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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 225x300, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6342380 No.6342380 [Reply] [Original]

I know a girl who only orders plain hamburgers, and she eats the top bun by itself dipping it in ketchup, then eats the patty by itself, and then eats the bottom bun as she did the first

What weird shit have you seen people do?

>> No.6342387

My friend eats pizza from the center with knife and fork and then sometimes puts the crust ring around his neck like a winner of some sort of a race,

>> No.6342395
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>puts the crust ring around his neck like a winner of some sort of a race

>> No.6342399

Another McDonald's thing.
Girl squeezes out like 8 packets of ketchup, dumps a shit-ton of salt in it.
Proceeds to dip burger and fries in it, finishes the whole pool.

>> No.6342408

stuffing fries into the burger.

>> No.6342409



>> No.6342415


Whats so weird about that? It's all goin to the same place anyway

>> No.6342423

I know a girl who picks off the brown "skin" of the bun before eating the burger

>> No.6342460

I can't deal with all the ocd here.

>> No.6342463

is she a skinny rich guy?

>> No.6342466


She's actually quite an obese rich girl.

>> No.6342967

I mix my wine with my omelette because it's the same.

>> No.6342970


A more appropriate comparison would be forking a piece of egg and sausage all at the same time and eating it at once.

Or, putting all of the above between bread and eating it together, which is fairly common

>> No.6342992

There are actually people who remove the skin from a kiwi before eating it instead of just biting in it. WTF is wrong with these people???

>> No.6343010

Actually into the burger or on top of the burger?

I always put fries on my burger.

>> No.6343062

When I was little I would eat hamburger patties with only cheese and no bun.

>> No.6343094

A friend of mine used to order cheese pizza, eat the cheese off of it and be done. That and a bag of Doritos was his lunch for an entire school year.

>> No.6343099

I used to eat my McD burgers like that all the time.

>> No.6343197
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I eat every layer of these indivudually.

Over the years I have perfected the technique and leave the other layers unharmed whenever I eat one.

>> No.6343206

There's a guy who I work with who, when on lunch break, regularly puts spray cheese on off-brand oreos and eats them.

>> No.6343217

These are so freaking good, but so calorie dense.

Eating all layers at the same time is GOAT tho.

>> No.6343243

I do this with every candy bar. It's kind of groady but probably the most decent thing after eating kiwi skins in this thread

>> No.6343311


I eat salt right out of the shaker while drinking milk. That shit is delicious. I have also made a meal out of salt and ice cubes.

I seriously cannot think of a single food that is not improved by salt.

>> No.6343324


Another weird one I do is any time I get Capt Ds I get 2 bite size shrimp dinner, double fries, 1 order of mozzarella stick and 8 bread sticks. I then sort of make a po boy out of the whole thing and take bites that I can barely handle. Something about the taste. texture, and sensation of almost choking is just pure bliss.

>> No.6343351

My dad did this with other cookies, its like getting an egg or slice of cheddar on a cherry pie

>> No.6343363

I have a friend who puts mustard on popcorn.
I had a friend who put that chocolate whipped cream stuff on shrimp.
I worked at a bagel shop and a woman would come in and get a cinnamon sugar crusted bagel with salmon cream cheese on it.

None of them were pregnant.

>> No.6343366


There is something about sweet + cheesy that just tastes really good to some people. After I eat chocolate I always get a craving for cheese.

>> No.6343385

>I have a friend who puts mustard on popcorn.

Growing up me and my sister had a friend who would put Koolaid power on her popcorn, it was suprisingly not bad at all but honestly fuck it popcorn is delicious the way it already is

>> No.6343409

There is this guy who has a section on his cooking show called "Guarrindongadas" where he cooks really nasty recipes. It's in Spanish but you can get the idea.
I've tried the anchovies and condensed milk sandwich and it's delicious!


>> No.6343420

I know a guy who smothers hotdogs in ketchup. He then eats the bun, pushing the dog out the back of the bun. Then eats the dog by itself.

>> No.6343431

i'm bulimic so i probably do a lot of weird shit.

To OP, I would do what that girl does too because then it's easier to vomit because the bread is lubricated.

>> No.6343519

I chew about 4 pringles, then spit them out onto 1 pringle. Eat it like a pringle dip.

>> No.6343525

used to do the same with fritos

>> No.6343532

you are an animal

>> No.6343548

I have a friend from college who, when we eat at Cheddar's orders extra little cups of either buffalo sauce or ranch and drinks them directly from the cup. It's disgusting

>> No.6343554


>> No.6343577
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Kinda just overlook some dude who's got some mental issues.
He makes sandwiches.
Bread, mayonaise, strawberry jelly, american sliced cheese, and another bread on top.
Licks spoons clean and puts it back in clean spoon area. He has a roommate.
We have a hard time to get him to brush his teeth even once a month.
Shit is horrendous

>> No.6343579
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>tfw the cinderblock-sized bite you just took is stuck in your throat, you take a sip of water, and it slides down into your stomach with a plunk you can almost hear


>> No.6343606

I like to take little sips of soy sauce on occasion.

