. Kids these days are sheltered, thin-skinned little pantywastes. We need to get back to cursing at them, drinking in front of them, letting them hurt themselves doing stupid shit, telling them what really happened to their dog, and letting them know that they're going to have to deal with queers at some point.

>> No.6367734

no, I live in the uk, and we've had this stuff in my city for a very long time, it's just that only now are people talking about it as if it's something cool and new, even though this city has had mexican and japanese restaurants for a very long time.

>> No.6367736

they don't, it's safe to assume they would take their child to chick-fil-a instead

>> No.6367738

You forgot aioli, kale, spinach, the new yogurt, eye-talian food, toast, unsalted butter, whole chicken with the skin still on, kosher salt (I'm not paying no damm kosher tax), kinds of lettuce other than iceberg, and the new "craft beer"

>> No.6367740

Avocado in the UK for sometime? Hahaha.

>> No.6367744

It always cracks me up when people from two of the shittiest cities in the country have the gall to criticize anyone else in the U.S.

>> No.6367746


But to the last guy, I am actually Iranian and have never heard of our food being talked about a lot, definitely not on a "meme food" level

someone please explain

>> No.6367747
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weeb sushi shit

>> No.6367750
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spinach and non-iceberg lettuce types aren't meme foods

>> No.6367758


>> No.6367772

I've started to hear a few IPA hipsters talk about a few things like "oh guys I've been making iranian pilau in my slowcooker" and stuff about persian flatbreads.

(it's not full on meme food status yet, but in a few years it'll be as big as bacon)

>> No.6367782

>meme food
or as it's known outside of the USA, normal junk food
>craft beer
or as it's known outside of the USA, beer
You Americans are less culturally aware than ISIS sometimes.......

>> No.6367783

pumpkins are also meme food

especially pumpkin spice stuff that people get excited about

>> No.6367787

Don't take this in the wrong way, but how old are you?

>> No.6367797

Thats what i do

>> No.6367801

>especially pumpkin spice stuff
i want to murder faggots who worship that shit

>> No.6367804


>> No.6367806
File: 2.31 MB, 390x277, We trekked all the way up this mountain to laugh at you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like it when things are popular. I'm too smart and cool for them.

>> No.6367813

You're one out of touch 24 year old.

>> No.6367818

The real problem is that there's never any pumpkin in these things. Just pumpkin pie spice from the grocery store. These people have no idea what pumpkin tastes like.

>Make chicken tikka
>Friend eats some
>"Is there pumpkin in this?"

Just because something is orange and tastes of cinnamon and ginger doesn't mean its made of pumpkin

>> No.6367824
File: 80 KB, 650x430, ramemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6367827

been eating it for years, it's even mentioned as being a dish in a restaurant in the original James Bond novels written in the 1950's.

>> No.6367831

One of the items that consumers had particular trouble with was the avocado, or the 'avocado pear'. The fruit was introduced into Marks and Spencer's stores in 1959.
Research before you post you little cunt

>> No.6367832

Japanese food is weeaboo food, not meme food.

>> No.6367849

>memefood thread #9001 commence
god can you faggots not just post something that hasn't been done a million times already?
this board is becoming a parody of itself.

>> No.6367859

Who cares when it was introduced, it sure as shit didn't become popularly known until the last few years.

>> No.6367866

You are an idiot and have brought nothing to the conversation.

Not really, but maybe in the fall.

Kale or arugula are getting over played, especially kale.

>> No.6367871

shall we name new meme foods?


>chinese pears
>habanero chilies
>wasabi used in non-japanese dishes
>chocolate icecream that doesn't make use of actual chocolate
>bay leaves in burgers
>bok choy in caeser salads
>cream liqueurs
>hash browns outside of junk plates and full englishes
>green beans

>> No.6367884
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>>wasabi used in non-japanese dishes

>> No.6367892

this is pretty good b8

>> No.6367906


>> No.6367918

bullshit, avocado has been popular in the UK for many years. Just because you a dirty little chav cunt doesn't mean other people (who are socially superior to you) have not experienced it.
>Fucking burn you peasant class

>> No.6367924


lolwut, it's been extremely common since I was a kid and I'm almost 30

>> No.6367930

nobody likes you, you worthless sack of shit.


>> No.6367942


>> No.6367948

I like that anon.

>> No.6367963

I agree with you completely. My son had asked about this and I explained that some mentally ill people derive pleasure by putting their private parts in places they don't belong.

>> No.6367981

You're probably one of those people that doesn't like faggots but sees nothing wrong with heteros doing anal

>> No.6367986

I hope your son turns out gay

>> No.6367988

I'm not into anal nor do I advocate for it. I don't automatically dislike anyone, especially those who were born with brain problems.

He's a healthy young man that has a good family behind him, so I'm not worried about it.

>> No.6367997

Take this thread to /pol/ please.

>> No.6368000

>cock sucking faggot detected

>> No.6368007

You sound like one of those child molesting preacher dads from seventh heaven

>> No.6368013

Pumpkin spice is seasonal memefood. Like ramps.

>> No.6368022

You watch seventh heaven?

>> No.6368031

Genuinely great list.

>> No.6368034

memefoodist detected

>> No.6368050

>full englishes

>> No.6368078

I'm pretty sure I've seen at least a partial episode. Mostly I just remember it for one of the lead actors getting arrested for his activities with little boys

>> No.6368086

futurebro here

garlic will become the hottest meme food of 2015 starting this june

cap this

>> No.6368087
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>using flyover as an insult

>> No.6368095


flyover is /ck/'s version of cuck

get used to it bruh

>> No.6368234
File: 55 KB, 640x479, Pho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6368258

Anything that's ever been called a "superfood"

>> No.6368265


Flyover trash detected. Enjoy your ranch dressing fuckboy.

