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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 540x540, 56yuj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6350934 No.6350934 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: food you've never tried but want to. also if any cu/ck/s have tried it say if it's good.

>pic related

>> No.6350940

Carpaccio is the superior raw meat dish

>> No.6350954

I've never had duck. Would like to try it sometime.

>> No.6350959

wow never? where u live?

>> No.6350961

Connecticut. I dunno why, but I've never ordered it. I don't eat out much.

>> No.6350964

Americans don't eat duck much

>> No.6350974


It's fairly easy to find duck in New England...

>> No.6350976

my mom grew up in connecticut, they have duck there.
I'm american i eat it a lot. I also eat goat too which isn't too common but deliciousss. Local restaurant just put a cheap sandwich o the menu its fried cauliflower served with duck pastrami. Its yummy.

>> No.6350981
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>> No.6350994

Maybe it's a west coast thing then. You never see it unless it's a Chinese or French place

>> No.6350995
File: 726 KB, 3008x2000, Food_Poutine_Closeup[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had poutine before, it's not really offered anywhere where I live, but looks like one of the GOAT drunk foods

>> No.6351023

I'm not usually a fan of tartare, but I recently had one that blew my fucking mind.

If you're in NYC, go to the restaurant Upland. Order the beef tartare. It's served with powdered anchovy under the egg, and puffed faro on top of the beef. Mix it all in and eat.

The faro adds a neat poppy/crunchy texture to it, and the anchovy adds a saltiness that contrasts with the creaminess of the egg. Good for people that don't like the normal texture, and interesting for people that do.

That place is mad expensive though so I doubt I'll ever be able to go back.

>> No.6351045

Real shepherds pie made with lamb by an old irish granny. I've made my own but something about sitting outside in the countryside with some beer and a plate of this i'd kill to experience.

>> No.6351046

there's a beer garden near me that does a great tartare marinated in cognac. it's really damn good. i might go tomorrow, actually, now that i think about it - tuesdays is half off food & drinks if you pay in cash

>> No.6351107

Durian, somewhat cautiously.

>> No.6351136


Their sins are beyond the grace of God.

>> No.6351186
File: 15 KB, 480x360, goat_sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had beef tartare prepared by some locals in Czech. It was flavorful, served with oiled bread and vodka. I'm now wondering if there was a raw egg mixed in or not because of OP's picture.

I've always wanted to drink fresh goat blood during a harvest sacrifice. I don't want to kill the goat though.

>> No.6351232


You're missing out so hard

>> No.6351233

If and only if it is done right.

Poorly prepared duck is fucking terrible.

>> No.6351248

Pops was a hunter, and we always made stew out of duck, or jerky. It's so lean that you have to bard it or otherwise infuse fat into it if you want to cook it like chicken.

Poorly prepared duck is usually people not accounting for the leanness of the meat. Just like rabbit, bison, or venison.

I want to try fugu, but I've heard it's really not as good as the hype.

>> No.6351250

T-that's going to be cooked, right?

>> No.6351268


>house chefs with their cheap cutlery and and cheap wine doing what Anthony Bourdain told them to do in his book

Is this a meme?

>> No.6351275


I actually had poutine at Slater's 50/50 in San Diego the other month or so.

It was... really good.

What can I say. Started out as crispy fries, hot gravy, and tender, chewy morsels of cheese. Over time it all sort of cooled down and melded into this lumpy, stewey mash-up of soft, greasy potato-gravy-cheese conglomerate that you had to eat with a fork. Fucking delicious.

>> No.6351478
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What the fuck are these semen demons doing?

>> No.6351498
File: 47 KB, 552x363, Beef-wellington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not out there or anything, but I've gotta try it at some point, even homemade jobs look godlike. Unfortunately my oven sucks dick and can't be trusted to not fuck it royally if I try it at home and I haven't seen it on a menu around these parts.

>> No.6351504

you're meant to eat the ortolan under a napkin to 'hide from god' because the dish was considered so exquisite and such it was sinful or something. It's a small bird that's drowned in Cognac so it's lungs fill up with that and when they burst they release the flavour, etc. Sounds crazy but I'd try it.

>> No.6351518

The mushroom version is just mehish.

Make damn sure to get the version with pate.

>> No.6351536

you're not missing out on much to be honest, its just tastes like a richer chicken with a lot of fat

>> No.6351551

Ever since that show, Whale Wars came out, I've craved whale meat.

>> No.6351565


I would compare it to fattier turkey. It's got about the same intensity of bird musk as turkey.

