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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6343471 No.6343471 [Reply] [Original]

This isn't necessarily a beer thread. It's the middle of a day on a Saturday, /ck/, are you comfortable at your computer, enjoying any kind of beverage? What is your opinion of your drink of choice?

Samuel Smith's doesn't make a single bad beer, this India Ale included. It's probably my favorite IPA right now. It's not overly hoppy, it has a nice "beer' smell to it. Not too carbonated either, so it's super smooth.

>> No.6343498
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Just picked up a bottle of this, a 6 pack of Central Waters double IPA, a 4 pack of a Flanders Red from Lakefront Brewery and a coffee porter from Wisconsin Brewery

>> No.6343508

That looks awesome. I've never seen it in my local liquor stores, though.

>> No.6343512

i think it was just released. The beer guy at my grocery store recognized me and asked if I wanted some because he only got one or 2 cases so he didn't put it on the shelf

>> No.6343533
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I'm currently drinking homebrew made with a generous helping of amber malt so it has a bit of a coffee/burnt flavour to it. It tastes better than it sounds..

I went for a job once at Sam Smiths to work in their on-site laboratory. The small town of Tadcaster where they're based is also home to another large brewery (John Smith's) so the entire town stinks of beer.

Inside the office part of the brewery it's like stepping back to the Victorian era. I thought it was a bit creepy tbh but the staff were very nice. There was no free pint at the end of the interview unfortunately.

>> No.6343536

The lack of a free pint has lowered my opinion of Samuel Smith's.

How much does it cost to get into homebrewing?

>> No.6343552

you can get a basic setup for $100-150

You'll probably want to end up buying some improvements if you keep going

>> No.6343576
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Not as much as you'd think but it depends on how advanced you want to go with it. There's plenty of scope for buying very high-tech equipment or you can just buy a beer kit, fermenting bucket and some bottles for about £40.

I've found this book very helpful too. It has pretty much everything you would ever need to know about homebrewing.

>> No.6343592

100 proof vodka and apple juice.
the drink of the gods

>> No.6343692
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>> No.6343727
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Cheap bourbon from Lidl. Really good for just over a tenner.

>> No.6344241
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drinking this one right now. Its pretty solid

>> No.6344282

Goddamn that looks good. I've stopped drinking because I felt pain in my gut so no alki for me for a long while. But goddamn even a cheap Evan Williams looks tempting right about now. Sobriety's a battle.

>> No.6344288

TIL gods are college students

adults mix gin with their juice, come on

>> No.6344295

anyone else try this yet?

>> No.6344305


Just picked up some beer from my local Kroger. Got a bomber of Shannon Brewers Irish Red and a mixed sixer. Flavors include Pale Horse, Legion, from Community and a few random others.

>> No.6344353
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Moving on to some Shiner Bock.

>> No.6344376

Felt a pain in your gut? I basically squirt bile when I shit these days. Good luck on sobriety friend, wish I could but I gave up.

>> No.6344395

It's been a week since I drank and I feel better already. I wanna drink but I don't NEED to. So maybe that's good.

>> No.6344432

I done 2 weeks at new year, was back in the gym after week 1, back on at least a litre of vodka a day now. Don't get complacent. Good luck man.

>> No.6344483

Liter of anything I can't do. It was more like a liter a week for me.

>> No.6344502

Cheap 2$ Twisted Manzanita pumpkin ale
For the price and quantity it does the trick

>> No.6344526

OK, I thought I was speaking to someone with an actual problem when you mentioned and attributed gut pain to alcohol. Good luck with life regardless man.

>> No.6344861
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Yeah it was pretty substandard. I love Lagunitas too, this batch just sucked.

Drinking this now, tastes fresh as fuck.

>> No.6344875

I liked mine, just finished it

I mean it was no KBS but it was pretty solid

>> No.6344957

I finished my Captain Lawrence IPAs and the rest of my Knob Creek bourbon tonight. Both were good. For the longest time I skipped over Captain Lawrence, I don't really know why, but they are a pretty good brewery, from NY too, so they are fairly local and not too expensive (although everything is expensive where I live).

The Knob Creek was fine, though I was kind of sick of it after going through the whole liter.