>> No.6368269

Enjoy your squalor, city scum

>> No.6368271
File: 61 KB, 534x326, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fish is a meme food for like two months out of the year because MUH LENT. Which is a giant cop-out and you'll probably burn in hell for trying to cheat god, but there you go.

>> No.6368276
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Are you implying the pope is fallible? Tread carefully.

>> No.6368277
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>hearing people pronounce it Foh

>> No.6368296
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>Irrelevant flyover getting mad

Tell me, what's it like living in a place where traveling one county over to go to a fair is considered a vacation?

>> No.6368305

Tell me what it's like getting gang raped by niggers.

You have the highest crime rate in the country. How's that pride coming along?

>> No.6368312

Pretty sure the worst violent rate in america is some town in southern Illinois, but I can't be bothered to look it up right now

>> No.6368314

it's pronounced "puh-hoe"

>> No.6368320


>St. Louis

Why are flyovers so desperate to paint places that matter as unsafe?

>> No.6368324

Things that they don't encounter every day are scurry!

>> No.6368326

Because they think Death Wish was a documentary, and they want a rationale for carrying around a gun all the time

>> No.6368327
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Literally meme: the whiskey

>> No.6368334

If you were ever exposed to reality, you'd be embarrassed at yourself. You scum of the Earth city moles have no clue what life is really like.

>> No.6368340

>You scum of the Earth city moles have no clue what life is really like.

Actually I have a pretty good clue because I visit flyover country for work on a regular basis.

You're a place where people literally try to make their home cooking taste like microwave Applebees crap because that's the epitome of fine dining to you

>> No.6368352

It's nice playing pretend, isn't it? You convince yourself of outlandish bullshit so it makes you feel better about living in a crap hole city.

>> No.6368356

>I've spent my entire life in a provincial dump so everyone else must be stuck where they were born too


Can't you join the military or something? I thought that was a classic escape route for your kind.

>> No.6368362
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>Flyovers getting this bootybothered over their non-existent culture

>> No.6368365

I've lived in five states and visited all the rest minus Hawaii. I believe I have a firm grasp on what is true and what is egocentrism.

You're the one out of touch, sport.

>> No.6368370

So much this.

>> No.6368373

it's pronouced "fu" as in fucking

>> No.6368377

> healthy young man that has a good family behind him
> healthy young man behind him

yup, gay. or future sjw, in which case he would better be off as a masculine gay dude in terms of being a productive member of society.

>> No.6368378


Heh, you're that guy. Every time you start getting mad you start calling everyone sport.

>kid kid kid kid

>> No.6368383

Holy fuck this.

>> No.6368391

That's quite a retort. Typical big city education.

>> No.6368396


I went to school in a small town in the northeast, population 10,000.

>> No.6368403

I always thought pho was pronounced fo as in fee fi fo fum.

>> No.6368405


Stump jumping Jethro knows how to use the word 'retort' in a sentence. I guess they introduced some book learnin' into the curriculum at Flyover Elementary. Not sure how they'd fit it in, what with no sex education and no sciences of any kind taking up so much time.

>> No.6368407


It's possible the word may be featured in the bible somewhere. Either that or in the mandatory "how to debate with devil worshipers who think humans are descended from monkeys" class

>> No.6368412

Can someone here tell me waht is a meme food? i'm pretty new to /ck/ and everyone uses this term. Is it just something popular? Or is it something popular because it's hipster?

Pls explain to me. use small words. I have asperbger and tomorrow I am going to kill Officer Dave

>> No.6368417

Literally everything is memefood, anything anybody doesn't like. Buzzwords and memes, like everywhere else on 4chan, are used in lieu of an actual argument.

>> No.6368419

bacon is a good example of a meme food

it's where a food item becomes overly popular and internet shitheads go around spouting it too much as the next coming of christ.

for example, if you went to reddit, you might see a post saying

ergo: bacon is a meme food

>> No.6368427

>if you went to reddit
4chan used to be nuts for bacon, like everywhere else
This was when it was comfortable with itself as a site in its own right rather than only modelling itself as a place that is everything Tumbleddit isn't.

>> No.6368442
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Source: Google Image search for "japanese food"

>> No.6368449

Thank god I'm not as ignorant as you two mouth breathers.

>> No.6368451
File: 41 KB, 458x600, bd2cc6c43f4c5d833b2aa24bc7a140af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not bad people, they have just rejected Christ

>> No.6368604

it's not 2008 anymore

bacon is no longer a meme food. epicmealtime is not relevant

>> No.6368613
File: 619 KB, 1157x853, ultimateMEMEfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enhance the search with terms like "bento box". ULTIMATE meme food on Earth. There is no denying it.

>> No.6368616

what's wrong with meme food? it's just food trends...

>> No.6368631

No it's more of a fuh/fah sound.

>> No.6368652

Ive felt electricity before, It feels like vibrations and numbing pain

>> No.6368685

This entire board is just a walking meme factory these days.

Joey Threads
alc gen
coffee/tea trolls
cast iron bullshit
knives general
etc etc

Could we just talk about cooking instead of baiting each other over and over. /ck/ used to be the only reason I came to 4chan and know it's /b/ with food mentioned.

>> No.6368942

everyone is so bitter and mean, too

ck, vp, and mu, from my experience
Some of the visitors on those boards are so buttmad about everything.
It hurts

>> No.6368970

It is light years away from /b/. This is still a sanctuary.

>> No.6369014

Spend a bit of time on /pol/...the other boards look a lot less assmad after that. So many angry, impotent little white boys.