I would like to try poutine with duck gravy, i hear it's good.

>> No.6351581

Nope. It's ground beef with marinaded mushrooms/onions/pickles + some salt and pepper with raw egg on top. Tartare is manly as fuck.

>> No.6351599

You know, I'm down to give most things a shot, but I'm not eating a whole goddamn bird, just because some french faggot made it popular a couple hundred years ago.

>> No.6351610

My thing is, I grew up on a farm. I grew up and still hunt. I've slaughtered cows, pigs, chickens, and quail. I've hunted deer, elk, big horn, and bear. I've put down dogs, cats, and a horse. I have no problem killing animals. I have serious problems with doing it in a sadistic, cruel manner though, which drowning is one of the worst ways to kill something.

>> No.6351615


you're also suppose to force feed it for a while first and make it a tiny obese bird.

>> No.6351620


this is the most retarded meme food to grace /ck/ in all its years. perhaps even the most retarded to grace all of food

>> No.6351626

it's memefood, it's not really good, but people invented a "deep" ritual around it to pretend they are eating high class meat when they are actually chewing bird shit and bones.

>> No.6351629

The french really are sadistic fucks.

>> No.6351638

better do it to tiny birds than your kids.

>> No.6351649


since when is anyone concerned that their children will be force fed until obese and then drowned in brandy?

>> No.6351929

>Tartare is manly as fuck.

Ooh, no. Don't think this.

>> No.6351939

I don't think I've ever had caviar or truffle, because I'm suspicious about them just being hyped tae fuck, so I wouldn't get it unless someone I didn't care for was paying.

Kinda curious about pic related though, just not sure about doing it myself.

>> No.6351942
File: 73 KB, 500x388, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.6352025

Tartare is a good dish, it makes for a nice change of pace. In my mind it's not really something one pines for, so don't get your hopes super high for it. It's just good.
Duck is delicious, but if you're used to chicken you may find the meat:fat:bone ratio a little frustrating. It's much richer than chicken, with less meat and lots of fat. It generally requires a bit of work to get the meat off the bones, which is why when you see it outside of Chinatown it's usually in the form of a leg &thigh confit or just the breast.
>I also eat goat too which isn't too common but deliciousss.
Goat is probably my favorite meat, but when you find real kid goat it's more expensive than lamb. Similar flavor, but a little milder.
Poutine is some fast food shit from Quebec. It is delicious, but in a crazy overkill way they'd come up with in a place with a very long, cold winter. It's a triumph of salt, fat and carbs.

>> No.6352031
File: 18 KB, 324x193, Smoke's_Poutinerie_wiki_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in canada
Its so good

>> No.6352055

Same with asians

>> No.6352072

The cautious way to approach durian is to go to a Viet joint and get a fresh juice durian fruit shake. Think of it as training wheels durian. You'll still get the rotten onions and gym socks giving way to citrus and vanilla pudding thing, but in a slightly less extreme way. (And you'll still taste it for the next hour or so).
Farmed duck is as fatty as wold duck is lean.
It's antique shit. Force feeding birds to make them fatty goes back to the Romans. If you really think about it this is no more sadistic than the way almost all chicken is raised in America today.
Caviar and truffle are not hype, but they are show off luxury ingredients. If you're around a rich person showing off have a taste and enjoy. If you're not rich it's probably not worth spending your own money on either. The best real caviar is illegal in the US; I've only had it in Switzerland. It's salty, super rich, mild and has just the slightest hint of fishiness. (Cheap fish eggs taste harsh, violently salty and very fishy).

As for truffles, they have a very particular taste you may not even like. I've had many carpaccios ruined because some idiot poured truffle oil over them. I try to avoid the oil entirely, because it's mostly garbage, but I have known a few lazy chefs who sneak it into dishes as a secret weapon.

Real truffles are seasonal. Probably the best deal for trying the real thing is the white truffle pizza at Marta in NYC. That is, of course, if you're there in October and don't balk at the idea of spending $60 on a pizza. They give you a pretty generous amount of fungus for the price.

>> No.6352082

I want to try! I want to try!

>> No.6352091
File: 181 KB, 1024x797, lobster-roll-2-1024x797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to try a New England lobster roll.

>> No.6352111


that's basically the American dream though

>> No.6352127
File: 81 KB, 300x347, venison.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always really wanted to kill something and eat it. Just never had the opportunity to go hunting.

>> No.6352158

smoke's sucks cock.

>> No.6352159

I 100% disagree.