>> No.6345000

>never tried the water in whiskey thing
>always drank it straight
>tried the water thing tonight

drank an entire 375ml without realizing it a few minutes ago

I'm not ready

>> No.6345006

Getting drunk on cheap rum my gf bought because I don't want to waste my whiskey. Then going to make sausages or some other nasty shit

>> No.6345019

I feel like an idiot. I thought you could sip dark rums without mixing. I went to my local package store and talked to guy for a recommendation. I wind up buying Myer's Rum Original Dark under his recommendation, not knowing which dark rums are good or not. I should have done more research but I was too motivated to try a dark rum. I'm not sure if it was since I haven't let it sit in the freezer for a bit, but when I tried it, it was horrible.

>> No.6345025

>tfw I want to get some top rated beers but they have specific seasons of production and really rare ways of purchasing them

Feels bad

>> No.6345274

You're 12, aren't you?

>> No.6345286

I'm chugging Evan Williams from a 1.75L bottle and chasing it with Pabst.

I really wish I had something from Samuel Smith.

>> No.6345297

Are you alone?

>> No.6345315
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>> No.6345325

What time is it where you are? (I'm not a serial killer, honest)

>> No.6345330

12:45 AM

>> No.6345345

Why are you alone at 12:45 on a Saturday?

>> No.6345354
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>> No.6345358

God damn is this board really so infested with normies now?

I'm a fucking defunct human being you idiot. What the fuck are you doing on 4chan? Go back to your instaredditwittumblr.

>> No.6345372

Quality. It took longer than I thought though.

It's 7am here and laughing at you is all I have got until I can buy more booze. Cry more faggot, it makes me happy.

>> No.6345410

C'mon faggot, at least give me some bantz. You aren't doing anything.

>> No.6345420

I'd say with all of the normieposters, forced memes, tendies and fast food it's infested with /r9k/ memeshitting shut-ins.

>> No.6345429

Still better than /a/.

>> No.6345498

I'd say /r9k/ and /a/ are on the same level. And this is coming from a shut-in.

>> No.6345901

Well when you buy a pretty much self-admitted mixing rum, no, it won't make a good neat.

>Putting alcohol in the freezer

>> No.6346036
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Bombay Sapphire is my favorite hard liquor

But I've just started experimenting with beers; I was an idiot and started out with all the heaviest shit (Dopplebocks, imperial reds), so the very first witbier I tried was pic related and I thought it was fucking delicious

>> No.6346039
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Just buy some ginger-beers (pic related is the best, has excellent kick) and make yourself a ton of Dark 'n Stormies

>> No.6346299

Blue Moon isn't bad. It's probably the worst wheat beer you could buy, but it's still pretty solid. Try Sierra Nevada's Kellerweis when it comes out. Great beer.

>> No.6346771

On a whim, I picked up a 4-pack of Long Strange Tripel. It is delicious.

>> No.6346781

blue moon is better than kellerweis

>> No.6347021

Nothing, decided to stop drinking in the week for the sake of my wallet and body. Would love a nice cold beer though.

>tfw off-license has 700+ beers, 8 minute walk away

>> No.6347193

i'm not supposed to get drunk for a few more weeks. should i just forget about it and pick something up at the liquor store tomorrow?

>> No.6347219

tbh i don't hate blue moon. of course their are better beers but i'm at an applebees or something with an equally shitty selection and they have blue moon

on the topic of gin you should try plymouth gin. it's my favorite gin. beefeater is better too i think. actually i'm not a big fan of bombay for the price, there are plenty that are both better and cheaper

>> No.6347225

that first sentence got mangled didn't it

> of course there are better beers, but if i'm at an applebees or something with an equally shitty selection and they have a blue moon, i'm not too upset

>> No.6347244

You're wrong.

>> No.6347426

Indeed he is fucking delusional.

>> No.6347579
File: 107 KB, 452x392, hophenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I just had Hop Henge, and I'm impressed. it's a pretty far cry from the pine oil that's been most of the IPAs that I've had. granted, I've had a few that get the citrusy or herby potentials of hops, but I've never before had an IPA that I'd describe as fruity. But there it is, and I like it a lot.
Has anybody else had it? Do any of you have recommendations for IPAs similar to it?

