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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 276x183, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6354065 No.6354065 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you co/ck/s are fat?

>> No.6354077

I'm about 15-20 kilos overweight.

>> No.6354083

I'm so fat I can't leave the house anymore or stand for more than a couple minutes. My mom is going to have to change my diapers eventually, because I'm close to not being able to get out of bed.

I don't even blame genetics or anything, I just can't stop eating huge amounts of junk food.

>> No.6354084


6'2'' 190 skinny fat, working on losing my quasi beer gut.

>> No.6354090

Pretty damn fat, to be totally honest.
I've taken up boxing since it's the only form of exercise I can enjoy without getting bored. I've switched out most of the junk for good shit, though I'm a weak fuck for cookies. Store bought or made myself, doesn't matter.

>> No.6354110

5'11" 153lbs

My goal is 135-8 which is the lowest end of average weight using BMI (I know, it's not perfect)

Honestly it's not through cooking, I live off pizza and crap right now I just eat once a day walk for miles daily. Currently drafting a meal plan so I eat the same amount of calories but with more micros involved.

>> No.6354114

5'10 and 138 feel like a fat fuck. will go excercise once i go home later this week.

>> No.6354116

What? Are ugly skinny fat or something?

>> No.6354121

6'2, used to be 305, now about 250, which is still real fucking fat

>> No.6354133

Nah, just considered fat for an asian I guess. Also doesnt help that l ate a shitload of southern food this morning.

>> No.6354137

I'm skinnyfat. I eat a lot, but not the right kinda stuff for my lifestyle. If I lifted a lot, my diet would probably be good, but I mostly just do cardio

>> No.6354143

5'10" 200lbs. I'm considered fat on all the charts, but people seem shocked when I tell them my weight. I'm working on losing 25lbs. I've lost 15 so far. But, even 175 is "overweight" on all the charts...I guess I'm supposed to look like a Gulag prisoner or Auschwitz survivor, at which point I doubt I'd get laid as much as I do.

>> No.6354145


you hungry skellingtons should just become traps

>> No.6354148

I am though, toned not skelly but trans nevertheless.

>> No.6354150

Chiming in to balance the scale, so to speak, at 5'2" and 119lb/54 kg.

>> No.6354169

Used to be. Long hair was a bItch to maintain and summer made it worst so I just ended up donating it. Also more toned than skele.

>> No.6354170


what a twiest!

>> No.6354189

I could lose like 15 kg and be happy with myself, it's all there because of the ridiculous amounts of beer i drink, it's not even funny anymore, i'm an alcoholic.

>> No.6354195

Some of us like beer bellies :3

>> No.6354213

>tfw it's impossible to get rid of your beer belly because it's actually your swollen liver

>> No.6354222

6 foot 520 lbs. So yea im fattttt

>> No.6354241

I'm a 5'8 150lb, I'm just average

I was a hungry skellington for a while but I had to move back in with my parents and I got fattened up

>> No.6354255

185cm 185#
Could use to lose.

>> No.6354262


Are you mentally challenged or something?

>> No.6354265

I'm chubby. 5'11 200lbs, was ~211lbs last month. Just eating less/exercising more. Pretty straightforward.

>> No.6354274

Are you unaware of cirrhosis and hepatitis?

>> No.6354276

6ft 150lb here

>> No.6354277

no, why do you ask?

>> No.6354279

5'11 - 110 lbs
For what I eat I should be 200 lbs :^))))

>> No.6354287


Saying that you can't lose a beer belly because it's actually your swollen liver... What the fuck does that even mean? Of course alcoholics have damaged liver but that is not a factor if you're trying to lose a beer belly.

>> No.6354289
File: 9 KB, 261x173, Ayyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'0.5" 151lbs reporting in.
Are you also green eyed and dirty blonde?

>> No.6354296

Yes it is. Lots of people with extremely low body fat get a beer belly from swollen liver/pancreas etc. You can get rid of all your body fat and still have a gut from sick organs

When guys get full blown cirrhosis they literally look pregnant.

