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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 74 KB, 600x450, liver and onions2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6346322 No.6346322 [Reply] [Original]

>Beef liver
>Tastes great
>Is reasonably good for you
>Is super cheap (local groceries here sell them for $2.00 a pound)

Liver needs more respect.

What are some good liver recipes? What's your favorite way to prepare liver? Preferably talking about beef liver, but pork liver and chicken liver are good too.

The only recipe I really use is old-fashioned liver and onions and I'd like to see what /ck/ thinks about other ways to prepare it.

>> No.6346332


Organ meats from adult cows are fucking gross man. Calf liver, ok that stuff is good.

>> No.6346334
File: 7 KB, 352x143, zod1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i love this stuff but my wife hates it so I eat it in restaurants
be sure to get the mashed and gravy, too

tasty as fuck

>> No.6346335


Beef liver from adult cows is cheaper. I think it's tastier, actually. I like a strong liver taste.

Besides, that problem can be solved pretty well by soaking the liver in milk beforehand. Pairing it with sweet onions also cuts through the strong metallic taste if you prefer a milder liver.

>> No.6346340


Always. I know I posted a crummy picture of it served on rice, but I always go with mashed potatoes, biscuits, and homemade gravy.

>> No.6346341

does it taste anything like muscle tissue (e.g. steak)?

i've never had it. i'm scared it'll be some spongy and completely unfamiliar mush.

i can handle bitterness and a strong iron/bloody taste. i just want it to have a similar texture to meat.

>> No.6346353

>does it taste anything like muscle tissue (e.g. steak)?

It's meaty but metallic in the way it tastes.


That varies depending on how you cook it. It's not mushy or spongy though. It's very dense. Imagine a grainy fudge.

>> No.6346371

I just eat it on it's own
>muh gainz

>> No.6346406


It's not exactly like the texture of regular meat, but it's very close. It's not mushy at all.

Works as a decent steak substitute and it's way cheaper.

>> No.6346415

>Modern farming techniques inundate the animal with toxic pesticides
>"Hey guys, let's eat this animal's poison filter!"
Great idea, can't see anything that could go wrong.

>> No.6346535

>Eating the poison/toxin filter of an animal that is pumped full of poisons/toxins from birth to slaughter

>> No.6346542


No scientific studies have shown that there's anything hazardous about it. It's a perfectly healthy food.

>> No.6346564

If you like the strong iron taste go for adult cow liver. I prefer the concentrated beef taste, so I go with calves liver. Sliced thin and cooked on the griddle so the sides crisp up.

I've only ever ordered from a restaurant though, does anyone with experience cooking it know if there's any truth in soaking it in milk to draw out some of the iron?

I've had chicken liver a few ways. Pate with chicken fat mixed in on saltines is really good, but I've also had them pan cooked with white wine, onions, and garlic.

>> No.6346587

>does anyone with experience cooking it know if there's any truth in soaking it in milk to draw out some of the iron?

Yeah, I fix it all the time. If you don't like the strong iron taste then it definitely helps, makes it very mild. Here's a basic liver and onions recipe. It's ridiculously easy.

>2 pounds beef liver
>2 large sweet onions (preferably vidalia)
>2 cups all-purpose flour
>1/4th cup of butter
>1 1/2 cups milk (optional)
>1 can beef broth (optional)
>2 tsp sugar (optional)

Rinse your liver under cold water.

If you want to make it milder, place your livers in a medium-sized bowl and cover with the milk. Let it soak for about an hour.

Melt two tablespoons butter in large skillet over medium heat. Put in onions (either chop them or separate them into rings). Saute until soft. If you want them caramelized add the sugar, if not then ignore.

Remove onions, place in separate bowl or container.

Add rest of butter to the hot pan.

Season flour with salt and pepper.

Drain milk from liver (if applicable) and coat in flour mixture.

Turn heat up to medium high and then place flour-coated liver slices in the pan.

Cook until brown on bottom, then turn and cook other side until browned.

Add onions, reduce heat to medium.

Want gravy? Pour in beef broth and cover, let simmer. Onions, liver, and broth will basically make its own gravy.

Cook until you're satisfied then serve.

>> No.6346624

Anyone got some cheap liver recipe for a single person that I can do in an oven or cast iron skillet?

>> No.6346714

Just fry up slices of liver, mix in eggs and broccoli and bam you have a great breakfast packed with protein.

>> No.6346724

My nigger.

>> No.6346954

Beef liver + onions + tart apples + salt and pepper = heaven

>> No.6346968


>> No.6346979
File: 144 KB, 480x320, Firenze Restaurant Warren MI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old-fashioned liver and onions

I love liver & onions and always get it when dining at Firenze's, (or as we call it; Ferengis) a local family joint hereabouts.