>> No.6343620

My half-sister picks her burgers apart like this too. She even goes so far as to pick the cheese off of the meat. When she came over for dinner at my house I told her she had to eat her hamburger like a sandwich or she wasn't allowed to eat.

>> No.6343626

Playing with your food by hand is one thing, but spitting out something you've already chewed and eating it again is crossing the fucking line man. Please never eat Pringles in public.

You guys should try sucking cock, it sounds like you'd enjoy it.

>> No.6343629

Arbys horseradish sauce for me.

>> No.6343648

I eat chicken pot pies by flipping it upside down
Eating the bottom, the center of the top
Then I break up and mix that outside crust thing with all the sauce, chicken, veggies etc

>> No.6343669

I know a guy like this, but one step worse. He orders a plain hamburger with "nothing on it". If they even put ketchup on it he gets mad and sends it back. He eats it plain.

His bad taste carries over into other things as well. He dresses like shit, is a boring conversationalist and plays guitar - nothing but the dullest Clapton rehash you can imagine.

I don't get it at all.

>> No.6343697


When I eat pot pies I break the upper crust and just mix it all up into a sort of mush, eat it, then eat the remaining side and bottom crust.

>> No.6343845


Thats the fancy resturant way to serve em. Whole table side service thing too

>> No.6343856


Which is why I just blend my three course meals together and enjoy a smoothie of pasta puttanesca, garlic snails and crème brûlée.

You fucking retard.

>> No.6344093

My father used to pour a package of raw ground beef into a can with baked beans, some raw garlic, salt and pepper and just eat it like that without cooking. He probably still does that, but I'm not there to witness it anymore.
He always looked like it was the most delicious thing ever though, I might have to give it a try.

>> No.6344148

when i was younger i used to eat bagels (not toasted) with cream cheese and then dip them in ranch dressing lmao

>> No.6344254

I always get my fast food burgers plain. I just put my own topping on it at home.

>> No.6344280

I think you're the retard, Anon.

>> No.6344303
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>mfw dipping fries into a vanilla shake

>> No.6344324

my ex used to take a fry, dip it in ketchup, then rub the fry on the burger so the ketchup is applied, then take a bite, rinse, repeat

>> No.6344326

Pretty solid technique

>> No.6344337

I dip french fries into an apricot sauce.

McDonalds prefers to call it sweet and sour sauce.

>> No.6344481

Here are some weird things I do:

>Fuck my food before I eat it. (Even in public)
>Shove raw cucumbers up my ass and eat them.
>Shove raw cucumbers up other peoples' asses and eat them.
>Rub peanut butter on my breasts and fondle them while grinding against goats.
>Bathe in tomato soup and pleasure myself while doing it.
>Cover my mattress with beef stew before I sleep.

>> No.6344500

those aren't weird at all. Everyone I know does all that on a regular basis.

>> No.6344504
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dubs don't lie

>> No.6344575

get a pizza... scrape the top (cheese/toppings) eat the bread and crust. then eat the scrape chesse with a fork mmmm

>> No.6344622

Did she eat?

>> No.6344661

>Please never eat Pringles in public.
Why not? He won't get ridiculed otherwise.

>> No.6344702

When I was a kid I would eat cinnamon pop tarts by peeling off the front layer with my front teeth and then eat the rest.

>> No.6344707

>orders a plain hamburger with "nothing on it". If they even put ketchup on it he gets mad and sends it back. He eats it plain.
Oh, that's me. It's just a coincidence that I don't happen to like any of the toppings that are typically served with burgers.

>> No.6344710

i like and enjoy the food i eat. i don't think anyone else on /ck/ does this

>> No.6344720

as a child when eating ferrero rocher i would eat the outer chocolate first without damaging the two semi-spherical wafers. i would then open them apart, eat the peanut and then the two wafers with the filling.

>> No.6344722

lol what a fag

>> No.6344725

>ferrero rocher
>eat the peanut

>> No.6344728

fuck you, nigger. not damaging the wafers required precision and finesse.

>> No.6344732

might have been a hazelnut. i haven't had them in a while.

>> No.6344734

Dunno how weird it is but I really like my food to be really fucking hot, temperature-wise.
Like, hot enough to burn my mouth.
It's not hot enough if the skin on the roof of your mouth doesn't fall off afterward.

>> No.6344754
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same girl, different lifestage...

>> No.6344769

I know a skinny rich guy who doesn't MSG in meat load, and I'm a skinny rich guy

>> No.6344779


I do it too

>> No.6344797


>> No.6344852

I take a knife to a burger and halve it before consuming.

>> No.6344874

One of my best friends in middle school loved Italian dressing so much he sometimes drank it right out of the packet.

This guy sounds based as fuck

>> No.6344919

This girl I hang out with does not eat vegetables. At all. I've never heard of an adult not eating vegetables until I met her.

She's a total qt though.

>> No.6344926

How is she still alive?

>> No.6344968

Fuck if I know. I imagine she's malnourished as hell but she manages to stay thiiiick. Not fat thick, but nice thick. If that makes sense.

>> No.6345009

Fucking hell. I need to leave the Internet.