Tartare has better seasoning, and you are able to eat smaller bites if you want. Carpaccio is a lot more difficult to eat in smaller bites, and it's seasoned like a fucking salad.

Don't get me wrong, I like carpaccio. I like it a lot. It doesn't hold a candle to tartare, though.

>> No.6352160

Venison can be really good if prepared right. Their is literally no fat on it and its pure muscle (pure protein). I go hunting every year to stock the freezer up with venison sausage and prepare fine stews with the meat.

>> No.6352167

opinion discarded

>> No.6352168
File: 76 KB, 800x653, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to eat a blue whale...just once.

>> No.6352170

all of it?

>> No.6352182


Nah, I would 'splode

>> No.6352189

Especially the dick.

>> No.6352190


truffles you might fine in some fancier places on the fries.
It's a very interesting flavor profile. Not like, insanely good, but very different. You know how some people don't like asiago/parmesan, saying it tastes like socks/feet? Truffles would be awful for them. It's definitely a more intense version of that. A somehow palatable and moderately enjoyable gym sock.

He'd really only have to do it once. It'd take years.

While not the best quality in the world, you may want to check out the frozen food section of your local grocery store. Mine has capon, duck, and some other rarer meats down by the frozen turkeys.

Personally, I've always wanted to try more European "peasant foods" like ratatouille. I'm a big fan of stuff like Colcannon, French Onion Soup, and so on.

Oh, and I've never had oxtail except when I make it, and I've never felt that it turned out right. The meat's always just weird.

>> No.6352215

I thought it was okay. kind of an odd texture. think pate

>> No.6352505

off the top of my head:

>oysters rockafeller
>Irn Bru
>familiarize myself with more wines
>roast/christmas goose
>lamb + mint jelly
>an entire evening of drinks+tapas (Mediterranean style appetizers)

>> No.6352593
File: 224 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Okonomiyaki_by_S_e_i_in_Osaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heart tells me this would be my favorite food ever.

>> No.6352693

it's good, not mind-blowing or anything, but good

tbh the humble boigah is still a better use of finely-chopped beef

>> No.6352737
File: 49 KB, 640x427, oysters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It costs too much to order at a restaurant knowing there's a chance I might hate it.

>> No.6352745

It's ok, basically just a way to deliver lobster to your mouth sans fork. If you go to New England I would suggest try a baked stuffed lobster instead, especially on a cold day.

>> No.6352754

>tfw worked at an upscale restaurant in NYC for 3 years
>tfw shucked hundreds of oysters the evening of the 13th of Feb.
>ate tens of them every 13th
They're not that special. They're good, but not particularly special.

>> No.6352758


Lobster is *OUT OF SEASON* when it's cold, you fucking hack. Lobster rolls are a summer thing for a REASON. Native Mainefag here. Lobster rolls are straight up the best way to eat them.

>> No.6352764
File: 359 KB, 1280x1268, f09207309f622464670a0d378e068f923b7e42c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was kidding, but in my country it's almost impossible to find an aged steak cut (I haven't seen it yet), and if there were a place that sold it, it would probably cost a shitload. Most of the meat here is for stew and shit like that

>> No.6352771

To me they just taste like you're sitting on the beach on a cool foggy day breathing in the sea air. They just taste like seawater. I enjoy them quite a bit, but they certainly arent the delicacy that some people make them out to be.

>> No.6352782

Not to mention, no matter how much you rinse them, you will always crunch down on some sand.

>> No.6352928

You know those involuntary gulps of seawater you got when playing around under water as a kid? Now imagine one of those with a consistency. E.g. absolutely delicious.

>> No.6353014
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Native Mainefag here as well - this is true however I'm not fond of lobster rolls. I'd much rather get the meat myself.

>> No.6353036

Sure, it's nice... but it's like saying "is a steak or a burger better?"

Of course a steak (whole lobster) is better, but the burger (lobster roll) is more accessible, and nearly as flavorful.

>> No.6353040


>> No.6353053

if you don't live in or visit quebec you know nothing about poutine as evidenced by the fact you think that shitty chain is anything but utter garbage.

i fucking hate you.

>> No.6353070

How so? Americans eat probably one portion of duck a year on average, chicken alone must be a couple orders of magnitude more common.

>> No.6353108

>Cheap cutlery
Nigga those look like Laguiole, that shit aint cheap.

>> No.6353118

it looks pretty easy to make, i was thinking about making some this weekend.

