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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6353950 No.6353950 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone get really embarrassed by how other people eat? Going out to dinner for a family event and having a sister that orders 5 mods to every dish and a 35 year old brother ordering children's food makes me so mad

>> No.6353974

>i am thoroughly superior in the way that i chew, digest, and then shit nutrients out.

>> No.6353980

Yes I get extremely embarrassed for people at restaurants.

a girl I ate dinner with the other day ordered some kind of salad with hot chicken tendies on top and sent it back because some of the lettuce got wilted

>> No.6353985

you are what you eat
if what you eat is less superior than what is expected of your age and gender then yes yes i am better than you

>> No.6353987
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My brother is the kind of guy who talks REALLLY LOUD AND REAAAALLY SLOWWW in any mexican or chinese place we go to.
Then the rest of my family starts talking about farts, taking shits, anal beads, homosexuals, blacks and mexican jokes, and generally just farting and burping and being as loud and laughing as hard as we do back home.
I join in on this, don't get me wrong, I just wanted you to know that apologize. We're 'that' family.
I'm sorry.

>> No.6354069

It does bother me, but mostly because I'm a chef. I'm sure if I'd never worked in the restaurant industry before, I'd be fairly oblivious as to what sort of behavior will offend a chef/server.

The server's job is to make people happy so they can get paid. They'll do whatever it takes to please you even if they secretly hate you. In most kitchens, the chef doesn't interact directly with the customer and I can say from experience that modifying a dish is annoying and makes me hate you. Most customers, however, don't realize what a hassle it is to change certain things or that removing a key ingredient in a dish will make it taste bland or just different from intended. Do I dislike people for it, yes. Do I blame them for being uneducated, no. Just tip well if you are gonna fuck around with the menu (if you live somewhere that tipping is expected).

>> No.6354096

i literally become enraged inside
i literally cannot breathe properly or think properly, all i can hear...is you
i have literally lost my appetite over this behavior
i have left places because of people like this family

>> No.6354111

I'm embarrassed to eat in public. I don't know why. I'm almost 20 for christ's sake.

>> No.6354117

My roommate is like that. He won't eat in front of another person. He refused to eat in school etc. and just waited till he got home.

He also wont go to bathroom in a public place, so he holds it in all day long at work. I assume his kidneys are kill

>> No.6354122

Do you have embarrassing eating habits or is it just some paranoid thing having no basis in rational thought?

I had a friend in college who was similarly... anal about pooping in public. He needed to shower after every poop, so he would refuse to poop until he got home. He must have been super uncomfortable a lot.

>> No.6354128


I don't think you realize how subjective taste is, or how pretentious you sound.

>> No.6354131

When people hold their fork with a fisted hand and use their knife to saw away.

It makes me want to get up and leave.

>> No.6354134

>go to fast food place with normie stoner friends
>takes them 15 minutes to order in the drive thru
>changes their order's at least twice
>get to the point where i just go inside while they go through the drivethru

>> No.6354142

Not everyone orders from the dollar menu, pleb.

Some of us enjoy food that tastes good and has some nutritional value. All of the major chains (except tacobell) mixes it up.

>> No.6354144
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>having a sister that orders 5 mods to every dish

EVERY woman does this but it has nothing at all to do with the food, it's all about her power-tripping and making another woman obey her meaningless commands.

>> No.6354151

>buying overpriced garbage because it "Tastes" good
Nigga you dont go to fast food chains for food that tastes good
You go there because it's cheap and it doesnt revolt you

>> No.6354154

American detected.

>> No.6354156

Pretty sure it's the paranoia. I'm paranoid about a ton of other things so it wouldn't surprise me. I feel I don't look like some ugly hog when I do eat. I just hate doing it.

>> No.6354165
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>people that get mad at the server because they have a gluten allergy

>> No.6354168

>He also wont go to bathroom in a public place

I'm regular as clockwork and have no problem doing my business at work and do so every morning between 7:30-8:00 but never anywhere else except at home.

>> No.6354172


> uneducated

I'm going to go ahead and guess that other anon meant 'that the customers asking for mods don't understand how restaurants produce food' and not 'are highschool dropouts'.

Reality is, most customers don't understand how restaurants produce food. The entire prep process gets most dishes to 85-95% completed, when you order, the dish gets finished, if you ask for 'no red peppers' and the red peppers were included in the first 85%, the whole process is fucked. Even if it's a relatively simple dish, easy to fix, a delay of two minutes because of your order impacts the delivery time of every other order. It seriously fucks up the whole service.