>> No.6345015

nobody i know does anything weird

but i like to lick all the flavor off of chips then eat them i call the one with the most flavor the god chip

>> No.6345021

French guy I know puts mayo on everything.

>> No.6345035

I make peanut butter and banana sandwiches with toasted bread and then dip the sliced sandwich in milk. It's not ready to eat until the bread is soggy as hell.

>> No.6345046

i dissolve cookies in milk for a minimum of 5 minutes and depending on how i feel ill either mix it into a crumbly slurry or just drink all the milk and then eat whatever is left on the bottom

>> No.6345082

>Not fat thick, but nice thick. If that makes sense.
Like a black model?

>> No.6345105

More or less, but white

>> No.6345111

this sounds good as fuck.

I hate drinking soda unless I eat pizza and dip the crusts in dr pepper. Pretty dank.

>> No.6345112

My grandma would tear up bread and just put it in a glass of milk then drink it. I didn't realize there were other people who did stuff like that.

>> No.6345164

My wife sniffs everything before she puts it in her mouth, my cock included.

>> No.6345178
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i stuff bread/cake/etc into a cup then microwave it with milk

then i mix up the contents until it turns soft and creamy

>> No.6345196

I used to dip an untoasted bagel in orange juice and then eat it. There was no toaster.

>> No.6345205

After I eat ice cream I like to take a drink of warm soda.

It's weird contrast between my cold throat and the warm carbonation.

>> No.6345310

Wait, you're not supposed to skin a kiwi?

>> No.6345332
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I bite into grapes.

As in, I'll take an actual bundle of grapes and bite into it like any other regular fruit.

Most people would pluck one grape off the stem at a time, and some people even go the whole nine yards and start peeling the skin off of them.

But nope, I'll just bite into the whole thing. I get a mouthful of grapes instead of just one grape, and they come off the stem quite easily; I've never had a piece of stem in my mouth.

>> No.6345338

I once knew a girl who would get a Big Mac, full half of the box with ketchup, drown the Big Max in it, and shove it in her face and eat it in four bites.

>> No.6345353


Rebanada de queso, anchoas y fresa, la ‘guarrindongada’ de la semana
Cooking with semen! Maybe he's a /ck poster?

>> No.6345365

My boyfriend is a freak. I swear he put together this sandwich the other day: sourdough bread, turkey, cheddar, leftover fries, balsamic vineger, chips, chocolate chip cookies, pickles, onion, lettus, tomato ketchup and mayo. I asked him why he put it together like that and he said "its all going to the same place anyways." ck I think my boyfriend is depressed :/

>> No.6345370

From the thumbnail I thought this was an image of paper towel rolls and was very disturbed

>> No.6345375

pshhhh that is the most normal of weird eating habits

>> No.6345376

Nesus h cristo was she 350 pounds?

>> No.6345379

I think you might be dating a bear

does he lose contact with you in the winter, sleeping through the days?

>> No.6345381

Is he skellyton mode? Mine eats shit like that. This morning he mixed chicken, chili, and beef and broccoli + rice and enjoyed it. He never gains a pound and he's 34. I think it just comes from being poor, but idk

>> No.6345385

hi everyone i am anon and i...

>only eat the edges off of poptarts
>scrape the icing off of cakes
>make ice cream 'soup'
>am addicted to roasted onions
>eat the leafy part of the strawberry
>only eat 'tangy' bananas

>> No.6345386

Lol! Hes a bear dats right

>> No.6345390

No hes like 240 pounds but it doesnt look bad on him, hes suprisingly buff

>> No.6345395

Meh just enjoy it I say. I like having a bf who is a garbage dump because he is never picky about anything and cheap as hell.

>> No.6345397

Hes eaten hummus and spaghetti sauce sandwiches too

>> No.6345398

I know a guy who only eats the patty whenever he gets a hamburger
Just order a steak, goddamn

>> No.6345402

Yeah its nice. Id hate having a snobby hipster.

>> No.6345403

I always identify the tastiest looking part of my food when I start eating and save that bit for the last bite.
Lots of people think it's weird that I like to eat my pizza with a knife and fork but a)I hate having to pick up food with my hands and b) how else am I supposed to eat the crust first and the cheesiest middle piece last?

>> No.6345409

Everything except the cookies ketchup and mayo sound fine. The fries are pushing it.

>> No.6345411

It was the cookies that threw me off

>> No.6345412

>Lots of people think it's weird that I like to eat my pizza with a knife and fork
It's not too weird. Sometimes, the pizza gives you no choice.

>the crust is incredibly greasy and makes your hands uncomfortable
>there are way too many toppings or way too much sauce; no way to eat it one-handed without spilling everywhere

>> No.6345421
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You folk are pretty hardcore! I'll stick to roadkill cats, they're naturally tenderized from being run over and pretty tasty with tater tots.

>> No.6345434

People pay big bucks for that at fancy restaurants and hotels, he'd get extra stars with a sriracha drizzle.

>> No.6345438
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>> No.6345465

When I microwave baked beans, I drop a couple slices of cheese in there.

Top tier.