>> No.6354313

look at the pic at the top
sick livers get ascites (fill up with fluid)

>> No.6354315

are you a girl

>> No.6354341

5'3" 200 lbs but at least I have my good looks :^)

>> No.6354342

5'9 118lb male reporting in

>> No.6354351

5'11 250

>> No.6354396
File: 71 KB, 800x1200, i7pqgoL8R1S6c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'3 400lb

I know I need help, I have the willpower of a crack addict

>> No.6354397

I'm like 6-7% body fat

>> No.6354401

are u me

>> No.6354408

lmfao you just described my boyfriend, this must be a common combination of features

>> No.6354410

5'6 , 141 lbs.

>> No.6354439
File: 82 KB, 420x285, Tangerine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm alright, let me feel this out.
Is he by any chance Dutch or Irish?

>> No.6354483

Idk are you a girl

>> No.6354609

5'10 and 135
thats skawn

>> No.6354614

>being a fat murican

Skinny master race.

>> No.6354805

6'1" 214lbs
For some reason I still don't have a gut or anything, but I still feel fat even if people say I look average

>> No.6354814
File: 258 KB, 635x960, 1427145559459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw 10 kilos underweight

>> No.6354824

I started working out a little and changing my eating habits one and a half weeks ago and I already lost almost 5kg (ca 11 pounds).
it's going pretty well, I guess. I used to be 95kg (ca 209 pounds) at 1.90m (ca 6 feet 2 inches)

>> No.6354841

Yup. It mostly has to do with my salary jumping upwards steadily over the course of the last five years.

>> No.6354845

Back when I ate out 5-10 meals a week I got fat. Now that I cook nearly all my meals at home and lift I'm trim: 6'3", 180lbs.

>> No.6354848

5'10 192 lbs
I'm stocky build but trying to lose a belly and tighten up by working out twice a week
Not cutting down on food yet

>> No.6354849

I'm 6'1" and 220lbs
I have a gut. Different diets I guess. I also dont work out.

>> No.6354858

Since I work out regularly, I have a sharp face, toned upper body and legs, but my tummy is like I swallowed a basketball.
I drink lots of alcohol, and like food a bit too much.

>> No.6354963

Maybe. Genetics probably plays a part too.

>> No.6355024

>5'10 192 lbs
>Stocky build
kek no, you are fucking fat

>> No.6355064
File: 288 KB, 691x454, 3cheeeeeeese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6' 270lbs, i'm a big guy, ahem, and my ideal weight is 220.

i'm working on it, it crept up on me slowly over 10 years...

then one day
>oh shit, i'm fat... how the fuck...
>oh right, mighty taco every friday for 10 years without regular exercise

pic related, bean & cheeser with an iced tea
haven't had it in over six months.

be strong for me /ck/

>> No.6355120

6'0" 180# ottermode

>> No.6355125

Second question:

How many of you fat restaurant employees wear shorts outside in extremely cold weather, and why?

>> No.6355128

6'4" 150 pounds. I'm a skeltal.

>> No.6355173


I'm not fat (5'9 140) but I am a line cook and I do this. It's fucking hot in the kitchen dude.

>> No.6355188

6'6'' not entirely sure of weight. but definitely well over. i can imagine i weigh 21-22st. i dont look obese but im starting to get that way

>> No.6355261

5'9 180, have A cup breasts and a small stomach. big ass

>> No.6355271


>5'9 180
>small stomach

maybe relatively but that's not fucking possible

>> No.6355273

Jesus Christ. When's the last time you saw your dick?

>> No.6355279

no beer gut
shoulders much wider than hips
when I worked as a bouncer, people are supposed to be good at guessing weight, some of the guys, to make a point, tried to guess my weight, they guessed 220lb

>> No.6355291

damn I'm 6'1 and ~155lb

>> No.6355312

6'4" Usually fluctuates between 160 and 170. Severe body dysmorphia built up overtime due to the fact I used to be 250 in high school.

>> No.6355322

5'2" 120lbs but I do cardio 5 times a week and hope to get down to 100lbs.

>> No.6355326

>5'2" 120lbs
I haven't seen people that small since elementary school

>> No.6355334


not that person but what the fuck, that isn't even that small

do you live in norway or sweden or something?

>> No.6355343


Thank you i guess?
I look younger than i am too and they still ask for my ID when i buy wine.

>> No.6355402
File: 415 KB, 750x790, BMI-height-weight-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

120 lb is a healthy weight for this height.
Be careful with your weight loss, stay hydrated, etc.

