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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6338255 No.6338255 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6338275


>> No.6338284


>> No.6338286

go digiorno or go home. it literally cannot be beaten and the regular cheese variety is higher quality than any delivery pizza by far.

only get the cheese variety. add your own toppings if you must. the cheese has both higher quality cheese and more of it

>> No.6338291


Im about to make a pizza. Iwant it to burn the cheese and leave it crispy, how the fuck should i set the oven for that?

>> No.6338295

>biting food and returning it to the box
thread saged and hidden

>> No.6338298


There are six or so pizza threads in the catalog. Learn how to fucking cook and come back to talk about something constructive you fucking faggot.

>> No.6338300

Nine times out of ten frozen pizza sits on bread that is twice as thick as it needs to be. It disgusts me. If I ever make the mistake of buying a pizza like that, I inevitably just scrape the toppings off, eat them, and shamefully throw the rest of the pizza away.

>> No.6338303

>he likes alla piedra

enjoy your pizza nachos

>> No.6338325

Great Value>Freschetta>>>>>DiGiorno

No, that's not a typo. The Great Value self-rising is a-ma-zing.

>> No.6338915


>> No.6338923

Starts pizza thread
Doesn't post pic of pizza.

>> No.6338947
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Everything far from this IT IS NOT A PIZZA.

>> No.6338955
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No pizza in America. Can't get real hotdogs either.

>> No.6338965

Yuck. Margherita bro seriously? That's like last resort pizza. And when I mean last resort that means there isn't even any Lebanese meat or cheese pies available.

>> No.6338968

True Neapolitan pizzas are Margherita and Marinara.
Traditional cousine stated it so, but, of course, we normally eat pizzas, even far from the one I posted, with many toppings.
But those I eat in Tuscany, in Rome or even in Sicily are not "true pizzas" certified by "Istituto della Pizza Verace"

>> No.6338984

MFW pizza in Italy sucks balls on the streets and at sit down restaurants.

Canadian pizza>Italian pizza.

>> No.6338986

again with this Itai autism? Fuck off.

>> No.6338990


When I do thin pizza crust I set the oven on highest heat, let it warm up and put my pizza in for 8-12 minutes, the dough is crisp and the cheese melts, if thats what you want.

>> No.6339033

He quoted the institute for truth in pizza (or something to that effect) obvious troll is obvious

>> No.6339034
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Aww yisss

>> No.6339042

Your pizza licks balls because you do, in fact, lick balls.

>> No.6339045
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>> No.6339061

I am not kidding.

>> No.6339066
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>> No.6339071
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>most sold food in Norway

>> No.6339075

what have you done, norway?
needs more Breivik over there

>> No.6339486

>tfw not eating pizza right now

>> No.6339502
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this is from a local place.

>> No.6339546
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>> No.6339587

>uneven cheese
>no toppings
>barely any tomato sauce in comparison to bread
>dat random leaf for garnish
I can go camping, melt american cheese on ketchup bread too. You don't see me fucking calling it pizza though.

>> No.6339603

ITT: no pizza America.

>> No.6339771



>> No.6339788
File: 420 KB, 1536x1022, Pizzaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An older pic of one of mine.

>> No.6339808

That's a good lookin' chili-pizza you got there.

>> No.6339820
File: 693 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_3423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza, you say?

>> No.6339826

this is horse shit

>> No.6339899

Sleep tight, pizza.

>> No.6339911

You know very little, less horse shit.
Thanks anon!

>> No.6339926
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>> No.6339929
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>> No.6339932
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>> No.6339935

This image has been posted on /ck/ three times now. Any chance of OC?

>> No.6339936
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>> No.6339938

I have a boring single topping of peppers pizza about to go in the oven.

>> No.6339944
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>> No.6339949
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>onions on pizza

>> No.6339957
File: 96 KB, 618x412, odd_Danish_horsemeat_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horsemeat pizza served in Danish restaurant.
What the fuck are these people on about?


>> No.6339964

Hey, Italy. You are no longer the worst at making pizza. Congratulations.

>> No.6339971

>Horsemeat pizza

I don't get why people are so weird about horsemeat. If my local butcher were still open I'd be all over him getting me some good quality horse.

That pizza is shit because they've just stuck slabs of meat on top of it; if the horse were properly diced into smaller pieces, I can't see why that would be bad.