>> No.6347584
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I generally don't like beer, but I loved the Sam Adams Oktoberfest. anyone tried it that can recommend similar beers?

also heres a random beer .gif

>> No.6347611

Had India Ale once, definitely infected with something since it tasted of just butter and nickels

It was part of a variety pack and the other beers were fine so I wonder if its something I fucked up with or it was just a bad batch

Any possible reasons? I've gotten a metallic taste from other beers of varying styles recently, just overwhelming metallic

>> No.6347629

Sam Adams in general has a pretty solid selection of beers, try Boston Lager, its a lager (obv) like Oktoberfest, very different tastes of course but I find both very enjoyable

Although Oktoberfest I think is water like refreshing

>> No.6347670

Im trying to get KBS for the first time next week

Is it worth it for the experience at least to splurge 16-20 bucks on a 4 pack? Is it really as good as its hyped to be?

>> No.6347706

Try their Fresh Squeezed if you like that fruitiness. And the Grapefruit Sculpin from Ballast Point.

>> No.6347957
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>> No.6348061

Yes. Try one fresh, then try another after a year, then another year, then another, etc.

>> No.6348080

Sweet Baby Jesus by Du Claw brewing company out of Baltimore MD. They have it on tap for my growler at the liquor store. Excellent stuff.

>> No.6348081

yeah, its pretty good

>> No.6349800
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It's an imperial stout. Pretty good, but kinda expensive.

>> No.6349805

Lemon ginger tea.

>> No.6350524
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I haven't decided yet.

>> No.6350547

You actually buy Grey Goose?

>> No.6350558


Should I not have done that?

>> No.6350562
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Corona normally tastes like shit, but this Familiar actually is pretty decent.

>> No.6350563

You're just throwing money away. Get Russian Standard next time. Titos works too. Even Luksusowa. The only people I know who buy GG are the ones who haven't tried anything else.

>> No.6350587


I like Tito's. The GG was actually pretty cheap. I really only ever use the pow-wow to make old fashioneds and sip Blanton's when I want only whisky. Everything else is mostly for the roommate and guests.

>> No.6350765
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I buy bottom shelf for White Russians and Bloodies, the only vodka cocktails I drink, and Tito's if I'm entertaining vodka drinkers. Grey Goose is overpriced, well marketed shit for people who don't know any better, but since you proudly display Crown Royal Maple on your "bar" near a skull shaped shot glass, you're pretty much their target market.

As for what I'm drinking, I was at a beer bar earlier and had a Hopslam, a Saison I don't remember the brewery of, and pic related. I'd have kept drinking the Hopslam if I wasn't driving. Since I got home I've been pounding some Gin and Tonics.

>> No.6350773

Try Deep Eddy Vodka. New stuff out of austin, cheaper than Tito's same place of origin (Austin) and same taste pretty much.

>> No.6350807

The only dude I know who buys Grey Goose is my sisters boyfriend. He's rich, but I know far richer people and he's by far the flashiest. He always has like 10 bottles if Grey Goose at each of the two bars in each of his houses, then when we go out on the boat to the islands there are always like 15 bottles if Grey Goose.

He just has nonstop bottles of it.

I don't even like vodka, poor me. Anyway, my point is this: the guy is crazy flashy and a bit tasteless and I'm sure his purchasing of Grey Goose is a reflection of that.

>> No.6350868

Former liquor store employee here. Niggers and white trash wanting to look good bought Grey Goose. That and one old guy. The wealthier crowd usually got Jewel of Russia or this 44 degree stuff that was huckleberry flavored.

>> No.6350870

Their Winter Warmer isnt very good but gddamn that Oatmeal Stout.

>> No.6350873

Okay /ck/

I'm visiting my friend who's stationed at Fort Lee in a few days. I'm poor and only have 25 bucks for alcohol. What should we get wasted on?

>> No.6350879

Svedka or Evan Williams

>> No.6350888
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Picked this up because it was oddly cheapish and I had spare booze money left this paycheck. I have no idea what I was thinking, what did I even buy?

>> No.6350898

>american oak

>> No.6350900

A PS4 I think. What have you been playing? I don't know anything about wine. It sounds really interesting though.

>> No.6350903

the funny thing is, you're trying to seem cultured, but yeah no.
You have no clue mate.

>> No.6350904

Shut up

>> No.6350919
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Nothing at all, I ignored all human beings and games to achieve a 4.0 GPA this semester.

Looks tawny. Tastes like sort of like... oak.

>> No.6350938
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Like a gentleman

>> No.6350945

make me

>> No.6350947

Oh congrats man! I'll have a drink to celebrate your achievements!

>> No.6350952


I think its time for you to stop and think about where your going in life.

>> No.6350958

Yeah It's not going the best, but at least I'm drunk

>> No.6350978

>drunk on soco
>35% ABV

Your not even trying to get drunk properly.