>> No.6345551

I eat the pepperonis off my pizza, take the cheese off and put it aside, eat the pizza, then eat the cheese

>> No.6345586

your fetish amuses me

>> No.6345596

Slice of cheddar on apple pie is great, it'd probably work on cherry too

>> No.6345659

Anon, this is your duty now. You have to be the one to tell him he's mentally disabled.

>> No.6345668
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>> No.6345682

I do that with hotdogs if the bun isn't very good.

>> No.6345715

whenever I eat mint imperials I try and bite off the hard coating without harming the crumbly centre. usually takes a few goes but it satisfies me

>> No.6345749
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>> No.6346007

I knew this girl from my class when I was about 7 or so. She used to have a packet of potato chips for lunch among other things of course. For each chip, she used to lick off the flavoring and then eating the soggy chip. She did this all the way up to middle school.

>> No.6346014

By any chance are there any draw fags here that could visualize this for us?

And more importantly, did he make that crust homemade?

>> No.6346016
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two of my friends knows this really weird guy in a clique they used to smoke weed with.

>he eats plain, basic foodstuffs like a stick of butter, or mix butter with flour and eat it as it is

>one of my friends once caught him eating the slimy, jelled up fat from a roast chicken, or maybe it was sauce or something. when asked about it he just shrugged and said it's nice

>> No.6346025

Nah we ran track together, she was pretty underweight actually

>> No.6346029

i put jelly on my scrambled eggs

>> No.6346030

did you fuck tho?

>> No.6346081

cornbread in buttermilk is one common snack I do not desire to try.

>> No.6346154


That is meat gelatin aka aspic and it is a delicacy often used in classic haute cuisine.

>> No.6346177

my nigga.

>That feel when you manage to take the chocolate off in one piece

>> No.6346194
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I saw a girl on the bus eating pic related straight out of the jar with her fingers and sucking off the juices after each olive. Pretty gross.

>> No.6346204

wow air dried salty meat lasted 12 years who would've thought `,)

>> No.6346226

I had a friend who put ketchup on strawberries.

I stopped being friends with him for obvious reasons

>> No.6346238

its always been hazelnut

>> No.6346411

I do this

>> No.6346436

Kid i went to highschool with used to buy a cheeseburger and a pack of chocolate, chocolate chip cookies every day and then stack two of the cookies (crunchy and the size of the patty) inside the sandwich cover them and ketchup and then consume. EVERY DAY.

>> No.6346440
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Pic related.

>> No.6346458

it's b8

>> No.6346472

ur moms b8 m8

>> No.6346480

Honestly think he added that too. Hes had tons of sandwiches like that.

>> No.6346485

Anyone who puts cheese in top ramen is psycho

>> No.6346492

I know a girl that does this with pepper instead.

>> No.6346507

Wrote this a few times already

My flatmate ate cornflake with hot chocolate as a side dish for chicken for breakfast for a month i think.

Brush his teeth after every meal. Sounds clean right? Wrong. Hacks, cough, and making throwing up sounds every single goddamn time, I swear he chokes on his toothbrush or something. Wakes me up every morning.

>> No.6346682

flatmate used to have ramen sandwiches

make up some mi goreng then eat them in bread with mayonnaise

he said it was all he could afford as student

>> No.6346690

I do this when I'm at home sometimes but something about the way you said it suggests you carry a knife at all times for burger slicing.

>> No.6346953

Whipped cream on pizza. Salty sweet yum.

>> No.6346960

Gummy bears on cheese pizza isn't as disgusting as you'd think.

>> No.6346971

whenever im really hungry or cant find something to eat i usually eat a habenero whole cause the pain from the heat it gives me doesnt make me hungry anymore. idk if anyone has this feel but do they feel like they are kinda addicted to spicy food? the spicier the better. i can eat ghost peppers too, i mean they hurt bad but idk i love it for some reason. maybe theres like a chemical response from my brain everytime i eat spicy foods that makes me enjoy it.

>> No.6346987

I thought this was standard practice

>> No.6347091

You are correct. The spiciness releases endorphins.

>> No.6347092

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.6347124

>placing fries on top of a $1 cheeseburger
Been doing this since I was a little kid. Though I stopped eating McD's about twelve years ago.

>> No.6347125

There's this new guy living in my shared home who is an impatient alcoholic basically. he only eats noodles but eats them with still cold or barely heated water, when he eats pizza he takes it out of the freezer and microwaves it for about 15 seconds before eating it, he once tried to get me to help him make some microwaved wok food which I refused then pretty much watched as he poured the cold sauce over the rice and chicken contents then micowaved it for about 10 seconds and proceeded to chow it down.

>> No.6347129

damn that's alpha

>> No.6347141

LOL he is that impatient he can't wait for the food to be warmed up?

>> No.6347150


Pretty much yes. He's a very strange guy who decided to move to my country to work as a dishwasher for a couple years and do nothing else but party aka drink till he drops basically. Quite the pathetic human being.

>> No.6347155

I do something sort of similar.

