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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.02 MB, 700x7461, CivilizationV_DX11-2010-09-22-22-14-49-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6356705 No.6356705 [Reply] [Original]

Does this classify as cooking cringe?

>> No.6356715

No, not particularly.
Let's see
>cartoons with 2AM attitude chili
>fat guy with headphones and stupid anthropromorphic smiley faces
>parents faking heart attacks
>guy inseminating a frying pan or other gross out behavior
>other stupid shit not listed here
Seems like a relatively straightforward infographic. I wouldn't personally bother making it, but hardly find it cringe.

>> No.6356716


>> No.6356721

It's basically a shooter's sandwich, so no.

>> No.6356725

Definitely not a cringe.

I'd actually like to try this, but I'm not going through the effort of making it, though I do have this saved in my ck folder for a possible rainy day.

>> No.6356736

What did he do with the 3rd ribeye?

>> No.6356740

>cooking cringe

reddit pls.

it's called food gore.

>> No.6357375

THIS RIGHT HERE. I am guessing he ate it while waiting for his bread to get mashed down but we just do not know.

>> No.6357485

not if i want to eat it

>> No.6357494

seems like a perfectly good way to waste some nice ribeyes

>> No.6357595

I don't see why it would, you elitist cocksucker

>> No.6357766

Alright fine you've convinced me

Someone give me a setup for civ 5. No Germany I just played that

>> No.6357893

>cooks three steaks uses two
>specifies 'ribeye' when almost any steak would do
>specifies 'italian' when any crusty bread would do

>looks pretty tasty
>has a pile of weights in his kitchen
>Civ V

all up an interesting graphic

Wonder if he made a sandwich with the left over steak and cut out bread

>> No.6357911

Are you the /ck/ version of a fuccboi?

>> No.6357927


> Civ V

What are you on about m8?

>> No.6357935

Shooter's sandwich is reddit-tier cooking cringe.
All of these things would have been fucking awesome on their own, but somebody decided to smoosh them into a lukewarm 5/10 sandwich.

>> No.6357944

it doesn't really look like cringe to me
there's nothing in there that's embarassing

at worst, maybe there are better ways to use the ingredients, but cringe? just not seeing it.

>> No.6357977
File: 46 KB, 600x676, enhanced-17818-1427084838-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want cringe OP?

>> No.6357980

No. Just an overkill sandwich

>> No.6357986

It's as bad as the countless posts of "Hey guys! I just [got a new job | lost my job | got a promotion | got dumped by gf | moved in to a new house | dumped my gf | wanted to surprise my gf/bf | etcetc ] so I cooked this!"

These are almost always people cooking for the first time, (outside of over chips and tendies), and they do a fucking steak, asparagus, and something potato. Why? Fucking. Why. Don't forget to include a shot of your glass of wine for one or craft beer!

Then you have the inevitable comments about OP being husband/wife material. The food often doesn't look bad, I just can't believe the success of the posts about a... steak.

When I see the #wifeymaterial threads I suppose there are plenty of morons out there who can be impressed by basic food but I still find it hard to believe.

>> No.6357992


Chef Jon made on that i really want to make.


>> No.6358005

That is super helpful and handy as a chef to have. Having to remember that many allergies without a reference card like that would be a nightmare.

>> No.6358015

If that were my card, there would be a small prompt on the bottom for the chef to turn it around. He'd be reading my suicide note.

>> No.6358020
File: 22 KB, 480x461, dude_what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy inseminating a frying pan

>> No.6358028

I've always wanted to make a shooters sandwich they look so fucking good.

>> No.6358151

All sugars end in -ose. If this were true she'd be dead from her own body producing glucose. This would also mean all fruits.
Could possibly be lactose intolerant.
Coffee bean is not in any way related to beans in general.
Crab only? Not shellfish or seafood in general?
Cashew only? Not peanuts?
>Egg allergy appears mainly, but not exclusively, in children.

>> No.6358161


jesus christ the formatting of that text alone makes me cringe

>> No.6358178

na he put the cover bakc on the bread before pressing it remember

the steak is a lie

>> No.6358187


> Hi I'm Megan, and I don't have a personality
> so I've invented a very high-mainteance identity
> for myself instead. I hope you enjoy lying to me as much as I do!

> Allergies are just "stuff I don't like" , right?
> Am I allergic to pork? yeah totally... pork's gross! And crabs are scary. I got them once...

>> No.6358192

I'm with you on the sugars and the crab, but my sister is 19 and still allergic to eggs (not severely, but enough for her to avoid them) and recently discovered that she's actually fine with cashews and other nuts, but is still deathly allergic to peanuts (which aren't technically nuts, I know). So, you know, it's possible.

>> No.6358206

I want to make one, don't care if it's hack. I would use cheaper meat. Everything else is a-ok amigo.

>> No.6358259

The bread from the inside

>> No.6358278

I included that to illustrate how childish she's acting with this ridiculous list of supposed allergies. >>6358187 has it spot on.
Does your sister act an entitled cunt and go out of her way to complicate the job of kitchen staff? Or is she reasonable and either prepares her own food or avoids eating out?
If that card were handed to me I wouldn't feel I could safely serve her. I would have to refuse to do so to cover my own ass in case she is legitimately allergic and dies from anaphylaxis after eating something I tried to prepare accordingly.

>> No.6358289

Megan getting BTFO

>> No.6358292

I find the use and poor sear of the nice-looking ribeye steaks to be pretty cringeworthy.