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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6355295 No.6355295[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>ANAHEIM, Calif. (KABC) --
A group of diners in Anaheim, who took off without paying their bill, ran over their waitress after she confronted them.

>The incident happened outside the Mexico Lindo restaurant on the 10900 block of Magnolia Street around 6:30 p.m. Sunday.

>Police say four people left without paying. When a 19-year-old waitress confronted them, she was run over.

fucking Canadians

>> No.6355301


why the waitress on the street though

>> No.6355303

why are they so dark?

>> No.6355304

they all look like they're high as shit, no surprise here

>> No.6355305

Around blacks, never relax.

>> No.6355310

What's going on with the 3rd girl's hair?

>> No.6355313
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>> No.6355314

It looks like someone burned part of it off

>> No.6355315

her weave is growing out

>> No.6355317

I'd have no problem putting a bullet in every one of those smug prick savages.

>> No.6355335 [DELETED] 



>Shyteice Miles


Can't we get the race war started already?

>> No.6355350
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are those their mugshots? they look like they're happy to be going to jail. although if they're going to run over someone to get out of paying for food, they might prefer a place where they get 3 meals a day for free.

>> No.6355351


>> No.6355357

They're getting street cred

>> No.6355359

Hope Shyteice ain't shy with her piece in prison shower. ;^)

>> No.6355388

Silly blacks think Mexicans will be cucked liberal pushovers like white people.

They're gonna get ethnically-cleansed from California. Compton and Watts are already have a Mexican majority.

>> No.6355397

Spics and jigs killing each other off makes baby Jesus smile

>> No.6355410
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>are already have

>> No.6355415

They're from so far north they had months of 24 hr sunshine.

>> No.6355443

Can we just segregate niggers from the rest of society already?

I never used to be racist, but I now I hate these fucking shits.

>> No.6355444

>nigs trying to steal from mexicans

La raza don't got time for that.

>> No.6355452

Filthy fucking niggers bet the 4th one hasn't had a shower in a week.

>> No.6355457

number 3 looks like janelle monae

>> No.6355462

All of those women are clearly mixed, why do people think they are black?

>> No.6355466

Lmao Who Made This

>> No.6355471


Rowshaid Pellum, 24, of Cerritos, Markeisha Williams, 18, of Long Beach, Shyteice Miles, 19, of Long Beach and Santeea Ralph, 23, of Long Beach were all taken into custody

This has to be an onion article.

>> No.6355475

Because they're clearly black.
Look black, act black, are black.

>> No.6355499

Too easy to get banned replying...

>> No.6355509

on /ck/? this isn't /sp/ man it's safe.

>> No.6355537

Goddamn I used to have to deal with this type of shit all the time when I worked in a shitty discount clothing store. Moon crickets would come in and steal shit then when confronted start making a scene and screaming about racism. Our company had at least 6 people run over trying to get shit back from them. Our LP guy got into a struggle with one and the bitch pulled a knife and stabbed him in the arm, had to the ER and get a bunch of stitches. He still has a huge scar. Thank god I'm unemployed now.

>> No.6355592

Not him, but I've been banned for making several /al/ck threads before. You can get banned for the most ridiculous shit everywhere on this site.

>> No.6355627

Black people being stupid and violent? I can't believe that.

Fucking white people have ruined the rich and noble culture of Africa. Disgusting.

>> No.6355648

lmao. Listen, I used to wonder why some of the states in the south had the worst illiteracy, obesity, teen pregnancy, and poverty rates in the country, and then I realized that the worst states have a significant black population. In some areas they are a majority, and in many places there they are fully 1/3 of the population.

It's not racism, it's fucking reality, m8. People aren't equal, and it's not just skin color. Look at their skull structure, and features. They are different in many ways, and in the ways they are the same as us, we share with most mammals. It's a different genetic path, like the way chimps are different from bonobos.

>> No.6355673


Your head

>> No.6355676


> moon crickets

I laugh every time.

>> No.6355700

>All black people are bad.
I will enjoy my six figure annual income and Engineering degree. Stay mad Moon people and Honkies.

Not even mad. Enjoying this drink.

>> No.6355713
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Not all, just most.

>> No.6355719

Holy fuck, all the racism is this thread. Back to /pol/ you fucking morons.

>> No.6355721

Prove you're black. No one here believes you.