I'll dunk cookies in milk, and let it soak for at least a minute. Then I'll take it out and try to suck the milk out of the cookie, while holding it over the cup. That way if any bits of cookie falls off, it goes into the cup.

Usually a lot of pieces fall off, so whenever I'm done and I drink the milk, there's a slurry of soggy crumbled cookies at the bottom.

>> No.6347157

get a bread roll with a thick crust, cook some sausage/hotdog sliced up in some tomato sauce, remove the pulp from the roll through a hole at one end, spread mayo into the roll, add some cheese if you want, then pour in the sausage/hotdog slices and tomato sauce in. It's apparently a brasilian thing, but i did it since ?I was a kid.

>> No.6347163

thats weird. i go to a shithole bar around the corner to get take out 12 packs and the dude there microwaves disgusting bulk canned ravioli for like 45 seconds and never stops smoking his cigarette between each bite.

>> No.6347199

>My half-sister picks her burgers apart like this too.

I've seen lots of girls who eat like that. In high school I'd see girls pull sandwiches apart into little chunks, and then eat the chunks one by one. I honestly think it's a sort of eating disorder. These same girls didn't want boys to see them eating their lunches. If a boy wandered over to their table, they'd just stop eating.

>> No.6347227
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>> No.6347247

fuck I hate when I have to eat around people I don't know well, I didn't know it was common. I actually had to push myself a bit to eat in front of my boyfriend. I think it has something to do with the fact that when I was a child I was fat or some shit

>> No.6347259

does she poop?

>> No.6347292

>I honestly think it's a sort of eating disorder
It is. It's one thing that a lot of anorexics do to feel like they're eating more food and to force themselves to take smaller bites/eat smaller portions.

>> No.6347307

>chicken, chili, and beef and broccoli + rice
this sounds good, minus the beef but thats just my preference

>> No.6347308

i do this

>> No.6347520

I was actually thinking she was a muscular black guy?

>> No.6347530

I do this with Ferrero Rochers.

>> No.6347565

one flatmate has chilli on everything and mixes noodle and there flavours on the plate not in the pot.
the other eats all his meals one ingredient at a time and it bugs me so much how can someone do that

>> No.6347599

A customer gets 2 spicy chicken sandwiches with extra, extra, extra mayo and no lettuce, pays with gift card, every day. What would one's mother do to screw them up so bad?

>> No.6347605

My dad slices brown onion about 1 to 2 cm thick then uses white bread to make an "onion sandwich". Then he microwaves the entire thing for a minute so its hot. He also drinks apple juice mixed with milk.

>> No.6347613

RIP anons high-school friend, he was too young.

>> No.6347616

I just met a man today that has only ever eaten potatoes. What a horrid life.

>> No.6347617

you should tell him how good they are if he gets buffalo on the side and pours it over hte chicke

>> No.6347623

I smell everything be fore I eat it too. How is that weird? What is weird to me is people who eat things like sliced cheese at restaurants when that 'cheese' literally smells like ass. I'l rub my glove on the cheese, have a co-worker smell it and they get grossed out. I let them know that's what they love to eat.

>> No.6347624

>I have a friend who puts mustard on popcorn.
You know Marcus Wareing?

>> No.6347626

He would never do that.

>> No.6347638

I like dipping my bananas in milk as I eat them.

>> No.6347641

Growing up, my parents used Lawry's seasoning salt and garlic powder whenever we made popcorn. Nobody else around us ever caught on to it, so i assume its weird, but I find it pretty tastey.

>> No.6347643

I started doing that recently, but only to let them milk lose some of it's coldness because of my over sensitive teefs.

>> No.6347646

Peppered ketchup is delicious.

>> No.6347652

nah, not really that weird. Some theaters will even sell flavored salts and seasonings at the concessions

>> No.6347655


Would try

>> No.6347671

I thought I was the only one.

>> No.6347680

If I ever eat boiled eggs, I crack them against each other. I then take the winners of each pair and crack them against the rest. I deem the final egg the survival egg and save it for last.

>> No.6347816

I like to put a little vinegar on steamed broccoli,

>> No.6347955

people in my elementary school used to pull the cheese off of their pizza and just eat the bread and sauce

>> No.6347972

i have a friend who dips a baguette into mac&cheese

I tried it and its actually really good so now I do it too

>> No.6347993

are you eastern european by any chance?

my family does this on easter

>> No.6348006

Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels.
Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them breaks and splinters. That is the "loser," and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round.
I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world.
Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment.
When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 07840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3x5 card reading, "Please use this M&M for breeding purposes."
This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this "grant money." I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion.
There can be only one.

>> No.6348018



>> No.6348250

I do the same thing, except the sending in the winner thing. My current champion is a red I've named Hard Larry. He is currently 56-0.

>> No.6348255
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>> No.6348262 [DELETED] 

Wow, I cannot believe my mom stooped so low

My mom called my doctor and said to him "What's the most accurate way for measuring?"
The doctor said "An underwater weighing test"
And just like that, my mom said "Yes. When can my son and daughter take it?" and the doc said "Today at 2pm."

So, I didn't bother taking a shower and so did my sister too, so I had to get into a special swimming suit(tight pants... Ugh).

