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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 98 KB, 600x450, Pot-of-oxtails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6355978 No.6355978 [Reply] [Original]

>grow up poor and rural
>grandmother makes dishes with the cheapest cuts she can find
>pic related
>move to city
>5.99/lb at the discount grocer

It blew my fucking mind. Why are trash cuts so expensive now?

>> No.6355979

Because hipsters, brah.

>> No.6355980

Hipsters, probably.

>> No.6355981

>move to city
Otherwise, yeah, hipsters.

>> No.6356058

Go to ethnic butchers and markets for cheap cuts that are still cheap. I live in Brooklyn but have a cheap as balls old Italian butcher. 3.99/lb fresh ground burger, pork chop and house-made sausage, and I've asked for off cuts and blood, which they've practically given to me.

>> No.6356063

oh wicked thanks

>> No.6356072

I always wanted to try making those after seeing progun do it but fuck paying more than some cuts of steak

>> No.6356183

They use to be pretty cheap cuts. However, now due to a combination of them being cheap and people learning you can actually use cheap cuts to make tasty things, and people always looking to try and save a buck, the market has responded and raised the price on a cut that's growing in popularity (as well as due to rising meat prices in general).

>> No.6356430



>> No.6356435

lol no, oxtail has been pricey for quite some time. Believe it or not, things existed before you became aware of hipsters.

>> No.6356446


But they were cheaper before.

>> No.6356447

this is true

I used to get Chuck Eye steak for 3.99 a lb. What a steal. Then, it became 5.99. And now it's 7.99. All in about a year.

The damn hipsters found out that chuck eye steaks are the bomb diggity.

so... you're saying that you knew about Hipsters and prices of cheap meat... before they were cool?


>> No.6356461

are chicken thighs next on the hipster list of food to ruin?

>> No.6356465


Ah, the /ck/ scapegoat of choice.

>> No.6356467

>so... you're saying that you knew about Hipsters and prices of cheap meat... before they were cool?
No, I'm just not 19 years old.

>> No.6356470

>It blew my fucking mind. Why are trash cuts so expensive now?
Used to be chicken wings were only for making some stock, too. Skirt steak used to be a trash cut too, then can the fajita craze.

>> No.6356472


Because it became trendy and popular.

>> No.6356492

>Because it became trendy and popular.
They have always been expensive in cities. One tail per animal and immigrants love them.

It's not recent, you probably have never bought them or only recently became aware of the price and are making assumptions.

>> No.6356540

so you're 20?

fucking hipster.

>> No.6356551

>The damn hipsters found out that chuck eye steaks are the bomb diggity.
the only thing chuck eye is good for is grinding up to make burgers

i seriously hope you're not cooking it like you would a normal "steak"

have you ever seen a chuck eye steak on a restaurant menu? no? there's a reason for that

>> No.6356575

oh, yeah. you're absolutely right. Don't ever cook the chuck eye steak.


>> No.6356583

Nah, I'd guess hot dog weenies.

>> No.6356618

Because all meat is expensive now.

Seriously. Go look at what it really costs to buy a decent steak nowadays. Now tell me those trash cuts of meat are expensive

>> No.6356656

What are other relatively "cheap" cuts of meat I can get at stores?

I already get chicken gizzards, but that's the only "cheap" cut I can think of. Anything I should be buying from a cow or a pig that is good and cheap?

>> No.6356681



le sigh

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).

You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

>> No.6356682

>so expensive

That's pretty reasonable for good meat.

Obviously, if you are accustomed to CAFO garbage, your idea of good meat needs work.

>> No.6356809

A combination of hipsters and TV celebrity chefs popularizing cheaper pcuts and then the market responding by raising the prices.

>mfw short ribs are almost as expensive per weight as New York strip steaks where I am now
>mfw flank steak/skirt steak/chuck eye have gone up in price by like 250% over the last year or two
>mfw pork belly is now more expensive than chops

Fuck this gay earth. No face is suitable for this.

>> No.6356827


nice pasta

hipster scum

>> No.6356936

Black guy at my bar recommended Ox tails, I wasn't disappointed. But they weren't cheap at all. Stew meat was cheaper per lbs.

>> No.6356954

>I'm no longer poor
>but I'm looking for poorfag cuts of meat
Am I the only one who ever see the lapses in logic when it comes to threads like these?