>> No.6353156


Well, it is mine. I have been cooking it for years here in Austria, thanks to a japanese friend. Last summer, I went to Japan and had it in Osaka. Anon, I swear, it could be the only dish I could eat every time the rest of my life.

>> No.6353255


i dunno, i thought this was going to be the food of the gods for me but in reality i find it... kind of over-rated

>> No.6353267

for me it's Hong Kong style roast goose.

can't get it here as far as I know... and "here" is NYC.

>> No.6353486

>basically just a way to deliver lobster to your mouth sans fork
Yeah it's all about featuring the lobster tho a few places are starting to mix it up with the bun and dressing.

>> No.6353496


Needs extremely fermented cheese to be worth it. Otherwise it's bland and I have to add balsamic

>> No.6353513

>cheese curds and gravy are bland
>I have to add balsamic
you sound like a faggot

>> No.6353544

it's more of a hunted thing

>> No.6353547
File: 612 KB, 620x668, 12345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a babby mouth and can't take those strong flavours mummy

>> No.6353568

>most people don't have as sophisticated and cultured a palate as I so I must bring balsamic in my trusty bottle holster next to my fanny pack for the regular occasion when I must add a certain something to mask the flavor of strange peasent foods

>> No.6353576

you mean beef carpaccio
carpaccio is just a thin slice

also, based
one of the best dishes I ever had was beef carpaccio, lightly drizzled in olive oil, with slices of raw garlic, pine nuts, and basil. Incredible.

>> No.6353583

>I should have to suffer through memefood even though it wasn't prepared correctly

I bet you hate anchovies too.

Enjoy your rotten milk and wet potatoes.

>> No.6353607

>I just heard of this crazy new memefood fresh in from those hipsters on the coast and felt it was my duty to give a cultured opinion XD
>armed with my trusty bottle of balsamic and brand new fedora special-ordered from Italy I boarded the train to the nearest city and restaurant with the dish in order to perform my sacred duty as an expert, and to ask the conductor all my train questions!

>> No.6353625

This is what I get for clicking on recent images on the front page of 4chan. Where the shit am I?!

>> No.6353627
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>he typed this all up
>for free

not even that dude but you mad as fuck bro

>> No.6353642

>not even m- I mean that guy, carrying around balsamic is totally normal for the higher class such as myself it's like the sophisticated soy sauce!

>> No.6354344

Its mostly the texture people dislike. I'm not sure how to describe them on a non-gross way but its very... snot-like in consistency. If you have no problem with eating slimy things then go for it. I can't eat them along with sea urchin, just can't handle the slime.

>> No.6354361

Get fried or steamed ones. The flavor is a little different, but the texture is far, far more palatable for most people.
>NYC knowing shit about oysters
Yeah, never speak on this subject again.

>> No.6354364

Came into this thread to call you a autist

>> No.6354393

>flyover fag's opinion
>doesn't even fucking like oysters unless they are cooked

holy shit, what a pleb4real

just disconnect your internet

>> No.6354857

>Yeah, never speak on this subject again.
I'm from Maine, and worked in NYC, retard.

Also, are you really implying that one of the most foodie cities in the world doesn't have the best of everything?

>> No.6354875

There's some guy who gets irrationally butthurt whenever NYC comes up. I think he came here and blocked a subway entrance and got yelled at or something, and now he's perma-mad.

>> No.6354877

No, I'm outright stating it.

Both west coast and gulf Coast have infinitely better oysters than can be found anywhere on the Atlantic Coast, and with oysters, freshness truly matters. There is a world of difference between one fresh out of the water and even just four hours out of the water. You aren't getting the best oysters and if you do fly them in you're not getting them fast enough to make a difference.

Next you'll try to claim that you can get good black truffles in NYC.

>> No.6354887

They're still alive when we shuck them, buddy.

>> No.6354891

>Both west coast and gulf Coast have infinitely better oysters than can be found anywhere on the Atlantic Coast
Depends on whether you prefer creamy or briny. If briny oysters are your thing it's hard to beat those from Long Island and points north. If you like creamy you're pretty much SOL on the Atlantic.
>Next you'll try to claim that you can get good black truffles in NYC.
In season one sure as fuck can. Whether or not YOU can depends on how much money you have to spend, and whether you know where to go.

>> No.6354896

Nope, first time I've ever said anything about nyc on 4chan. Don't have a strong opinion either way on it. Somethings about it are awesome, others suck ass.

It's true you can get the best of a lot of things there, but this is one case where nature and geography mix with simple economics that mean oysters are not one of those items.