>> No.6355735

>Rowshaid Pellum, 24, of Cerritos, Markeisha Williams, 18, of Long Beach, Shyteice Miles, 19, of Long Beach and Santeea Ralph, 23, of Long Beach were all taken into custody

Christ of course they're from Long Beach, it's like our own personal Detroit in the middle of SoCal. We need to be able to deny people from areas like those from coming into our nicer neighborhoods.

>> No.6355739

>I forgot what website I was on

>> No.6355745
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>> No.6355751

After a few years of meth, maybe. Don't get me wrong: JM ain't cute, but she doesn't look like a methwhore, either.
The bitch from OP looks like a methwhore.

>> No.6355754
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Another reminder that Hitler did nothing wrong, aside from invading the Soviet Union prematurely.

>> No.6355759

When did /ck/ become so shit, "tendie" threads, "what burger should I get from McDonalds", "hurr I'm a badass racist look how superior I am in my moms basement", this board is like /r9k/ mini now

>> No.6355765 [DELETED] 
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You do realize what website you are on, I mean I know nigger apologists are retarded but this is a new level of stupidity.

>> No.6355777

Your post reminds me of something.

Speaking about people reacting negatively to one of his movies, one that featured hermaphrodites, rape, murder, bestiality, a talking sphincter, a 300-pound woman in a playpen eating eggs and an overweight drag queen eating fecal matter on camera (real fecal matter, at that), John Waters once said something like:
>'Why didn't you leave the theater or change the channel? That's what I did when Forrest started running.'
Similarly, if you don't like what /ck/ has become, either hide the offending threads or simply stop coming. I do the former. I recommend you do the same. You'll be much happier, Anon.

Share and enjoy!

>> No.6355802

>I just got here in 2013 and I only browse /b/ /r9k/ /v/ and /pol/

>> No.6355805
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For kids and idiots
See both above options
Oh the eternal boogeyman for people who dislike the truth. Try again retard.

>> No.6355807

joey threads and fast food faggotry

>> No.6355810

they were really tired from studying so they just forgot to pay. then they were so tired they ran over the waitress.

>> No.6355852

Trip sevens for truth.
You are an awesome human and I hope wonderful oral sex is in your near future.

>> No.6355859

You came off as such a faggot in this post there's literally nothing more I can say to prove your faggotry

>> No.6355895

>dat ingredients list

>rice flour
>potato starch
>expeller pressed safflower oil
>natural almond flavour
>natural butter flavour

Sounds pretty good.

>> No.6355901

but is it bretty gud?

>> No.6355929

The two that are smiling are what is really making me angry.

>> No.6355937

Tommy, go to bed. They are hair hats, and you know it!

>> No.6355941


Anyone else notice that they happen to be niggers?

It's not surprising is it?

>> No.6355945

>tongue out
>smug and not even looking at the camera
>retarded open mouth
>fourth one actually doing what she's supposed to

Why do they let these people take these kinds of mug shots? Please tell me that the only reason they allow this is to make them look like huge assholes in the courtroom. Otherwise, I'd add a week's worth of solitary for every minute they spend making stupid ass faces.

>> No.6355955

>Post pic.


>> No.6355966


>> No.6355975

>It's not racism, it's fucking reality, m8. People aren't equal, and it's not just skin color. Look at their skull structure, and features. They are different in many ways, and in the ways they are the same as us, we share with most mammals. It's a different genetic path, like the way chimps are different from bonobos.
This has to be pasta

>> No.6355989
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No, but it can be. It's the truth, anyway. Some people have a problem with the truth, but you can't argue with hard science unless you're an idiot. It's a different genetic path, and the differences are far more than skin deep.

>> No.6355992

As someone who has studied biology for the past 5 years I have to say you are quite incredibly retarded

>> No.6355996

Gee what a riveting rebuttal, genius, I guess we're supposed to be stunned by your decisive use of intellect to set the record straight?

Get real dude. Chances are that you haven't really thought about it like many people. It's scientifically supported fact that the races of man are different from each other in more ways than their skin color, or do you presume to imagine the world is full of identical clones?

If you're a biology major, you have a lot to learn.

>> No.6356007

I'm an anthropologist and frankly, it's the truth. If you've ever really studied, say, Australian aboriginals, and just for example, compared them to Japanese, you would know that even the skeletal structure has distinct differences.