My sister said "Can I pull my hair down into a ponytail?" The doctor said "No."
So my sister with her long, blonde hair went underwater with 8 seconds and had she must enjoyed it... but I didn't.

>> No.6348319

Nothing weird about that anon. Doesn't everyone do this?
Also, try grating the cheese and mixing it for a more evenly melted and consistent cheesy flavour. It's god tier

>> No.6348337

goddamn op you just rattled a memory loose.
when i was in the cub scouts there was a kid who would do this. sometimes after our tuesday night meetings our dads would take us to mcdonalds.
i think his name was taylor. it was weird to watch but no one said anything. its got to be a sign of some kind of neurosis.

>> No.6348363

Your dad's one manly sonofabitch

>> No.6348406

Thank you...you saved me from having to say it myself
pics or it didn't happen

>> No.6348425
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>eeew I saw somebody eating olives!
Pretty nasty to eat them on a bus though.

>> No.6348431

I drink the brine.

>> No.6348447

underrated post

>> No.6348459

i make ice cubes with pic related and put it in martinis

>> No.6348484

dear god

>> No.6348503

Thankfully she doesn't do it in public, but the way my girlfriend eats pizza is disgusting.
>take all cheese and toppings off of every slice she wants
>eat crust, dunk every bite in ranch and/or French dressing
>pour more ranch/French dressing on the pile of cheese and toppings and eats with her fingers

Every time she suggests pizza, I tell her I already ate to avoid witnessing her eat pizza. Even if it means I don't eat dinner, I would rather go hungry.

>> No.6348547

The only vegetables I eat are potatoes and brown beans.

>> No.6348561

neither of those are counted nutritionally as a vegetable

>> No.6348616

I used to know a girl who would smash everything flat before she ate it, usually by sitting on it if it was in a package, or just with her hand or spoon if it wasn't.

>> No.6348635

nothing better than that!

>> No.6348641
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I saw a grown woman order a happy meal and then asked for the burger to have nothing but the cheese

>> No.6348746

I know this is old copypasta but I don't get it.

>> No.6348748

If Congress can declare pizza a vegetable (to the benefit of their benefactors Sodexho and others) so can actual plants.

>> No.6348756

dude you're the one taking pictures of ppl in public....

>> No.6348757

I think the weirdest eating habit I can remember from when I was a kid:

Whenever I ate pizza I would pull off the "skin/cheese" as well as the toppings and eat them individually before I started eating the saucy bread part.....I dunno why; to me it just seemed to taste better.

>> No.6348763


I'm with this anon:

Him being weird in public is his own business to a degree, but you taking a picture of him being weird in public is next level shitty'ness.

>> No.6348771

I used to cut bread slices into strips, microwave them and then dip them into Worcestershire Sauce and eat them when I was 8.

>> No.6348803

my kin

australian detected

>> No.6348822

it's not
most people do, but you can eat the skin

>> No.6348835

>no one recognised it
this is truly the end times

>> No.6348876

>I saw a grown woman order a happy mea

So? I'm grown and I get them when they have toys I want like Transformers stuff or Ponies, collecting is fun

>> No.6348922
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>> No.6348929

i recognized it anon. at least we have each other.

>> No.6348930
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This is me with pizza. For the most part I'm not picky with anything else, but like the 4-5 foods that I don't care for very much just happen to be pizza toppings. Pineapples, olives, green peppers, mushrooms. Pain in the ass. I'll still eat it, but it's like, man, why you gotta do this to me.

>mfw i work at a hotel with an in-house dominoes and my coworkers at the front desk tell them to surprise us with a pizza and they bring us one with that exact combination of toppings

>> No.6349001


el oh el

>> No.6349010

ayy lmao

>> No.6349178

>go to art camp
>befriend two girls from Istanbul
>one of them only eats peanut butter sandwiches
>no exceptions, ever

>> No.6349190

oh also

>bf takes lettuce, cherry tomatoes, a can of tuna, a large handful of black and red pepper and about 1/2 cup of olive oil, and anything else he can find, puts it in a bowl
>eats it like a masochist

>> No.6349196

That's a actually tasty as hell...most sausages were i live are made with ground beef pepper and salt, you eat them raw too!

>> No.6349201


That doesn't sound bad to me anon, aside from the lettuce, I can't imagine that having much purpose...but the rest just sounds like tuna salad with olive oil replacing mayo

>> No.6349204

>At subway with friend
>he orders tuna
>he get some cookies with it
>He breaks the cookie down in smaller piece
>he put them in his sub

what the actual fuck

>> No.6349206 [DELETED] 

He just calls it "meal"

Same deal when he makes a drunken, Italian version of bubble and squeak

>> No.6349318

>That .gif of mom
pls come back ;_;

>> No.6349349


dont worry bro you arent alone

>> No.6349358

>take Oreos
>remove creme, discard
>soak cookies in milk
>wait til it's a mush
>eat with spoon

Creme is worst part.

>> No.6349481

was he latvian by any chance?

>> No.6349496


>> No.6349524

A friend of mine tips teriyaki chicken in strawberry ice cream. I don't think she really likes it - she just does it to seem edgy.

