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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 98 KB, 1280x720, hetalia-axis-powers-tv-movie-poster-2009-1020687049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6351334 No.6351334 [Reply] [Original]


I wanna beat the shit out of this stupid ass kid

Does this technically count as cooking cringe?

>> No.6351365

You have seen nothing yet.


>> No.6351399

He's just having autistic fun. The normal folk acting this way should be hated.

>> No.6351406

As soon as this thread popped up i rushed to post this but you beat me to it, those autistic mini shrieks he makes would probably drive me to kill him if i had a son like that

>> No.6351415

I always thought those 'mini shrieks' was him doing a really bad spongebob laugh impression? Because hes spongebob or whatever?

>> No.6351448

>Making manly orange juice
>Cut my head open
>Swung a fake sword about like a faggot
>keep getting half an orange and no juice
What am i doing wrong /ck/?

>> No.6351459

He didn't even hit his head why did he say he that he had?

>> No.6351461

Watched it through a few times, it is either the butt of the sword that hits him, or his brain forcing him to stop with this stupidity.

>> No.6351700

A few shots on those oranges were pretty fucking sick, not gonna lie.

>> No.6351864

It's a kid having fun. It's not even autistic. How miserable is your life that you hate watching some kid cut up fruit with a little sword?

>> No.6351920

Did he just put celery on that burger?

>> No.6351926

That kid ain't autistic man. Not by far. What upsets me is that at the end he didn't tilt his head back and squeezed the juice of the vanquished right into his gullet.

>> No.6351928

This. Every normie used to do shit like this. Fuck you, OP. Just because you were bullied and had no childhood doesn't mean everyone else was the same.

>> No.6351949

And these normies weren't so fucking stupid to put their embarrassing shit on display.

>> No.6351953

It's not embarrassing at all. You're the autistic one.

>> No.6351957

What pisses me off more is that its actually a fairly sharp dagger and he didn't cut himself with it. Also his mouth breathing camera bitch.

>> No.6351959

>making fun of 4chans king double swee

Fucking newfags I swear.

>> No.6351960


>> No.6351962

>Projecting and calling people who disagree with you autistic again

Just how angry and shameless are you?

>> No.6351965
File: 142 KB, 1280x721, ULES00502_00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This fucking video, every time, every fucking time...

Just imagine this shit, you struggle your whole life, go through hell and back, fight for survival on this damn planet and you're not even sure why... You go through break ups you lose people and then one day you meet the person you will spend the rest of your life with and everything seems great and then, and fucking then you bring a child into this world, maybe he will carry on your legacy? Maybe he will go his own path and be even greater a man than you were... But no, you create a little autistic retard who can't even speak properly and eats raw burgers.

>> No.6351966


>> No.6351967


I consider myself lucky that the net was still young when I was 11-14. Really, don't take it for granted.

>> No.6352001

This is horrible man. I thought I'm not gonna drink tonight, but man, fuck.

>> No.6352018

>dey loo goo dunt dey

>> No.6352059

He keeps trying the spongebob laugh... and where's his collar? He just put a clip on tie on his t shirt.

>> No.6352064

He hit himself with the hand guard.

>> No.6352065

what the what

>> No.6354411

No he doesn't, he screams before the sword is anywhere near his head

>> No.6354417

I found the fucking mouth breather behind the camera more annoying.

>> No.6354420

kids is like 12 years old and he looks like he's having fun; why are you so butthurt?

>> No.6354449

>adult wants to beat up a kid for being cringe
>doesn't see the irony

>> No.6354452

> "hey and today we're gonna be making MANLY JUICE."
> pulls down pants

>> No.6354459

It was a delayed reaction, like when you cut yourself and it takes a while for the pain to kick in.

Oh shit i wish my dad was like this
>Watch porn on laptop
>Parents act real nice and give me some money to go out and pick my brother up from school and buy sweets
>Come home
>Laptop is on, they are both standing with disappointed looks on their faces
>Tells brother to leave room
>Question the shit out of me
>They knew brother was listening in from outside but carried on
>Forced me to work like a slave for them or they would tell my family
>brother heard and told everyone anyway
>website was "bangbro's"
>everyone in my family thinks i was looking at gay porn
Fuck my parents, that father seemed pretty decent and willing to privately resolve the situation with no strings attached.