>> No.6355420

could be, there was a samoan girl who did track at my hs who had these stats. she was built

>> No.6355428


Thanks for pointing it out anon and I am aware of that.
Most likely I wont reach my goal with my thunder thighs, in that case I'll start lifting.

>> No.6355429

>ever having over 200 lbs
nigga do you even into muscle mass?

>> No.6355430

6' 165 lbs

my goal is 6'4 165 lbs

>> No.6355449

He doesn't since he doesn't know BMI is shit and you should go off body fat percentage measured with calipers

>> No.6355492

No, it's possible. I have the same shit, i'm skelly on top but my ass and legs stay huge for who fucking knows what reason. People usually guess 90-100lbs for me and call me tiny all the time, even if my lower half is almost twice the size of my upper body....

>> No.6355546
File: 183 KB, 400x384, 1373192317777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'10 and 128lbs

feels good not being a fatfuck. time to eat some brownies and dont feel bad about my weight.

>> No.6355551
File: 205 KB, 768x668, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you mr skeltal

>> No.6355633

6'4 and 297 lbs

Feels good being fat.

>> No.6355638

Feels good being prejudged by everyone? Must feel great.

>> No.6355693

You get used to it.

>> No.6355699

too bad you're a manlet

>> No.6355707


>tfw 5'10 and 182lbs

feels good not being a stick figure. time to eat some brownies and dont feel bad about my weight.

>dont feel bad about my weight.
>you should

>> No.6355715


5'10" isn't short

>> No.6355718


It is when your arms are the diameter of a banana

>> No.6355762

dude what the fuck are you me? 6'8 175 lbs but still feel fat because I used to be 260lbs

>> No.6355764

You're following the curve.

>> No.6355909

Six foot one inch, around 280 pounds. You would think I look like an absolute fat shit but you can't really tell that I'm massively obese when I have my clothes on. Don't worry, I've been on the treadmill for the past month and after a recent run in with some friends they said it looks like I'm losing weight. Already feel a lot better just by working out and only slightly changing my diet.

>> No.6355917
File: 818 KB, 540x304, E1T5YlWhGS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was 240, but now down to 216.
My goal weight is 140. Wish me luck.
Things like having diabetes is making this harder.
Not being able to eat much is making this easier.

>> No.6355983


180cm and 67kg. Skinny, white and blonde all the way with great metabolism

>> No.6355997

I was there 3 years ago anon, now after changing my eating habits I weigh 230, but I didn't really commit to a steady workout, I bet if I had I'd be down a lot more

>> No.6356075

5'11" 200lbs. Some decent muscle but also kinda fat

>> No.6356126

Could any fat females talk about their day to day annoyances with being fat
I get off on it

>> No.6357404

6'1'' and 109 lbs...I may have a problem

>> No.6357415

6 3
137 pounds

>> No.6357471

6 1" 196lb. im dougy but not really fat

>> No.6357484
File: 126 KB, 298x232, protonsandfat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


5'9, 165 all muscles. probably 10% bf

I do keto.

>> No.6357497

>6'8" 175 lb
>still feels fat

What the hell, are you a skeleton covered in yards of loose skin?

>5'10" 10st8lb
>pretty much ideal figure
>doesn't matter as forever king of manlets


>> No.6357507

Fattest I've ever been right now

6'6 150kg

>> No.6358170
File: 426 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'10 185 lbs master race reporting for duty

>> No.6358912

I am
I used to weigh around 15 pounds more, but then I started substituting food with water, it seems like a decent amount of what I perceive as hunger is actually dehydration

>> No.6358932

5'9" and 180. Unfortunately almost none of that mass is upper body muscle - I have the wimpiest arms and shoulders ever, but my core and legs are ridiculous. It's hilarious - I never get tired hauling big objects around, but I'm always the first to drop them when they slip from failing arms.

Instead, my arms (and a healthy amount of stomach) are covered blubber. But then again, never trust a skinny chef, so I don't care.

>> No.6358939
File: 16 KB, 200x200, 1418059912988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'11 at 130 lbs

>> No.6358941

6'1 185 here. get fucked manlet

>> No.6359054

180 cm and 66 kg.. Fat as fuck.