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File: 31 KB, 540x720, lagavulin_16_year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6350205 No.6350205 [Reply] [Original]

I havent drunk whisky in quite some time, but have recently tried a few bottles. Something I notice now that I didnt years ago is a certain after taste I can best describe tastes like spiritus smells. Ive had this mostly with Glenfiddich bottles. I was thinking on trying something on the other side of the spectrum, by going all the way with Lagavulin 16 yo. Worth a shot or not? Other recommendations?

>> No.6350213

If you can't handle Laphroaig just drink vodkatinis, you pansy

>> No.6350221

Youve had a few bottles tonight yourself? What are you on about?

>> No.6350372

He is explaining to you what the most manly scotch is.

>> No.6350382

And why have you assigned gender traits to a liquid? Do you see a therapist?

>> No.6350388
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Depends on your budget, really. Lagavulin is good deal pricier than Glenfiddich.

If you want to experience something heavier and smokier, you could try Bowmore 12. Not quite as heavy as Lagavulin or Laphroaig, but a good deal smokier than Speyside whiskies, and a bit more affordable.

There's also Highland Park 12, a bit milder than Bowmore, and a great price-quality ratio. Or you could try a blend like Black Grouse.

Depending on where you live, you may also have access to sampler packs, which usually have a 12 / 15 / 18yo sampler in ~200ml format from a given distillery (Diageo has a few) or region. These are good & inexpensive for the most part.

>> No.6351634

Its just a bit up from Glenfiddich 15yo so Im willing to put that in if I like it better

>> No.6351637
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Post wasnt done yet --
But yeah Ive come across Bowmore and gave it some thought. I mainly went with Lagavulin in the op because of its placement in this chart. I dont think Ill be able to find any sample packs around cause we dont have much liquor stores nearby.

What would you say is the biggest difference between Bowmore, HP and Lagavulin?

>> No.6351681

I have to really zone out tonight. Is there a better way to get drunk than chugging a little vodka+cola? I don't want to spend too much and I also don't want to feel like shit while drinking it. Beers don't do anything for me if I drink less than three so that's out of the question.

Sorry that it's an off-topic quesion and a little pathetic too but I'm not drinking much so I don't really know any better and ck seemed like the best board to ask this question.

>> No.6351689

Get a cheap handle of rum and mix it with cola.

>> No.6351947

Don't eat anything substantial.

>> No.6352153


>> No.6352905
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>> No.6352947

I haven't had much Bowmore but it's struck me as smokey but otherwise kind of boring. Cheap though.

HP is well balanced, sweet and fruity but also moderately smokey, though more of a floral smoke rather than a big peat thing.

Lagavulin has the aforementioned heavy peat smoke character, more earthy and less aromatic, with a woody sort of richness and something that tastes to me like chocolate orange.

Glenfiddich is pretty generic, basically any non-shitty single malt will have more going on, so get whatever, Lagavulin is nice if you're willing to pay for it, but if you've never had heavily smoked whiskey I wouldn't blow the cash on that one right away. HP is a good option for getting more into single malts and learning if you like smoke or not, I'd also suggest Glenfarclas and Springbank as subsequent things to try, neither are smokey or heavy but both are easy to approach and well made.

>> No.6353085
File: 105 KB, 1000x1000, highland-park-12-yo-single-island-malt-scotch-whisky-70cl-40-abv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HP 12 is a great suggestion. You hit the nail on the head, it is one of the best price to quality ratios.

>> No.6354484

There's not much of a price difference between Lagavulin and Highland Park where I live. I cant really decide which of the two sounds better to me cause they both are described pretty appetizingly. Im not sure what to think of the floral taste of Highland Park, cause my last bottle was Dalwhinnie 15yo and Im trying to get away from that too. Not that it wasnt good; Id just like something different. Would Highland Park still come out on top?

>> No.6354502

I haven't had Highland Park so I can't speak to it, but know that Lagavulin has a very heavy smoke flavor -- like heavy enough if you're prone to heartburn, it'll trigger it.

I'm not trying to dissuade you by any means, just let you know what you're in for.

>> No.6354637
File: 38 KB, 600x450, brbndoge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High West Campfire was my first whiskey that had any peated malt in it. Finlaggan was my first peaty scotch. Lagavulin 16 was my first really fucking good peaty scotch. No doubt about it the 16 y.o. deserves the praise it gets. However, I paid nearly half the price that many stores charge for it and I can't say I'd be willing to pay that full price. If Ardbeg Uigeadail is cheaper than Laga 16 in your area then I'd strongly recommend that one instead. Only thing is you gotta learn to water it properly or else you might be put off.

>> No.6354639

do all whiskeys taste like soap?
I've tried several whiskeys and they all have this weird "hint of soap" flavor in them.

>> No.6354648

Rinse out your drinking glasses better.

>> No.6354653
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Maybe he's gender fluid.

>> No.6355822

Goddamn both of you

>> No.6355845
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>> No.6356016

>the rapist

>> No.6356038

I love Lagavulin but it's quite peaty and smokey, so it's not for everyone. Go to a good bar and try a few scotches before you invest in a bottle. My favorite all around scotch for sipping is Oban 14.

If you can, try to taste/buy Hibiki 12. It's a Japanese whiskey that's about to become really hard to find, since they just discontinued it. Japanese whiskeys are my absolute favorite.

>> No.6356041
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why don't you two eat some pancakes and get a room.

>> No.6356474

> Worth a shot or not?