If you don't have a food allergy, don't mod your food.

>> No.6354179

Perhaps I used the word a bit rashly. I was attempting to give people the benefit of the doubt and I was talking specifically about the effect on the cooking process and the dish. I was not saying anything about why people make the choices they do and nowhere did I mention the subjectiveness of taste.

You're free to like or dislike any taste that you want, but recognize that it's probably best not to order a chicken dish without the chicken or a sandwich gluten free. Pick a different thing. Get it?

>> No.6354180

>cook puts tomato on my burger after asking not to
>pick them off
>friend I'm with tells me to demand for a new burger
>wtf no i can pick it off
God I hate people

>> No.6354184

Yes, that was indeed what I meant. The other anon basically just proved my point that most people not part of the industry don't understand what sort of prep goes into their meal.

>> No.6354192


Yes. My family and I once went to one of the best rated and most expensive restaurants in my city for a special occasion. The menu was very good, a lot of the stuff was the sort of things you don't see in many other restaurants (i.e, venison, pheasant, certain types of fishes) I ordered venison, cooked medium rare, some wine and stuff like that. My sister ordered the same fucking thing I did except you know what she did? She asked the waiter if she could have the venison cooked "very" well done. The waiter, I think a guy from Belgium? Made big eyes and asked her if she was sure in the type of tone you would only hear in a "Gordan Ramsays kitchen nightmares" episode. My sister didn't realize that very well done involves burning the fucking meat to crisp. After 5 minutes I managed to talk her down to medium well.

Absolutely fucking embarrassing plebs. Last time I dine out with siblings unless it's a fucking pub. Disgrace.

>> No.6354201

You're on /ck/, not /r9k/.

>> No.6354219


Not so much eating out at restaurants, but it pains me greatly when my friends (and people my age in general) can't cook- and joke about it, to boot.

"lololol I can make eggs and cereal!"

...really? I'm not expecting foie gras or ortolan or anything but for fuck's sake, simple casseroles and meat-and-two-sides dishes aren't that hard. Throw some chicken breasts, rice, and fresh vegetables in the oven for an hour and you've got a meal.

>> No.6354229


I'm not embarrassed to eat in public, but I prefer to eat my meals in semi-privacy. I get a lot of things to go. I think it's because I WANT to eat like a slob, and quickly destroy my food, but I know that no one wants to see that while we're out, so I take it slow.

Outside of that, I can't stand unreasonable demands. My parents are frequent customers of many places, like me, because my dad is a pilot, and a nightly dinner was never feasible. We all tip well in general.

The thing is, my mom's drink order is awful. It doesn't matter where we are - a dive bar or Wolfgang Puck's house - she demands a bottle of Miller Lite with a special setup.

Bottle only, no draft. A glass with ice, salt on the rim, and a lime. It can't be rimmed by anything but a lime. And she gets mad if they pour it, because of the possibility of foam. It's a solid 2 minutes to get her drink order anywhere.

She has a full dialogue to explain it each time. I feel like apologizing when she orders.

>> No.6354231


>> No.6354236


This is so true. It actually fucking bothers me. I am not a professional chef. I am 19 now and probably since about age 12 I have been learning how to cook. I watched my grandmother make certain dishes, I observed my mother cook, I used cookbooks and recipes I found online. I can make many different dishes. Chicken pesto pasta, stuffed crepes, grilled chicken, sauteed vegetables, I can cook rice, beans, steak, make really good pannini sandwiches, mashed potatoes, homemade herb potato wedges, I mean fuck. Too many things to list. Family members regularly ask me to cook for them and friends sometimes ask me to bring over homemade food because they liked what they had the last time they ate at my place.

Cooking decent meals is not fucking hard at all. You can learn from simple recipes. If someone can't make a basic fucking spaghetti dish they are mentally deficient. I'm sorry.

>> No.6354249

Welcome to modern society. We live in a world where it's increasingly possible to get by without having the skills to fend for oneself. You can hire someone to do just about anything for you in this day and age. Prepared food and quick restaurants coupled with the increasing business of the modern workforce means that people don't learn to cook for themselves or don't make time for it.

It's not all bad though. The fast paced lifestyle of the Edo period in Japan is what gave birth to sushi, a popular street food. Sad to see the decline in self-sufficiency, but I'm sure something good will also come of it.

>> No.6354405

Wow, you guys sound ghetto as fuck.