>> No.6349065

Just made liver sauce to go with potatoes. Just slice them small after removing the membrane, fry in lots of butter. Then made a slightly tomatoey sauce with small onions and stuff, turned out very good. The liver has such a strong taste, didn't matter if there wasn't too many bits of it.
Just be careful when eating livers of old animals, and not to eat too much of it. A-vitamin overdose is dangerous as fuck.

>> No.6349079

The texture is what I hate about all liver. It doesn't taste bad but it dissolves in your mouth like sand.

>> No.6349127

>chicken liver
Adore it!
1) Fried chicken livers.
Soak in buttermilk. Dredge in fine corn meal. Fry til crispy and cooked through. Enjoy with southern sides like stewed tomatoes, smashed potatoes with gravy, smoky collards, black eyed peas, etc.
2) (Jewish) chopped liver spread.
Sweat some sweet onions, and remove from pan. Add livers, trimmed an cut in half. Cook in butter or chicken fat, without browning but almost cooked through. Deglaze pan with cognac, port, sherry, madeira, white wine, whatever you have laying around, even calvados is good. Season well with salt and pepper, and blend both in food processor. You can also add a soft boiled egg, which makes it fluffier and spreadable. Chill, and enjoy on crackers. I like rye triscuits or everything bagel chips. Modify to be a more composed french pate, if you like.
3) Appetizers.
Stuff sections of raw liver inside medjool dates, with or without a almond, wrap with bacon, and with or without marinade, bake on wire rack set inside a jelly roll pan or broiler pan to catch drppings. I like a teriyaki marinade, which gives the bacon a sweet glaze when baking. Or I brush them with guava jam or similar. I also like it with gorgonzola inside.

>> No.6349336

Try stirring in sour cream when you add the meat to the onions.

>> No.6349342

beef liver is pig disgusting. calf liver however..

>> No.6349345

get pan smoking hot, add liver and onions, deglaze with red wine

really simple and tastes gr8

>> No.6349346

Looks like someone doesn't know how the liver works.

>thinking liver literally "filters" and stores poison.

Kek stay an old wife

>> No.6349351

There's no liver in this gtfo

>> No.6349383

Any offal will work. Try it with liver you'll love it ;)

>> No.6349393

I want to try this now. There's a restaurant that I know makes a good one according to my mother. Just haven't gotten there yet.

>> No.6349436

The point of this dish is the nice chewiness of the tripe and tongue along with the dank 麻辣 flavor. Liver isn't chewy and has a taste to it.

Sichuan native here.

>> No.6349454

I like beef liver and onions, or pork evein Hog liver in liverush or scrapple, unfortunately, and I like them, one bite of chicken liver is game over. gout. why, I don't know, but it hurts, bad. sherry does the same. almost anything else is ok. every one's trigger is different, I guess. feels like ground glass and foot in a vise. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy..

>> No.6349485


i don't know why the other two guys claim it's not spongy mush... I like liver but it's definitely a weird, grainy, mushy, spongy texture. It's a little 'gummy' as in your teeth get stuck just a little in it.

>> No.6349487


people eat liver all around the world. It's good for you. What's not good for you is being a retard. So, you're not doing yourself a favor right now.

>> No.6349572

There was some childhood meme about "liver and onions" and I can't remember where it was from. Didn't try onions until I was probably 16. Still haven't had liver.
What's the texture like?

>> No.6349588

>There was some childhood meme about "liver and onions" and I can't remember where it was from

It was the stereotypical "disgusting food" from Sat. morning cartoons. I found it confusing because the cartoons always described it as nasty, but I enjoyed it.

>> No.6349590


>Didn't try onions until I was probably 16

wow. just survived off of cheetos and poptarts huh? absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6349594

I'm starting to think this could be a cheap substitute to a steak sandwich.

Caramelized Onions
Steak Sauce
Hoagie Roll


>> No.6349599

You're stupid. Never post again.

>> No.6349604

Doug on nickelodeon

good episode

>> No.6349606


I'm stupid? That guy didn't try onions til he was 16. That's fucking sick.

>> No.6349622

Don't even.

Buy a piece of chuck steak. Eye of round. Chuckeye. Hell you could take beef stew meat and cut it up small enough to make a substitute. Don't call it a "steak sandwich" call it a "liver sandwich"

>> No.6349625

I said substitute. I wasn't going to call it a steak sandwich. I've just never heard of anyone eating a liver sandwich.

>> No.6350064

Thats not his fault, its his parent's fault.

>> No.6350072

>Beef liver
worked at an abbatoir, we didn't bother processing the adult livers.
You'd struggle to find one without cysts.

>> No.6350077

kek, that's obvious

>> No.6350111


Doug on Nickelodeon did it and also Powerpuff Girls did it.

>> No.6350115

I like to start with shallots salt and pepper, until theyre brown. Then add the Liver (sliced up) and put a little wheat on it, stirring the whole thing.
Then I cover it in port wine and let it reduce.

great with rice or pasta