Or as was stated earlier. Chimps and bonobos are so similar most people couldn't tell the difference, but I've studied both and while they can interbreed they have a completely different culture and physiology. Bonobos are fairer and more graceful and less violent, while chimps are on the other end of the spectrum.

A cooking board isn't really the place to have this discussion though, but we are different, and that's not a bad thing, but it's important to be aware of the truth to advance in science.

>> No.6356008

>black people

not exactly a surprise

>> No.6356029

youre an anthrpologist, you don't know jack shit about science faggot

>> No.6356053

"Bone for bone. Muscle for muscle. Molecule for molecule; there are almost no important differences between blacks and humans." Carl Sagan.

>> No.6356083

top kek

fucking niggers.

>> No.6356088

They're all gonna be gay for the stay.

>> No.6356107


>> No.6356111

>gay for the stay.
I've never heard that before, but it sounds like it's probably a real thing

>> No.6356455
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>"Bone for bone. Muscle for muscle. Molecule for molecule; there are almost no important differences between blacks and humans." Carl Sagan.

"Evolution doesn't stop at the neck."

-- Anon --

>> No.6356466

The only decent K&P sketch.

>> No.6356468

>"tendie" threads
>"what burger should I get from McDonalds"


>"hurr I'm a badass racist look how superior I am in my moms basement", this board is like /r9k/ mini now

Adults who have jobs, families, mortgages and a stake in society.

>> No.6356479


Fuck every single one of those people and their smug faces.

>> No.6356481

>Rowshaid Pellum
>Markeisha Williams
>Shyteice Miles
>Santeea Ralph

Were they white or Chinese or what?

Also, those fucking mugshots lol

>> No.6356487

>Adults who have jobs, families, mortgages and a stake in society.
More like people who are essentially impotent in their daily life and would never dare to express these thoughts without an anonymous and ephemeral outlet.

>> No.6356500

>implying it isn't I Said Bitch

>> No.6356550

Here's the thing nigger
White people don't do things half assed.
We didn't start openly bad-mouthing the jews until a few years before the holocaust.

When we get to the point where we express these concerns openly... it's already too late for you.

Your strength intelligence or numbers are not your salvation, the kindness of white people who feel sorry for you is your salvation. You're like a small child, completely vulnerable in our arms and subject to our whims.

>> No.6356566

Fucking worthless niggers.

>> No.6356576

This comment only encourages /pol/ and encourages others to pretend to be /pol/ because of your butthurt.

>> No.6356581

Based Sotomayor, King of the niggers.

>> No.6356595
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>White people don't do things half assed.

I am white and I do shit half assed all the time.
Every car up on blocks in front of a single wide trailer also speaks to white half assery.

>> No.6356617

That's why you are known as white trash and shunned by the rest of society.

>> No.6356635
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Pretty sure spouting a bunch if racist anger on the internet places you pretty squarely in the white trash camp as well amigo.

>> No.6356636

Everytime a car is up on blocks in the ghetto it means a nigga got his tires stole.

>> No.6356637

For a second I thought this was a /pol/thread.

Wtf co/ck/s

>> No.6356647

I don't live in a trailer park. I contribute to society, and take pride in maintaining my property and keeping it clean. You would just think I was a middle class working man.

>> No.6356654
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More like people who have jobs, families, mortgages and a stake in society and
cannot express these perfectly valid thoughts nowadays without an anonymous
outlet, lest they be subject to social and even legal penalties.

The Swedes are working to pass a law making it flat-out illegal to say anything
bad about immigrants.

>> No.6356655

Oh, so you are finally acknowledging the difference between nigger hood trash and civilized black people?

It is Spring Break. Kids are out. Just report and sage.

>> No.6356659

Listen, I understand where you're coming from. You live in a pastoral, rural white community with a few black people (and they're all super chill) you watched Will and Grace and Family Matters and Living Single and all of this racism just seems completely silly to you.

and you feel good because you think you're being a chill guy... smarter than any dumb racists... you're practically Jon Stewart (almost)

Nothing I can do or say will change your mind so I don't care. I'm actually really glad you live in a white utopia where you can afford to be so insular and naive. I wish all of America lived like that. I wish black people would be cool and friendly and helpful everywhere the way they are in small towns or gated communities

but this is simply not the case, as the waitress in OP's article found out recently.

>> No.6356662


The issue isn't the total amount of half assery, it's per capita half assery

>> No.6356665

You can be well off and white trash but I doubt you make more than 35k per annum.