>> No.6350993

Milky pete with honey.

>> No.6351035

I keep Luksusowa around. makes for very smooth russians.

>> No.6351054

So /ck/, I'm tempted to make a very steep purchase. I received a newsletter from a liquor store that I go to. Their new items, clearout stuff, sales, etc. Additionally, it had something rather unique. A little article on Deanston scotches and what they have available. Among them, two bottles of 30 year. Available at $275. Probably around 300 after tax.
I'm very tempted to get this and set it aside. Do any of you have thoughts on this?

>> No.6351064


Depends how much you make, and how much of that is disposable.

Unless you make $100k+ a year and have no GF/kids/bullshit, I wouldn't buy a $300 bottle of anything.

>> No.6351117

I have enough that once purchase of 300 dollars isn't the biggest deal ever. No relationship or kids. This is just something that's tempting as a gift for me for the future.

>> No.6351123
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Why is peaty whiskey so good?

Grey Goose is entirely marketing, its shit. Its on the same tier as Absolute.

>> No.6351337

Threw down on Sam Smith's Nut Brown Ale today. Good stuff.

I recently finally found good beer store in the area I moved to not too long ago. Got my usual favorite Westmalle, along with a few others. I already drank a Southern Tier Creme Brulee stout, which was way too damn sweet.
I've still got a Karmeleit Tripel, and an Old Crafty Hen. All new to me, although I think i've had the Tripel before.

>> No.6351344
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I have some Natty but right now I'm having Miller High Life, the champagne of beers.

>> No.6351348

Actually, Absolut and Skky are higher quality vodkas than goose.

Goose has a pretty bottle though...

>> No.6351458

You bought an olorosa sherry.

>> No.6351876

Yeah that Creme Brulee HAS to be shared with people. Drinking the whole bottle yourself is tough. It's good for dessert though.

>> No.6352751

Just made a Hendrick's Old Fashioned.

>> No.6353231

I am going to Ohio in the near future, what are the best beers I should buy there (Cleveland specifically). Not counting Great Lakes as they sell that here.

I know the upper midwest has a ton of great breweries, so Ohio must have some too, right?

>> No.6353426
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What is your favorite porter/stout readily available in USA?

Hard mode: not bank-breakingly expensive

>> No.6353430

Left Hand Milk Stout

>> No.6353450
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This (but 2012). It's the first South American chardonnay I've had that wasn't horrible. Plus it's organic grapes which I guess has to count for something. I'd probably buy it again if I didn't have any better alternatives. Always nice to explore underprivileged wine regions, it appeals to my egalitarian sensibilities.

>> No.6353501

breakfast stout

>> No.6353867
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Victory at Sea by Ballast Point.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.6353922
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Also a bomb tripel.

>> No.6353940

Does anyone know any good New Zealand beer you could buy in a supermarket?

I've had Tuatara's Six Mix, but I only liked four or so of them. In New World the craft beers are like $10+. Is this what you have to pay for good beer?

>> No.6354665

Yeastie Boys makes some pretty good stuff. Rewired does as well. I'm in the US so idk how popular they are in their native country, just noting a couple of the NZ breweries came to the tip of my tongue that I remember being decent.

>> No.6354686

Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald

>> No.6354731

Shit I've tried in the West Island: Yeastie Boys, Renaissance, 8 Wired, shit, there's a couple of others but I'm pissed ATM and I think that's a decent effort.

>> No.6354737

So is getting drunk off of beer not the correct way anymore?

>5% ABV

Go fuck yourself faggot

>> No.6354770


>> No.6354834

That is not readily available.

>> No.6354836

Black Butte or Founder's porter.

>> No.6355018
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I love Nosferatu red ale, nice tart cherry nose and all that, but it's expensive as hell ($3 a bottle) so it's gonna be a rare treat when it comes into season

What are some nice red ales which aren't ungodly pricy?

>> No.6355545
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who /hobgoblin/ here?

>> No.6355581
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I made some nesquick chocolate milk and put it in the freezer last night. It's a really super long lasting frozen treat now, just chipping at it and savoring the pockets of chocolate milk out of the ice. I dunno, man I'm pretty high.

>> No.6355585

I've never been impressed by anything they've put out.

>> No.6355609

+1 for sam smiths. their wheat beer is top drawer. I'm lucky to live in glorious yorkshire and there's a sam smiths pub in the city centre where everything is around £2 a pint. super cheap and super tasty.

