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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6355132 No.6355132 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see how pleb /ck/ actually is.

What's your favourite cheese? And what do you drink with it?

For me, nothing beats a huge block of stilton on a cold night around Christmas, with crackers, quince and a glass of port. You eat it as dessert, so you need to have a stomach like a cement mixer to eat a starter, heavy main course with wine and then this, but it's the food of the gods.

>> No.6355164

Stilton is great

SAdly I don't know the name of my favorite cheese; I had it one time at my pastor's retirement party and haven't been able to find it since

It was a pale yellow body with some kind of brown husk; it tasted smoky, maybe it was an actual meat. And you ate the whole thing, you didn't peel the brown shit off.

>> No.6355172
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Humboldt Fog

>> No.6355174

That sounds like a German smoked cheese. Was it a really thin, edible brown rind?

That stuff is very tasty

>> No.6355178

I like cheddar with horseradish and habanero peppers and shit in it.

>> No.6355179

Tell me more

We have something similar here in Ireland but the name is escaping me at the minute (it's sort of like a blue version of brie).

Top marks on the food porn too, genuinely hungry now

>> No.6355182

>Was it a really thin, edible brown rind?

Yeah, like I said, you popped the whole slice into your mouth. The yellow body was fairly mild but the smoked part was fantastic and complimented it perfectly.

I would think it was smoked scamorza, but that's usually a melting cheese; I doubt that they would leave it out on an hors-d'oeuvre platter.

>> No.6355200

pretty pleb
favorite cheese by miles is a good, incredibly sharp cheddar. Kerrygold's Dubliner is a good example. I've had lots of cheese, of all kinds, but this is it for me.

>> No.6355203


don't usually take to cheeses on the more subtle side of the spectrum. my preferences are usually more for bold flavors that leave their mark, which is why I was so surprised by it

it really is wonderful however you choose to eat it, but my favorite is with thin slices of granny smith apples. unbeatable for me!

>> No.6355204


We have much nicer cheeses in Ireland, you should try some of them. We make better cheddars than that, Dubliner is pretty basic

>> No.6355214

been to ireland, clearly not long enough.
We make excellent cheddars in the US as well (Vermont is mostly famous for this) but they don't sell well, and you have to go to specialist stores to find decent cheese, and it's overpriced as fuck.

EVERYTHING dairy is good in Ireland.

>> No.6355236

Bizarrely, my parents (who really love cheese) always say that up to pretty recently, there were basically no quality cheeses in Ireland.

It was really during the Celtic Tiger (when people began to have a lot more cash) that high-quality cheese became a thing here. Because, as you say, we're good with dairy, it became really good really quickly.

A cousin of mine married an american girl who was over here learning to make cheese, actually. They moved back over to NY and now she makes it professionally, they sell her stuff somewhere in NYC. Never got a chance to try it though.

I don't think cheese is that pricey here, but that's probably because there are so many producers. You should definitely try some if you ever come back

>> No.6355241

>cheese and apple

This is something I've always meant to try but never gotten around to.

What kind of cheese would you match it with? I'm guessing something white and sweet would probably match the taste better than something mature

>> No.6355249

Honey goat cheese on sliced apple, honeycrisp if they're in season, otherwise pink lady, if none available then fuji.

>> No.6355282

It's really nice and tasty.

Also, Pepperjack fag reporting in. I love the stuff.

>> No.6355395

Brie and gala apples w/ water biscuits

fight me

>> No.6355407

Depends on the kind of cheese and the apple varietal. I like a sharp cheddar with a tart apple, something like Granny Smith. Sweet ones like Golden Delicious don't do it.

>> No.6355416

Gala and brie.

>> No.6355418

A good Chevre & a dry Reisling.

Perfect for a picnic date, after a day of picking apples, in early autumn.

>> No.6355423
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At first I didn't like the smell but after I tasted it that quickly faded into triviality. This is the best cheese for spreading I've ever had so soft and buttery with a great mouthfeel.
Best with salted crackers or crunchy bread, but good with sweet fruits too

>> No.6355431

Comte. Surely the greatest cheese in the world, no?

>> No.6355433

velveta and red wine

>> No.6355434

anything with horseradish

>> No.6355440

american cheese saltines and a 2 liter of mountain dew

>> No.6355458
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Piled high on some RITZ or flipsides (the half pretzel half cracker ones), drink would be Dr. Pepper ideally but I'll take a Ruby Red Squirt too

>> No.6355476

I enjoy sharp cheddar and decent ales or lagers.


>> No.6355482

what's funny is that stuff is more expensive than real cheese by me. I guess there's demand for it.

>> No.6355508
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Nothing beats smoked Gouda

>> No.6356325
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This shit is top tier goat ass shit, pretty much any kind of cheese you get from the site is good, their gouda is god tier as well

>> No.6356343


great stuff


can never argue with comte

for me, Taleggio

after extensive testing i've found that the best vehicle for cheese is toasted white bread. like Wonderbread-style white bread. but toasted.

unless of course you're in France, in which case get a baguette.

>> No.6356349


$9.20/lbs around these parts

>> No.6356414

Saint Albray is probably my favorite. And a good Emmentaler is fantastic, I can eat that stuff raw.