>> No.6356670

Hitler didn't mind niggers you walking queef.

>> No.6356678

Holy fuck I forgot that /pol/ existed for a bit. Sup guys, you guys beating the SJWs or whatever yet?

>> No.6356683

Yes he did. He was more than just anti Jew. He wanted to exterminate every kind of subhuman, the Jews were just first on the list because they were more common than black people in the countries he controlled. Next you will be telling me he didn't want to get rid of disabled people and gays.

>> No.6356690

Then why where there niggers in his army?

>> No.6356696

Why were there jewish SS officers? Useful idiots are great

>> No.6356704


>> No.6356709

He shook Jesse Owens' hand at the 1936 Olympics.

>> No.6356718

That doesn't mean he wasn't getting around to killing them, it just means he wasn't a childish bitch like FDR, who refused to

>> No.6356751
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>> No.6356768

>this is what /pol/ actually believes

Listen, I understand where you're coming from. You dropped out of high school, you spend your free time watching "chimp out" videos on Xtube or wherever they post such things, and diversity is frightening to you in the same way that women, strangers in general, and the world outside your computer-illuminated pigsty is frightening to you.

And you feel cool because you found /pol/, a support group for like-minded kissless NEETs.

Nothing I say can change your mind so I don't care. I'm actually glad you are stuck in your basement so you don't come out and fill the normal people world with your loser stink. I wish there really was an SJW conspiracy so creepy weirdos like you could get some help from like, the nanny state or whatever you think is "oppressing" you, and overall social justice (which normal people consider to be a good thing) would progress more.

But this is simply not the case, as you won't find out because you're stuck there, wallowing in self pity, wondering why the feminazis won't give you a job running a team of developers writing video games even though you can't code.

>> No.6356781

Not gonna lie, I will lick all about black chocolate up

>> No.6356805
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>> No.6356817


>> No.6356843

I did finish high school and go to college and worked hard to climb my way out of the ghetto, my dad was a crackhead and my mom was a functional alcoholic. I woke up everyday and rode a crowded bus full of black people who would mostly leave me alone if I kept my head down and kept to myself, but I got spit on and got my hair pulled a few times just for being white, once somebody pushed me down the bus steps while I was exiting and I cut my forehead on a rock. For awhile I had to stop riding the bus because a guy got a crush on me and was extremely aggressive about it and started getting loud and grabbing me inappropriately and calling me a whore when I politely rejected him, once the whole bus got going it turned into crowd mentality so it was better just to walk or hitch rides from friends (the busdriver who was also black didn't care) There were more white people at the school but the vast majority of busriders were black. I saw black people hit a girl in the head with a brick just for telling the principal about drugs in a guy's locker... she was also black btw, she almost died. A whole crowd of them danced down the hallway after they did it screaming "that's what she get!".

I promised myself I wouldn't let my family grow up in that kind of environment, with that animalistic mindset. I have a nice job making 25k (not the best pay bu it's good, and I like what I do and my husband makes more money than me so we can afford nice things, btw did I mention I'm a grill? cause I'm a grill)

The irony is I want my kids to grow up just like you. I want them to not understand what the real world is like, but ultimately what is the cost of letting ourselves be willfully ignorant? Crime is skyrocketing, population is out of control, cops (the only people the blacks are even mildly afraid of) are getting gunned down in the street while blacks protest en masse in the name of nothing less than complete amnesty for black people no matter what crimes they commit.

>> No.6356881

>my dad was a crackhead and my mom was a functional alcoholic

I see. So you associate blacks with that.

I grew up in a very diverse middle class area and never developed these associations.

I currently live in a different, also diverse middle class area and again, no problems. For reference, the train car I got off from about two hours ago was full of blacks and hispanics, along with a few whites. My upstairs neighbors are a mixed couple (black chick, white guy). My next door neighbors are black. My downstairs neighbors are spanish speaking blacks from a caribbean country. As you can see, my particular neighborhood is not especially diverse (just whites, blacks, and hispanics). But it's better than I assume your ideal neighborhood would look like.

I'm sorry you had a rough childhood, but please understand that your hatred of minorities has much more to do with a horrible childhood, and much less to do with knowing what the "real world" is like (I've likely seen much more of it than you).

>> No.6356883

Why not bring back segregation? It seems like most blacks want that anyways.

I think everyone would be happier and safer.

