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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6339382 No.6339382[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you start a channel /ck/? Seems like easy money for just sitting in your car eating food. Would it be too "taxing" on your time so you just "write it off"? I don't know why you guys "evade" the idea.

>> No.6339392

>putting garbage in your mouth to entertain children

even a toilet scrubber has more self respect.

>> No.6339760

Not really, no. Do you know what goes into those things?

>> No.6339768

I really dislike this guy for some reason. He seems like a prick.

Joey 4 lyfe. <3 <3 <3

>> No.6339972

I think he's delightful

>> No.6340018

I think you had a poor relationship with your father and you like Ken because watching his videos recreate that environment for 5-7 minutes a couple times a week.

Broeys are too well adjusted to fall for Ken's games

>> No.6340024

Ken's a kike, reviewbrah is on the spectrum but for some reason I only report Joey threads.
Am I a racist?

>> No.6340045

Stop reporting Joey threads you fucking asshole. Even people that don't like Joey agree that Joey threads are fucking great.

>> No.6340100

Maybe a cooking YT channel would be good, like wear a mic on your shirt and have a top-down camera of your kitchen workspace.

>> No.6340111

Joey threads are pure spam, he needs kicking of /ck/ for good.

>> No.6340124

Fuck off Ken. Shouldn't you be going through your mountains of receipts right now? It's tax season.

>> No.6341056

Says the guy that doesn't even clean his own toilet.

>> No.6341062

This guy is an insufferable faggot. And how much dick does his shithead son suck at Wendy's?

>> No.6341452

I actually feel bad for his son. The poor kid is a living tax credit, like that is all he is in his fathers eye, just another way for Ken to get more government money. What happens when he becomes a legal adult and Ken can no longer claim him as a dependent on his taxes? Ken will most likely just kick him out on the streets and tell him to fuck off. It's got to be bad being raised by such a man.

>> No.6341510


The difficulty is that while it's easy money, it's also practically no money. Youtube only pays based on ad-hits. If no one watches the ads on your channel, or clicks on them, you don't earn anything.

There's multiple ways to set-up or generate ad revenue, either by cost per click, which tends to be much higher (So, if I run an ad for say, domino's before my show, every time someone clicks the ad, I might make up to $3-4.) On the other hand, I might be cost per view, which pays me based on the number of people who watch 30 seconds of the ad, or half of it, whichever comes first. This is more likely to pay me something like $0.25.

As such. making Youtube channels requires a high number of daily views to generate funds, because the overwhelming percentage of those views will not give me anything. It's most likely that if 1000 people view my channel every day, I would make maybe, on a great day, something like 8 dollars.

The major difficulty is that you have to build a large base for your videos to start earning money. Which takes time, luck, and effort.

>> No.6341532

Just for that I just started a new Joey thread. Watch his latest vid and lament the fact that even if you had a million years on this planet, you would never possess a modicum of the cooking skill that he has.

>> No.6341657

You are forgetting the fact that you can write off every thing you eat on your taxes, and get fools to send you money then write their money off on your taxes as well. then go buy other shit you want like bicycles, plane tickets, gasoline, and your internet bill. Write all of that shit on your taxes, because it is a business expense. Just always remember to keep those receipts....and pray you never get audited. #AuditKenDomik

>> No.6341685

I would rather accomplish nothing than have my accomplishments based on talking about consumer products

>> No.6341734


Why should we be concerned about how this guy files his taxes?

I personally am not Canadian and the government and people of Canada and their tax system is really no concern or is a benefit or detriment to me, it doesn't effect me or my money. I also would never send any youtuber a donation or anything like. That whole country could all start evading tomorrow for all I give a shit.

I feel most of the users of this board are in the same boat as me. What does your fixation come from?