>> No.6356959

Being thrifty can be rewarding.

>> No.6356978

You guys are retards

Anywhere there are jamaicans/caribbeans there will be expensive oxtails, it's a matter of supply and demand. I've ever seen cheap oxtail in NYC ESPECIALLY in Brooklyn

>> No.6357002
File: 60 KB, 640x480, Kuva0121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, OP, almost like my life story...

>grew up poor and urban
>mother makes dishes with the cheapest cuts she can find
>OP's pic related
>still live in a city
>8.95€/kg (roughly two pounds) errywhere

Been pondering the same question... Nah, mom's simple as fuck oxtail soup is heroin to me, just made a batch last week...

>> No.6357078

given that i and several other anons all seem to be making oxtail all at once, I can only assume this isn't a coincidence and the price is high because the recipe is getting around and theres demand for ox tail.

>> No.6357082

It has more to do with the fact that sometimes you want some comfort food. Something Mom or Nana would have made.

>> No.6357100

Because there's higher demand for it wherever you are, and people might make more money where you are too. This is basic shit, man. It shouldn't blow your mind.

>> No.6357106

Because nobody wants them so they have to go out of their way and cut them instead of making processed crap out of it.

>> No.6357149

I go to hipster restaurants and never see oxtail on the menu. Hipster-blamers, pls explain this.

>> No.6357163
File: 7 KB, 216x233, 6354386548756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there are no more cheap cuts because hipsters are using a trendy recipe that made shitty meat tasty.

>> No.6357173

I always cringed at the thought of eating liver, they are cheap as fuck and delicious. I tried it just to try it and I was flabbergasted at how good it was.

>> No.6357176

Chicken gizzards might surprise you, then.

>> No.6357178


>> No.6357187


Because retards found out about ox tail stew.

It's "trendy" to use our cheap cuts man.

These people should bed hunted down and have themselves beaten by their chuck taylors.

In other words- it's just the new retard way for people to think they know how to cook.

Hipsters no longer exist, and if they do, they're just as they always were- retards.

Why can't these idiots just braise a fine oxtail rather than being fucking retarded and boiling it with pabst blue ribbon?

As a chef, why is it not legal to kill them?

>> No.6357245

because for every pound of tail there's 500 pound of ribs

its not rocket science.

>> No.6357247

yuropoor here, had to check out how much a lb is, that is crazy expensive, maybe because my country is poor as fuck and its proportional to earnings, here 1 lb is like 2euro

>> No.6357249

>Why are trash cuts so expensive now?

everyone figured out how to cook tough cuts. blame the Internet + cooking shows

>> No.6357324

>You guys are retards
>Anywhere with a jamaican population will have cheap ox tails
>Everyone has a thriving jamaican population around them

Nice logic there breda.

Hipster is /ck/'s go-to insult, sorta like some other boards blame tumblr for shit; it's just the local boogieman.

>> No.6357350

>2015 not living in a Jamaican immigrant neighborhood so you can get cheap ox tails
What are you even doing with your life?

>> No.6357352

Living in a nice state on the west coast of the US.

>> No.6357356


HArd to read your post while my mouth was watering at the thought of some osso buco.

>> No.6357363

It's expensive every place Ive gone where black people are hipsters are around.

>> No.6357371

Caribbean and South American people LOVE Oxtail and rice. Does your city have a high population of either?

>> No.6357402

I lived in the suburbs and my parents used to get their oxtails from Asian markets and the price was around the same price.

My mom told me it's cuz there's only one tail per "ox" ha

>> No.6357441

Wow, this thread is full of stupid.

Alrighty, here's the deal:
cheap cuts are cheap when you have a real butcher who actually butchers whole animal.

If you're talking most supermarkets, they probably just order your basic primal cuts, then cut only what really sells from those. They don't even get the really cheap parts of the animal because so few people buy them these days. This means at your typical grocery store, instead of there being a bunch of oxtail just chilling in the corner because no one wants to bother with it, it becomes a special order item. Special order items come at a premium.

Simple supply and demand yo.

>> No.6357447

are you aware oxtail and beef shank is not the same thing?