>> No.6356899

So go live with the niggers, enlightened one.

>> No.6356907

I do, and I have, in this building, for the last 15 years. And it is by choice. I'm making $94k a year at the moment. Not a fortune by the standards of my city, but enough to live among white people if that was important to me.

By the way, the only time I have ever been physically attacked by a stranger, it was a white person. That may have something to do with my point of view on the kind of people I want to live around.

>> No.6356918

You've lived around successful black people, you've never lived around niggers.

>> No.6356919

>diverse middle class area
>middle class
you're living in a delusion
Remember the part where I said black people living in gated communities are super chill? I'm perfectly aware of this phenomenon, it doesn't surprise me that you know 5 black and not one of them are thugged out.

I associate black people only with their own actions. I was prefacing my story with my parent's situation so that you understand why I was raised in a government projects apartment. Clearly you are too simplistic to read everything written beneath the first sentence.

If you're wondering if I associate black people with the projects, yes I clearly do.

And for the record... I'm not /pol/. I don't see anything wrong with gay people, or hispanic people or Asians. I'm not even positive that it's genetics with black people, I think they have created a culture that glorifies ignorance, violence and drug use. If a black person tries to do well in school or be good at something or act professionally they get shouted down as "they think they white!", meanwhile laziness is considered the highest aspiration and then after a life of doing nothing they have nothing to show for it... and instead of blaming themselves they turn their bitterness to white people.

Yes, individual black people can be cool
they can be successful
but those are the exception to the rule.

This article sent a chill up my spine because it reminded me all at once of the callous attitude toward human life that black people hold, that I grew up around everyday. If I didn't have my brother to protect me I might not have made it out of there.

>> No.6356921


>> No.6356932


I don't live in a gated community. It's a middle class apartment building in an extremely densely populated urban area. There is no doorman. There's a public housing complex not 3 blocks from me. Needless to say, that complex is entirely populated with black people. By contrast, my building is maybe 30-40% white people (I left out the couple across the hall and the single guy on my floor, both of whom are white).

I realize people who are not complete failures in life must seem fabulously wealthy from your perspective, but please understand, this is middle class life. No armored Mercedes SUVs, no motion detectors, no lawns. But also no crackhead babies, gats, or bricking strangers over perceived slights.

I live with very poor black people near me, but they leave me alone because I don't rat them out when I see them smoking weed on the park bench, or act like I think I'm about to get jumped when I see a group of them walking towards me.

You had a fucked up childhood, you probably have all kinds of random irrational things that set you off that have nothing to do with race, in addition to this. It's very sad, but I'm glad things are better for you now.

> laziness is considered the highest aspiration and then after a life of doing nothing they have nothing to show for it... and instead of blaming themselves they turn their bitterness to white people.

Change one word and you just described an entire generation of white kids who spend their 20s shitposting on the internet about the SJW conspiracy instead of bettering themselves and looking for work.

>> No.6356937

If it really was a middle class apartment building, then it wouldn't be 3 blocks from a public housing development.

besides there's no such thing as "middle class buildings"

there's middle class neighborhoods, but not buildings per se

>> No.6356949

>If it really was a middle class apartment building, then it wouldn't be 3 blocks from a public housing development.

Why would you say that? In my city there's a public housing project less than 3 blocks from a building where Russian oligarchs pay $18 million for a single apartment. Surely you can allow for a middle class building at the same distance from a different public housing project.

>besides there's no such thing as "middle class buildings"

Maybe you should learn more about the real world that you think you know so much about.

>there's middle class neighborhoods, but not buildings per se

Of course there are middle class buildings. For all your posturing about how I'm sheltered and you know everything, you're being amazingly wrong right now.

>> No.6356982
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>> No.6356994


>> No.6356999
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>> No.6357011

>taking the bait
I bet you thought I was really a grill, too.

>> No.6357020


I don't see gender. However you choose to identify is your own business and I hope it empowers you as much as it enriches humanity.

>> No.6357022

>25k a year
you're still poor

>> No.6357023

>pickup truck bed frame
>2 rear axles
>not even dually axles


>> No.6357024

>racists tend to be poor and desperate for someone to blame
Should this really surprise anyone?

>> No.6357027

I refuse to be racist because that's exactly what the kikes wnat me to do

>> No.6357030

The kikes don't want you to be racist per se. They just want your jewgolds to decorate their horns, and if you're a racist that's a good way to help with that goal.