>> No.6339974

Thanks Chicago.

>> No.6339975

freschetta is far inferior to digiorno, while palermo's is as good or better

>> No.6339982

Horse meat is high protein and low fat. That's why Americans don't like it.
>come at me USA !

>> No.6340026
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Fresh out.

>> No.6340034

Your oven wasn't hot enough.

>> No.6340047

Because the crust isn't browned?

>> No.6340064

Nah, it's not evenly cooked. Too long in a low temperature oven. However there is a solution in lieu of a wood fired oven. Do you have a barbecue ?

>> No.6340083

No but during Summer we'll build a pizza oven.
It was at 525F which is the hottest temperature for my oven. Maybe I should finish it under the broiler.

>> No.6340092

Brick pizza oven is a top idea. It makes all the difference. Good luck anon, remember it needs to be FUCKING HOT for good pizza.

>> No.6340518
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>Go to friends house
>says he makes great pizza
>Its a wafer with sphaggetti sauce and taco cheese
>pic related

>> No.6340527

Looks acceptable, 5/10 would eat.

>> No.6340546
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>> No.6340826
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>> No.6340841

put some god damn olive oil on your crust

>> No.6340850
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>> No.6340882


Does Pizza Hut still sell Big Dippers?

>> No.6340892
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>> No.6340902
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Everyone says you can't get x or y in certain places and it's all bullshit.

>> No.6340903
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>> No.6340923
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>> No.6340932
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>> No.6340937
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>> No.6341007
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>> No.6341022
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>> No.6341040
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local place by me

>> No.6341084


Now I'm not the type to hate meme pizza, but this looks BAD. VERY BAD. It looks like the "chef" just pulled some random fucking shit out of the refrigerator and threw it on an already misshapen, uneven, and dry pizza. Not even kidding. RANDOM FUCKING SHIT. WHO THE FUCK PUTS A RANDOM ASS FUCKING LEMON WEDGE -ON-TOP- OF A PIZZA? That's not even fucking margherita, that's just pure bullshit. On top of it, he went into the parking lot and pulled out some fucking dandelions and threw them on top. WA LA...GARNISH! Now, how the fuck do you eat it? It's obvious that there are no slices; do you use the FUCKING FORK AND KNIFE? You cant pick that shit up, and I doubt a knife can even cut through that shit without fucking destroying it...but what am saying? IT WAS DESTROYED TO BEGIN WITH!! So now you got a disgusting looking, and probably tasting, "pizza" that you physically cannot even eat!


You goddamn fucking hipster ass bitches are fucking annoying.

>> No.6341090

Holy shit that is some awesome pizza!

>> No.6341101
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>> No.6341105
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>> No.6341128

Margherita is basic yea, but that's the point. If a pizzaria can do a good Margherita it's probably worth visiting again.

>> No.6341132

MFW you probably went to a touristy shithole in a region where pizza is not popular and your basing your opinion on that.

>> No.6341134
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>> No.6341141

good effort

>> No.6341154
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no u

>> No.6341155


Needs more salt.

>> No.6341159

Extra Cheese
Minced Beef
Sometimes black olives

That's on the menu at my local as The Anon, where instead of anon it's my name

>> No.6341185

️Fuck that's gross
You can't even eat lemon peele who does this

>> No.6341211

You're fucking retarded. At least it's not industrialized shit meat you faggots eat in the US

>> No.6341273

I ordered some lavash. Gibe some ideas for lavash pizza.

>> No.6341396

Best pizza I've seen on this thread yet.

>> No.6341421


you can eat lemon peel, but that pizza still looks bad.

>> No.6341427
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>> No.6341548

Crust needs to be thick and chewy. I like to knaw on the ends like its a bone or some such. Crispy pizza is just meat on a cracker

>> No.6341551
File: 44 KB, 640x480, mypizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make a tonys pizza 2 or 3 times a week. Always had some ham and extra cheese

>> No.6341557

By any chance are you overweight? That is fucking horrifying, seriously.

>> No.6341682

Eh, not that guy but I would munch it when drunk. Get the stick out your ass, you act like this is a food and cooking board.

>> No.6341740


>reduced sodium salt

why do i expect anything different

>> No.6341827

Why does pizza leave me feeling bloated for two days?