>> No.6357509

Got that backwards, chief. Hipsters and TV chefs didn't do this-they're not that powerful. What's happened is way too big a thing for that to have caused it. Rather it's THE MARKET that's been driving the whole thing. The demand for meat has been constant, but there's just not enough supply.
Thanks to a 10-year cycle full of droughts, crop failures, disease outbreaks and ethanol mandates where we're burning the corn that used to be cattle feed in our cars, America's beef herd is the smallest it's been in 50 years. As a result, the prime cuts are now astronomical, while the lesser cuts are now merely expensive.
Now we're trying to adjust-ok, you like to eat meat, will you be satisfied with strip steak instead of filet? Chuck roast instead of tenderloin? The answer always seems to be "yes, as long as we know how to cook it so that it tastes good." That's where the TV chefs and hipsters come in-at the end of the process, not the beginning.

>> No.6357537

>It's "trendy" to use our cheap cuts.
It's not trendy. Trust me, everyone would rather be eating steaks, roasts and ribs like they used to do. But everything's so expensive now, they have to make do with what they can afford.
>big meaningless rant that amounts to "why do other people have to do the same things to cope that I do? I don't like that!"
Sometimes life sucks, kid. When you grow up you'll realize that.

>Why can't these idiots just braise a fine oxtail rather than being fucking retarded and boiling it with pabst blue ribbon?
Because boiling is familiar, and everyone knows how to do it. Braising isn't. Despite what you may think, most people's knowledge of cooking techniques is quite limited.

>> No.6357538


fuck off, hipster.

>> No.6357543

>I'm mad at people who like something I liked first

There's a word for people like you.

>> No.6357579

>le sigh


>> No.6357584

A decent steak costs 40€ per kilogram here.

>> No.6357589

>people are more interested in cooking than ever
>slow food becomes a trend in this food culture
>stores decide to exploit it to their fullest potential
Fucking bullshit

>> No.6357788

Because you live in the city now. Everything is more expensive because they have to truck it longer distances to get it to you.
If you lived next door to a bunch of farms and/or a slaughterhouse, the meat would be cheaper for the same reason.

>> No.6357795

And that word is "hipster".

"I liked it before it was cool" is the hipster's battle cry.

>> No.6357809

whoa, wait, things get more expensive over time?
should i only be paying a dime for candy?

>> No.6357821
File: 18 KB, 353x334, 1413492761474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this killed me, when at a big name grocer and beef heart was like 9.99lb, and i could think was wtf?

>> No.6357932

Just came back from work, sorry to keep you waiting. Here goes:

Two pounds of oxtails
potatoes, firm variety, as many as oxtail pieces onions, again as many as oxtail pieces
carrots, three or four
allspice,2-3 bayleafs, ground black pepper
wheat flour,1 deciliter, tablespoon of salt, teaspoon of finely ground white pepper
beefstock, some butter

>dice the onions, cut carrots and put them in a pot, add beef stock just enough to cover cover them, leave to simmer
>trim most of the excess fat off the oxtail pieces
>mix deciliter of flour, tablespoon of salt and teaspoon on salt, roll the oxtails in the mixture
>fry them for a while in butter, just enough to get them brown all around
>add oxtails in pot, add beefstock to cover them
>add 12-15 whole allspice and 2-3 bayleafs, leave to simmer for hour or so
>As you wait, peel and dice the potatoes
>add salt and and blackpepper to the pot to your taste
>when the meat is done, add diced potatoes to the pot
>again cover them with beefstock
>when potatoes are done, it's good to go.


>> No.6357952

Forgot one detail, throw the flour mixture with the oxtails in the pot, stir well.

>> No.6358094

Shipping costs

>> No.6358888


Nigger shut the fuck up, you sound retarded.

>> No.6359087

tfw it's only a matter of time before hipsters discover chicken backs

>> No.6359099

Oh dear, looks like someone has been called a hipster one too many times.

>> No.6359102


But many other meats, which come from the same slaughterhouse on the same truck, are quite a bit less expensive.

>> No.6359109


Aside from meat companies taking advantage of the newbies, how is it bad that people are learning basics? At least now I'm not eating microwaved chili when I go to a neighbors potluck or whatever.

>> No.6359128

>Why are trash cuts so expensive now?

Butcher's assistant at a major US supermarket here. At least in our store, there is a major concern which goes like this:

We don't butcher whole animals in the store. We order in the cuts we need and we only do the final cutting in the store. For example for chicken breasts come pre-skinned. All we do is put them on styrofoam trays and a machine weighs, shrink wraps them and applies the label. For pork chops we get in the whole loin, we trim it and cut it up on the bandsaw. Then the go in the machine, etc.