>> No.6357032

If poor whites, poor blacks, and poor mexicans stopped fighting each other and turned their energy towards taking down the people who are actually fucking them in the ass, the gig would be up pretty fast.

>> No.6357061

I started out extremely liberal with regards to black people and their horrible crimes.

But how much are we supposed to take before we just say, you can't live with civilized people until you civilize yourself? I know it's not all black people, and a lot of white people are as bad or worse. But we need to do something to prevent subhuman pieces of shit from harming the general population. Maybe kill everyone without a college education right now.

>> No.6357119


As a black guy I'm not surpsized.

But I will tell you this. if your waiting black people you're either going to get the best tip of all time, or jack shit.

>> No.6357148

Niggers aren't meant to live in civilized societies. Other races evolved enough to get to that point and sort of forced them on poor jigaboos who are more suited to swinging from trees and eating bananas. We should send them all back to Africa where selection pressures can make them achieve intellectual parity with the white race. What we're doing now is trying to hammer square pegs in round holes and it's inhumane.

>> No.6357152

>Nigger thread
>300+ guaranteed replies

>> No.6357155

Take your race mixing propaganda and shove it up your ass, Shlomo.

>> No.6357156

>Noticing an obvious problem means you are: poor, desperate and looking for someone to blame.

You just defined niggers, try again.

>> No.6357190

Not always. I know a black woman who takes tipping seriously. You get what you earn from her.

>> No.6357194

found the stormcuck.

>> No.6357199
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Found the limp-wristed pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.6357200

Seems like a pretty sizable chunk of the black population tip as if they're atoning for the tipping habits of most blacks. They're really sensitive to how white people perceive them and take it upon themselves to be ambassadors to the black race or something lol.

>> No.6357206
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>pretty sizable chunk


>> No.6357215

Yes, it's the one that politicizes his fear because he's a little white bitch from the suburbs. Back to containmentchan now..

>> No.6357219
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, caocao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting this much.

>> No.6357222

Daww, he took a psych course. Who's a little white faggot? You are, yes you are.

>> No.6357225
File: 121 KB, 585x250, MaddowPajamaBoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks you have to take a psych course to recognize when someone projects their obvious insecurities.

>> No.6357226

Adorable, he's self-taught! Did you diagnose your own autism, too?

>> No.6357238 [DELETED] 
File: 2.70 MB, 852x480, nigger1v1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He makes insults like a reddit/tumblr hambeast

>Thinks that anyone on 4chan take their queerish banter personally.

>> No.6357241

Because she got run over by a car.

>> No.6357253


Is she African black? And I mean actually from somewhere In Africa?

>> No.6357261

>He literally speaks in gamergate grade memes

>> No.6357318

>poor people tend to live around black people
>therefore poor people tend to have more experience of dealing with black people
>but any racism they feel is just them blaming black people for the fact that they're poor
>they need a dose of the real world like what I live in


>> No.6357374

But you understand that it wasn't the colour of their skin that resulted in that, right? I've lived in a poor inner city white area all my life and could count the amount of black people who where in my year on my hands- it doesn't change shit, people still act that way; it would be so convenient to scapegoat an entire race, but it just doesn't work like that

>> No.6357383

STD rates be higher among nigs. They are disease ridden creatures. Don't ever fuck a nig.

>> No.6357391

Hey, I don't have STD's.

>> No.6357461

You're on 4chan. Nobody believes you've even had sex.

>> No.6357477

Because they're niggers?

>> No.6357672

I'm all about equality and peace and love and crap like that... so while I find much of the imagery and wording in your post objectionable, the end message is, sadly, irrefutable.

You can no more expect wolves to behave like cocker spaniels than you can wild peoples to behave with civility.

>> No.6357686

>25k annually
Y-you're joking, right? You can't possibly be so poor that you believe that earning less than half the national average is "good," can you? Please tell me you're not so disconnected from reality.

>> No.6357694

>You can't possibly be so poor that you believe that earning less than half the national average HOUSEHOLD INCOME
Ftfy m8. Average income is like 26k

>> No.6357699

Gotta love the smell of liberal butthurt in the morning.

>> No.6357701
File: 622 KB, 1600x1200, 1416096262279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have had a fine picnic instead.