>> No.6349527


>> No.6349555
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You'll love your new mom and you'll like it.

>> No.6349653

mirin trigger discipline

>> No.6349711

are you a fatty?
you're a fatty aren't you

>> No.6349724

don't forget to feed your fedora some fries

>> No.6349728

I used to dip pizza crust in 7-up

shit was good

>> No.6349742

I touch my food to my chin before every bite

>> No.6349748

whatif youre eating spaghetti

>> No.6349763


>> No.6349798

Steak tartare
Your father had good taste.

>> No.6349824

I eat apples all the way through and leave bananas until they start to turn brown nearly all over and black at the top.
Marmite, if I'm having it on toast I'll use nearly a tablespoon per slice.
If I'm still hungry after a bowl of ramen and haven't drunk the broth yet I'll pour it over a bowl of salad as a dressing.
Eat whole packages of sulphurous, cheap, dry cured ham in one sitting.

>> No.6349835

Cut down the olive oil and that sounds good.
Why are you hating on salad?

>> No.6349845

I cook down canned ravioli until the sauce is very very thick

Hot sauce and barbecue sauce on mac n cheese, reminds of of my childhood when bbq chicken would touch the mac on my plate and be delicious

>> No.6349875

I still touch it to my chin. Just results in a lil sauce on my chin.

>> No.6349969

>idiot who missed

>> No.6350212

I used to eat broccoli with ketchup

>> No.6350302

landwhale detected

>> No.6350323

>my glove

>> No.6350335
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are you dating shaggy and/or scooby doo?

>> No.6350445

I don't eat fruit for the record, and I'm fine.

That is to say, straight fruit though. Like, I eat stuff that uses fruit as ingredients occasionally, I do a lot of tomato sauces and the like, use a lot of lime and lemon juice in things, but I don't eat whole fruit at all. I find most of it utterly repulsive.

>> No.6350463

Here are some more things I do:

>I use my blood to naturally color candy apples.
>I use hot sauce as lube. The burning just makes me harder.
>I snort my multivitamins.
>I smoke sugar.
>I melt cheese on my face and pretend I'm a pizza.
>I talk to my food about my autism before I eat it.
>I tape hotdogs to my armpits and run naked in public with my arms in the air.

>> No.6350485

One of my childhood friends would pull all the pepperoni off a slice of pizza, then place each one between his hands and rub his hands together. He'd then put it back on the plate, all rolled up, and repeat. When they were all rolled up he would take one and slowly nibble away, taking 5-6 bites for each pepperoni. After the pepperoni was gone he would pull the cheese off the pizza and do the same, then discard the crust.

He and his three brothers were the stupidest people I have ever met. It wasn't until I was maybe 20 that my mom told me their parents were 'former' hippies and smoke and drank constantly. Apparently they were actually considered for special ed but the parents demanded they be treated normally.

>> No.6350495
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My ex girlfriend used to eat Keurig chocolate syrup packets as pudding cups. They are so fucking good I do it now too.

Pic related; eating one now.

>> No.6350641

Well, I hate sweets, especially cupcakes. So if I'm forced to have one at a get together, I will cut off the top, peel the disgusting rubber paper off, flip the top on and use my fork to press it all the way around. By the time I'm done it looks like a dumpling and people are interested but I've finger-fucked it enough no one wants it, so I shove it down my throat like cartman hoarding treasure and pretend it tastes good until I can get the fuck away and do a whole body shudder like a wet fucking dog. Fucking cupcakes.

>> No.6350657

Fuck, where have I heard this before?

>> No.6350702

My friend has been eating the same McDonald's meal for over 15+ years
>mcdouble chz and ketchup only
>medium fry
>large sweet tea
What kills me is that he is a huge stoner, but eats the most boring shit imaginable. No vegetables. If McDonalds even puts a pickle on it, he'll pout and probably won't eat it. I can't imagine smoking weed and eating nothing but meat and starch.

>> No.6350726


>> No.6350730

Yeah your friend suck. Veggies are great when you're baked. I eat snap peas like popcorn when I'm ripped.

>> No.6350748

veggie friend from uni dips fries in chocolate shake or mcflurry

>> No.6350829


Learn from NY, fold that shit.

>> No.6350832


>> No.6350836


This is one of the few pastas that is still funny when used sparingly.

>> No.6350862

It also makes my asshole bleed

>> No.6350915

this thread is on the front page of reddit

>> No.6350923
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>> No.6350968

Edamame ...butter...salt...I must have eaten a whole field's worth while high

>> No.6350972

dunno but

>> No.6351195


I like to eat gherkins from the jar

>> No.6351206

because nigger hasn't been posted in it enough.

time nigger to nigger make nigger up nigger for nigger the nigger lost nigger opportunity nigger.

>> No.6351214

They're fucking soybeans.

>> No.6351237

After reading this pasta many years ago, I actually did this. Mars Candies wrote me back with a thank you letter and a coupon for a free Mars product valued up to $10.
Pretty cool dudes.

>> No.6351242

Most companies will send you free shit if you take the time to write them.