For oxtails, they come pre-packed by the case. We get a box that contains 20-some-odd packs inside. We put them out for sale. Some people buy them but honestly it's not that popular of an item. More often than not we have some that we have to throw away because they get too old before they get sold. So part of the price you pay is to cover the cost of what goes bad before it can be sold.

>> No.6359217

>tips fedora

>> No.6359267

> jews
Pork is as cheap as it's ever been.

>> No.6359272

>prices rise to cover thr cost of it not being bought

a vicious cycle

>> No.6359280

Well the other option is not stocking it at all

>> No.6359292

Liver is good if you cook it right.

>> No.6359367

No. I think what he means is that some cuts of meat used to be relatively cheap COMPARED to the more common cuts such as tongue in 1968 was almost free COMPARED to ground beef. It's simple if you think of it that way

>> No.6360048

a hipster is someone who rebels through conformity

>> No.6360120

thanks. ounds good. will give a try

>> No.6360155

I don't mean that people being interested in cooking and food is bad, just that the stores and companies taking advantage of that is kinda fucking bullshit.
I still have hope it will even out in few years though.

>> No.6360614


>mfw beef heart is dirt cheap at the shoprite near me

Two meals of giant meat servings for a buck fifty. I noticed it's the only cheap thing there. Even feet and bones are expensive.

>> No.6360618


>cut off excess fat
>add butter

For what purpose? Can't you just fry it in its natural fat?

>> No.6360632

By all means do that if you like, but result will be a one fucking greasy soup.
Butter browns the meat nicely, and you leave it in the pan, not add it to the soup.

>> No.6360643

>Can't you just fry it in its natural fat?

Not really. You coat the pieces in flour in order to get a nicely browned surface. That sort of "locks in" the fat for a short time. The fat won't render out fast enough or in enough volume in order to let you brown them properly.

I suppose you could render out the fat you trimmed off the oxtails and use that to brown them in, but it's less effort to use the butter. And you need something in the pan to fill the gaps between the food & pan so it cooks evenly.

>> No.6360738


hipsters are definitely a subculture in a lot of cities that attract young creative types (NY, LA, Chicago) and Hipster is definitely a set of lifestyle attributes associated with those subcultures. To pretend otherwise is to disregard reality. Part of what makes it hard to pin down is that it's gone through a bunch of phases/shifts in preferred aesthetics as things fall in and out of favor.

However, it's often misapplied, as in people blaming them for Oxtails.

>> No.6360743

hipster assholes who think they know food

>> No.6362560

Nice copypasta you autistic hipster.

>> No.6362590

Remember when brisket was cheap?

Now everyone wants to smoke brisket and it costs so fucking much.

>> No.6362597

Were i live Filet steak is $4.60/lb

>> No.6362822
File: 17 KB, 310x206, lobster-thumb1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think that's bad?


>"lobsters were routinely fed to prisoners, apprentices, slaves and children during the colonial era and beyond. In Massachusetts, some servants allegedly sought to avoid lobster-heavy diets by including stipulations in their contracts that they would only be served the shellfish twice a week."
My how times have changed

>> No.6362826

I ate liver all my life since I was little

My mom used to make liver and onions all the time

>> No.6362995


Used to be Oxtail and Ox tongue were dirt cheap. Now they cost as much as a chuck roast.


>> No.6364597

this makes a lot of sense

>> No.6364797

I used to pay $5.99 for ribeye cuts not more than 3 years ago.

>> No.6364800


Same thing with oysters.

>> No.6365063

asians need their pho

what pisses me off is how they try to pass off hocks as shanks.

fucking veal used to be cheaper than chicken.

>> No.6365076

chuck doesn't have an eye. that's round, and thats the other end of the animal

chuck is fucking flavorful as fuck

>> No.6365864

Everyone's right hipsters and 'foodies'. My mom still makes ox tail soup, so fucking good man, I gotta tell her she needs to make that soon, I've been dying for some.

>> No.6366013

No, its hipsters.
Source: Portland resident

>> No.6367532

ITT: Nobody give a fuck about economics.

Drought killed most of the cattle herd in last couple years.

>> No.6367861

anything would suck if you ate it every day

>> No.6367865

You are correct