>> No.6357705

>being wrong


>> No.6357711
File: 84 KB, 538x725, 1380467321472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: working class whites who have barely experienced anything outside their blighted rust belt neighborhoods, telling normal people what "the real world" is.

If you had stayed in school instead of getting that dream job at Cinnabon, maybe you would feel threatened by your fellow poors of a different color.

>The Swedes are working to pass a law making it flat-out illegal to say anything
bad about immigrants.

Awesome, I am so happy to be part Swedish.

>> No.6357727

Here's a single source that says my numbers too


>> No.6357737

"Here, we have the outlier of the general community. Watch how they insist that because they don't exhibit the same traits and habits as the rest of their community, that the community itself, doesn't! Fascinating! Truly!"

>> No.6357745

White trash magic

>> No.6357756

Not amused by your nonsense.
Tell me, faggot, are there not ignorant people within every ethnicity? But what happens when that ignorance is compounded over time, through malnutrition, a culture that glorifies entitlement without work, fame over integrity, race baiters within their own ranks, and a bunch of enablers who can't see the forest from the trees? A hell of a lot more ignorance being concentrated in specific ethnicities.

>> No.6357780
File: 9 KB, 294x171, rwerwer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him you are responding to, but all I see is GDP in your site.

>> No.6358127

>But what happens when that ignorance is compounded over time, through malnutrition, a culture that glorifies entitlement without work, fame over integrity, race baiters within their own ranks, and a bunch of enablers who can't see the forest from the trees? A hell of a lot more ignorance being concentrated in specific ethnicities.

White people can't help it though. They went to bad schools because we displaced them, and now they want Asian quotas because test scores and grades are no longer an accurate measure of academic potential now that someone else does it better.

>> No.6358156
File: 197 KB, 404x475, scooter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's all just agree to agree that blacks and muslims are the worst. It's settled.

>> No.6358196

No. Whites are responsible for most of the world's current problems. Remember that most of the countries being torn apart by civil wars right now were stable democracies until whites overthrew them and installed brutal puppet dictators to advance commercial interests.

tldr fuck white people and do not pity them

>> No.6358208

This is funny. All you have to do is look at the ratio of blacks in federal prison in America. Even though they are a minority, the vast majority of inmates are black males.


Well, think whatever you want, it doesn't change reality, and it won't change anyone's opinion unless they are a child and simply don't know.

>> No.6358266

It's a well known fact that the legal system is literally designed to keep blacks from voting. I don't know why this is taken by whites as evidence that they're criminals. Of course they are. Isn't that the whole point?

Also free mumia

>> No.6358271

No, I live in Halifax and nothing will ever top quebeckers

>> No.6358288

>free mumia
Damn. When was that offer? I paid $9.95 for mine. Not even a good model. My Mumia doesn't do windows. I'd demote it to field work but I don't have a field. :-(

>> No.6358315

I always find racists who try and use occam's razor to make a point hilarious because they always represent such a limited picture and think that actually proves their worldview
the simplest answer still needs to know what the fuck the question is, and you guys obviously don't when your question is 'why are blacks such violent apes lol'

>> No.6358324

They really do look baked though.

>> No.6358327

Nice attempt at a straw-man, but you are completely lacking in coherence and logic and you fail to address any valid points. Care to try again with something other than the equivalent of hooting and hollering?

Oh is that what you think? It seems you've been woefully misinformed. There's no fucking conspiracy against blacks in the country, are you absurd? The government is barely together enough to fix roads and bridges, do you really think there's some national conspiracy to "hold back the black man"? Give me a break dude.

>> No.6358335

No, I'm pretty sure I made the valid point of 'you guys have no clue what the fuck you're talking about' which is 100% true and I'm pretty sure you know it otherwise you would have some sort of counterargument. With that said that other dude saying there's a marked conspiracy against black people is also ridiculous and stupid, it's a mostly unintentional thing that leads to people creating the fucked system we have.

>> No.6358338

>fucking Canadians


>> No.6358345

This, pretty much.

You can make an argument that there is kind of a conspiracy to keep poor poor and rich rich, but even that misses that a lot of the rich like going after each others money.

Hell even racism against blacks was started as a way to keep the poor divided (freed slaves will take your jobs), which is what they said about the Italians, the Irish, Mexicans, and every other ethnic group that came to the us because wroth tee poor in fighting, they're easily controlled.

>> No.6358350


In some places "Canadian" is used the same as "nigger".