>> No.6351282

And? They're delicious. And good for you. Probs not with butter, but they have tons of iron n protein so why not eat a shitload

>> No.6351287

Nothing wrong with eating them,I just hate the hipsterrrific calling them something other than their name. Fucking pretentious bullshit.

>> No.6351338

>tupperware lid as a plate


>> No.6351339

I call em soybeans unless I'm in a restaurant really. I just thought weebs would recognize "edamame" better.

>> No.6351351
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>i'd like to try it a second time

>> No.6351355

I've seen people got to Burger-fi (new so-flo chain) and order hot-dogs

don't trust these people

>> No.6351357

My brothers!

Sometimes I do this, sometimes I don't care to do this. Depends how the sauce is made and how the cheese tastes. When one sucks, it's a buffer for the other.

>> No.6351359

But the name is edamame. It's not like you're eating raw soy beans, they're prepared. That would be like calling mashed potatoes, just potatoes. It can work sometimes but it's not specific at all.

>> No.6351362

>I did this shit with Cheez-its and Chips Ahoy as a kid.

>> No.6351367

>bbq sauce
>mac and cheese

you've got me all hot and bothered

>> No.6351372
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Finally, somebody else who hates sweets. Pastry chefs can get fucked.

>> No.6351375

I wash every dish as it gets dirty. Pots and pans are spotless before I ever eat.

Before I use them again, I always scrub whatever dishes I'm going to use with soap and water

Roomates think it's strange I wash clean dishes, at least

>> No.6351376


If it was those square shits then I say it was justified.

>> No.6351388
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I can see you in your spoon.

>> No.6351392

I dip the cold boneless buffalo chicken from the supermarket deli in Frito Lay Jalapeno Cheese dip. Sometimes make sandwiches out of it.

Never eat hotdogs with much beyond barbecue sauce or Hormel's chili. Otherwise just plain. Same with fries.

Peanut butter on Hershey's bars and a glass of milk was my idea of a good dessert.

Cheese and egg on certain foods triggers my gag reflex, so I always make it a point to get a croisanwich without either.

I shouldn't fuck with Kraft shapes, but the shit is like crack in a pasta form. Never does it go without pepper.

I actually do this because
1) My siblings are shitty housemates that can't be fucked to do dishes no matter how many times we discuss it
2) I'm very partial to a cast iron pan and my would-be-brother in law started to make scrambled eggs on it almost every time. He cleans it after use but I still scrub the shit out of.

>> No.6351395
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>> No.6351397

Friend got preggy and said she got cravings for chicken flavoured chips (crunchy packet type) on bread

mfw its actually delicious as fuck

>> No.6351408

i ate these regularly as a child. biscuits with butter on bread, left a little while until the biscuit is soft, are also good.

>> No.6351411

When I was preg last year I just got the most intense flavor cravings. Saurkraut and pickles. Salami and bacon. Together. Blue cheese and olives. I dunno what it does to ya but I still eat these combos. I think preg women just need a lotta salt.

>> No.6351414

I eat at least 4 potatoes a day every day.
I practically live off potatoes and rice.

>> No.6351419
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Whenever i eat a packet of M&M's i pick up two and crush them together, i eat which ever one crushes first and set aside the winner.

i keep going through the packet like this untill there is just one M&M left, i save up the winner from every packet and send them off to the M&M factory so they can continue breeding with superior M&M genes

>> No.6351436

I literally don't eat vegetables. I basically survive on fast food burgers and chicken and maybe a sandwich or two. I lift every once in a while and take a multivitamin every day. Doctor says im fine and i feel fine.

>> No.6351438

hey robert

>> No.6351442

>If I'm still hungry after a bowl of ramen and haven't drunk the broth yet I'll pour it over a bowl of salad as a dressing.
fucking disgusting

>> No.6351444

underrated post

>> No.6351455

You've made a shitty version of a copypasta already posted ITT >>6348006. Congrats.

My sister eats cake broad/crust end of the slice first. This is clearly insanity.

>> No.6351528

that's basically just bread and butter pudding

>> No.6351596

how many eggs do you eat in one sitting that you have enough to do that with

>> No.6351608

Dude I used to eat tomatoes that way for fun. Just the skin first, then you have a weird, semi-transparent peeled tomato like an exposed toddler's heart

>> No.6352012

Call it what you like, it works.
My flatmates have tried it not knowing what it is and say my "thai style salad dressing" is really good.

>> No.6352024

tfw I never got cravings except for more chile

>> No.6352252



>> No.6352376

when I eat a Hot Pockets, (in b4 janitor) I flip them upside down, peel the bottom off, eat it, then I eat the other part that has all the filling. If it's a breakfast one, I pour ketchup over the filling before I eat it.

>> No.6352979

That's what I normally do. But there are circumstances, man.

>pizza has so many toppings that it even overflows from folding
>pizza is sliced a size too small to fold

>> No.6353561

Yep. No morning sickness or mood swings. I wasn't alerted to being pregnant til I hadn't had my period for 3 months. Took a couple of tests and here we are 5 years later.