>> No.6354899

You realize NYC is on the coast, right? There are tons of areas where oysters are being harvested right outside the city.

>> No.6354900

>In season one sure as fuck can. Whether or not YOU can depends on how much money you have to spend, and whether you know where to go.
Homie, stop talking. You're out of your league here. So you know though, the concord stopped flying a while back and it was the last hope of anyone in the us getting good black truffles in the us at any price.

>> No.6354906

Wow. Do you know anything about seafood? Especially something like oysters? Diet and environment are major factors in their flavors. The Atlantic is not favorable for oysters. Damn good lobster up that way, but not oysters.

>> No.6354908
File: 89 KB, 800x586, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the [sic] concord [sic]
>calls the other guy out of his league

Dear Sir,

Concorde (note the spelling) is a proper noun and as such, use of the definite article is not appropriate.



>> No.6354910

Shouldn't we really be talking about how much better the oysters are in France than North America?

>> No.6354913

You're replying to 2 different ppl, btw...

That guy who says NYC is coastal is dumb. Of course. That being said, the oysters *are* alive when we shuck them, and their freshness is well within acceptable limits. Am I saying NYC oysters are arguably better than Seattle oysters? No. I'm not. Am I saying that if you pay enough at the right restaurant NYC oysters can be comparable to Seattle oysters? Yes. Absolutely.

get out of here, pepe

>> No.6354914

>looks up truffles to try to disprove "flyover" anon
>finds out that they lose quality and flavor ridiculously fast, so fast that they are even considered substandard when delivered to a place as close as England much less across the Atlantic
>quick shift topic!

>> No.6354917

What are Blue Points, Alex?

And yes, you can get real ones in season in NYC.

>> No.6354918

I'll accept that begrudgely.

>> No.6354942
File: 16 KB, 300x225, abibas-counterfeit-adidas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who responds to me is the same person
Have an abiba's bag, it is my gift to you

>> No.6355569

I Like the idea of Smoke's but their fries taste like fucking shit, the one in Ottawa is fucking awful.

>> No.6355579
File: 52 KB, 610x386, casu marzu formaggio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this is the final boss of food and eating it would be the culinary equivalent of summiting Everest.

>> No.6355580

>raw meat
Fucking animals.

>> No.6356230

clams casino
any kind of whale

>> No.6356906

human. chastise me for my edge if you must, but the curiosity is there

>> No.6356957

what am I looking at here... kind of looks like raw chicken.

>> No.6356966


chicken sashimi probably. it's a thing

>> No.6356973

i...it is? I'm pretty open to new foods, but idk about that.

>> No.6356987
File: 23 KB, 300x300, tmp_32566-1005p202-crab-cakes-m461171279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would like to try crab cakes sometime.

>> No.6356996

I've had an appetizer that with quail and venison tartare. It was pretty bland, indistinguishable, and bizarre. I'd try it again from a different restaurant though.

>> No.6357043

Im sorry but no. I love food, I love chesse, I love rich, strange, delicacies but I will never ever put a maggot in my mouth. I admire anyone who eats this

>> No.6357336


It's something of a gamble, but most places that sell it take precautions.

It's like how people flip out about the idea of raw eggs and salmonella, when the chance of incidence is roughly 1 in 20,000. You could eat a raw egg every day for over 50 years, and never get a bad one. Though, due to how statistics actually work, you could also get three in your next dozen eggs.

Everything I've read about it says it's basically the tuna sashimi of the land.

I'm not a huge seafood fan, but even I like a good crab cake.

>> No.6357358
File: 8 KB, 223x226, Balut.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd honestly probably back out of it after ordering it, but something draws me to trying food that seems so weird..

>> No.6357576

I really want to try some of this. http://a.pomf.se/vmmvvn.webm

>> No.6357597

And even if you get salmonella, it's not like you will instantly die from it, as long as you are not elderly or very weak.

But somehow chicken sashimi doesn't sound good, I did bite into some chicken, which was not fully cooked a few times and the taste and texture were not so great.

>> No.6357676

I had it when I went to the Philippines. I thought I'd back out too but with everyone standing there watching me, egging me on, I had no choice.

It wasn't the worst thing ever, but it certainly wasn't the nicest thing either. Tasted like a slightly rotten boiled egg that had been out in the sun all day (it was warm, not hot) with a slight hint of gaminess (duck) and smelled of wet dog.

>> No.6357677


The worlds largest producer of duck is in Indiana, USA. I grew up a few miles from their farm. They don't advertise much, they just produce most of the worlds duck.