Anon, you've answered your own question. As >>6356038 suggests, go to a whisky bar or a steakhouse with a good selection. Order two or three shots of something you've never tried before. It's a vastly more economical way to learn what you like than investing $50-75-100 in something you might not enjoy. I'm an Islay fan, but not every scotch drinker is down with the peat and the smoke.

Try your baseline Glenfiddich and another Speyside like the Balvenie, and compare with a couple of Islay malts like Laphroaig and Lagavulin. If you have a whisky-inclined or some whisky-curious friends, invite them along, order a plate of shots, and taste them together.

>> No.6356517

Oh, is that why all the bars ran out?


>> No.6356543

I'd just get Lagavulin then because my impression is that the quality of HP is a little spotty. Also Lagavulin isn't as overwhelmingly smokey as a lot of scotches because it's aged a bit more (minimum 16 years for the standard bottling) so it's a bit more mellowed than say, a 10 year old Ardbeg or Laphroaig.

>> No.6356639

>>Oban 14

I never really got the appeal of coastal highland malts. I've tried a few of them now and they've all struck me as just okay and never worth the price.

maybe it's just because I prefer sherry and peat smoke and the coastal highlands seem to be much more neutral bourbon aged and reserved compared to peated/sherried malts.

>> No.6357418

Ralfy said the same thing in his (re)review. Hm.

>> No.6357419

Well - he said that Highland Park was a bit off compared to other/older bottles if memory serves me.

I long back for the days where Id just walk into a store and buy whatever bottle caught my eye.

>> No.6358282

no, but gin tastes like fucking deodorant s[ray.

>never liked gin, housemate is a gin drinker, try a babby nip of some of his bottles, finally say to him "Hey, that one isn't bad" He says "Not too much of a deodorant taste in this one" tfw notice the taste "Oh, I was wrong, tastes like shit again" can't not taste it now.

>> No.6358925
File: 495 KB, 500x301, nic cage in a liquor store.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gin tastes like christmas. Why do you hate christmas, anon?

>> No.6359124

That fucking movie, makes me cry everytime knowing that's where I am headed.

I prefer better alcohols like scotch? I think brandy/cognac/armagnac taste more like Christmas.

>> No.6359515

Had Glenfiddich 12 for the first time tonight, not looking it. I hope it improves.

>> No.6360225

I dont like Glenfiddich 12yo either, to sharp if you get what I mean. Its just in the price range where better options have opened up. And with that I mean better in my opinion, as Glenfiddich has pulled a lot of awards.

>> No.6360246

I've got a nice Glenfiddic 21 sitting on the shelf. I think I prefer the Glenlivet 18 honestly though not by too large a margin.

>> No.6360377

Glenlivet has never let me down. How does the Glenfiddich 21 compare to the 12? Entirely different altogether or what?

>> No.6360415

Been a long while since I had a 12y but compared to the 18 there's a subtle but noticeable smoothening of it. The general flavour of it isn't strongly affected but I find the already mild smokyness is mellowed just a bit more.

>> No.6361507

Kicking it up once more to see if we can get any activity going in this thread - discuss whatever whiskys

>> No.6361728
File: 1.44 MB, 3812x5240, Yellow-Spot-With-Cannister-Hi-Res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found out a couple days ago that Yellow Spot has hit the US and grabbed a bottle.

>> No.6363610

I went with the Lagavulin, and it is amazing - even my whisky shunning girlfriend enjoys it. I will keep the recommendations from this thread in mind, certainly as I was leaning heavily towards the Highland Park. Seeing more and more of its alledged spotty quality (nowadays?) made me decide against it.

Do you guys water Laga? We both prefered not to.

>> No.6363640


Mulled wine is the best christmas drink or glögi as it's called here in Finland.

>> No.6363644

>muh girlfriend

Codependent couple detected.

>> No.6363647

God forbid I share something with my partner

>> No.6363655


I'm surprised you haven't removed that letter from your keyboard by now

>> No.6363680

I wouldve if I werent typing on my phone

>> No.6363688

I just ordered the compass box tasting samples for my friend's graduation, as well as their King Street Glasgow Blend and a bottle of Maker's Mark, mostly because said friend gave me a bottle of some New Mexico Bourbon and I need to know what Bourbon is supposed to taste like so I can tell whether it's good...

>> No.6363971


Lagavulin just tastes like dirt and cigarettes and that's somehow it's main selling point. I bought it on sale at Costco for $55 and I deeply regretted it until I traded it to a friend for a bottle of Blanton's.

get Oban instead, slightly less expensive but much much tastier.

>> No.6364553

Its on my list as someone above has mentioned is. What makes it better in your opinion?

>> No.6364658

To offer an alternative opinion I think that Lagavulin is pleasantly woody and chocolately and softly smokey, whereas Oban to me tastes acrid and sharp and hot. Moral of the story being, read a lot of differing opinions before you make purchases because people can interpret whiskies pretty differently, so it isn't always straightforward to get a good idea of a thing.

>> No.6364681

I've only had two bottles of HP ever but I believe him - My first was exceptional, the second really mediocre. Drastically more bland, vaguely soapy, and lacking the fruity sherryness of the first bottle. This wasn't a one-off misperception because I drank the whole bottle of it trying to "get" it, it wasn't bad but in the end it was simply and undeniably shittier than my first, and for that reason I don't think I have the faith to buy HP again.

Whereas in contrast, I'll admit to having bought probably 7 bottles of Laphroaig over the last few years, and the quality has always been very consistent.