>> No.6354470

but what was ipad?

>> No.6354474

I am guessing porn, spongebob porn most likely, or from his autism something real embarrassing and private.

>> No.6354477

>something real embarrassing
have you SEEN the krabby patty video?

>> No.6354479

Yeah, those were some damn good Krabby patties, kid has style and likes his meat rare.

>> No.6354508

Man, when I was a kid I was cringy as hell, I never really realized how bad I was until I started seeing my nephews and little cousins hit that age and doing super cringy things and thinking,

"I probably would of done that when I was his age"

Man, some days I'm thankful as fuck that I never had youtube to immortalize my cringe as a child.

Cringe stuff hits me so hard, this video makes me feel ill.

>> No.6354586
File: 11 KB, 233x131, Detroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 out of 5 dead on strikes. That kid has skills.

>> No.6354624

No amount of money will give you the perfect family. I should stop being jealous of those around me with bigger homes and better things. They may just end up having a double swee themselves.

>> No.6354626

>before the sword was anywhere near his head

>> No.6354640
File: 25 KB, 236x360, 1422068799511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is entirely normal for the boy to behave in that way. he's an adolescent for heaven's sake, still growing

no it is not normal to put it on the internet publicly like this. a private home video to share among friends? yes. but not publicly. this is what social media is doing to people, everything has to be public, everything's got to be seen by everyone so they can like and upvote and comment. social media as it currently exists (but not as a concept) is a poison

why aren't you broadcasting all of your trite thoughts to the world? why don't you have pictures of you, taken by you and by others, up for viewing by the world? why aren't you reading my own trite thoughts, and my own pictures, and liking them, and favoriting them, and commenting on them?

right now, in many places, you are unusual if you don't share every single thing with everyone. in an unfortunate future, this may universally be the case. exposure to this results in unbridled narcissism, self importance, nosiness. these traits will appear subtle at first but are revealed in full when the behavior is witnessed in contrast to what should be normal, everyday humility, privacy, and restraint

>> No.6354860

Yes he did.

>> No.6356141
File: 36 KB, 367x451, QUEER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I FUCKING LOVE watching this little autistic twerp being tormented by his christfag parents for being human and looking at porn.
Anymore anon?

>> No.6356328


that's being tormented? I'm utterly shocked at how well the father handled the situation. that's literally some of the most competent parenting I've seen on video

(I don't know any backstory about the people in the video)

most parents would have lost their composure if their child behaved like that because of their expensive toy

>> No.6356821
File: 107 KB, 400x320, EVIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's tormenting the kid because they're teaching the little autist that his body is somehow fowl and masturbating is EEEEEEEEEEVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLL

>> No.6356829

I'm glad I was a stupid kid long before youtube was around. I'm sure if somebody had recorded some of the retarded shit I did and posted it on the internet I would be forced to kill myself.

>> No.6357673

*unzips dick*

>> No.6357702

My mom acted the same way when she found porn in the history of the family computer. Not christian at all. Dad ended up just giving my little bro some old nudie mags he had.

>> No.6357704

He's just a kid having fun and making a silly video.
He's exactly the kind of kid I'd love to look after for big brother.

>> No.6357723

My mom has tons of home movies of me doing the pee wee dance on the coffee table in my underwear. Saturday mornings in the 80's were the best times of my life.

>> No.6357792

he's just a kid...
do you really hate yourself that much?

>> No.6358229

Anybody feel a sudden wave of sadness wash over them while watching this?

>> No.6358650
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>> No.6358655
File: 424 KB, 1243x1143, 1424896657946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>website was "bangbro's"
>everyone in my family thinks i was looking at gay porn

>> No.6358661

>right now, in many places, you are unusual if you don't share every single thing with everyone

Yup. People look at me like I have 3 heads for not having a Facebook account or a cellphone. I have a email account and a land line phone at home. I've had a few people flip-the-fuck-out over it. I'm like, "meh".

>> No.6358666

Is this bbillyk's little brother?

>> No.6358747

/ck/ is just the most mad over nothing board. Goddamn.