Hey, um, talk out of your ass with that much conviction, you end up needing a much bigger toothbrush.

>> No.6357690

Just because we have a big producer doesn't mean we eat it. It's probably mostly exported anyways. I've been in 14 different states and barely saw "duck" anywhere. It's also generally stereotyped as hick/redneck food because they go hunting.

>> No.6357706

Oysters aren't worth it, and this comes from a fan of all other seafood.

It just hits you over the head with that salt water taste, and at certain unpredictable times they'll taste muddy. Once in a while you'll get one that tastes like a sweaty asshole, and it ruins your whole dining experience.
That, and the texture. Doesn't normally bother me, but a combination of watery tissue, gummy meat, and semi-hard connective things all in one bite is just too much for me.
If you get them smoked or steamed with stuff on top they're fine, I just for understand the appeal of them raw.

>> No.6357708
File: 78 KB, 1024x682, lobster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never had lobster. living in a landlocked country sucks

>> No.6357717

Overrated, really. They're good but anywhere outside Maine you're paying an obscene price for very little food.

Crab is better, if you haven't had snow crab you're missing out.

Not trying to sound tough but I would eat this. I don't think it would be good though, I think it's the shock factor and fact that it's semi-illegal that makes it popular. I imagine it being too soft and rotten-tasting.

>> No.6357730

>snow crab

pssh nothing beats alaskan king crab

Also lobster is fucking amazing and yes outside of maine it is ridiculously expensive. Try red lobster (I know it isn't that good of a restaurant, but its better than shit like apple bees or chilis).

I went to Maine once to visit my great grandma and I got a huge ass lobster for really cheap right on the edge of the sea. Something about eating it there while smelling the sea just felt good.

>> No.6357744
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>not wrapping your tartare in carpaccio for the best of both worlds

>> No.6357796

Not him, but I live in the MidWest and I have eaten duck like, once. It is not a common thing to have on a menu unless you are going to very specific restaurants.

>> No.6357851

>pssh nothing beats alaskan king crab

Maybe if you can get it fresh, which is nearly impossible in my area.

I'd rather get a live crab of a lesser species and cook it fresh than buy crab clusters that were steamed long before I got them.

>> No.6358073

I love tartar and raw steaks but seeing what chicken sashimi looks like made me wanna puke. No seriously, I'd rather eat century egg than a raw chicken meat.

>> No.6360108

All i wanna try is in n out, five guys, and the rest of that americana burger bullshit that gets hyped beyond belief. I really need to do an American road trip someday

>> No.6360111

Oh and also fugu. Was in Japan last year but all my friends chickened out. Next time

>> No.6360174

Give me like 20 blue crabs and give me an hour to work through them and I'm a happy camper. Probably tough to beat good snow crab especially since when you get the carapace removal down you're drowning in good meat.

>> No.6360176

>I live in the MidWest and I have eaten duck like, once

This. I live in Ohio and have eaten duck literally once in my life and it was at a french restaurant.

It's not even that good. It's like chicken but way more dense and rich. It's almost kind of sickening.

>> No.6360179

You're almost kind of sickening.

>> No.6360181

So is your mom

>> No.6360191

Joke's on you my mom's actually a dolphin.

>> No.6360210

>NYC knowing shit about oysters

1. its in a coastline
2. its a city filled with rich snobs from around the world

theyre going to have good oysters

>> No.6360274
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>Eating raw anything

enjoy your worms and parasites

>> No.6360292

Fuck yeah ! you got that right, the fries have to be well-cooked and the sauce must not be put in too soon b4 serving, otherwise the fries become wet and disgusting

tips from a quebec-fag

>> No.6360315

How do people like you still exist

>> No.6360320

raw eggs? ok

raw meat? literally enjoy shitting out worms.

>> No.6360322

What is your malfunction anon

>> No.6360325

not wanting worms

>> No.6360330
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You gay son?

>> No.6360332

drizzle them in chocolate first and maybe, otherwise nah son

>> No.6360384

you have to get quality meat, and if food has worms you're eating it anyways you dumbass

>> No.6360390

because ugly dumb people still like to fuck but are to dumb for birth control. also anon mom was so dumb she drank when she was pregnant with anon so on top of that he is more dumb and ugly.

>> No.6360410

With your improper spelling and grammar, I wouldn't go around criticizing anyone.

>> No.6360417

Not even that guy but this is some weak ass comeback

How's freshman year treating you?