I don't know if I tasted that specific kind of ash cheese, but the one I've tried was great.
Ma nig. Don't know what you mean about the smell though.

>> No.6356686

I don't really have a favorite. It really depends on the type of cheese.

>sharp cheeses (my favorite type of cheese)
Pretty much any cheddar
American Muenster
Colby Jack
>mild cheeses
Port Salut
>"grating" cheese
Dry Jack
>fresh cheeses
Queso Fresco
Smoked Fresh Mozzarella
>soft-ripened cheeses
Saint Angel
Délice de Bourgogne
>washed-rind cheeses (not a big fan of them)
>blue cheeses (not really a big fan of these either)
Bleu de Queyras
White Stilton
>brined cheeses
Five Counties
Pepper Jack
Horseradish Cheddar

>> No.6356699


Fontina by far

>> No.6356905

cheddar and pepperjack with sliced ham on crackers.

>> No.6356917

Currently, Västerbotten. Honorable mention goes to St. Agur.

>> No.6356939

American singles

>> No.6356952

bree cheese and champain

>> No.6356984

Manchego and peated scotch

>> No.6357571

Camembert and gorgonzola

>> No.6357731
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>'Let's see how pleb /ck/ actually is.'
>'look at how refined I am'

>eats cheese with crackers
Are you twelve?

>> No.6357753


>> No.6357774

For sandwiches, I like Swiss.

For snacking, I like Gouda or Edam.

But fuck it, I just like cheese, man. Doesn't really matter what kind. I don't think I've had a cheese yet I haven't liked.

>> No.6357801

3 year gouda with raspberries. Not on them, just eating both intermittently. Typically with water.

Also brie melted with pears, with white tea or water.

>> No.6357814

melted into a roux this makes the BEST cheese sauce, period.

>> No.6358022

Has anybody here actually tried Limberger? Was the smell as bad as they say?

>> No.6358216

I have. To me, it was hilarious. Everyone jokes that it smells like stinky feet, and I hate the smell of stinky feet (having to endure it with my lazy father who is perfectly capable of washing himself but refuses to do so) yet every time I smelled the Limburger I'd just laugh because while it's exactly the same smell, for some reason it's not horrible coming from the cheese.

>> No.6358239

This. But I consider myself uncultured pleb about cheese.

>> No.6358408

Teach us how to eat cheese like a grown man then, quentin

>> No.6359091
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epoisses de bourgogne with a good pinot noir

>> No.6359100
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love manchego, would never have thought to give it a go with an islay. i'll have to try that sometime.

>> No.6359106

Oh fuck my mouth is watering. Man, wedges of manchego with any sort of citrus marmelade is fucking godly. It's the supreme tapas.

>> No.6359112

tapas is the plural, you mean the supreme tapa

>> No.6359114


Hmmmm....that's a hard one. I'd say a tossup between Stilton and Zimbro.

though honestly it's hard to beat a traditional ploughman's lunch: pickled onion, wedge of aged English cheddar, pint of bitter (or lager) and a chunk of roast beef or pork.

>> No.6359118

was thinking about how delicious cheese is today, then i realized i'm a complete cheese noob and my fav cheese is colby jack or provolone. not hating on anyone, but i'm a cheese pleb and thats aight with me cause shitty cheese is still delicious

>> No.6359131
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really? who would have thought fat and salt would be good?

>> No.6359895
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I like Stilton. Maytag. Saint Agur. Young Gorgonzola.
And all of the pics in this thread (can't be assed to read posts).

Just bought some Beemster aged tonight. It's my favorite. Has been for a few years.
Also some Welsh Cheddar (Collier?).
~$25 of cheese there... oops.

Got some over-ripe Bonne Bouche (half off) in the fridge that I'm using on steaks, and a smoked blue. Tillamook medium Cheddar just because I always have it. Some grated Reggiano. Um... Some shitty shredded low-moisture mozzarella. And some singles I made with Reggiano and Provolone and Cheddar.
Just finished a chunk of Double Gloucester with onion. Was very potent, but pretty nice.

>> No.6359914
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has anyone here had Parmesan Crisps?

They taste like, well, when you make a pizza and some of the cheese falls off the crust and lands on the pizza pan and melts, and then kind of solidifies and hardens, you know that?

That's what they taste like and I happen to love the taste.

>> No.6359933

Secret trick: you can do that with other cheeses too.

>> No.6359941


Teach me how

>> No.6359944

Yeah dats good.
Have you taken the rind from a parmigiano-reggiano and toasted it over some flame?
Especially good if you have too much rind saved for soups.
Eat it.

>> No.6359947

microwave cheese on a plate for 2 minutes

>> No.6359948

no way, it can't be THAT easy

Nevertheless I'll try it

>> No.6359955

Shred cheese.
Clump in non stick pan on med-low heat.
Wait for it to crisp a little.
Remove from heat while it's still maleable.

>> No.6360042

get nice and drunk and eat cheese every day

>> No.6360043

it helps that I can get nice local cheddar and cider though, just buying generic supermarket shit isn't the way to go unless you have to

cheese bless england and/or cornwall

>> No.6360046

There are so many delicious cheeses it's honestly too difficult for me to pick a favorite.

>> No.6360067

Do it.
Quince paste makes it some next level shit