>> No.6356537

Love Shakespeare. Drinking Yeti right now, also awesome and not too horrible price-wise.

>> No.6356616

I'm having Oberon tonight :3

>> No.6356757

well, not in the summer but in season its real easy to find

>> No.6357071


I liked Goslings Black seal more.

>> No.6357093

Drinking a bottle of charles shaw white, my brother told me about a lawsuit against 50+ different wineries recently including charles shaw.

It was something about unhealthy levels of arsenic or lead in the wine so I guess i've been slowly poisoning myself with cheap wine over the years.

>> No.6357113

KBS isn't meant to be aged

>> No.6357140
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at the pub as per usual

>> No.6357166

What is the price you pay for a beer that a bar? From what I looked up at local bars it's $8. Is my country just expensive?

>> No.6357171

Yes, that is a ripoff. That can get you a quart of decent beer around here.

>> No.6357231

Cognac while I get the T420 going.

Unbelievable for $250.

>> No.6357285

Yes it is

>> No.6357289

So it's not readily available

>> No.6357442

>black butte rather than obsidian
I'm not even saying that black butte is bad. Obsidian is just better.

>> No.6357443

drinking some hot chocolate with some peppermint schnapps. I'm honestly glad that it got cold again, I still have some cold weather drinking to do and it just didn't feel right when it was 50 and sunny out.

>> No.6357452
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I keep a 500ml flask full of taaka 100 handy. Great for when you want to get drunk and are to lazy to get a proper glass.

>> No.6357858

I always have an abundance of stouts in my cellar after winter so I never really buy the readily available stouts. Once in awhile I'll get Old Rasputin but that's about it.
So yeah I usually just buy porters in the off season. Black Butte!

>> No.6358001
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Easter vacation has started for me!

>> No.6358349
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About to try this in a minute, it's from microbrewery in Tyrone (Irishfag here).

I don't have high hopes, but we'll see

>> No.6358368

Okay I really wasn't expecting the head on this, it's pretty big.

Too early to tell if its good or not, it's pretty strong-tasting, kind of smoky

>> No.6358455

Actually I'm starting to like it.

It's not amazing, but it's decent. We have better red ales here though, O'Haras do a pretty solid one (although to be fair, ruby ales are a little different)

>> No.6358471

The beavertown stout is really good. Had anything else of theirs? Most of it good

>> No.6358476

I was blown away by that one infact, was expecting an stout, got an well balanced dark IPA.
Very good beer!

>> No.6358478

What mixes well with gin?

>> No.6358485

Tonic and lemon or lime.

Or lime cordial if you want to make Gimlets

>> No.6359570
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Drinkin some of that local brew tonight

>> No.6359674
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Another IPA

For all the IPA bashing that /ck/ loves to engage in, I haven't had a bad one in a while. Helps to actually not buy stuff from shit breweries like Magic Hat

>> No.6359870

blue moon is my college beer. super cheap and tasty

>> No.6359874

>Knob Creek


>> No.6359885


>> No.6359972

For the first time I've had a 'chaser' with a shot. It definitely helps with the shot. Damn, spirits taste awful.

>> No.6359985


That's because your doing shots.

Go buy a bottle of XO Armagnac and sip on it.

>> No.6359996

I usually have spirits with some type of juice or fizzy water and it tastes good. I felt like spirits straight though.

>> No.6360013

>sister bought me this as a joke

How bad is it, guys?

She bought me another one I'll post it in a minute.

>> No.6360014
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>> No.6360019
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Other one I got.

>there were two pictures of this on google

>> No.6360485

In reply to middle of the day, well it's night and problem is I've been awake for 2 days, didn't drink last night and couldn't get to sleep, had shit on all day so used kahlua instead of sugar in my coffee/tea for extra caffiene boost, now it's 12 hours later and still can't fucking sleep. Had me some Balvenie 12's before and now drinking some shitty ciders, about to run out of ciders so probably only baileys next.

>> No.6360487

Take a sleeping pill

>> No.6360488


Fucking really?

>> No.6360507

yeah, did that 3 days ago, I'm trying not to rely on them, but if another 4 hours go past, another one is going down.

>> No.6360516

Have you tried melatonin supplements?

>> No.6361050

I'm not the marketing department

>> No.6361247

Drinking some now, a stable but satisfying beer, good with most food, it nestles on the palate quite nicely