>> No.6360424
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>> No.6360425

>muh grammar

pretty reddit tier IMO, nobody cares about grammar on here

>> No.6360434
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Andorian ale

>> No.6360441

Obviously you're wrong

>> No.6360454

Le meem words lmao

>> No.6360463

Being a shitposter is also a meme

>> No.6360469

>chicken liver and foie gras parfait
>mandarin jelly
I'd gladly try but I wouldn't expect it to taste great.

>> No.6360474
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That's for pussies. Kanar is the true drink of a refined gentleman.

>> No.6360544

try it again but dont be a faggot this time.

>> No.6360547


ur a faggit

I ate there. It was pretty tasty, but the rest of the meal was disappointing

>> No.6360608

>I ate there.

That must be third or even fourth time I've seen someone shitpost whenever steak tartare is mentioned in a thread and then starts about his fine dining experience. Guess what, I think you're just talking shit.

>> No.6360611

>replying to shitpost with shitpost is still shitpost

>> No.6361427

>never tried but want to
>cheese curds
>ever elusive

>> No.6363052
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I really want to try it but the Ethiopian restaurant near me has a B health rating so I'm a little scared I'd shit my guts out if I tried it.

>> No.6363084

Good luck finding one that doesn't. I've had it and it was pretty good, you should try it

>> No.6363101


I'm not sure I'm willing to risk my health over trying a new and exotic food.

>> No.6363105

You only live once

>> No.6363130

You can't prove that

>> No.6363143

…is a good argument for not doing things that could kill you

>> No.6363211

Did your mom feed you worm-infested food then?

>> No.6363215

They are just large Crayfish.

>> No.6363234


>NYC knowing shit about oysters
>Yeah, never speak on this subject again.

New Yorkers have been eating oysters since the Dutch first settled Governor's Island. The bay was teeming with them and you could pretty much collect your dinner by just walking along the beach. Pearl Street downtown got its name because it was the original shoreline street and there were so many oysters. For hundreds of years, the most common prepared food joints in the city were oyster stands.

The city killed off its own aquaculture during the industrial revolution when every toxin known to man was dumped into the Hudson and East rivers. But oysters have a longer history in NYC than just about anywhere else in the country.

I grew up third coast, and so I'll always love a fried oyster po boy or a ludicrously cheap half-shell platter with shit tier Gulf Oysters. And when I'm going to pay $3 a piece for a slurp, I do prefer Pacific oysters.

But suggesting that NYC doesn't know oysters is just revealing a profound ignorance of history.

>> No.6363236


This stuff is pretty great.

Depending on the city, the B rating might be because they have this on the menu at all. Same reason a lot of Sushi places or raw-egg caesar salad places end up getting dinged.

>> No.6363248
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>> No.6363250
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>Joke's on you my mom's actually a dolphin.

>> No.6363292

I've eaten ant eggs before, they just tasted like lymph.

I'd give it a crack.

>> No.6363982
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My French friend was going to try it on a trip to Corsica but when he smelled it he backed down because it smelled like someone had just vomitted sour cream and left it to rot.

There are similar cheeses out there which aren't nearly as putrid.

>> No.6363999

I had tar tar at a restaurant last year. It was really good. I've been craving it again

>> No.6364141

Sorry to burst your ill-informed bubble, but the United States isn't even in the top 5 duck producers in the world, let alone number 1.

The top 5 countries for duck (per USDA and FAO) are:
China, with 809 million
Vietnam, with 98 million
Indonesia, with 49 million
Malaysia, with 49 million
Bangladesh, with 44 million

The US used to be number 5 with about 7 million ducks, but that was a few years ago. The market for duck meat in the US is pretty limited, but our main uses are meat and feathers.

>> No.6364160

>risk my health
So you vomit/shit for 24 hours, big deal. Have any idea how many people get a "24 hour bug" and don't even realize it's food poisoning?

>> No.6364185


I feel like lots of places sell them individually, or in twos or threes, so you can try the different varieties they have that day.

How is spending a couple bucks expensive to try something you've never had?

>> No.6364194


You don't "rinse" them anon, you give them a chance to shit out the sand themselves...

>> No.6364214


salmonella, listeriosis, and e coli are a big deal

>> No.6364223

Mot that guy but I've eaten anchovies.
They taste like fish but aren't god awful.
On Pizza, they are overpowered by everything else.
They don't taste bad, but they don't taste good.

>> No.6364282

Not to shit on your high hopes, but irn bru is kinda awful. Tastes way too sweet for my palate, and I'm an American who drinks soda on the regular.

>> No.6364290

this is true.

so? nobody eats duck. in fact even my butcher is like "duck? eew!"

i make duck instead of turkey every thanksgiving and christmas. It's the superior bird.

>> No.6364309

you don't have to have quality meat. beef is pretty much sterile. there can be food borne illness on the outsides... but that goes away after a sear.

fish may have parasites but that's why its always previously frozen. eating raw fish out of the ocean is risky, but raw fish you get from a fishmonger? nope.

leave a chicken to defrost on a counter? absolutely fine.

left a stew out on the counter over night? absolutely fine.

seriously, i wish some people actually TRIED this shit before spreading the USDA and FDA's highly exaggerated guidelines.

They want you to throw away any food thats been at room temp for more then 2 hours - BECAUSE THEIR JOB IS MINIMIZING LIABILITY FOR THE INDUSTRY PRODUCERS!!!!

They don't give a fuck about your health. They care about the health of the economy.

How fucking stupid can you get?

>> No.6364321

It reminds me that I planned to kill my neighbor by switching off her electricity at nights so her meat defrost and frost.

>> No.6364362

It's a long shot but there is a place called peterborough in Ontario. its got one of the best poutine places. called the The Whistle Stop Cafe. its got great classic poutine, but also has awesome variations. like a butter chicken poutine etc.

>> No.6364375

Did anyone else watch this?

>> No.6364429

If you're wondering about taste: med-rare is my fav way to have aged steak. Its juicy, tender and not for the faint of appetites.

>> No.6364445
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Cioppino or Paella

>> No.6364456
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Rack of Lamb

>> No.6364461
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Steak dinner costing more than 40$

>> No.6364465
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Campbells Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole
> Possibilities

>> No.6364479


>> No.6364511

That was one wacky fucking old Canadian.

>> No.6364713

Only for infants, pregnant, and immune-incompetent people, generally speaking. Your chances of having anything that can't be treated with fluids and time are extremely slim.

>> No.6364724
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>> No.6364829

That sounds fucking amazing

>> No.6364855

paella is fucking brilliant.

>> No.6364874

Other native mainefag here to dispute that -- best way to eat Maine lobster is boiled in seawater and dipped in 50/50 sea water and hot butter

>> No.6364875

Toxoplasmosis requires a little more than just "fluids", you mong

That said, I had outdoor pet cats when I was a kid so I probably already have it. IDGAF about raw meat

>> No.6364878

>more accessible
You sound like you're getting your lobster rolls from McDonalds, in which case you're doing it wrong.

>> No.6365394

They need a better sauce and breading for the chicken.

Also if they had an alternative to lettuce like spinach.

But it's good for a buck. Can't find anything better for a better price.

>> No.6367270

Ingesting raw radish and garlic kills the parasite.
So what's the big deal?

>> No.6367309

jesus christ

>> No.6367771


>Ingesting raw radish and garlic kills the parasite.

I'm going to need to see a citation for that claim. I don't fuck around when it comes to my health.

>> No.6368308

tastes almost like liver pate. Except you are aware that that shit is raw but otherwise its ok

>> No.6368453

need to check this out, love poutine

>> No.6368471

oysters rockafeller are fine

Irn Bru sucks

Specialty wine is a horrible rabbit hole for wasting money

goose is nasty

abalone is fine if you're into that sort of stuff

poutine is literally cheese+gravy+fries, you know exactly what it's like

never had durian

lamb is the shit, a good mint jelly would probably be amazing with it. However, this dish is usually served with nasty ass shitty jelly. Lamb is awesome though.

>> No.6368479

you can get a B rating for all manner of shit. That's not a bad score at all

>> No.6368635
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>> No.6368649

>lamb + mint jelly
That is the tightest shit ever.

>> No.6368653

This. Freshness > species.

>> No.6368663

In my experience, B is the best rating for non-American food. Ethnic restaurants with an A are so white that they lose authenticity.

Never gotten sick at a B either.

Live a little. Jesus.

>> No.6369501

Garlic is a well known repellent of parasites. The radish is specifically from:

I've had worms before and rid them with garlic and wormwood.

>> No.6369509

The buffalo ranch McChicken was best.

>> No.6369706


Yeah dude you gotta get on this. A quality steakhouse is gonna serve aged beef and it is gonna be pricey, but a good steak dinner can be transcendental.

>> No.6369714
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I've had this. Very salty.

>> No.6369718


Underateted post.

>> No.6369730

i prefer tuna steak tartare. its mainly a texture thing for me tho.